Windows XP网络故障修复的步骤
更新时间:2007年08月06日 10:47:48 作者:
What actions occur when I click Repair on a network connection in Windows XP and later?
A.If you right-click a network connection and select Status, Windows displays information about the connection's speed, duration of connection, and packet activity. For XP and later, a Repair option appears on the Support tab. When you click Repair, Windows attempts to resolve a range of problems. Specifically, the OS
Attempts to renew the DHCP lease, if the connection obtains its IP address through DHCP, using a broadcast message.
Flushes the Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) cache using the command
arp -d *
Flushes the NetBIOS cache using the command
nbtstat -R
Flushes the DNS cache using the command
ipconfig /flushdns
Reregisters the NetBIOS name and IP address with WINS using the command
nbtstat -RR
Reregisters the computer name and IP address with DNS using the command
ipconfig /registerdns
Windows XP网络修复的步骤
问:如果你右键点击了一个网络连接并选择了"状态",Windows显示了一个包括以下信息的对话框:连接速度、连接持续时间以及数据包的活动状态(接收/发送数量)。XP以上的操作系统版本中,微软在状态属性中新加入了一个"修复"的选项在Support Tab中,当你点击了"修复",Windows将会尝试修复你的网络连接。特别地说,操作系统按照以下步骤执行(实际上是调用内部的函数实现,本文只是模拟一个类似的命令行流程):
2、刷新ARP缓存(arp -d *)
3、刷新NetBIOS缓存(nbtstat -R)
4、刷新DNS缓存(ipconfig /flushdns)
5、重新在WINS上注册NetBIOS名称和IP地址(nbtstat -RR)
6、重新在DNS上注册计算机名称和IP地址(ipconfig /registerdns)
A.If you right-click a network connection and select Status, Windows displays information about the connection's speed, duration of connection, and packet activity. For XP and later, a Repair option appears on the Support tab. When you click Repair, Windows attempts to resolve a range of problems. Specifically, the OS
Attempts to renew the DHCP lease, if the connection obtains its IP address through DHCP, using a broadcast message.
Flushes the Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) cache using the command
arp -d *
Flushes the NetBIOS cache using the command
nbtstat -R
Flushes the DNS cache using the command
ipconfig /flushdns
Reregisters the NetBIOS name and IP address with WINS using the command
nbtstat -RR
Reregisters the computer name and IP address with DNS using the command
ipconfig /registerdns
Windows XP网络修复的步骤
问:如果你右键点击了一个网络连接并选择了"状态",Windows显示了一个包括以下信息的对话框:连接速度、连接持续时间以及数据包的活动状态(接收/发送数量)。XP以上的操作系统版本中,微软在状态属性中新加入了一个"修复"的选项在Support Tab中,当你点击了"修复",Windows将会尝试修复你的网络连接。特别地说,操作系统按照以下步骤执行(实际上是调用内部的函数实现,本文只是模拟一个类似的命令行流程):
2、刷新ARP缓存(arp -d *)
3、刷新NetBIOS缓存(nbtstat -R)
4、刷新DNS缓存(ipconfig /flushdns)
5、重新在WINS上注册NetBIOS名称和IP地址(nbtstat -RR)
6、重新在DNS上注册计算机名称和IP地址(ipconfig /registerdns)