import torch import numpy as np from PIL import Image from torch.autograd import gradcheck class Bicubic(torch.autograd.Function): def basis_function(self, x, a=-1): x_abs = np.abs(x) if x_abs < 1 and x_abs >= 0: y = (a + 2) * np.power(x_abs, 3) - (a + 3) * np.power(x_abs, 2) + 1 elif x_abs > 1 and x_abs < 2: y = a * np.power(x_abs, 3) - 5 * a * np.power(x_abs, 2) + 8 * a * x_abs - 4 * a else: y = 0 return y def bicubic_interpolate(self,data_in, scale=1 / 4, mode='edge'): # data_in = data_in.detach().numpy() self.grad = np.zeros(data_in.shape,dtype=np.float32) obj_shape = (int(data_in.shape[0] * scale), int(data_in.shape[1] * scale), data_in.shape[2]) data_tmp = data_in.copy() data_obj = np.zeros(shape=obj_shape, dtype=np.float32) data_in = np.pad(data_in, pad_width=((2, 2), (2, 2), (0, 0)), mode=mode) print(data_tmp.shape) for axis0 in range(obj_shape[0]): f_0 = float(axis0) / scale - np.floor(axis0 / scale) int_0 = int(axis0 / scale) + 2 axis0_weight = np.array( [[self.basis_function(1 + f_0), self.basis_function(f_0), self.basis_function(1 - f_0), self.basis_function(2 - f_0)]]) for axis1 in range(obj_shape[1]): f_1 = float(axis1) / scale - np.floor(axis1 / scale) int_1 = int(axis1 / scale) + 2 axis1_weight = np.array( [[self.basis_function(1 + f_1), self.basis_function(f_1), self.basis_function(1 - f_1), self.basis_function(2 - f_1)]]) nbr_pixel = np.zeros(shape=(obj_shape[2], 4, 4), dtype=np.float32) grad_point = np.matmul(np.transpose(axis0_weight, (1, 0)), axis1_weight) for i in range(4): for j in range(4): nbr_pixel[:, i, j] = data_in[int_0 + i - 1, int_1 + j - 1, :] for ii in range(data_in.shape[2]): self.grad[int_0 - 2 + i - 1, int_1 - 2 + j - 1, ii] = grad_point[i,j] tmp = np.matmul(axis0_weight, nbr_pixel) data_obj[axis0, axis1, :] = np.matmul(tmp, np.transpose(axis1_weight, (1, 0)))[:, 0, 0] # img = np.transpose(img[0, :, :, :], [1, 2, 0]) return data_obj def forward(self,input): print(type(input)) input_ = input.detach().numpy() output = self.bicubic_interpolate(input_) # return return torch.Tensor(output) def backward(self,grad_output): print(self.grad.shape,grad_output.shape) grad_output.detach().numpy() grad_output_tmp = np.zeros(self.grad.shape,dtype=np.float32) for i in range(self.grad.shape[0]): for j in range(self.grad.shape[1]): grad_output_tmp[i,j,:] = grad_output[int(i/4),int(j/4),:] grad_input = grad_output_tmp*self.grad print(type(grad_input)) # return return torch.Tensor(grad_input) def bicubic(input): return Bicubic()(input) def main(): hr ='./baboon/baboon_hr.png').convert('L') hr = torch.Tensor(np.expand_dims(np.array(hr), axis=2)) hr.requires_grad = True lr = bicubic(hr) print(lr.is_leaf) loss=torch.mean(lr) loss.backward() if __name__ =='__main__': main()
1、从代码中可以看出来,forward()函数是针对numpy数据操作,返回值再重新指定为torch.Tensor类型。因此就有这个问题出现了:forward输入input被转换为numpy类型,输出转换为tensor类型,那么输出output的grad_fn参数是如何指定的呢。调试发现,当main()中hr的requires_grad被指定为True,即hr被指定为需要求导的叶子节点。只要Bicubic类继承自torch.autograd.Function,那么output也就是代码中的lr的grad_fn就会被指定为<main.Bicubic object at 0x000001DD5A280D68>,即Bicubic这个类。
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