c# 两种发送邮件的方法
1、在阿里云平台申请解封TCP 25 端口 (Outbound)
2、更换端口号为465 或 587 ;
3、服务器前缀加上 ssl://
#region 读写本地IN文件 public static string ReadIniFile(string iniFileName, string section, string key) { string strFileName = GetRootPath() + "\\" + iniFileName; if (!System.IO.File.Exists(strFileName)) { FileStream fs = System.IO.File.Create(strFileName); fs.Close(); } TWays.IniFile localIniFile = new TWays.IniFile(strFileName); return localIniFile.ReadInivalue(section, key); } public static void WriteIniFile(string iniFileName, string section, string key, string value) { string strFileName = GetRootPath() + "\\" + iniFileName; if (!System.IO.File.Exists(strFileName)) { FileStream fs = System.IO.File.Create(strFileName); fs.Close(); } TWays.IniFile localIniFile = new TWays.IniFile(strFileName); localIniFile.WriteInivalue(section, key, value); } #endregion public const string MonitorLogFileName = "WmsImportSheetLog.Log"; public const string MailSetIniFileName = "MailSet.ini"; public const string MailSetSectionOption = "Option"; public const string MailSetKeySmtpServer = "SmtpServer";//smtp服务器 public const string MailSetKeySmtpPort = "SmtpPort";//端口号 public const string MailSetKeySendAddr = "SendAddr";//发件人邮箱 public const string MailSetKeySendPwd = "SendPwd";//发件人密码 public const string MailSetKeySendUser = "SendUser";//发件人名称,可随意定义 public const string MailSetKeyReceiAddr = "ReceiAddr";//收件人邮箱 //如果ini文件内没有内容就设置默认值 public void WriteMailSet() { string strFileName = BusiUtils.GetRootPath() + "\\" + Constant.MailSetIniFileName; if (!System.IO.File.Exists(strFileName)) { BusiUtils.WriteIniFile(Constant.MailSetIniFileName, Constant.MailSetSectionOption, Constant.MailSetKeySmtpServer, "smtp.163.com"); BusiUtils.WriteIniFile(Constant.MailSetIniFileName, Constant.MailSetSectionOption, Constant.MailSetKeySmtpPort, "465"); BusiUtils.WriteIniFile(Constant.MailSetIniFileName, Constant.MailSetSectionOption, Constant.MailSetKeySendAddr, "lala12121@163.com"); string sendPwd = "lalala2017"; sendPwd = TWays.Utils.EncryptString(sendPwd); BusiUtils.WriteIniFile(Constant.MailSetIniFileName, Constant.MailSetSectionOption, Constant.MailSetKeySendPwd, sendPwd); BusiUtils.WriteIniFile(Constant.MailSetIniFileName, Constant.MailSetSectionOption, Constant.MailSetKeySendUser, "系统管理员"); //多个收件人用 ' ;' 号隔开 BusiUtils.WriteIniFile(Constant.MailSetIniFileName, Constant.MailSetSectionOption, Constant.MailSetKeyReceiAddr, "1234@qq.com;5678@qq.com;2579@qq.com;"); } }
public bool Process() { bool boolReturn = false; try { string errorMsg = string.Empty; string title = "每日单据导入情况" + "-" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM -dd"); string message = string.Empty; try { WriteMailSet(); bool bl = true; DataSet ds = DataAdapter.Query(SqlText.selectImportSheetErrorLog.ToUpper()); #region if (ds == null || ds.Tables.Count == 0 || ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count <= 0) { message = "单据处理成功!"; } else { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.Append("以下为单据导入异常的消息:\r\n\r\n"); foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables[0].Rows) { bl = false; sb.Append(" 任务编号:" + dr["TASK_CODE"].ToString() + ",\t"); sb.Append(" 任务名称:" + dr["TASK_NAME"].ToString() + ",\t"); sb.Append(" 日志消息:" + dr["MEMO"].ToString()); sb.Append("\r\n"); } message = sb.ToString(); } #endregion if (bl) { title = "[成功]" + title; } } catch (Exception Ex) { message = Ex.Message; errorMsg = "邮件发送失败!错误信息:" + message; message = "Error:" + Ex.Message; TWays.Core.Loger.LogMessage(BusiUtils.GetRootPath() + "\\" + Constant.MonitorLogFileName, errorMsg + "\r\n", true); return boolReturn; } #region 发送邮件 try { TWays.Core.Loger.LogMessage(BusiUtils.GetRootPath() + "\\" + Constant.MonitorLogFileName, "发送" + title + "开始\r\n", true); bool result = Monitor(title, message, "", ""); TWays.Core.Loger.LogMessage(BusiUtils.GetRootPath() + "\\" + Constant.MonitorLogFileName, "发送" + title + "结束\r\n", true); } catch (Exception Ex) { errorMsg = "邮件发送失败!错误信息:" + Ex.Message; TWays.Core.Loger.LogMessage(BusiUtils.GetRootPath() + "\\" + Constant.MonitorLogFileName, errorMsg + "\r\n", true); return boolReturn; } #endregion Result = "Succeed"; boolReturn = true; } catch (Exception ex) { Result = ex.Message; } return boolReturn; } private bool Monitor(string title, string message, string fileName, string shortFileName) { string smtpServer = BusiUtils.ReadIniFile(Constant.MailSetIniFileName, Constant.MailSetSectionOption, Constant.MailSetKeySmtpServer); string smtpPort = BusiUtils.ReadIniFile(Constant.MailSetIniFileName, Constant.MailSetSectionOption, Constant.MailSetKeySmtpPort); string sendAddr = BusiUtils.ReadIniFile(Constant.MailSetIniFileName, Constant.MailSetSectionOption, Constant.MailSetKeySendAddr); string sendPwd = Utils.DecryptString(BusiUtils.ReadIniFile(Constant.MailSetIniFileName, Constant.MailSetSectionOption, Constant.MailSetKeySendPwd)); string receiAddr = BusiUtils.ReadIniFile(Constant.MailSetIniFileName, Constant.MailSetSectionOption, Constant.MailSetKeyReceiAddr); string errorMsg = string.Empty; try { System.Web.Mail.MailMessage mmsg = new System.Web.Mail.MailMessage(); //邮件主题 mmsg.Subject = title; //mmsg.BodyFormat = System.Web.Mail.MailFormat.Html; //邮件正文 mmsg.Body = message; //正文编码 mmsg.BodyEncoding = Encoding.UTF8; //优先级 mmsg.Priority = System.Web.Mail.MailPriority.High; System.Web.Mail.MailAttachment data = null; //if (SUpFile != "") //{ // SUpFile = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(SUpFile);//获得附件在本地地址 // System.Web.Mail.MailAttachment attachment = new System.Web.Mail.MailAttachment(SUpFile); //create the attachment // mmsg.Attachments.Add(attachment); //add the attachment //} //发件者邮箱地址 mmsg.From = string.Format("\"{0}\"<{1}>", "方予系统管理员", sendAddr); //收件人收箱地址 mmsg.To = receiAddr; mmsg.Fields.Add("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpauthenticate", "1"); //用户名 mmsg.Fields.Add("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/sendusername", sendAddr); //密码 不是邮箱登陆密码 而是邮箱设置POP3/SMTP 时生成的第三方客户端授权码 mmsg.Fields.Add("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/sendpassword", sendPwd); //端口 mmsg.Fields.Add("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpserverport", smtpPort); //使用SSL mmsg.Fields.Add("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpusessl", "true"); //Smtp服务器 System.Web.Mail.SmtpMail.SmtpServer = smtpServer; System.Web.Mail.SmtpMail.Send(mmsg); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(20000); } catch (Exception Ex) { errorMsg = "邮件发送失败!错误信息:" + Ex.Message; TWays.Core.Loger.LogMessage(BusiUtils.GetRootPath() + "\\" + Constant.MonitorLogFileName, errorMsg + "\r\n", true); return false; } return true; }
SmtpClient SmtpClient = null; //设置SMTP协议 MailAddress MailAddress_from = null; //设置发信人地址 当然还需要密码 MailAddress MailAddress_to = null; //设置收信人地址 不需要密码 MailMessage MailMessage_Mai = null; FileStream FileStream_my = null; //附件文件流 public bool Process() { bool boolReturn = false; try { string errorMsg = string.Empty; string title = "每日单据导入情况" + "-" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); string message = string.Empty; try { WriteMailSet(); bool bl = true; DataSet ds = DataAdapter.Query(SqlText.selectImportSheetErrorLog.ToUpper()); #region if (ds == null || ds.Tables.Count == 0 || ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count <= 0) { message = "单据导入成功!"; } else { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.Append("以下为单据导入异常的消息:\r\n\r\n"); foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables[0].Rows) { bl = false; sb.Append(" 任务编号:" + dr["TASK_CODE"].ToString() + ",\t"); sb.Append(" 任务名称:" + dr["TASK_NAME"].ToString() + ",\t"); sb.Append(" 日志消息:" + dr["MEMO"].ToString()); sb.Append("\r\n"); } message = sb.ToString(); } #endregion if (bl) { title = "[成功]" + title; } } catch (Exception Ex) { message = Ex.Message; errorMsg = "邮件发送失败!错误信息:" + message; message = "Error:" + Ex.Message; TWays.Core.Loger.LogMessage(BusiUtils.GetRootPath() + "\\" + Constant.MonitorLogFileName, errorMsg + "\r\n", true); return boolReturn; } #region 发送邮件 try { TWays.Core.Loger.LogMessage(BusiUtils.GetRootPath() + "\\" + Constant.MonitorLogFileName, "发送" + title + "开始\r\n", true); bool result = Monitor(title, message, "", ""); TWays.Core.Loger.LogMessage(BusiUtils.GetRootPath() + "\\" + Constant.MonitorLogFileName, "发送" + title + "结束\r\n", true); } catch (Exception Ex) { errorMsg = "邮件发送失败!错误信息:" + Ex.Message; TWays.Core.Loger.LogMessage(BusiUtils.GetRootPath() + "\\" + Constant.MonitorLogFileName, errorMsg + "\r\n", true); return boolReturn; } #endregion Result = "Succeed"; boolReturn = true; } catch (Exception ex) { Result = ex.Message; } return boolReturn; } private bool Monitor(string title, string message, string fileName, string shortFileName) { string smtpServer = BusiUtils.ReadIniFile(Constant.MailSetIniFileName, Constant.MailSetSectionOption, Constant.MailSetKeySmtpServer); string smtpPort = BusiUtils.ReadIniFile(Constant.MailSetIniFileName, Constant.MailSetSectionOption, Constant.MailSetKeySmtpPort); string sendAddr = BusiUtils.ReadIniFile(Constant.MailSetIniFileName, Constant.MailSetSectionOption, Constant.MailSetKeySendAddr); string sendPwd = Utils.DecryptString(BusiUtils.ReadIniFile(Constant.MailSetIniFileName, Constant.MailSetSectionOption, Constant.MailSetKeySendPwd)); string receiAddr = BusiUtils.ReadIniFile(Constant.MailSetIniFileName, Constant.MailSetSectionOption, Constant.MailSetKeyReceiAddr); string errorMsg = string.Empty; try { //初始化Smtp服务器信息 setSmtpClient(smtpServer, Convert.ToInt32(smtpPort)); } catch (Exception Ex) { errorMsg = "邮件发送失败,请确定SMTP服务名是否正确!错误信息:" + Ex.Message; TWays.Core.Loger.LogMessage(BusiUtils.GetRootPath() + "\\" + Constant.MonitorLogFileName, errorMsg + "\r\n", true); return false; } try { //验证发件邮箱地址和密码 setAddressform(sendAddr, sendPwd); } catch (Exception Ex) { errorMsg = "邮件发送失败,请确定发件邮箱地址和密码的正确性!错误信息:" + Ex.Message; TWays.Core.Loger.LogMessage(BusiUtils.GetRootPath() + "\\" + Constant.MonitorLogFileName, errorMsg + "\r\n", true); return false; } try { MailMessage_Mai = null; MailMessage_Mai = new MailMessage(); //清空历史发送信息 以防发送时收件人收到的错误信息(收件人列表会不断重复) MailMessage_Mai.To.Clear(); string[] recAddress = receiAddr.Split(new string[] { ";" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); //添加收件人邮箱地址 for (int i = 0; i < recAddress.Length; i++) { MailAddress_to = new MailAddress(recAddress[i]); MailMessage_Mai.To.Add(MailAddress_to); } //发件人邮箱 MailMessage_Mai.From = MailAddress_from; //邮件主题 MailMessage_Mai.Subject = title; MailMessage_Mai.SubjectEncoding = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8; //邮件正文 MailMessage_Mai.Body = message; MailMessage_Mai.BodyEncoding = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8; //清空历史附件 以防附件重复发送 //MailMessage_Mai.Attachments.Clear(); //FileStream_my = new FileStream(fileName, FileMode.Open); //string name = FileStream_my.Name; ////添加附件 //MailMessage_Mai.Attachments.Add(new Attachment(FileStream_my, shortFileName)); //注册邮件发送完毕后的处理事件 SmtpClient.SendCompleted += new SendCompletedEventHandler(SendCompletedCallback); //开始发送邮件 SmtpClient.SendAsync(MailMessage_Mai, "000000000"); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(30000); } catch (Exception Ex) { errorMsg = "邮件发送失败!错误信息:" + Ex.Message; TWays.Core.Loger.LogMessage(BusiUtils.GetRootPath() + "\\" + Constant.MonitorLogFileName, errorMsg + "\r\n", true); return false; } return true; } #region 设置Smtp服务器信息 /// <summary> /// 设置Smtp服务器信息 /// </summary> /// <param name="ServerName">SMTP服务名</param> /// <param name="Port">端口号</param> private void setSmtpClient(string ServerHost, int Port) { SmtpClient = new SmtpClient(); SmtpClient.Host = ServerHost;//指定SMTP服务名 例如QQ邮箱为 smtp.qq.com 新浪cn邮箱为 smtp.sina.cn等 SmtpClient.Port = Port; //指定端口号 SmtpClient.Timeout = 5; //超时时间 SmtpClient.EnableSsl = true; //指定 SmtpClient 使用安全套接字层 (SSL) 加密连接 } #endregion #region 验证发件人信息 /// <summary> /// 验证发件人信息 /// </summary> /// <param name="MailAddress">发件邮箱地址</param> /// <param name="MailPwd">邮箱密码</param> private void setAddressform(string MailAddress, string MailPwd) { string sendUser = BusiUtils.ReadIniFile(Constant.MailSetIniFileName, Constant.MailSetSectionOption, Constant.MailSetKeySendUser); //创建服务器认证 NetworkCredential NetworkCredential_my = new NetworkCredential(MailAddress, MailPwd); //实例化发件人地址 MailAddress_from = new System.Net.Mail.MailAddress(MailAddress, sendUser, Encoding.BigEndianUnicode); //指定发件人信息 包括邮箱地址和邮箱密码 SmtpClient.Credentials = new System.Net.NetworkCredential(MailAddress_from.Address, MailPwd); } #endregion #region 发送邮件后所处理的函数 private void SendCompletedCallback(object sender, AsyncCompletedEventArgs e) { string errorMsg = string.Empty; try { if (e.Cancelled) { errorMsg = "发送已取消!"; TWays.Core.Loger.LogMessage(BusiUtils.GetRootPath() + "\\" + Constant.MonitorLogFileName, errorMsg + "\r\n", true); } if (e.Error != null) { errorMsg = "邮件发送失败!1错误信息:" + e.Error.Message; TWays.Core.Loger.LogMessage(BusiUtils.GetRootPath() + "\\" + Constant.MonitorLogFileName, errorMsg + "\r\n", true); } else { errorMsg = "恭喜,邮件成功发出!"; TWays.Core.Loger.LogMessage(BusiUtils.GetRootPath() + "\\" + Constant.MonitorLogFileName, errorMsg + "\r\n", true); } if (FileStream_my != null) { FileStream_my.Close(); } } catch (Exception Ex) { errorMsg = "邮件发送失败!2错误信息:" + Ex.Message; TWays.Core.Loger.LogMessage(BusiUtils.GetRootPath() + "\\" + Constant.MonitorLogFileName, errorMsg + "\r\n", true); } } #endregion
以上就是c# 两种发送邮件的方法的详细内容,更多关于c# 发送邮件的资料请关注脚本之家其它相关文章!