更新时间:2020年02月04日 08:44:52 作者:angryTom
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import requests import re from bs4 import BeautifulSoup from time import sleep import json from prettytable import ALL from prettytable import PrettyTable hubei = {} guangdong = {} zhejiang = {} beijing = {} shanghai = {} hunan = {} anhui = {} chongqing = {} sichuan = {} shandong = {} guangxi = {} fujian = {} jiangsu = {} henan = {} hainan = {} tianjin = {} jiangxi = {} shanxi1 = {} # 陕西 guizhou = {} liaoning = {} xianggang = {} heilongjiang = {} aomen = {} xinjiang = {} gansu = {} yunnan = {} taiwan = {} shanxi2 = {} # 山西 jilin = {} hebei = {} ningxia = {} neimenggu = {} qinghai = {} # none xizang = {} # none provinces_idx = [hubei, guangdong, zhejiang, chongqing, hunan, anhui, beijing, shanghai, henan, guangxi, shandong, jiangxi, jiangsu, sichuan, liaoning, fujian, heilongjiang, hainan, tianjin, hebei, shanxi2, yunnan, xianggang, shanxi1, guizhou, jilin, gansu, taiwan, xinjiang, ningxia, aomen, neimenggu, qinghai, xizang] map = { '湖北':0, '广东':1, '浙江':2, '北京':3, '上海':4, '湖南':5, '安徽':6, '重庆':7, '四川':8, '山东':9, '广西':10, '福建':11, '江苏':12, '河南':13, '海南':14, '天津':15, '江西':16, '陕西':17, '贵州':18, '辽宁':19, '香港':20, '黑龙江':21, '澳门':22, '新疆':23, '甘肃':24, '云南':25, '台湾':26, '山西':27, '吉林':28, '河北':29, '宁夏':30, '内蒙古':31, '青海':32, '西藏':33 } def getTime(text): TitleTime = str(text) TitleTime = re.findall('<span>(.*?)</span>', TitleTime) return TitleTime[0] def getAllCountry(text): AllCountry = str(text) AllCountry = AllCountry.replace("[<p class=\"confirmedNumber___3WrF5\"><span class=\"content___2hIPS\">", "") AllCountry = AllCountry.replace("<span style=\"color: #4169e2\">", "") AllCountry = re.sub("</span>", "", AllCountry) AllCountry = AllCountry.replace("</p>]", "") AllCountry = AllCountry.replace("<span style=\"color: rgb(65, 105, 226);\">", "") AllCountry = re.sub("<span>", "", AllCountry) AllCountry = re.sub("<p>", "", AllCountry) AllCountry = re.sub("</p>", "", AllCountry) return AllCountry def query(province): table = PrettyTable(['地区', '确诊', '死亡', '治愈']) for (k, v) in province.items(): name = k table.add_row([name, v[0] if v[0] != 0 else '-', v[1] if v[1] != 0 else '-', v[2] if v[2] != 0 else '-']) if len(province.keys()) != 0: print(table) else: print("暂无") def getInfo(text): text = str(text) text = re.sub("<p class=\"descText___Ui3tV\">", "", text) text = re.sub("</p>", "", text) return text def is_json(json_str): try: json.loads(json_str) except ValueError: return False return True def ff(str, num): return str[:num] + str[num+1:] def main(): url = "" try: headers = {} headers['user-agent'] = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/70.0.3538.77 Safari/537.36' #http头大小写不敏感 headers['accept'] = 'text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8' headers['Connection'] = 'keep-alive' headers['Upgrade-Insecure-Requests'] = '1' r = requests.get(url, headers=headers) r.raise_for_status() r.encoding = r.apparent_encoding soup = BeautifulSoup(r.text,'lxml') table = PrettyTable(['地区', '确诊', '死亡', '治愈']) table.hrules = ALL #### 截至时间 # TitleTime = getTime('.title___2d1_B')) print() # print(" ",TitleTime + "\n") while True: r = requests.get("") json_str = json.loads(r.text) if json_str['error'] == 0: break print("==================================全国数据==================================") print() print(" 确诊 " + str(json_str['data']['statistics']['confirmedCount']) + " 例" + " " + "疑似 " + str(json_str['data']['statistics']['suspectedCount']) + " 例" + " " + "死亡" + str(json_str['data']['statistics']['deadCount']) + " 例" + " " + "治愈" + str(json_str['data']['statistics']['curedCount']) + " 例\n") print("==================================相关情况==================================") print() print("传染源:" + json_str['data']['statistics']['infectSource']) print("病毒:" + json_str['data']['statistics']['virus']) print("传播途径:" + json_str['data']['statistics']['passWay']) print(json_str['data']['statistics']['remark1']) print(json_str['data']['statistics']['remark2'] + "\n") print("==================================国内情况==================================") print() json_provinces = re.findall("{\"provinceName\":(.*?)]}", str(soup)) idx = 0 for province in json_provinces: if is_json(province): pass else: province = "{\"provinceName\":" + province + "]}" province = json.loads(province) province_name = province['provinceShortName'] if province['provinceShortName'] != 0 else '-' confirmed = province['confirmedCount'] if province['confirmedCount'] != 0 else '-' suspected = province['suspectedCount'] if province['suspectedCount'] != 0 else '-' cured = province['curedCount'] if province['curedCount'] != 0 else '-' dead = province['deadCount'] if province['deadCount'] != 0 else '-' table.add_row([province_name, confirmed, dead, cured]) map[province_name] = idx idx = idx + 1 for city in province['cities']: provinces_idx[map[province_name]][city['cityName']] = [city['confirmedCount'], city['deadCount'], city['curedCount']] print(table) print() print("==================================国外情况==================================") print() json_provinces = str(re.findall("\"id\":949(.*?)]}", str(soup))) json_provinces = json_provinces[:1] + "{\"id\":949" + json_provinces[2:] json_provinces = json_provinces[:len(json_provinces) - 2] + json_provinces[len(json_provinces) - 1:] provinces = json.loads(json_provinces) table = PrettyTable(['地区', '确诊', '死亡', '治愈']) for province in provinces: confirmed = province['confirmedCount'] if province['confirmedCount'] != 0 else '-' dead = province['deadCount'] if province['deadCount'] != 0 else '-' cured = province['curedCount'] if province['curedCount'] != 0 else '-' table.add_row([province['provinceName'], confirmed, dead, cured]) print(table) print() print("==================================最新消息==================================") print() idx = 0 for news in json_str['data']['timeline']: if idx == 5: break print(news['pubDateStr'] + " " + news['title']) idx = idx + 1 print() key = input("请输入您想查询详细信息的省份,例如 湖北\n") print() if key in map.keys(): query(provinces_idx[map[key]]) else: print("暂无相关信息") print("\n欢迎提出各种意见") except: print("连接失败") if __name__ == '__main__': main() sleep(30)
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