更新时间:2018年04月16日 16:40:45 作者:Hongory
- 启动程序后,让用户输入工资,然后打印商品列表
- 允许用户根据商品编号购买商品
- 用户选择商品后,检测余额是否够,够就直接扣款,不够就提醒
- 可随时退出,退出时,打印已购买商品和余额
- 如余额不足,可充值
#coding=utf-8 #Version:python 3.6.0 #Tools:Pycharm 2017.3.2 _date_ = '2018/4/16/016 14:50' _author_ = 'Hongyong' salary = int(input("Please input your salary: ")) shoppingmart = [] items = (["1","Huawei","¥",2800], ["2","Earphone","¥",300], ["3","Book","¥",80]) msg_items = ''' ----------items---------- 1. Huawei ¥ 2800 2. Earphone ¥ 300 3. Book ¥ 80 ------------------------- ''' print(msg_items) while True: shopindex = int(input("Please choose goods: ")) if salary > items[shopindex-1][3]: shoppingmart.append(items[shopindex-1]) salary -= int(items[shopindex-1][3]) print("You have bought {name} !".format(name = items[shopindex-1][1])) print("Your balance is: ¥",salary) decision = input("Do you want to quit now?") print(msg_items) else: print("Your balance is not enough! Please try sth else.") recharge_ans = input("Do you want to recharge?") if recharge_ans == "y": recharge = int(input("Please input money: ")) print("Please wait for a while...") salary += recharge print("You have recharged successfully!") print("And the balance is: ",salary,"now!") decision = input("Do you want to quit now?") print(msg_items) if decision == "q": break else: continue print("You have bought: ",shoppingmart) print("Your balance is: ¥",salary) print("Welcome your next coming!")
Please input your salary: 0 ----------items---------- 1. Huawei ¥ 2800 2. Earphone ¥ 300 3. Book ¥ 80 ------------------------- Please choose goods: 1 Your balance is not enough! Please try sth else. Do you want to recharge?y Please input money: 30000 Please wait for a while... You have recharged successfully! And the balance is: 30000 now! Do you want to quit now? ----------items---------- 1. Huawei ¥ 2800 2. Earphone ¥ 300 3. Book ¥ 80 ------------------------- Please choose goods: 1 You have bought Huawei ! Your balance is: ¥ 27200 Do you want to quit now? ----------items---------- 1. Huawei ¥ 2800 2. Earphone ¥ 300 3. Book ¥ 80 ------------------------- Please choose goods: 2 You have bought Earphone ! Your balance is: ¥ 26900 Do you want to quit now?q ----------items---------- 1. Huawei ¥ 2800 2. Earphone ¥ 300 3. Book ¥ 80 ------------------------- You have bought: [['1', 'Huawei', '¥', 2800], ['2', 'Earphone', '¥', 300]] Your balance is: ¥ 26900 Welcome your next coming!
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