更新时间:2006年09月23日 00:00:00 作者:
复制代码 代码如下:
'UTF8 URLEncode
Public Function URLEncodeUTF8(ByVal s)
Dim i, k
Dim sl
Dim c
Dim uni
Dim tp, h1, h2, h3
sl = Len(s)
tp = ""
k = 0
For i = 1 To sl
c = Mid(s, i, 1)
uni = AscW(c)
If uni < 0 Then uni = uni + 65536
If uni < 128 Then
tp = tp & Chr(c)
k = k + 1
ElseIf uni < 2048 Then
k = k + 2
h2 = "%" & Hex(&H80 XOr (uni And &H3F))
uni = uni \ (2^6)
h1 = "%" & Hex(&HC0 XOr (uni And &H1F))
tp = tp & h1 & h2
h3 = "%" & Hex(&H80 XOr (uni And &H3F))
uni = uni \ (2^6)
h2 = "%" & Hex(&H80 XOr (uni And &H3F))
uni = uni \ (2^6)
h1 = "%" & Hex(&HE0 XOr (uni And &H0F))
tp = tp & h1 & h2 & h3
End If
URLEncodeUTF8 = tp
End Function
'A-Fa-f0-9 Byte
Public Function isxdigit(c)
isxdigit = CBool((c>=48 And c<=57) Or (c>=65 And c<=70) Or (c>=97 And c<=102))
End Function
Public Function isascii(c)
isascii = CBool(c>0 And c<128)
End Function
Public Function IsUTF8Body(ByVal u)
IsUTF8Body = CBool(u>=&H80 And u<=&HBF)
End Function
Private Function UTF8Byte(ByVal u)
If u > &H00 And u <= &H7F Then
UTF8Byte = 1
ElseIf u >= &HC0 And u <= &HDF Then
UTF8Byte = 2
ElseIf u >= &HE0 And u <= &HEF Then
UTF8Byte = 3
ElseIf u >= &HF0 And u <= &HF7 Then
UTF8Byte = 4
ElseIf u >= &HF8 And u <= &HFB Then
UTF8Byte = 5
ElseIf u >= &HFC And u <= &HFD Then
UTF8Byte = 6
UTF8Byte = 0
End If
End Function
Private Function UTF8Test(ByVal u1, ByVal u2, ByVal u3)
UTF8Test = False
If CBool(u1>=&HC0 And u1<=&HFD) Then
UTF8Test = CBool(IsUTF8Body(u2) And IsUTF8Body(u3))
End If
End Function
Private Function ishex(s)
ishex = False
If Len(s)<2 Then Exit Function
If isxdigit(Asc(Mid(s, 1, 1)))=False Then Exit Function
If isxdigit(Asc(Mid(s, 2, 1)))=False Then Exit Function
ishex = True
End Function
Private Function isescape(s)
isescape = False
If Len(s)<5 Then Exit Function
If UCase(Mid(s, 1, 1)) <> "U" Then Exit Function
If isxdigit(Asc(Mid(s, 2, 1)))=False Then Exit Function
If isxdigit(Asc(Mid(s, 3, 1)))=False Then Exit Function
If isxdigit(Asc(Mid(s, 4, 1)))=False Then Exit Function
If isxdigit(Asc(Mid(s, 5, 1)))=False Then Exit Function
isescape = True
End Function
Private Function AscX(s)
AscX = CInt("&H" & Mid(s, 1, 2))
End Function
'URLDecode 完全版
'支持Server.URLEncode,UTF8 URLEncode,Escape 加密的字符串
Public Function URLDecode(s)
Dim tp
Dim i
Dim tl
Dim pp
Dim a, b, c
Dim h
URLDecode = ""
tp = Split(Replace(s, "+", " "), "%")
tl = UBound(tp)
If tl = -1 Then Exit Function
pp = tp(0)
For i = 1 To tl
If isescape(tp(i)) Then
pp = pp & ChrW("&H" & Mid(tp(i), 2, 4)) & Mid(tp(i), 6)
ElseIf ishex(tp(i))=False Then
pp = pp & tp(i)
a = AscX(tp(i))
If isascii(a)=False And Len(tp(i))=2 Then
If (i+1)>tl Then Exit For
b = AscX(tp(i+1))
If (i+2)>tl Then
pp = pp & Chr(a*2^8 Or b) & Mid(tp(i+1), 3)
i = i + 1
c = AscX(tp(i+2))
If UTF8Byte(a)=3 And UTF8Test(a,b,c)=True Then
h = (a And &H0F) * 2 ^12 Or (b And &H3F) * 2 ^ 6 Or (c And &H3F)
If h<0 Then h = h + 65536
pp = pp & ChrW(h) & Mid(tp(i+2), 3)
i = i + 2
pp = pp & Chr(a*2^8 Or b) & Mid(tp(i+1), 3)
i = i + 1
End If
End If
ElseIf isascii(a)=False Then
pp = pp & tp(i)
pp = pp & Chr(a) & Mid(tp(i), 3)
End If
End If
URLDecode = pp
End Function
<script language=javascript>
alert(encodeURI("圪圪 eglic "))
复制代码 代码如下:
<script language=javascript>
function revertUTF8(szInput)
var x,wch,wch1,wch2,uch="",szRet="";
for (x=0; x<szInput.length; x++)
if (szInput.charAt(x)=="%")
wch =parseInt(szInput.charAt(++x) + szInput.charAt(++x),16);
if (!wch) {break;}
if (!(wch & 0x80))
wch = wch;
else if (!(wch & 0x20))
wch1 = parseInt(szInput.charAt(++x) + szInput.charAt(++x),16);
wch = (wch & 0x1F)<< 6;
wch1 = wch1 & 0x3F;
wch = wch + wch1;
wch1 = parseInt(szInput.charAt(++x) + szInput.charAt(++x),16);
wch2 = parseInt(szInput.charAt(++x) + szInput.charAt(++x),16);
wch = (wch & 0x0F)<< 12;
wch1 = (wch1 & 0x3F)<< 6;
wch2 = (wch2 & 0x3F);
wch = wch + wch1 + wch2;
szRet += String.fromCharCode(wch);
szRet += szInput.charAt(x);
alert(revertUTF8("%E5%9C%AA%E5%9C%AA%20eglic%20 "))
alert(decodeURI("%E5%9C%AA%E5%9C%AA%20eglic%20 "))