android 获取APP的唯一标识applicationId的实例
更新时间:2018年02月02日 10:05:44 作者:Tobin-CSDN
下面小编就为大家分享一篇android 获取APP的唯一标识applicationId的实例,具有很好的参考价值,希望对大家有所帮助。一起跟随小编过来看看吧
int indentify = getResources().getIdentifier(“com.test.demo:drawable/icon”,null,null);
第一个参数格式是:包名 + : +资源文件夹名 + / +资源名;是这种格式 然后其他的可以为null
intindentify= getResources().getIdentifier(“icon”, “drawable”, “com.test.demo”);
import java.lang.reflect.Field; import android.content.Context; public class ResourceUtil { private static Context sContext; public static void init(Context context) { if (context != null) sContext = context; } public static int getLayoutId(String paramString) { if (sContext == null) return 0; return sContext.getResources().getIdentifier(paramString, "layout", sContext.getPackageName()); } public static int getStringId(String paramString) { if (sContext == null) return 0; return sContext.getResources().getIdentifier(paramString, "string", sContext.getPackageName()); } public static int getDrawableId(String paramString) { if (sContext == null) return 0; return sContext.getResources().getIdentifier(paramString, "drawable", sContext.getPackageName()); } public static int getStyleId(String paramString) { if (sContext == null) return 0; return sContext.getResources().getIdentifier(paramString, "style", sContext.getPackageName()); } public static int getId(String paramString) { if (sContext == null) return 0; return sContext.getResources().getIdentifier(paramString, "id", sContext.getPackageName()); } public static int getColorId(String paramString) { if (sContext == null) return 0; return sContext.getResources().getIdentifier(paramString, "color", sContext.getPackageName()); } public static int getDimenId(String paramString) { if (sContext == null) return 0; return sContext.getResources().getIdentifier(paramString, "dimen", sContext.getPackageName()); } public static int getAnimId(String paramString) { if (sContext == null) return 0; return sContext.getResources().getIdentifier(paramString, "anim", sContext.getPackageName()); } // 通过反射实现 public static final int[] getStyleableIntArray(String name) { try { if (sContext == null) return null; Field field = Class.forName(sContext.getPackageName() + ".R$styleable").getDeclaredField(name); int[] ret = (int[]) field.get(null); return ret; } catch (Throwable t) { } return null; } public static final int getStyleableIntArrayIndex(String name) { try { if (sContext == null) return 0; // use reflection to access the resource class Field field = Class.forName(sContext.getPackageName() + ".R$styleable").getDeclaredField(name); int ret = (Integer) field.get(null); return ret; } catch (Throwable t) { } return 0; } }
以上这篇android 获取APP的唯一标识applicationId的实例就是小编分享给大家的全部内容了,希望能给大家一个参考,也希望大家多多支持脚本之家。
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