vue 实现无规则截图
更新时间:2021年04月15日 10:35:52 作者:渺小尘埃
这篇文章主要介绍了vue 实现无规则截图的方法,帮助大家更好的理解和学习使用vue框架,感兴趣的朋友可以了解下
通过 svg 实现 图片截取
使用svg中clipPath image标签 通过id 映射, 动态位置polygon的坐标,实现图片的截取
<div> <div class="content" @mousemove="mousemove" @mouseup="(e) => {mouseup(e);}"> <!-- 画布展示 --> <svg ref="blackSvg" class="blackSvg" xmlns="" width="300" height="300" > <defs> <clipPath id="clippath"> <polygon :points="points"></polygon> </clipPath> </defs> <image xmlns:link="" href=",2173006364&fm=26&gp=0.jpg" rel="external nofollow" width="300" height="300" preserveAspectRatio="none" style="clip-path: url(#clippath)" ></image> </svg> <!-- 拖拽点 --> <ul class="interception"> <li v-for="item in 4" :ref="`li${item}`" :key="item" @mousedown="(e) => {mousedown(e, item);}" ></li> </ul> <!-- 底图展示 --> <img class="blackImge" src=",2173006364&fm=26&gp=0.jpg" alt="" /> <!-- 遮罩层 --> <div class="blackDiv"></div> </div> </div>
<style lang="sass"> .blackDiv width: 100% height: 100% position: absolute top: 0 z-index: 2 background: rgba(0,0,0, 1) .content width:300px height:300px text-align: left position: relative .blackSvg position: absolute top: 0 z-index: 3 .blackImge position: absolute top: 0 left: 0 width: 300px height: 300px .interception list-style: none position: absolute top: 0 margin: 0 padding: 0 z-index: 3 >li position: absolute width: 10px height: 10px background: blue border-radius: 50% cursor: pointer &:hover transform: scale(1.2) transition-duration: .2 >li:nth-child(1) top: 10px left: 10px >li:nth-child(2) top: 10px left: 100px >li:nth-child(3) top: 100px left: 100px >li:nth-child(4) top: 100px left: 10px </style> <script>
export default { name: 'Canvas', data() { return { points: '0 0,300 0,300 300,0 300', // 图片展示初始化 status: false, index: 0, disX: 0, disY: 0, coordinates: { // 初始化拖拽点 1: [0, 0], 2: [300, 0], 3: [300, 300], 4: [0, 300], }, }; }, mounted() { this.$nextTick(() => { for (let key in this.coordinates) { const left = this.coordinates[key][0]; const top = this.coordinates[key][1]; this.$refs[`li${key}`].style.left = `${left}px`; this.$refs[`li${key}`] = `${top}px`; if (key == 2 || key == 3) { this.$refs[`li${key}`].style.left = `${left - 10}px`; } if (key == 3 || key == 4) { this.$refs[`li${key}`] = `${top - 10}px`; } } document.onmouseup = () => { this.status = false; }; }); }, methods: { //鼠标按下 mousedown(e, index) { this.status = true; this.index = index; this.disX = e.clientX - this.$refs[`li${index}`].offsetLeft; this.disY = e.clientY - this.$refs[`li${index}`].offsetTop; }, // 鼠标抬起 mouseup(e) { this.status = false; }, // 鼠标移动 mousemove(e) { if (this.status) { let left = e.clientX - this.disX; let top = e.clientY - this.disY; this.$refs[`li${this.index}`].style.left = `${left}px`; this.$refs[`li${this.index}`] = `${top}px`; this.coordinates[this.index] = [left, top]; const pointsArr = []; for (let item in this.coordinates) { pointsArr.push( Array.from(this.coordinates[item], (e) => { return e + 5; }) ); } this.points = pointsArr.join(' '); } }, }, };
以上就是vue 实现无规则截图的详细内容,更多关于vue 无规则截图的资料请关注脚本之家其它相关文章!
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