更新时间:2006年10月09日 00:00:00 作者:
Description: This is a simple script to send emails via a html-form
to different users
Date : 1999-02-25
Author : amalesh kempf <amalesh@goatrance.de>
Create this table
The field "what" is for different categories
CREATE TABLE email_notify (
ID int(11) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
What varchar(60) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
Name varchar(60) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
Email varchar(60) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
timestamp varchar(16),
KEY (What),
To fill this table you might create an insert form
// Set this values:
$strHost ="localhost";
$strUser ="root";
$strPassw ="";
if (!$btnSendEmail)
The email will be added automatically with "Hello Name" in the first line of
the emailbody!<br>
<form action="send_email.php3" enctype="application/x-www-form-
urlencoded" method="post">
<td><input name="strSubject" size="40"></td>
<td><textarea cols="40" name="strBody" rows="8"
wrap="PHYSICAL"><? echo $strBody ?></textarea></td>
<select name="strWhat">
<?php // add you categories here: ?>
<option value="party">Party</option>
<input name="btnSendEmail" style="HEIGHT: 24px; WIDTH: 224px"
type="submit" value="Sende email">
if (isset($btnSendEmail))
{ echo "Send Email<br>";
// Create connection
$intConID = mysql_pconnect($strHost,$strUser,$strPassw);
// Header
$strHeader = "Return-Path: $strSender\nErrors-To: $strSender\nFrom:
// SQL
$strSQL = "select name,email from email_notify where lcase(what) =
$intRes = mysql_query($strSQL,$intConID);
echo "Send Email $strBody<br>";
// fetch array
while($saRow = mysql_fetch_array($intRes))
{ $strEmail = $saRow["email"];
$strName = $saRow["name"];
$strBodyComplete = "Hello " . $strName[$i] . "!\n\n" . $strBody;
// Email
// Output
echo "Send to $strName<br>";
Description: This is a simple script to send emails via a html-form
to different users
Date : 1999-02-25
Author : amalesh kempf <amalesh@goatrance.de>
Create this table
The field "what" is for different categories
CREATE TABLE email_notify (
ID int(11) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
What varchar(60) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
Name varchar(60) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
Email varchar(60) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
timestamp varchar(16),
KEY (What),
To fill this table you might create an insert form
// Set this values:
$strHost ="localhost";
$strUser ="root";
$strPassw ="";
if (!$btnSendEmail)
The email will be added automatically with "Hello Name" in the first line of
the emailbody!<br>
<form action="send_email.php3" enctype="application/x-www-form-
urlencoded" method="post">
<td><input name="strSubject" size="40"></td>
<td><textarea cols="40" name="strBody" rows="8"
wrap="PHYSICAL"><? echo $strBody ?></textarea></td>
<select name="strWhat">
<?php // add you categories here: ?>
<option value="party">Party</option>
<input name="btnSendEmail" style="HEIGHT: 24px; WIDTH: 224px"
type="submit" value="Sende email">
if (isset($btnSendEmail))
{ echo "Send Email<br>";
// Create connection
$intConID = mysql_pconnect($strHost,$strUser,$strPassw);
// Header
$strHeader = "Return-Path: $strSender\nErrors-To: $strSender\nFrom:
// SQL
$strSQL = "select name,email from email_notify where lcase(what) =
$intRes = mysql_query($strSQL,$intConID);
echo "Send Email $strBody<br>";
// fetch array
while($saRow = mysql_fetch_array($intRes))
{ $strEmail = $saRow["email"];
$strName = $saRow["name"];
$strBodyComplete = "Hello " . $strName[$i] . "!\n\n" . $strBody;
// Output
echo "Send to $strName<br>";
PHP PDOStatement::getAttribute讲解
今天小编就为大家分享一篇关于PHP PDOStatement::getAttribute讲解,小编觉得内容挺不错的,现在分享给大家,具有很好的参考价值,需要的朋友一起跟随小编来看看吧2019-02-02