Illustrator 绘制Web2.0网页图标

  发布时间:2009-05-15 01:13:55   作者:佚名   我要评论
这个教程非常简单,Illustrator英文教程:绘制Web2.0网页图标,就是你不会英文,应该也能看懂该文章的!体现出了Illustrator的强大,网页教学网推荐一下! Select the Star Tool. Click where you want the web 2.0 badge. Use the settings in the picture. Add a gra

脚本之家 / 编程助手:解决程序员“几乎”所有问题!
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star tool
Select the Star Tool. Click where you want the web 2.0 badge. Use the settings in the picture.
add a gradient to the star
Add a gradient to the web 2.0 badge.
Duplicate the badge. Go to Object > Path > Offset Path. Type in -2 px for Offset.
Select the outside part with the Direct Selection Tool and delete it.
Make a line with the Pen Tool like in the picture. Select both and click on Divide. Delete the bottom part.
Place it over the original badge. Give it a black/white gradient. Set it on Screen. Add your text and you're done.
Web 2.0 Badges
You should have Web 2.0 badges that looks something like this.

