- yield:能够将自己挂起,并提供一个返回值给等待方
- send:唤起一个被挂起的生成器,并能够传递一个参数,可以在生成器中抛出异常
- next:本质上相当于send(None),对每个生成器的第一次调用必须不能传递参数
- close:主动退出一个生成器
class Coroutine(object): """ Base class of the general coroutine object """ STATE_RUNNING = 0 STATE_WAITING = 1 STATE_CLOSING = 2 def __init__(self): self.state = Coroutine.STATE_WAITING self.started = False self.args = None self.routine = self._co() def _co(self): self.ret = None while True: self.args = yield self.ret if not self.started: self.started = True continue else: self.state = Coroutine.STATE_RUNNING self.ret = self.run(self.args) if self.state == Coroutine.STATE_CLOSING: break self.state = Coroutine.STATE_WAITING def start(self): """ Start the generator """ if self.routine is None: raise RuntimeError('NO task to start running!') self.started = True self.routine.next() def finish(self): """ Finish the execution of this routine """ self.state = Coroutine.STATE_CLOSING self.routine.close() def run(self, args): """ The runing method to be executed every once time""" raise NotImplementedError def execute(self, arg_obj): """ Awake this routine to execute once time """ return self.routine.send(arg_obj)
class ProducerCoroutine(Coroutine): """ The Producer concrete coroutine """ def __init__(self, cnsmr): if not isinstance(cnsmr, Coroutine): raise RuntimeError('Consumer is not a Coroutine object') self.consumer = cnsmr self.consumer.start() super(ProducerCoroutine, self).__init__() def run(self, args): print 'produce ', args ret = self.consumer.execute(args) print 'consumer return:', ret def __call__(self, args): """ Custom method for the specific logic """ self.start() while len(args) > 0: p = args.pop() self.execute(p) self.finish() class ConsumerCoroutine(Coroutine): """ The Consumer concrete coroutine """ def __init__(self): super(ConsumerCoroutine, self).__init__() def run(self, args): print 'consumer get args: ', args return 'hahaha' + repr(args)
produce 4 consumer get args: 4 consumer return: hahaha4 produce 3 consumer get args: 3 consumer return: hahaha3 produce 2 consumer get args: 2 consumer return: hahaha2 produce 1 consumer get args: 1 consumer return: hahaha1 produce 0 consumer get args: 0 consumer return: hahaha0
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