Attribute Not Equal Selector [name!=value]
attributeNotEqual selector
version added: 1.0jQuery('[attribute!=value]')
- attribute
- 一个属性名.
- value
- 一个属性值,引号是可选的
描述: 选择不存在指定属性,或者指定的属性值不等于给定值的元素。
这个选择器等同于 :not([attr=value])
Finds all inputs that don't have the name 'newsletter' and appends text to the span next to it.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src=""></script>
<input type="radio" name="newsletter" value="Hot Fuzz" />
<span>name is newsletter</span>
<input type="radio" value="Cold Fusion" />
<span>no name</span>
<input type="radio" name="accept" value="Evil Plans" />
<span>name is accept</span>
<script>$("input[name!=newsletter]").next().append("<b>; not newsletter</b>");</script>