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3DMAX8.CN v-ray入门教程
VRay光影追踪渲染器有Basic Package 和 Advanced Package两种包装形式。Basic Package具有适当的功能和较低的价格,适合学生和业余艺术家使用。Advanced Package 包含有几种特殊功能,适用于专业人员使用。
3DMAX8.CN v-ray入门教程
VRay光影追踪渲染器有Basic Package 和 Advanced Package两种包装形式。Basic Package具有适当的功能和较低的价格,适合学生和业余艺术家使用。Advanced Package 包含有几种特殊功能,适用于专业人员使用。
Renderer中将渲染器设为 vray,这一步骤和mental ray渲染器的设法是一样。
2、在渲染菜单中,在indirect illmination(GI)下,勾选On,
Simple two-level。
4、 VRAY的渲染参数面板中, 有一个环境Environment, 只有两项
一个是Environent color(环境颜色)选项 ,它的作用mental ray、FR的环境色一样
渲 一遍试试
1. Max rate 参数与Min rate参数
我的理解: 此值表现光线的层次分布
将屏幕分成一个各小区, 光线在此分布, 设置越高,
1 ) Vray在计算光照贴图时,
, 光照贴图正是用顶点颜色来表达灯光效果的, vray通过细分模型的面来达到提高精细度的目的,您可以在光能传递参数窗口来控制细分的程度
2) Min rate 参数控制细分的最小值.
Max rate
最后一遍计算时的方块大小由Min rate决定
Min rate 主要
=(max rate值-min rate值 1),
计算遍数或者说几幅光照贴图 =(max rate值-min rate值
1) , 越多
效果就越好 也就是说 max/min 为 -9 / -2 时, 效果比 max/min
2 其它参数(学习VR上www.jb51.net)
Hsph subdivs: 计算gi时的采样值,与定义值为15,加大它肯定会增加渲染时间,但增加的不多,
Hspr细分值 默认为15,到25~30为佳,再大也会像b razil一样了…………
Clr thershold Normr thershold
根据 vray原作者的回答:
that's it. Lowering these parameters will
make irradiance map calculations longer, but will capture GI detail
Personally I don't ajust these settings, But I guess if they
are set to high, you start loosing detajl, and if to low, it needs more
subdivs (time) to render smooth?.
There is something about the detail which is lost (small objetcs such as
the horizontal
elements on the wall seem a bit flat. I've read that by reducing the
Normal thresh that can
become better
Interp. Samples: 40
此值太大 ,softing in surfaces, 一般 40即可
Secondary bounces: subd: 1, depth: 3
max min
As for sec. bounce subdivision parameter, I think it controls the
sampling of the secondary bounces, that is the higher this number is the
less noisy the image.
Depth 控制光线反射 ,反弹的次数, 一般场景不超过 5
假如是玻璃, 应该大一点.
关于灯光 一次反弹与二次反弹的 Muliplier值问题
1. 2\0.8\0.5。
也可用 0.7\0.7\0.
第二部分计算 render阶段 (学习VR上3DMAX教程网www.jb51.net)
直接光照(与max的扫描线渲染作用相同), 这时还计算cauris, 反锯齿, 运动模糊等等, 将 I-map插入场景
直接光照是 render 计算
直接计算,速度极慢,但gi光照效果准确, 细节真实, 在动画中也不容易出现闪烁现象. 注意:对于一般的建筑室内场景,直接计算消耗时间太长,对于室外场景,由于反弹次数少,可用它进行计算
直接计算方式时间特长, 一般rh-ray不大于32, deffuse depth不大于2
1/8 1/4计算方式容易残生黑斑, 但速度较快, 一般用来进行草稿渲染
正是出图建议使用 1/1方式, 特别是室外场景
将光线贴图插入场景的方式有三种, (见vray附带说明书 ), 一般使用第二种即可(vray默认), 第三种插入方式最准确, 表现材质贴图最准确,但是要求采样值(hsph)及interp最高.
1. Max rate 参数与Min rate参数
此值表现光线分布的层次 , 它将屏幕分成一个各小区pixel,光线对每个小块采样计算, 仔细观察一下, 就可发现每个小块pixel的亮度, 颜色是相同的, 因此, 小方块越小光线过渡越光滑,层次越自然,丰富。
一般说来,要表现间接光下的阴影, max/min的值就越高
注意: min的值绝对控制着渲染的时间, 加大 1, 渲染时间增大4倍
2) max/min确定后, 渲染时间与场景渲染出图图幅有关, 图幅越大, 渲染时间越长. 也就是说 800x600的图幅在其他参数都相同的情况下, 渲染时间是400x300的4倍
假如 max/min为 –3/-2 , 图幅为800x600, 在其它参数相同的情况下, 渲染时间与max/min为 –4/-3 图幅为-4/-3的渲染时间完全相同. 但是由于 800x600 max/min 为-4/-3 的图 ,由于pixel的尺寸比前者的大,容易出现黑斑, 这时需要更大的hsph来消除黑斑,也就是说, hsph只与 max/min相关,与图幅大小无关
所以, vray作者推荐 先用小图幅渲染I-map, 存盘后,用大图幅真实出图,记住这时要将I-map取出
为什么图幅越大,GI的精度越高呢?这是因为 max/min一定, 小方块的绝对大小就定了, 这时, 假如将场景传染出图的图幅设置的很大, 相对小图幅的设置来说, 小方块就多了.
注意: 对 800x640的图来说, min 为 –1, 一般来说精度已够高了, 这时渲染时间一般在 1-2个小时, min为0 时, 渲染时间变成了原来的四倍,这时,渲染时间已与直接计算方式相同 有人抱怨说, 图幅为 4000x2000 max/min为 默认值 –2/-1 ,渲染时间长的受不了实际上是建渲染设置的太高了
Min rate 参数控制细分方格(pixel)的最大值, 在I-map图上, 它对场景中平坦的部分进行采样.
Max rate 参数控制细分方格(pixel)的1最小值, 它对场景中边界,转折处, 曲面
一般说来, 场景中平坦部分. 光照变化均匀部分的pixel应该少些
边界,转折处, 曲面, 光照变化不均匀部分的pixel应该多些
Mn rate 参数控制着开始细分计算正方形(pixel)的绝对大小, 渲染计算时, 渲染窗口中会出现一个个小方块对场景进行细分,出图尺寸越大, 小方块的数量越多,
比如, 640x480的小方块数就是320x240的四倍,
刚开始出现小方块的大小与Min rate的值相关,其值越小(一般为负数, 绝对值越大) 方块越大,花的时间越短. 第二遍细分计算小方块会一分为四
最后一遍计算时的方块大小由Min rate决定
Max rate 主要控制场景转折处的光线采样
Min rate 主要控制场景平坦处的光线采样
一般来说,模拟计算gi 时渲染时间主要花在光照贴图的计算上了,计算遍数或者说几幅光照贴图 =(max rate值-min rate值 1),
一般来说, max产生的小方块应该比场景中需要表现出光效的物体的最小面要小
max越小, 光照情况越准确,精细(学习VR上3DMAX教程网www.jb51.net)
计算I-map, 实际上就是用一堆 大小从max到min的小方块来拼接间接光照图, 每个方块pixel的计算时间是相同的, 每个pixel的亮度也是相同的
min-max 1 确定了我们有种 不同大小的方块
min max决定了方块的绝对尺寸大小
1) I-map尺寸(也就是渲染出图尺寸越大) , 需要的 小方块越多, 小渲染时间越长
2) 对于每个 pixel来说, 小方块尺寸越小, 在保证不出现黑斑的情况下, 要求落在
它上 面的光线也就越少, 当然, 这些光线也要分布的均匀一点
也就是说, max/min越大, hsph可以越小
那么然和才能让更多的光线落在 I-map上, 而且更均匀呢,
第一个办法, 加大 hsph,
第二个办法, 加大二次反弹中的subdivs,
这两个办法并不使图面亮度增加, 我还发现, 加大 subdivs渲染时间增加的并不多
而且光线分布更均匀, 不容易出现黑斑
vray这一点是符合实际情况的, 光线的第一次漫反射光线强度较二三次要强, 而且还有一定的方向倾向, 二次三次反射光线数量较多, 但总亮度不大, 而且射向四面八方, 分布十分均匀
第三个办法, 加大反弹次数, 但是这个办法可使图面的亮度, 饱和度增加了,
而且不太符合实际情况, 使图面显得不太这真实
对于室内一般场景, 光线一般反射6次就可忽略不计了
对于室外一般场景, 光线一般反射2次就可忽略不计了
显然, 我们希望 小方块pixel尽可能少, 而且能将光照图的亮度层次变化表现出来
那么, 我们是如何来放小方块的呢 ?
场景平坦的地方, 光照层次变化不大的地方放大方块来表现
边界处, 曲面, 凹凸处放小方块来表现
亮度变化大的地方放小方块来表现 ( 间接光下, 一般亮度变化不大, 除非一些间接光下的阴影处, 凹凸贴图处, 被物体遮挡的阴暗处,向光面与背光面才有用亮度变化
第一遍, vray将所有I-map 铺上一遍 由min确定的大方块pixel, 对每个小方块进行光线跟踪计算
第二遍, vray将所有上一次计算的pixel一分为四, 以用两个判断条件, 判断这四个小方块是否在 物体的边界处 , 曲面上, 凹凸处, 光照情况变化处…….
假如是, 那末就对此小方块进行光线跟踪计算
不是, 次小方块的光照信息采用上一级小方块的光照信息
第三遍, 第四编同第二编计算一样, 依次用判断条件进行判断计算, 一直到pixel
vray靠这种方法, 在场景物体的边界处 , 曲面上, 凹凸处, 光照情况变化处……放上了应该放的小方块
那么, 这两个判断条件是什么呢? Clr thershold 控制pixel是否在光照亮度变化处, Normr thershold判断pixel是否在场景物体的边界处 , 曲面上, 凹凸处.
Vray 还有一个参数 show adaptive , 就是为了让人们了解pixel的计算情况, 第一遍计算是正常颜色, 第二遍计算是绿色, 第三遍红色, 第四遍蓝色>>>>
根据这些颜色分布, 我们可知道 pixel在场景中的分布
'Show adaptive' colors the GI samples based on the irradiance pass when they were computed. The samples from the first pass are with normal colors, those from the second pass are green, from the third is red, the forth - blue etc.
In this way you can see which parts of the image need more GI samples. It will not show where the samples are - you can see this while the irradiance map is being computed. You can also view the individual samples if you save the map and then render with the map loaded from file and Interpolation samples set to 1.
2 其它参数 (学习VR上3DMAX教程网www.jb51.net)
Hsph subdivs: vray在计算间接光照时, 光源朝各个方向发出一定数量Hsph subdivs个光线,这些光线照到场景中的物体后, 反弹出同样数量的光线,这样再进行反弹, 直到达到规定的反弹次数(二次反弹深度系数决定).
最后, Vray计算贴在场景中各个物体表面的I-map上的光照信息.
在I-map上, vray是靠 interp 个点来储存光照信息的, 在进行render时, 又用interp个点来将光照信息一环境贴图的方式插入到render阶段的场景中的物体上去.
注意此值表现光线漫反射光照(不是材质及贴图)的真实程度精确程度,加大它肯定会增加渲染时间,但是可增加图面漫反射光照的精确程度,真实程度, 减少图面的斑点,一般来说, 加大到图面没有半点就不要增加了
设置 hsph值的原则, 在 min确定的pixel下图面部分不能有斑点
当max/min –3/-2 (vray默认值) 时 , Hspr采样值为默认值为15.
我的经验, 640x480的图幅, Max/min为 –4/-3时, Hspr采样值为 25, interp 为 27
hsph与insterp的作用主要是消除图面出现的杂斑,hsph太大没有必要,增加它会显著增加渲染时间 . max/min越小, 不出现黑斑的hsph越小
Interp. Samples 此值为光照贴图加入原渲染结果的采样数,加大一点,不太影响渲染时间, 在I-map和 render阶段, 此值都参与了计算
注意, 存储I-map文件或一气呵成计算I-map时, hsph 与interp均对I-map结果有影响, 但从文件中取出I-map计算GI时, 只有interp参数起作用, 对GI渲染结果有影响, 其他参数均失效, 不起作用, 一般情况下, 此值与hsph相同或hsph大一点, 比hsph小就会丢失光照信息
当此值比hsph大许多时, 比如 Hsph 15 Inter 100 多余点的亮度值是程序根据插值运算法则来计算的, 它并不真实, 实际上使 I-map变光滑了(但并不影响shader及贴图的表现), 与insight 和viz4中的filter作用相同.
注意: 假如interp 比hsph大许多, 焦散, 间接光下的凹凸贴图, 间接光下的阴影, 被遮挡处一些阴暗面很可能失去
假如图面出现黑斑, 斑点, 加大Inter可以解决, 比如: hsph 20 但是 interp 为 100, 图面绝对不会出现黑斑
漫反射的结果I-map 可保存为文件, 下次计算时(打开gi)可取出. 这样你就不用再计算了
Clr thershold 和Normr thershold
Vray的GI优化参数,根据 vray原作者的回答, 减少它会增加采样数, 增加渲染时间
根据我的理解, 这两个值的含义为,
vray在进行gI计算时, 现根据max 值,将要渲染的图分成一个个小方块(piexl), max的式确定了小方块的绝对大小,
第一遍计算I-map时, vray对每一个小方块都进行了raytrace的GI运算,
第二遍计算I-map时, vray将每个小方块一分为四,然后坐了两个判断,
如果这些小方块(pixel)的RGB值及亮度的差异小于clr Threshold的指定值,那么这个pixel上的光照信息采用上一级的piexly已经计算的结果,大于clr Threshold的指定值, 就通过正常的光线追踪计算来此piexl的光照信息
2) 如果这个pixel上法线的夹角与上一级piexl上法线的夹角只差小于Normr thershold指定的值 ,那么这个pixel上的光照信息采用上一级的piexly已经计算的结果,大于normal Threshold的指定值, 就通过正常的光线追踪计算来此piexl的光照信息。
此值越小, 在场景中的边界,角落 曲面 ,凹凸部分的Pixel计算就越精细
Vray设置这些选项原本的用意是用来来加快渲染速度. 一般说来,
场景中假如很平坦,规矩,简单, 加大normal的值,
场景中假如五颜六色,但光照层次变化不大,将Clrj加大,甚至可到100, 关掉这个判断条件.靠normal来对物体的边界等法线变化出取样
场景中假如平坦,规矩,简单, 但光线变化层次较多,减小clr值,加大 normal
总之, 在进行基于max的GI计算后, 是否进行下一步的GI计算就靠这两个参数来控制, 你可以靠它来使下一级GI在场景中那里计算
可以这样理解 Normr thershold 控制着在场景中的边界,角落 曲面 ,凹凸部分…….等几何条件变化处 进行Pixel计算的敏感程度,
Normr thershold越低, 在这些部分pixel进行跟踪计算的密度和数量就越大
Clr thershold控制着在场景中的 阴影, 凹凸贴图, 焦散, 倍遮挡的暗处….等光照变化处 进行Pixel计算的敏感程度,
比如, 减小Normr thershold的 , 在球面进行pixel取样计算的数量就越多. 加大 Clr thershold值, 间接光下的阴影表现就会不明显
显然, max = min clr与normal不起作用
Secondary bounces下的subdivs和 depth
Subdivs 控制第二次反射的光线细分值 , 细分值越小, 二次反射的精度越高, 效果越好, 设为1, 每hsph个光线反弹出一条光线.设为10, 每hsph个光线反弹出10条光线 .
我发现, 加大 subdivs渲染时间增加的并不多
而且光线分布更均匀, 不容易出现黑斑
vray这一点是符合实际情况的, 光线的第一次漫反射光线强度较二三次要强, 而且还有一定的方向倾向, 二次三次反射光线数量较多, 但总亮度不大, 而且射向四面八方, 分布十分均匀
depth Depth 控制光线反射 ,反弹的次数, 一般场景不超过 5
我一般将室内 设为 subd=hsph depth 5 比如hsph 30 那末 second bounce
的 sub=30 depth=5
室外我一般设为 subd= 1 depth 1 或者关掉 二次反弹
假如是玻璃, 应该大一点, 一般为 5
关于灯光 一次反弹与二次反弹的 Muliplier值问题
一次反弹及二次反弹的 Muliper不仅控制着漫反射光的亮度, 还控制着漫反射光的颜色饱和度
3、封闭空间,环境贴图已经不起作用了,但是物体已经可以形成足够的二次照明,所以如果还是用缺省的值,二次反弹就会太亮,灯光布置足够多的时候,连一次反弹都会太亮。所以我的习惯是一次反弹、二次反弹的mulipier 值为
0.8 / 0.5 也可用 0.7\0.7\0.5
总之, 二次反弹的mulipier 值一般不大于1 , 要不然室内就像一个老君炉, 映色太厉害
假如房间有个红地毯, 整个房间太红了
根据我个人经验, 将二次反弹的 depth值设为5, 整个房间光照要匀称的多,也比较自然
vray说明书推荐使用第三种 Image sampler (Anti-aliasing)的方式Adaptive subdivision, 这种方式的好处时渲染时间快,但是,它的Anti-aliasing力度没有Simple two-level来的大, 我发现渲染大图时,用Simple two-level加大参数渲染要来得快
3. 灯光参数的意义
On 这不用说了吧 (学习VR上3DMAX教程网www.jb51.net)
Double-sided 确定灯光是否两面都发光。
Transparent 不选中时,灯是可见的。选中时,灯不可见,可以用来模拟天光,窗口
Ingore light normals 默认状态下,由于采样数太低, 将阴影区将产生麻点,即使不在阴影中的区域内, 有时也会产生麻点 。勾选中后vraylight照射的麻点会少点,(但物理上是不正确的)
No decay – 勾选不衰减
Store with irradiance map – 将光照结果保存在光照贴图中, 这在渲染游历动画很有用。
U , V , W, 目前只有平面矩形灯, 球状灯, 正式版本后灯的类型会多点
Subdivs - this controls the quality (graininess) of the shadows. Greater values will produce smoother shadows. The parameter determines the number of samples (per pixel) that VRay will make in order to calculate the shadows (actually, this parameter is the square of the number of samples). VRay may send less (but never more) shadow rays when possible without loss in visual quality.
Low subdivs - this is used instead of Subdivs for irradiance map calculations and also when the level of a ray becomes greater than the degrade depth (see below). Each intersection of a ray with a surface increases its ray level by one. For example reflections typically increase the level of a ray by one, and refractions - by two, since the ray needs to pass through the front and the back surface of the refractive objects.
Degrade depth - this is the ray level after which Low subdivs will be used instead of Subdivs. In the recent version of VRay, sampling is to a large extent handled automatically, so you can set this to a large value without performance loss.
normal lights are computed separately from the GI. Only VRayLights that had the "Save with irradiance map" option turned on will be saved with the map
1. 要获得较理想的光照效果还必须打开二次光照反射,速度将会急剧的下降 二就是加大min rate和max rate(最多到-2,-1,再加大就像brazil一样了),或在rate为-3,-2的情况下加大下面的Hspr细分值(默认为15,到25~30为佳,再大也会像b razil一样了……………… )!
出现黑斑的处理方式: 加大Irradiance里 Interp的值。
2 即使是单色的物体,比如白墙壁,都不要仅给它MAX的基本材质,在DIFFUSE里给它一个白色的贴图图片,可以减少产生黑斑。
3, 草图计算时, 可先用 320x240 图幅计算光照贴图, (用此方法可加速, 也可将Min rate值设低, 例如为 –2 达到较好精度 ), 将光照贴图存盘,
v-ray 入门(2)——景深
1、参考建立场景,并开摄影机的Environment Ranges下的show选项。在数值里填上合适的数值,这些数值控制取景范围。你会发现在视图中,有条黄线会随数值的更改会移动,根据调Near数值尽量把黄线放在Camera.target附近。当然也许你的场景中的Near数值会我不一样,没关系的。(Camera.target的位置其实代表的就是兴趣点,也就是渲染完最清晰的那部份)
2、打开渲染设制,在Filtering/DDF卷展栏下,勾选在Depth of field下的ON选项,然后在Focal dist里填入刚才那个Near数值,这样就决定了兴趣点的位置。也可以勾选Get from camera(直接从摄影点获取兴趣点),如果你勾选了Get from camera那么刚才的Near数值就不起作用了。(是不是有点多此一举?如果你做的是静帖,那么直接用Get from camera好了。)
3、 下面有两个数值值得注意。(学习VR上3DMAX教程网www.jb51.net)
Shutter size:它控制着取景深度,如果把这个数值调高的话,那个景深的程度会更大些。(效果上看,更模糊点。)Subdivs:这个数值控制着景深效果的极别,把它调高的,可取得更理想的画质,(图3是Subdivs=3的效果,图4是Subdivs=10的效果。当然会增加渲染时间。我认为最后渲染时,至少要把它设为8以上。
4. 焦点模糊速度很快。
浅越模糊。B 区是过滤方式,选项很丰富,自己慢慢去试吧。评价是可用、好用、设置简单、速度飞快。
要作出焦散效果: shadow要用vray shadow , 反射和折射贴图都要用VRAYMAP才行
Sph Subdivisions
越大越真实, 注意, 其值大小的2倍与渲染时间成正比
Search Dist.
焦散光子的追踪影响的范围值, 调小了就会一个一个的光斑很明显,如果大一点速度就会明显下降,但是效果很好。
Max Photons
控制焦散效果的清晰与模糊, 越大, 越模糊, 其值为15时, Sph Subdivions 大于6000后才起作用, 但这时的焦散效果并不是太好
1. 勾选参数后,加大MULTIPLIER值到60000左右就可以出效果了,你颗狠心将其加到100000(最大值), 其速度仍然飞快.
注意: 渲染时间的平方与sph subdivs参数值的两倍成正比
2. 还有个办法是加大灯光的亮度然后调整灯光的衰减值,根据其官方范例的的灯光设置时,用vray light 将灯的强度调到20,000以上例如600,000,再打开灯光的指数衰减, 但是我想说的是如果这样设置将使灯光的摆放位置成为问题,因为有了衰减,灯离的远些就会使场景迅速变暗,而更糟糕的是就会出现你渲染的图里那种很亮的边缘(靠近灯光)而另一边很暗。 当然也有有办法可以解决此问题,就是灯光使用默认强度(一般为1.0),再到Vray渲染面板, 在散焦一栏里将强度(英文是Multiplier)设为800000左右,就可轻松设置灯光了!欢迎指教!!
vray中自带的材质主要是vray不支持max中的raytrace材质, 它的功能与raytracee相似, vray支持raytrace贴图, vraymap的作用与raytrace贴图作用相同, 但是使用vraymap, 速度更快,效果更好, 特别是计算焦散. [ 材质教程: www.jb51.net/html/cztt/czjc/ ]
金属的制作: As for the metal material, set diffuse color to be a dark to very dark grey - VRay reflection map to almost white, say 80 - 85% white and glossiness 20 - 40 depending on how soft you want. Glossy samples should be at least 6 but 8 provides a nice smooth result with just enough noise to create a shimmery feel. I'll do tests at 4 samples just to get quicker idea. The nice thing about now being able to save irradiance maps is that testing refections and refractions is much faster.
you can do fast, realistic thin glass just by making a transparent material with in IOR of 1 and Fresnel reflectance with an IOR of 1.6 or so - but until VRay gets itself a proper, integrated material, it won't look quite right with GI and caustics - but it doesn't do that yet anyway.
well. for architectural renderings, I've been using architecturalglass (doh!), a free s cript/material that quickly helps you make good fast rendering glass by automating the task of getting up and running those falloff maps one should use when making realistic glass. The only thing you've to do by hand (because it even has preset parameters| remember to click on faloff and shadow maps boxes to get them generated) is to change the generated raytrace map for a vray map, so it gets realistic reflections rendered. The fresnel parameter works nice with scanline, and you'd have to do the same thing with the map (change it to vray map and set it to refraction). Get it at http://www.s/ criptspot.com Works well for me
Almost, but not quite. The standard MAX material actually doesn't decrease diffuse intensity when reflect intensity is high - that's one if it's big *problems*. The Raytrace material does - a 100% reflective material has 0% diffuse intensity.
For glasses and highly reflective metals, diffuse should always be pure black - *all* the surface appearance comes from reflection/refraction. To get colourised glass/metal, you need to tint your opacity colour (change it to colour if it's on value), and your reflection colour. *Diffuse should be left at black* - lambertian shading models (aka diffuse) are *totally* f!cked up for glasswork and very reflective metal, and make it look *bad*.
Gold silver and chrome are all tinted highly reflective materials. The environment and the model shape gives the metallic look.
Water has fresnel reflectance properties, and an IOR of 1.333 - this means you need a falloff map in your reflection intensity that has an IOR of 1.333, and a material IOR of 1.333. If you are using a Vray material that should do the trick, otherwise, VRay maps standard material requires a inverted map like that for refract intensity.
While water materials can be slightly tinted, do not make the colour too blue - normally, pure water is pretty colourless stuff (your glass of water isn't bright fluorescent blue, so neither should your CG water be...).
Though for a plastic earth you might want to put a fresnel reflection in - plastics do reflect in a fresnel way, and fresnel reflections are still a great tool for realistic glass, ceramics, and plastics, they just aren't really for metals... so that earth globe might look even nicer with an IOR 2 or 3 fresnel falloff on its blurry reflections...
704.10 in reply to 704.9
Q: For the fast glass you were talking about, should I use vray material, vray map, or just fallof map with a standard shader.
A: Vray material is best, if you can. It is by far the most painless route. For various reasons, you may need to use other techniques - I will explain those
- If it's a standard shader, what kind would you recommend, wich colors for the faloff map, how much of reflection, should i use other maps such as opacity or refraction? (considering a medium blue tinted glass panel), is it possible to get this shader work as a mirror when it has to (don't know much about physics, guess when you look at certain angles)
There are 3 things you can do:
1) VRay material. As I said, this is the best option. Basically, start with a plain vanilla VRay material, make the diffuse colour black, and any specular stuff turned off, set the VRay material's IOR to 1, then drop a falloff map in your reflect slot. Set the falloff map to not use material IOR (though I don't think it does by default), and set the *falloff* IOR to 1.6.
Bingo, working phyisically realistic material. It should look great when you stick it onto your planar glass, as long as your glass is in an interesting environment and so forth
2) Standard VRay map. A little harder, but not too much more. Start with a plain vanilla Standard material, then set diffuse and specular to 0 - this should look completely flat black. Set material IOR to 1. Set a VRay map in the Reflect slot, should be set on reflect already, but if not, do. Set a VRay map in the Refract slot, set to refract. Set filter map in the Reflect one to Fresnel, IOR 1.6. Set filter map in Refract one to Fresnel IOR 1.6 (but not the same map), then swap the black for white and vice versa. Voila! Problem solved.
3) You can use a standard map with fresnel falloff and some kind of reflection map in the white slot if you don't need raytracing. This is a lame cheat, looks bad, and there is no reason for it if you have VRay except in exceptional circimstances.
This should make your planes look like glass - note that the reflections on glass are pretty damn subtle - that's why we use the stuff as windows - you can see through it. So it can be hard to see - a lot of what looks "glassy" is really the distorted refractions, and bumps in the glass - even in a pane of glass, the stuff at the edge refracts in more interesting ways. Trouble is, with this technique, bumps only affect the reflected component, when you really want the refraction getting bumped a bit.
Anyway, you may find the subtlety of the reflections is too high, so feel free to change IORs around and stuff - basically, it should act like realistic, ultra thin glass, but that may not look glassy or right for your situation - so stuff around for what works. Maybe use perpendicular maps instead of fresnel (though that is not really realistic at all, technically), or a IOR of 3 or 4 in your slot.
- and last but not least, is it faster/better to use a 3DFACE to represent those glass panels. would the recommendations change then??
I don't know quite what you mean by this - do you mean a box instead of a plane? Using boxes instead of planes is more realistic but slower. If you use a box instead of a plane, make sure you set your *material* IOR to 1.6 or so instead of 1, but otherwise, it's all the same. Usually the planes-with-1 looks much the same as box-with-1.6, but if you want bumpy refractions (reflections work on both), or need the extra realism, use the boxes - general idea is, try both, use the fastest one that looks right
PD: If someone wants to help sending his glass material would be great!
Droogy has a really good glass material around somewhere - but I'm not sure quite where, I'm afraid... it's a realistic glass material, along the lines of this one, but prepackaged, and it's got a main of 1.6 or something, not 1 (which is the cheat matl IOR). Only difference between cheat matl and accurate one is the material IOR (the fresnel IORs are all the same)...
For tinted glass, exactly the same material, but for all the falloffs in the filter sections of the VRay material (you know, the fresnel things), both the reflect and refract map, set the white colour patch to whatever colour you want your glass tinted to. This is the same for the cheat and the accurate material, but since in the accurate version, it goes through 2 layers of glass, your tint will look darker and stronger than in the fake thin glass one.
I'm afraid I'm writing this in a hurry with a headache, so it's probably a little incoherent, but I hope it clears things up - sorry that I haven't posted any matlibs, but I'm away from MAX right now... and it has an out of date VRay version anyway - I had a lot of stuff keeping me off it, and I've been doing more in the way of general scene building than renders...
Hope this clears things up, and good luck with the architectural stuff. I'm sorry I've neglected to really cover the theory (i.e. why the hell do I need to do that? What's up with the fresnel stuff), but you don't need it for using a canned glass material, and I will be working on the theory side of things - wait and see
Yes - since windows bend light rays back to basically their original path, there is minimal distortion when light goes through them.
The way to approximate this (and get fast rendertimes with minimal impact) is to make a glass material as per normal, ensuring your fresnel falloff map does *not* have the "use material IOR thing" or whatever it's called checked, set that to 1.6 or your preferred fresnel value, then set your material IOR to 1 - this tells it to pass light rays through unbent, while preserving the classic fresnel reflectance properties of glass. Then map all this to a plane (not a box, the standard for other glass, as this approximation simulates what happens when going through 2 layers (box) with one (plane)).
Voila! Realistic, fast, flat glass. There are only 2 caveats with this technique:
1) If you get close to the glass, it looks wrong - with real glass, you have thickness, and effects at the edges of the windowpane and with increased distortion at glancing angles make real glass look fairly different close to.
2) There are some other optical things going on in glass windows that are not simulated in this approximation - most notably it doesn't deal with the fact that both layers of glass spawn reflections, and the total internal reflection you get at some angles.
Nevertheless, for distant or medium range glass, this approximation is visually indistinguishable to full blown glass, and the section of your rendertime due to glass objects will be very substantially reduced - because not only do you have half the geometric complexity at each pane, you cut down a lot on recursive reflections between glass layers etc. - and while this has a minor effect on appearance, it still looks right.
Try using a VRay 2-sided material with IOR set to 1.0, Reflect on back side turned on, and optionally, a Falloff map in the Reflect slot.
The material needs to be 2-sided so that diffuse light shows both on front- and back-facing surfaces.
You need to set the IOR to 1.0 to make the glass to be merely transparent, and not refractive, and also to make the refractions symmetrical no matter if you are looking at the surface from the front side, or the back side.
You need to check the "Reflect on back side" so that reflections will be caclulated both for front- and back-facing surfaces.
Finally, you may need the Falloff map in the Reflect slot, because with IOR of 1.0 VRay's Fresnel reflection will do nothing.
A problem you may get with this is that the shadows from lights will not be transparent. You can solve this in two ways - exclude the glass from shadow-casting for your lights; or use caustics. I realize this is not very practical, so there will be a workaround for this soon. The picture below uses caustics.
As a side note, you may extrude the glass for your project only by doubling the amount of faces - you don't need the four sides of the glass (assuming you have frames around it). Then you can use a Standard transparent material with VRay map in the refelction slot. Furhter on, 1.3 mln faces are not that much - VRay should be able to handle them
1). 用Direct GI (等于没说), 不过这是Vlado说的,权威性不消说
2). 使用Glossy Reflection, 这样可以比较真实地计算出bump。给一点点反射贴图,使用glossy模式(vraymap中的)。但是时间也不好说了。相信是正确的,我也试了一下。时间宝贵,舍不得开glossy,直接reflection了。
3.) 使用大片的vraylight面光源来模拟天光,而不是直接使用天光。Vlado也提到用vraylight这一点,当时没明白,今天看到vlado给出的他sponza渲染,明白了。这个对于完全室内的(如前面的那个室内教堂)还是有问题的。我想来我只能偷偷地打辅助光了
加大hsph 和 interp 的值
在differ通道中有mask贴图, 但然, bump通道也要有相应的贴图.
三 使用经验:
1: 灯光:增加VRAYLIGHT灯,可修改长宽,可做线槽发光效果。
2: 贴图:MAX中增加两个VRAY贴图,反射中用VRAYMAP,
3: 渲染:勾选ADAPTIVE项,其中参数可提高渲染抗锯齿精度 .勾选INDIRECT
4. gi时 只有vray专用影子,才有阴影 ,反射必须用vray贴图
5 做焦散灯光强度要高300-1000
阴影最好打开vray map.
4. 关于反射的效果,你只要在反射里面贴上vray专用反射帖图就可以获得很好的效果了。 如果你打开GI,最好不要让天空是黑色(除非是夜景)因为如果你调了反射的话,就很可能反射的是天空,当然是黑色的了……因为vray对反射算的很精确。
5. 关于fillter
在巨幅静贞渲染中对比其他的滤镜来说是效果最好的,但反锯齿最差。 如不满意的话建议用blackman. 用vray的话还是不要用max的采样吧! 用vray自己的……
我不知道为什么很多HDR的教程,都没有提到Mirrored Ball格式的HDRI是无法与3dMax的spherical Environment贴图类型匹配的。如果你直接把下载的HDRI用于环境贴图是不能正常显示的
要产生较好的cauris效果, 必须加大采样值, 还有, interp 比hsph不能大很多
必须是latitude/longitude格式的HDRI才支持3Dmax的spherical Environment贴图类型。所以要在HDRshop里转换格式
先在hdrshop打开下载的HDRi,在image菜单中->Parorama->Paroramic Transformations...
把新生成图象储存后,就可以在3dmax中正常使用。(用spherical Environment贴图类型)
879.6 in reply to 879.1
Excuse my ignorance but, how do I preprocess irradiance maps every 10th frame for use in generating an animation?
i think what u do is u set max's render dialog
to render every nth frame.
then set vray's irrad map to incremental add
then render the nth frames
and once all the nth frames are rendered,
u save the irrad map and then use it to render
the whole animation.
VRay光影追踪渲染器有Basic Package 和 Advanced Package两种包装形式。Basic Package具有适当的功能和较低的价格,适合学生和业余艺术家使用。Advanced Package 包含有几种特殊功能,适用于专业人员使用。
Renderer中将渲染器设为 vray,这一步骤和mental ray渲染器的设法是一样。
2、在渲染菜单中,在indirect illmination(GI)下,勾选On,
Simple two-level。
4、 VRAY的渲染参数面板中, 有一个环境Environment, 只有两项
一个是Environent color(环境颜色)选项 ,它的作用mental ray、FR的环境色一样
渲 一遍试试
1. Max rate 参数与Min rate参数
我的理解: 此值表现光线的层次分布
将屏幕分成一个各小区, 光线在此分布, 设置越高,
1 ) Vray在计算光照贴图时,
, 光照贴图正是用顶点颜色来表达灯光效果的, vray通过细分模型的面来达到提高精细度的目的,您可以在光能传递参数窗口来控制细分的程度
2) Min rate 参数控制细分的最小值.
Max rate
最后一遍计算时的方块大小由Min rate决定
Min rate 主要
=(max rate值-min rate值 1),
计算遍数或者说几幅光照贴图 =(max rate值-min rate值
1) , 越多
效果就越好 也就是说 max/min 为 -9 / -2 时, 效果比 max/min
2 其它参数(学习VR上www.jb51.net)
Hsph subdivs: 计算gi时的采样值,与定义值为15,加大它肯定会增加渲染时间,但增加的不多,
Hspr细分值 默认为15,到25~30为佳,再大也会像b razil一样了…………
Clr thershold Normr thershold
根据 vray原作者的回答:
that's it. Lowering these parameters will
make irradiance map calculations longer, but will capture GI detail
Personally I don't ajust these settings, But I guess if they
are set to high, you start loosing detajl, and if to low, it needs more
subdivs (time) to render smooth?.
There is something about the detail which is lost (small objetcs such as
the horizontal
elements on the wall seem a bit flat. I've read that by reducing the
Normal thresh that can
become better
Interp. Samples: 40
此值太大 ,softing in surfaces, 一般 40即可
Secondary bounces: subd: 1, depth: 3
max min
As for sec. bounce subdivision parameter, I think it controls the
sampling of the secondary bounces, that is the higher this number is the
less noisy the image.
Depth 控制光线反射 ,反弹的次数, 一般场景不超过 5
假如是玻璃, 应该大一点.
关于灯光 一次反弹与二次反弹的 Muliplier值问题
1. 2\0.8\0.5。
也可用 0.7\0.7\0.
第二部分计算 render阶段 (学习VR上3DMAX教程网www.jb51.net)
直接光照(与max的扫描线渲染作用相同), 这时还计算cauris, 反锯齿, 运动模糊等等, 将 I-map插入场景
直接光照是 render 计算
直接计算,速度极慢,但gi光照效果准确, 细节真实, 在动画中也不容易出现闪烁现象. 注意:对于一般的建筑室内场景,直接计算消耗时间太长,对于室外场景,由于反弹次数少,可用它进行计算
直接计算方式时间特长, 一般rh-ray不大于32, deffuse depth不大于2
1/8 1/4计算方式容易残生黑斑, 但速度较快, 一般用来进行草稿渲染
正是出图建议使用 1/1方式, 特别是室外场景
将光线贴图插入场景的方式有三种, (见vray附带说明书 ), 一般使用第二种即可(vray默认), 第三种插入方式最准确, 表现材质贴图最准确,但是要求采样值(hsph)及interp最高.
1. Max rate 参数与Min rate参数
此值表现光线分布的层次 , 它将屏幕分成一个各小区pixel,光线对每个小块采样计算, 仔细观察一下, 就可发现每个小块pixel的亮度, 颜色是相同的, 因此, 小方块越小光线过渡越光滑,层次越自然,丰富。
一般说来,要表现间接光下的阴影, max/min的值就越高
注意: min的值绝对控制着渲染的时间, 加大 1, 渲染时间增大4倍
2) max/min确定后, 渲染时间与场景渲染出图图幅有关, 图幅越大, 渲染时间越长. 也就是说 800x600的图幅在其他参数都相同的情况下, 渲染时间是400x300的4倍
假如 max/min为 –3/-2 , 图幅为800x600, 在其它参数相同的情况下, 渲染时间与max/min为 –4/-3 图幅为-4/-3的渲染时间完全相同. 但是由于 800x600 max/min 为-4/-3 的图 ,由于pixel的尺寸比前者的大,容易出现黑斑, 这时需要更大的hsph来消除黑斑,也就是说, hsph只与 max/min相关,与图幅大小无关
所以, vray作者推荐 先用小图幅渲染I-map, 存盘后,用大图幅真实出图,记住这时要将I-map取出
为什么图幅越大,GI的精度越高呢?这是因为 max/min一定, 小方块的绝对大小就定了, 这时, 假如将场景传染出图的图幅设置的很大, 相对小图幅的设置来说, 小方块就多了.
注意: 对 800x640的图来说, min 为 –1, 一般来说精度已够高了, 这时渲染时间一般在 1-2个小时, min为0 时, 渲染时间变成了原来的四倍,这时,渲染时间已与直接计算方式相同 有人抱怨说, 图幅为 4000x2000 max/min为 默认值 –2/-1 ,渲染时间长的受不了实际上是建渲染设置的太高了
Min rate 参数控制细分方格(pixel)的最大值, 在I-map图上, 它对场景中平坦的部分进行采样.
Max rate 参数控制细分方格(pixel)的1最小值, 它对场景中边界,转折处, 曲面
一般说来, 场景中平坦部分. 光照变化均匀部分的pixel应该少些
边界,转折处, 曲面, 光照变化不均匀部分的pixel应该多些
Mn rate 参数控制着开始细分计算正方形(pixel)的绝对大小, 渲染计算时, 渲染窗口中会出现一个个小方块对场景进行细分,出图尺寸越大, 小方块的数量越多,
比如, 640x480的小方块数就是320x240的四倍,
刚开始出现小方块的大小与Min rate的值相关,其值越小(一般为负数, 绝对值越大) 方块越大,花的时间越短. 第二遍细分计算小方块会一分为四
最后一遍计算时的方块大小由Min rate决定
Max rate 主要控制场景转折处的光线采样
Min rate 主要控制场景平坦处的光线采样
一般来说,模拟计算gi 时渲染时间主要花在光照贴图的计算上了,计算遍数或者说几幅光照贴图 =(max rate值-min rate值 1),
一般来说, max产生的小方块应该比场景中需要表现出光效的物体的最小面要小
max越小, 光照情况越准确,精细(学习VR上3DMAX教程网www.jb51.net)
计算I-map, 实际上就是用一堆 大小从max到min的小方块来拼接间接光照图, 每个方块pixel的计算时间是相同的, 每个pixel的亮度也是相同的
min-max 1 确定了我们有种 不同大小的方块
min max决定了方块的绝对尺寸大小
1) I-map尺寸(也就是渲染出图尺寸越大) , 需要的 小方块越多, 小渲染时间越长
2) 对于每个 pixel来说, 小方块尺寸越小, 在保证不出现黑斑的情况下, 要求落在
它上 面的光线也就越少, 当然, 这些光线也要分布的均匀一点
也就是说, max/min越大, hsph可以越小
那么然和才能让更多的光线落在 I-map上, 而且更均匀呢,
第一个办法, 加大 hsph,
第二个办法, 加大二次反弹中的subdivs,
这两个办法并不使图面亮度增加, 我还发现, 加大 subdivs渲染时间增加的并不多
而且光线分布更均匀, 不容易出现黑斑
vray这一点是符合实际情况的, 光线的第一次漫反射光线强度较二三次要强, 而且还有一定的方向倾向, 二次三次反射光线数量较多, 但总亮度不大, 而且射向四面八方, 分布十分均匀
第三个办法, 加大反弹次数, 但是这个办法可使图面的亮度, 饱和度增加了,
而且不太符合实际情况, 使图面显得不太这真实
对于室内一般场景, 光线一般反射6次就可忽略不计了
对于室外一般场景, 光线一般反射2次就可忽略不计了
显然, 我们希望 小方块pixel尽可能少, 而且能将光照图的亮度层次变化表现出来
那么, 我们是如何来放小方块的呢 ?
场景平坦的地方, 光照层次变化不大的地方放大方块来表现
边界处, 曲面, 凹凸处放小方块来表现
亮度变化大的地方放小方块来表现 ( 间接光下, 一般亮度变化不大, 除非一些间接光下的阴影处, 凹凸贴图处, 被物体遮挡的阴暗处,向光面与背光面才有用亮度变化
第一遍, vray将所有I-map 铺上一遍 由min确定的大方块pixel, 对每个小方块进行光线跟踪计算
第二遍, vray将所有上一次计算的pixel一分为四, 以用两个判断条件, 判断这四个小方块是否在 物体的边界处 , 曲面上, 凹凸处, 光照情况变化处…….
假如是, 那末就对此小方块进行光线跟踪计算
不是, 次小方块的光照信息采用上一级小方块的光照信息
第三遍, 第四编同第二编计算一样, 依次用判断条件进行判断计算, 一直到pixel
vray靠这种方法, 在场景物体的边界处 , 曲面上, 凹凸处, 光照情况变化处……放上了应该放的小方块
那么, 这两个判断条件是什么呢? Clr thershold 控制pixel是否在光照亮度变化处, Normr thershold判断pixel是否在场景物体的边界处 , 曲面上, 凹凸处.
Vray 还有一个参数 show adaptive , 就是为了让人们了解pixel的计算情况, 第一遍计算是正常颜色, 第二遍计算是绿色, 第三遍红色, 第四遍蓝色>>>>
根据这些颜色分布, 我们可知道 pixel在场景中的分布
'Show adaptive' colors the GI samples based on the irradiance pass when they were computed. The samples from the first pass are with normal colors, those from the second pass are green, from the third is red, the forth - blue etc.
In this way you can see which parts of the image need more GI samples. It will not show where the samples are - you can see this while the irradiance map is being computed. You can also view the individual samples if you save the map and then render with the map loaded from file and Interpolation samples set to 1.
2 其它参数 (学习VR上3DMAX教程网www.jb51.net)
Hsph subdivs: vray在计算间接光照时, 光源朝各个方向发出一定数量Hsph subdivs个光线,这些光线照到场景中的物体后, 反弹出同样数量的光线,这样再进行反弹, 直到达到规定的反弹次数(二次反弹深度系数决定).
最后, Vray计算贴在场景中各个物体表面的I-map上的光照信息.
在I-map上, vray是靠 interp 个点来储存光照信息的, 在进行render时, 又用interp个点来将光照信息一环境贴图的方式插入到render阶段的场景中的物体上去.
注意此值表现光线漫反射光照(不是材质及贴图)的真实程度精确程度,加大它肯定会增加渲染时间,但是可增加图面漫反射光照的精确程度,真实程度, 减少图面的斑点,一般来说, 加大到图面没有半点就不要增加了
设置 hsph值的原则, 在 min确定的pixel下图面部分不能有斑点
当max/min –3/-2 (vray默认值) 时 , Hspr采样值为默认值为15.
我的经验, 640x480的图幅, Max/min为 –4/-3时, Hspr采样值为 25, interp 为 27
hsph与insterp的作用主要是消除图面出现的杂斑,hsph太大没有必要,增加它会显著增加渲染时间 . max/min越小, 不出现黑斑的hsph越小
Interp. Samples 此值为光照贴图加入原渲染结果的采样数,加大一点,不太影响渲染时间, 在I-map和 render阶段, 此值都参与了计算
注意, 存储I-map文件或一气呵成计算I-map时, hsph 与interp均对I-map结果有影响, 但从文件中取出I-map计算GI时, 只有interp参数起作用, 对GI渲染结果有影响, 其他参数均失效, 不起作用, 一般情况下, 此值与hsph相同或hsph大一点, 比hsph小就会丢失光照信息
当此值比hsph大许多时, 比如 Hsph 15 Inter 100 多余点的亮度值是程序根据插值运算法则来计算的, 它并不真实, 实际上使 I-map变光滑了(但并不影响shader及贴图的表现), 与insight 和viz4中的filter作用相同.
注意: 假如interp 比hsph大许多, 焦散, 间接光下的凹凸贴图, 间接光下的阴影, 被遮挡处一些阴暗面很可能失去
假如图面出现黑斑, 斑点, 加大Inter可以解决, 比如: hsph 20 但是 interp 为 100, 图面绝对不会出现黑斑
漫反射的结果I-map 可保存为文件, 下次计算时(打开gi)可取出. 这样你就不用再计算了
Clr thershold 和Normr thershold
Vray的GI优化参数,根据 vray原作者的回答, 减少它会增加采样数, 增加渲染时间
根据我的理解, 这两个值的含义为,
vray在进行gI计算时, 现根据max 值,将要渲染的图分成一个个小方块(piexl), max的式确定了小方块的绝对大小,
第一遍计算I-map时, vray对每一个小方块都进行了raytrace的GI运算,
第二遍计算I-map时, vray将每个小方块一分为四,然后坐了两个判断,
如果这些小方块(pixel)的RGB值及亮度的差异小于clr Threshold的指定值,那么这个pixel上的光照信息采用上一级的piexly已经计算的结果,大于clr Threshold的指定值, 就通过正常的光线追踪计算来此piexl的光照信息
2) 如果这个pixel上法线的夹角与上一级piexl上法线的夹角只差小于Normr thershold指定的值 ,那么这个pixel上的光照信息采用上一级的piexly已经计算的结果,大于normal Threshold的指定值, 就通过正常的光线追踪计算来此piexl的光照信息。
此值越小, 在场景中的边界,角落 曲面 ,凹凸部分的Pixel计算就越精细
Vray设置这些选项原本的用意是用来来加快渲染速度. 一般说来,
场景中假如很平坦,规矩,简单, 加大normal的值,
场景中假如五颜六色,但光照层次变化不大,将Clrj加大,甚至可到100, 关掉这个判断条件.靠normal来对物体的边界等法线变化出取样
场景中假如平坦,规矩,简单, 但光线变化层次较多,减小clr值,加大 normal
总之, 在进行基于max的GI计算后, 是否进行下一步的GI计算就靠这两个参数来控制, 你可以靠它来使下一级GI在场景中那里计算
可以这样理解 Normr thershold 控制着在场景中的边界,角落 曲面 ,凹凸部分…….等几何条件变化处 进行Pixel计算的敏感程度,
Normr thershold越低, 在这些部分pixel进行跟踪计算的密度和数量就越大
Clr thershold控制着在场景中的 阴影, 凹凸贴图, 焦散, 倍遮挡的暗处….等光照变化处 进行Pixel计算的敏感程度,
比如, 减小Normr thershold的 , 在球面进行pixel取样计算的数量就越多. 加大 Clr thershold值, 间接光下的阴影表现就会不明显
显然, max = min clr与normal不起作用
Secondary bounces下的subdivs和 depth
Subdivs 控制第二次反射的光线细分值 , 细分值越小, 二次反射的精度越高, 效果越好, 设为1, 每hsph个光线反弹出一条光线.设为10, 每hsph个光线反弹出10条光线 .
我发现, 加大 subdivs渲染时间增加的并不多
而且光线分布更均匀, 不容易出现黑斑
vray这一点是符合实际情况的, 光线的第一次漫反射光线强度较二三次要强, 而且还有一定的方向倾向, 二次三次反射光线数量较多, 但总亮度不大, 而且射向四面八方, 分布十分均匀
depth Depth 控制光线反射 ,反弹的次数, 一般场景不超过 5
我一般将室内 设为 subd=hsph depth 5 比如hsph 30 那末 second bounce
的 sub=30 depth=5
室外我一般设为 subd= 1 depth 1 或者关掉 二次反弹
假如是玻璃, 应该大一点, 一般为 5
关于灯光 一次反弹与二次反弹的 Muliplier值问题
一次反弹及二次反弹的 Muliper不仅控制着漫反射光的亮度, 还控制着漫反射光的颜色饱和度
3、封闭空间,环境贴图已经不起作用了,但是物体已经可以形成足够的二次照明,所以如果还是用缺省的值,二次反弹就会太亮,灯光布置足够多的时候,连一次反弹都会太亮。所以我的习惯是一次反弹、二次反弹的mulipier 值为
0.8 / 0.5 也可用 0.7\0.7\0.5
总之, 二次反弹的mulipier 值一般不大于1 , 要不然室内就像一个老君炉, 映色太厉害
假如房间有个红地毯, 整个房间太红了
根据我个人经验, 将二次反弹的 depth值设为5, 整个房间光照要匀称的多,也比较自然
vray说明书推荐使用第三种 Image sampler (Anti-aliasing)的方式Adaptive subdivision, 这种方式的好处时渲染时间快,但是,它的Anti-aliasing力度没有Simple two-level来的大, 我发现渲染大图时,用Simple two-level加大参数渲染要来得快
3. 灯光参数的意义
On 这不用说了吧 (学习VR上3DMAX教程网www.jb51.net)
Double-sided 确定灯光是否两面都发光。
Transparent 不选中时,灯是可见的。选中时,灯不可见,可以用来模拟天光,窗口
Ingore light normals 默认状态下,由于采样数太低, 将阴影区将产生麻点,即使不在阴影中的区域内, 有时也会产生麻点 。勾选中后vraylight照射的麻点会少点,(但物理上是不正确的)
No decay – 勾选不衰减
Store with irradiance map – 将光照结果保存在光照贴图中, 这在渲染游历动画很有用。
U , V , W, 目前只有平面矩形灯, 球状灯, 正式版本后灯的类型会多点
Subdivs - this controls the quality (graininess) of the shadows. Greater values will produce smoother shadows. The parameter determines the number of samples (per pixel) that VRay will make in order to calculate the shadows (actually, this parameter is the square of the number of samples). VRay may send less (but never more) shadow rays when possible without loss in visual quality.
Low subdivs - this is used instead of Subdivs for irradiance map calculations and also when the level of a ray becomes greater than the degrade depth (see below). Each intersection of a ray with a surface increases its ray level by one. For example reflections typically increase the level of a ray by one, and refractions - by two, since the ray needs to pass through the front and the back surface of the refractive objects.
Degrade depth - this is the ray level after which Low subdivs will be used instead of Subdivs. In the recent version of VRay, sampling is to a large extent handled automatically, so you can set this to a large value without performance loss.
normal lights are computed separately from the GI. Only VRayLights that had the "Save with irradiance map" option turned on will be saved with the map
1. 要获得较理想的光照效果还必须打开二次光照反射,速度将会急剧的下降 二就是加大min rate和max rate(最多到-2,-1,再加大就像brazil一样了),或在rate为-3,-2的情况下加大下面的Hspr细分值(默认为15,到25~30为佳,再大也会像b razil一样了……………… )!
出现黑斑的处理方式: 加大Irradiance里 Interp的值。
2 即使是单色的物体,比如白墙壁,都不要仅给它MAX的基本材质,在DIFFUSE里给它一个白色的贴图图片,可以减少产生黑斑。
3, 草图计算时, 可先用 320x240 图幅计算光照贴图, (用此方法可加速, 也可将Min rate值设低, 例如为 –2 达到较好精度 ), 将光照贴图存盘,
v-ray 入门(2)——景深
1、参考建立场景,并开摄影机的Environment Ranges下的show选项。在数值里填上合适的数值,这些数值控制取景范围。你会发现在视图中,有条黄线会随数值的更改会移动,根据调Near数值尽量把黄线放在Camera.target附近。当然也许你的场景中的Near数值会我不一样,没关系的。(Camera.target的位置其实代表的就是兴趣点,也就是渲染完最清晰的那部份)
2、打开渲染设制,在Filtering/DDF卷展栏下,勾选在Depth of field下的ON选项,然后在Focal dist里填入刚才那个Near数值,这样就决定了兴趣点的位置。也可以勾选Get from camera(直接从摄影点获取兴趣点),如果你勾选了Get from camera那么刚才的Near数值就不起作用了。(是不是有点多此一举?如果你做的是静帖,那么直接用Get from camera好了。)
3、 下面有两个数值值得注意。(学习VR上3DMAX教程网www.jb51.net)
Shutter size:它控制着取景深度,如果把这个数值调高的话,那个景深的程度会更大些。(效果上看,更模糊点。)Subdivs:这个数值控制着景深效果的极别,把它调高的,可取得更理想的画质,(图3是Subdivs=3的效果,图4是Subdivs=10的效果。当然会增加渲染时间。我认为最后渲染时,至少要把它设为8以上。
4. 焦点模糊速度很快。
浅越模糊。B 区是过滤方式,选项很丰富,自己慢慢去试吧。评价是可用、好用、设置简单、速度飞快。
要作出焦散效果: shadow要用vray shadow , 反射和折射贴图都要用VRAYMAP才行
Sph Subdivisions
越大越真实, 注意, 其值大小的2倍与渲染时间成正比
Search Dist.
焦散光子的追踪影响的范围值, 调小了就会一个一个的光斑很明显,如果大一点速度就会明显下降,但是效果很好。
Max Photons
控制焦散效果的清晰与模糊, 越大, 越模糊, 其值为15时, Sph Subdivions 大于6000后才起作用, 但这时的焦散效果并不是太好
1. 勾选参数后,加大MULTIPLIER值到60000左右就可以出效果了,你颗狠心将其加到100000(最大值), 其速度仍然飞快.
注意: 渲染时间的平方与sph subdivs参数值的两倍成正比
2. 还有个办法是加大灯光的亮度然后调整灯光的衰减值,根据其官方范例的的灯光设置时,用vray light 将灯的强度调到20,000以上例如600,000,再打开灯光的指数衰减, 但是我想说的是如果这样设置将使灯光的摆放位置成为问题,因为有了衰减,灯离的远些就会使场景迅速变暗,而更糟糕的是就会出现你渲染的图里那种很亮的边缘(靠近灯光)而另一边很暗。 当然也有有办法可以解决此问题,就是灯光使用默认强度(一般为1.0),再到Vray渲染面板, 在散焦一栏里将强度(英文是Multiplier)设为800000左右,就可轻松设置灯光了!欢迎指教!!
vray中自带的材质主要是vray不支持max中的raytrace材质, 它的功能与raytracee相似, vray支持raytrace贴图, vraymap的作用与raytrace贴图作用相同, 但是使用vraymap, 速度更快,效果更好, 特别是计算焦散. [ 材质教程: www.jb51.net/html/cztt/czjc/ ]
金属的制作: As for the metal material, set diffuse color to be a dark to very dark grey - VRay reflection map to almost white, say 80 - 85% white and glossiness 20 - 40 depending on how soft you want. Glossy samples should be at least 6 but 8 provides a nice smooth result with just enough noise to create a shimmery feel. I'll do tests at 4 samples just to get quicker idea. The nice thing about now being able to save irradiance maps is that testing refections and refractions is much faster.
you can do fast, realistic thin glass just by making a transparent material with in IOR of 1 and Fresnel reflectance with an IOR of 1.6 or so - but until VRay gets itself a proper, integrated material, it won't look quite right with GI and caustics - but it doesn't do that yet anyway.
well. for architectural renderings, I've been using architecturalglass (doh!), a free s cript/material that quickly helps you make good fast rendering glass by automating the task of getting up and running those falloff maps one should use when making realistic glass. The only thing you've to do by hand (because it even has preset parameters| remember to click on faloff and shadow maps boxes to get them generated) is to change the generated raytrace map for a vray map, so it gets realistic reflections rendered. The fresnel parameter works nice with scanline, and you'd have to do the same thing with the map (change it to vray map and set it to refraction). Get it at http://www.s/ criptspot.com Works well for me
Almost, but not quite. The standard MAX material actually doesn't decrease diffuse intensity when reflect intensity is high - that's one if it's big *problems*. The Raytrace material does - a 100% reflective material has 0% diffuse intensity.
For glasses and highly reflective metals, diffuse should always be pure black - *all* the surface appearance comes from reflection/refraction. To get colourised glass/metal, you need to tint your opacity colour (change it to colour if it's on value), and your reflection colour. *Diffuse should be left at black* - lambertian shading models (aka diffuse) are *totally* f!cked up for glasswork and very reflective metal, and make it look *bad*.
Gold silver and chrome are all tinted highly reflective materials. The environment and the model shape gives the metallic look.
Water has fresnel reflectance properties, and an IOR of 1.333 - this means you need a falloff map in your reflection intensity that has an IOR of 1.333, and a material IOR of 1.333. If you are using a Vray material that should do the trick, otherwise, VRay maps standard material requires a inverted map like that for refract intensity.
While water materials can be slightly tinted, do not make the colour too blue - normally, pure water is pretty colourless stuff (your glass of water isn't bright fluorescent blue, so neither should your CG water be...).
Though for a plastic earth you might want to put a fresnel reflection in - plastics do reflect in a fresnel way, and fresnel reflections are still a great tool for realistic glass, ceramics, and plastics, they just aren't really for metals... so that earth globe might look even nicer with an IOR 2 or 3 fresnel falloff on its blurry reflections...
704.10 in reply to 704.9
Q: For the fast glass you were talking about, should I use vray material, vray map, or just fallof map with a standard shader.
A: Vray material is best, if you can. It is by far the most painless route. For various reasons, you may need to use other techniques - I will explain those
- If it's a standard shader, what kind would you recommend, wich colors for the faloff map, how much of reflection, should i use other maps such as opacity or refraction? (considering a medium blue tinted glass panel), is it possible to get this shader work as a mirror when it has to (don't know much about physics, guess when you look at certain angles)
There are 3 things you can do:
1) VRay material. As I said, this is the best option. Basically, start with a plain vanilla VRay material, make the diffuse colour black, and any specular stuff turned off, set the VRay material's IOR to 1, then drop a falloff map in your reflect slot. Set the falloff map to not use material IOR (though I don't think it does by default), and set the *falloff* IOR to 1.6.
Bingo, working phyisically realistic material. It should look great when you stick it onto your planar glass, as long as your glass is in an interesting environment and so forth
2) Standard VRay map. A little harder, but not too much more. Start with a plain vanilla Standard material, then set diffuse and specular to 0 - this should look completely flat black. Set material IOR to 1. Set a VRay map in the Reflect slot, should be set on reflect already, but if not, do. Set a VRay map in the Refract slot, set to refract. Set filter map in the Reflect one to Fresnel, IOR 1.6. Set filter map in Refract one to Fresnel IOR 1.6 (but not the same map), then swap the black for white and vice versa. Voila! Problem solved.
3) You can use a standard map with fresnel falloff and some kind of reflection map in the white slot if you don't need raytracing. This is a lame cheat, looks bad, and there is no reason for it if you have VRay except in exceptional circimstances.
This should make your planes look like glass - note that the reflections on glass are pretty damn subtle - that's why we use the stuff as windows - you can see through it. So it can be hard to see - a lot of what looks "glassy" is really the distorted refractions, and bumps in the glass - even in a pane of glass, the stuff at the edge refracts in more interesting ways. Trouble is, with this technique, bumps only affect the reflected component, when you really want the refraction getting bumped a bit.
Anyway, you may find the subtlety of the reflections is too high, so feel free to change IORs around and stuff - basically, it should act like realistic, ultra thin glass, but that may not look glassy or right for your situation - so stuff around for what works. Maybe use perpendicular maps instead of fresnel (though that is not really realistic at all, technically), or a IOR of 3 or 4 in your slot.
- and last but not least, is it faster/better to use a 3DFACE to represent those glass panels. would the recommendations change then??
I don't know quite what you mean by this - do you mean a box instead of a plane? Using boxes instead of planes is more realistic but slower. If you use a box instead of a plane, make sure you set your *material* IOR to 1.6 or so instead of 1, but otherwise, it's all the same. Usually the planes-with-1 looks much the same as box-with-1.6, but if you want bumpy refractions (reflections work on both), or need the extra realism, use the boxes - general idea is, try both, use the fastest one that looks right
PD: If someone wants to help sending his glass material would be great!
Droogy has a really good glass material around somewhere - but I'm not sure quite where, I'm afraid... it's a realistic glass material, along the lines of this one, but prepackaged, and it's got a main of 1.6 or something, not 1 (which is the cheat matl IOR). Only difference between cheat matl and accurate one is the material IOR (the fresnel IORs are all the same)...
For tinted glass, exactly the same material, but for all the falloffs in the filter sections of the VRay material (you know, the fresnel things), both the reflect and refract map, set the white colour patch to whatever colour you want your glass tinted to. This is the same for the cheat and the accurate material, but since in the accurate version, it goes through 2 layers of glass, your tint will look darker and stronger than in the fake thin glass one.
I'm afraid I'm writing this in a hurry with a headache, so it's probably a little incoherent, but I hope it clears things up - sorry that I haven't posted any matlibs, but I'm away from MAX right now... and it has an out of date VRay version anyway - I had a lot of stuff keeping me off it, and I've been doing more in the way of general scene building than renders...
Hope this clears things up, and good luck with the architectural stuff. I'm sorry I've neglected to really cover the theory (i.e. why the hell do I need to do that? What's up with the fresnel stuff), but you don't need it for using a canned glass material, and I will be working on the theory side of things - wait and see
Yes - since windows bend light rays back to basically their original path, there is minimal distortion when light goes through them.
The way to approximate this (and get fast rendertimes with minimal impact) is to make a glass material as per normal, ensuring your fresnel falloff map does *not* have the "use material IOR thing" or whatever it's called checked, set that to 1.6 or your preferred fresnel value, then set your material IOR to 1 - this tells it to pass light rays through unbent, while preserving the classic fresnel reflectance properties of glass. Then map all this to a plane (not a box, the standard for other glass, as this approximation simulates what happens when going through 2 layers (box) with one (plane)).
Voila! Realistic, fast, flat glass. There are only 2 caveats with this technique:
1) If you get close to the glass, it looks wrong - with real glass, you have thickness, and effects at the edges of the windowpane and with increased distortion at glancing angles make real glass look fairly different close to.
2) There are some other optical things going on in glass windows that are not simulated in this approximation - most notably it doesn't deal with the fact that both layers of glass spawn reflections, and the total internal reflection you get at some angles.
Nevertheless, for distant or medium range glass, this approximation is visually indistinguishable to full blown glass, and the section of your rendertime due to glass objects will be very substantially reduced - because not only do you have half the geometric complexity at each pane, you cut down a lot on recursive reflections between glass layers etc. - and while this has a minor effect on appearance, it still looks right.
Try using a VRay 2-sided material with IOR set to 1.0, Reflect on back side turned on, and optionally, a Falloff map in the Reflect slot.
The material needs to be 2-sided so that diffuse light shows both on front- and back-facing surfaces.
You need to set the IOR to 1.0 to make the glass to be merely transparent, and not refractive, and also to make the refractions symmetrical no matter if you are looking at the surface from the front side, or the back side.
You need to check the "Reflect on back side" so that reflections will be caclulated both for front- and back-facing surfaces.
Finally, you may need the Falloff map in the Reflect slot, because with IOR of 1.0 VRay's Fresnel reflection will do nothing.
A problem you may get with this is that the shadows from lights will not be transparent. You can solve this in two ways - exclude the glass from shadow-casting for your lights; or use caustics. I realize this is not very practical, so there will be a workaround for this soon. The picture below uses caustics.
As a side note, you may extrude the glass for your project only by doubling the amount of faces - you don't need the four sides of the glass (assuming you have frames around it). Then you can use a Standard transparent material with VRay map in the refelction slot. Furhter on, 1.3 mln faces are not that much - VRay should be able to handle them
1). 用Direct GI (等于没说), 不过这是Vlado说的,权威性不消说
2). 使用Glossy Reflection, 这样可以比较真实地计算出bump。给一点点反射贴图,使用glossy模式(vraymap中的)。但是时间也不好说了。相信是正确的,我也试了一下。时间宝贵,舍不得开glossy,直接reflection了。
3.) 使用大片的vraylight面光源来模拟天光,而不是直接使用天光。Vlado也提到用vraylight这一点,当时没明白,今天看到vlado给出的他sponza渲染,明白了。这个对于完全室内的(如前面的那个室内教堂)还是有问题的。我想来我只能偷偷地打辅助光了
加大hsph 和 interp 的值
在differ通道中有mask贴图, 但然, bump通道也要有相应的贴图.
三 使用经验:
1: 灯光:增加VRAYLIGHT灯,可修改长宽,可做线槽发光效果。
2: 贴图:MAX中增加两个VRAY贴图,反射中用VRAYMAP,
3: 渲染:勾选ADAPTIVE项,其中参数可提高渲染抗锯齿精度 .勾选INDIRECT
4. gi时 只有vray专用影子,才有阴影 ,反射必须用vray贴图
5 做焦散灯光强度要高300-1000
阴影最好打开vray map.
4. 关于反射的效果,你只要在反射里面贴上vray专用反射帖图就可以获得很好的效果了。 如果你打开GI,最好不要让天空是黑色(除非是夜景)因为如果你调了反射的话,就很可能反射的是天空,当然是黑色的了……因为vray对反射算的很精确。
5. 关于fillter
在巨幅静贞渲染中对比其他的滤镜来说是效果最好的,但反锯齿最差。 如不满意的话建议用blackman. 用vray的话还是不要用max的采样吧! 用vray自己的……
我不知道为什么很多HDR的教程,都没有提到Mirrored Ball格式的HDRI是无法与3dMax的spherical Environment贴图类型匹配的。如果你直接把下载的HDRI用于环境贴图是不能正常显示的
要产生较好的cauris效果, 必须加大采样值, 还有, interp 比hsph不能大很多
必须是latitude/longitude格式的HDRI才支持3Dmax的spherical Environment贴图类型。所以要在HDRshop里转换格式
先在hdrshop打开下载的HDRi,在image菜单中->Parorama->Paroramic Transformations...
把新生成图象储存后,就可以在3dmax中正常使用。(用spherical Environment贴图类型)
879.6 in reply to 879.1
Excuse my ignorance but, how do I preprocess irradiance maps every 10th frame for use in generating an animation?
i think what u do is u set max's render dialog
to render every nth frame.
then set vray's irrad map to incremental add
then render the nth frames
and once all the nth frames are rendered,
u save the irrad map and then use it to render
the whole animation.
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