更新时间:2021年05月31日 09:59:52 作者:CnNoter
<template> <div> <el-dialog title="终端通讯录" :visible.sync="isOpen" class="el-dialog-mini"> <div class="forms-menu-con"> <!-- check-on-click-node:设置是否在选汉字的时候,复选框也选中 props:定义节点和自己提供字段的匹配(例:名称对应数据库查询出来的name属性) data:Tree中的数据,其中字段可以自定义,可以多添加业务字段,再点击的时候调用函数获取该值 node-key:唯一,意味着选中节点的时候使用哪个字段作为唯一标识 render-content:内容渲染,如果想要在树菜单上添加图标等样式使用这个属性,配置一个渲染函数即可 check-change:当复选框状态改变时候,触发次函数,这个主要用来做单选操作,和业务处理使用 show-checkbox:显示复选框 highlight-current:高亮显示选中节点 check-strictly:在显示复选框的情况下,是否严格的遵循父子不互相关联的做法,默认为 false --> <el-tree :data="treeData" :props="treeProps" :check-strictly="true" node-key="id" ref="treeForm" :render-content="renderContent" @check-change="handleClick" show-checkbox highlight-current class="addtree" style="height:275px;"> </el-tree> <el-col class="form-search colum-center"> <el-button @click="submit"> <i class="ump-save" style="font-size:15px;"></i>确 定 </el-button> <el-button @click="close"> <i class="ump-quxiao3" style="font-size:16px;"></i>关 闭 </el-button> </el-col> </div> </el-dialog> </div> </template> <script> export default { data() { return { isOpen: false, ifonlyTerminal: 1, treeData: [], treeProps: { label: 'label', children: 'kids', disabled: this.disabledFn } } }, methods: { disabledFn(data, node) { return data.nodeType == 0; }, handleClick(data, checked, node) { let $this = this; if (checked) { console.log(data); /** 该节点作用为永远单选*/ //$this.$refs.treeForm.setCheckedNodes([data]); /** 该节点作用为多选*/ $this.$refs.treeForm.setChecked([data]); } }, renderContent(h, { node, data, store }) { return ( <span class = "custom-tree-node" > <span > <i class = {data.icon} ></i> { data.label } </span> </span> ); }, open(selections,ifonlyTerminal) { let $this = this; $this.treeData=[]; $this.ifonlyTerminal=ifonlyTerminal; $this.$httpclient.get("/reminder/getTerminalContacts", { ifonlyTerminal: $this.ifonlyTerminal }, function (res) { if (res.success == true) { $this.treeData =; $this.$refs.treeForm.setCheckedKeys(selections); } else { $this.$message({ message: '初始化失败,网络走丢啦...', type: 'error' }); } }); this.isOpen = true; }, submit() { let selectionNode = this.$refs.treeForm.getCheckedNodes(); let list=[]; for(let i=0;i<selectionNode.length;i++){ let item=selectionNode[i]; list.push({, terminalName:item.label, terminalNum:item.terminalNum, serialNum:item.serialNum, terminalType:item.terminalType }); } console.log(list); this.$parent.setTerminals(list); this.close(); }, close() { this.isOpen = false; } } } </script>
<template> <div> <el-dialog title="添加预约会议" :visible.sync="addModelOpen" class="el-dialog-large dialogClass"> <div class="forms-menu mar-10"> <div class="forms-menu-tit"> <span> <i class="ump-caidan flt-l" style="color:#2681ec;font-size:20px;margin-top:-3px;"></i> 基本信息 </span> </div> <div class="forms-menu-con par-T10"> <el-row> <el-form :model="addForm" :rules="rules" ref="addForm" :inline="true" label-position="right"> <div class="el-colum-xs12 block"> <div class="form-group el-display"> <el-form-item label="主题" prop="title" style="width:1050px;"> <el-input v-model="addForm.title" placeholder="请输入主题"></el-input> </el-form-item> </div> </div> <div class="el-colum-xs12"> <div class="form-group el-display"> <el-form-item label="开始时间" prop="startTime" style="margin-top:20px;width:700px;"> <el-date-picker :picker-options="startTimeValid" @change="newValid" v-model="addForm.startTime" type="datetime" format="yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm" value-format="yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm" placeholder="选择会议开始时间"></el-date-picker> </el-form-item> </div> </div> <div class="el-colum-xs12" style="margin-top:20px;"> <div class="form-group"> <el-form-item label="会议时长" prop="meetTime"> <el-select v-model="addForm.meetTimeHour" placeholder="请选择" style="width:100px;"> <el-option label="0" value="0"></el-option> <el-option label="1" value="1"></el-option> <el-option label="2" value="2"></el-option> <el-option label="3" value="3"></el-option> <el-option label="4" value="4"></el-option> <el-option label="5" value="5"></el-option> <el-option label="6" value="6"></el-option> </el-select> <span style="margin:0px 10px">小时</span> <el-select v-model="addForm.meetTimeMin" placeholder="请选择" style="width:100px;"> <el-option label="0" value="0"></el-option> <el-option label="10" value="10"></el-option> <el-option label="20" value="20"></el-option> <el-option label="30" value="30"></el-option> <el-option label="45" value="45"></el-option> <el-option label="50" value="50"></el-option> </el-select> <span style="margin:0px 10px">分钟</span> </el-form-item> </div> </div> <div class="el-colum-xs12" style="margin-top:20px;"> <div class="form-group"> <el-form-item label="会议详情" prop="meetDetails" style="width:700px;"> <el-input type="textarea" :rows="3" v-model="addForm.meetDetails" placeholder="请输入会议概要信息..."></el-input> </el-form-item> </div> </div> <div class="el-colum-xs12 block" style="margin-top:20px;"> <div class="form-group el-display"> <el-form-item label="参会人员" prop="noselect" style="width:700px;"> <el-input v-model="terminalNum" placeholder="请输入手机号、终端号、终端序列号点击『确定』按钮添加"></el-input> <div class="form-search" style="display: inline"> <el-button @click="addTerminal"><i class="el-icon-document-checked" style="font-size:16px;margin-top:6px;"></i>确 定</el-button> <el-button @click="openContactsModel"><i class="el-icon-plus" style="font-size:16px;margin-top:6px"></i>从通讯录添加/取消</el-button> </div> <el-checkbox-group v-model="ifonlyTerminal"> <el-checkbox label="A">仅终端 <span style="color:#44b5ff">(本次选择结果,将只包含终端,不包含用户)</span></el-checkbox> </el-checkbox-group> </el-form-item> <el-form-item label="已选终端/用户" prop="terminals" style="width:700px;"> <el-input type="textarea" class="textarea" v-model="terminalsInfo" readonly="readonly"></el-input> </el-form-item> </div> </div> <!-- <div class="el-colum-xs12 block" style="margin-top:20px;"> <div class="form-group el-display"> <el-form-item label="参会人员" prop="name" style="width:700px;"> <el-input v-model="terminalNum" placeholder="请输入手机号、终端号、终端序列号点击『确定』按钮添加"></el-input> <div class="form-search" style="display: inline"> <el-button @click="addTerminal"><i class="el-icon-document-checked" style="font-size:16px;margin-top:6px;"></i>确 定</el-button> <el-button @click="openContactsModel"><i class="el-icon-plus" style="font-size:16px;margin-top:6px"></i>从通讯录添加/取消</el-button> </div> <el-checkbox-group v-model="ifonlyTerminal"> <el-checkbox label="A">仅终端 <span style="color:#44b5ff">(本次选择结果,将只包含终端,不包含用户)</span></el-checkbox> </el-checkbox-group> <el-input type="textarea" class="textarea" v-model="terminalsInfo"></el-input> </el-form-item> </div> </div> --> <div class="el-colum-xs12 block" style="margin-top:20px;"> <div class="form-group"> <el-form-item label="会议设置" prop="sex"> <el-checkbox-group v-model="ifAutoRecord"> <el-checkbox label="A"> <span style="color:#44b5ff">会议开始时自动呼叫参会终端</span></el-checkbox><br> </el-checkbox-group> <el-checkbox-group v-model="ifAutoCall"> <el-checkbox label="B"> <span style="color:#44b5ff">自动录制</span></el-checkbox> </el-checkbox-group> </el-form-item> </div> </div> <div class="el-colum-xs12 block" style="margin-top:20px;"> <div class="form-group"> <el-form-item label="选择云会议室" prop="meetRoomId"> <el-form-item label="" style="width:200px;"> <el-select v-model="addForm.meetRoomId" placeholder="请选择会议室"> <el-option v-for=" item in meetRooms" :key="" :label="item.roomName" :value=""></el-option> </el-select> </el-form-item> </el-form-item> </div> </div> <div class="el-colum-xs12 block" style="margin-top:20px;"> <div class="form-group"> <el-col class="form-search colum-center"> <el-button @click="submit" :disabled="isDisabled"> <i class="ump-save" style="font-size:15px;"></i>保存 </el-button> <el-button @click="close"> <i class="ump-quxiao3" style="font-size:16px;"></i>关 闭 </el-button> <br /><br /> </el-col> </div> </div> </el-form> </el-row> </div> </div> </el-dialog> <contacts ref="contactsModel"></contacts> </div> </template> <style> .dialogClass .el-dialog { height: 690px; top: 50%; margin-top: -369px !important; } .dialogClass .el-dialog .el-dialog__body { height: 670px; } </style> <script> import dateUtil from '@/common/util.js' import contacts from "@/components/meet/reminder/contacts"; export default { components: { contacts }, data() { let $this = this; let meetTimeTimeValid = function (rule, value, callback) { if (($this.addForm.meetTimeHour + $this.addForm.meetTimeMin) == 0) { callback(new Error('请选择会议时长')); } callback(); } let terminalsValid = function (rule, value, callback) { if ($this.addForm.terminals.length == 0) { callback(new Error('请选择参会终端/用户')); } callback(); } return { addModelOpen: false, terminalNum: "", ifonlyTerminal: false, terminalsInfo: "", ifAutoRecord: false, ifAutoCall: false, isDisabled: false, meetRooms: [], addForm: { title: "", meetRoomId: "", startTime: "", roomNum: "", meetTimeHour: "0", meetTimeMin: "20", endTime: "", meetDetails: "", ifAutoRecord: "", ifAutoCall: "", meetPassWord: "", controlPassWord: "", terminals: [] }, rules: { title: [{ required: true, message: '请输入会议主题', trigger: 'blur' }], meetRoomId: [{ required: true, message: '请选择云会议室', trigger: 'blur' }], startTime: [{ required: true, message: '请选择开始时间', trigger: 'blur' }], meetDetails: [{ required: true, message: '请输入会议详情', trigger: 'blur' }], meetTime: [{ validator: meetTimeTimeValid, trigger: 'change' }], terminals: [{ validator: terminalsValid, trigger: 'change' }] }, startTimeValid: { disabledDate: (time) => { return time.getTime() <=; } } } }, mounted() { console.log("欢迎使用应急平台-预约会议..."); }, methods: { open() { let $this = this; $this.$httpclient.get("/reminder/getMeetRooms", {}, function (res) { if (res.success == true) { $this.meetRooms =; } else { $this.$message({ message: '云会议室没找到,网络走丢啦...', type: 'warning' }); } }); this.addModelOpen = true; }, close() { this.addModelOpen = false; }, newValid(){ this.$refs["addForm"].validateField('startTime'); }, submit() { let $this = this; $this.btnStatus = true; $this.$refs.addForm.validate((valid) => { if (valid && $this.btnStatus) { $this.addForm.ifAutoRecord = $this.ifAutoRecord ? 1 : 0; $this.addForm.ifAutoCall = $this.ifAutoCall ? 1 : 0; for (let i = 0; i < $this.meetRooms.length; i++) { let item = $this.meetRooms[i]; if ( == $this.addForm.meetRoomId) { $this.addForm.roomNum = item.roomNum; } } $this.$"/reminder", $this.addForm, function (res) { $this.btnStatus = false; if (res.success == true) { $this.$; $this.close(); } else { $this.$message({ message: '[网络忙],' + res.errorMsg, type: 'error' }); } }); } else { $this.btnStatus = false; return false; } }); }, openContactsModel() { let list = []; for (let i = 0; i < this.addForm.terminals.length; i++) { let item = this.addForm.terminals[i]; list.push(; } this.$, this.ifonlyTerminal ? 1 : 0); }, /** * 这个函数 组件端会用到,如果想修改函数名称 * 则将调用组件中 *this.$parent.setTerminals(list);*这行代码修改即可完成替换. * 也可以有其他方式,例如父容器给子容器传递函数等等.. * 本人还是喜欢使用这样的方式,毕竟能少些俩行代码,哈哈~~ */ setTerminals(terminals) { this.addForm.terminals = terminals; let terminalsInfo = ""; for (let i = 0; i < terminals.length; i++) { let terminal = terminals[i]; terminalsInfo += "『[" + terminal.terminalName + "]-[" + terminal.terminalNum + "]』"; } this.terminalsInfo = terminalsInfo; }, addTerminal() { let $this = this; let terminals = $this.addForm.terminals; let flag = true; for (let i = 0; i < terminals.length; i++) { let item = terminals[i]; if (item.terminalNum == $this.terminalNum || item.serialNum == $this.terminalNum) { flag = false; $this.terminalNum = ""; $this.$message({ message: '当前终端已选择,不用再次添加..', type: 'warning' }); break; } } if (flag) { $this.$httpclient.get('/terminal/getTerminal', { terminalNum: $this.terminalNum }, function (res) { if (res.success == true) { let terminal =; terminals.push(terminal); $this.terminalsInfo += "『[" + terminal.terminalName + "]-[" + terminal.terminalNum + "]』"; $this.terminalNum = ""; } else { $this.$message({ message: '当前终端未找到,请认真查看你是否输入正确..', type: 'warning' }); } }); } } } } </script>
{ "success": true, "errorCode": null, "errorMsg": null, "data": [{ "label": "\u6E56\u5317\u7701\u8003\u8BD5\u9662", "id": "17", "parentId": "17", "nodeType": 0, "icon": null, "kids": [{ "label": "\u9662\u529E\u516C\u5BA4", "id": "23", "parentId": "17", "nodeType": 0, "icon": null, "kids": [{ "label": "\u9662\u529E\u516C\u5BA4\u4E00\u5904", "id": "24", "parentId": "23", "nodeType": 0, "icon": null, "kids": null }, { "label": "\u9662\u529E\u516C\u5BA4\u4E8C\u5904", "id": "25", "parentId": "23", "nodeType": 0, "icon": null, "kids": null }] }] }, { "label": "\u6E56\u5317\u77012020\u5E74\u9AD8\u8003\u5E94\u6025\u673A\u6784", "id": "18", "parentId": "18", "nodeType": 0, "icon": null, "kids": [{ "label": "\u4E2D\u5FC3\u94F6\u884C", "id": "A06E0C6FFB29198EE053437CA8C07A48", "parentId": "18", "nodeType": 1, "icon": "el-icon-monitor", "kids": null, "terminalType": 0, "terminalNum": "769025", "serialNum": "7D1846124E640764" }, { "label": "\u6B66\u6C49\u5E02\u4E00\u4E2D\u8003\u70B9\u5E94\u6025\u529E", "id": "20", "parentId": "18", "nodeType": 0, "icon": null, "kids": [{ "label": "\u6B66\u6C49\u4E00\u4E2D\u5E94\u6025\u6307\u6325\u4E2D\u5FC3", "id": "22", "parentId": "20", "nodeType": 0, "icon": null, "kids": null }] }, { "label": "\u6B66\u6C49\u4E8C\u4E2D\u8003\u70B9\u5E94\u6025\u529E", "id": "21", "parentId": "18", "nodeType": 0, "icon": null, "kids": null }] }, { "label": "2020\u5E74\u7814\u7A76\u751F\u8003\u8BD5\u5E94\u6025\u673A\u6784", "id": "19", "parentId": "19", "nodeType": 0, "icon": null, "kids": [{ "label": "\u738B\u7269\u6D41", "id": "A0BA62D5108D1565E053437CA8C0C74B", "parentId": "19", "nodeType": 1, "icon": "el-icon-user", "kids": null, "terminalType": 1, "terminalNum": "15010330199", "serialNum": "15010330199" }, { "label": "\u6B66\u6C49\u8003\u533A", "id": "27", "parentId": "19", "nodeType": 0, "icon": null, "kids": [{ "label": "\u6B66\u6C49\u4E00\u533A\u5E94\u6025\u529E", "id": "28", "parentId": "27", "nodeType": 0, "icon": null, "kids": null }, { "label": "\u6B66\u6C49\u4E8C\u533A\u5E94\u6025\u529E", "id": "41", "parentId": "27", "nodeType": 0, "icon": null, "kids": null }] }] }, { "label": "\u6E56\u5317\u77012019\u5E74\u9AD8\u8003\u5E94\u6025", "id": "26", "parentId": "26", "nodeType": 0, "icon": null, "kids": null }] }
package; import com.github.pagehelper.PageHelper; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.stereotype.Service; import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; /** * 预约会议业务类 * 作者: 吴 波 * 时间: 2020-03-09 17:28 * 笔名: 那年秋天的茄子^^ */ @Slf4j @Service @Transactional public class MeetReminderService { @Autowired private MeetReminderMapper meetReminderMapper; @Autowired private TerminalMapper terminalMapper; @Autowired private ReminderTerminalLinkMapper reminderTerminalLinkmapper; /** * 获取通讯终端树 * 作者: 吴 波 * 时间: 2020-03-14 10:32 * 笔名: 那年秋天的茄子^^ */ public ResBean getContacts(Integer ifonlyTerminal) { List<TreeBean> root = this.meetReminderMapper.getRootContacts(); getKidContacts(root, ifonlyTerminal); return ResBean.success(root); } /** * 获取终端通讯录子节点 * 作者: 吴 波 * 时间: 2020-03-14 11:07 * 笔名: 那年秋天的茄子^^ */ private void getKidContacts(List<TreeBean> root, Integer ifonlyTerminal) {"\n{}", root); for (TreeBean treeBean : root) { List<TreeBean> kidsContacts = new ArrayList<>(); /*终端*/ List<TerminalTreeBean> terminalContacts = this.terminalMapper.getTerminalKidsForTree(treeBean.getId(), ifonlyTerminal); if (terminalContacts != null && terminalContacts.size() != 0) { kidsContacts.addAll(terminalContacts); } /*部门*/ List<TreeBean> orgKidsContacts = this.meetReminderMapper.getKidsContacts(treeBean.getId()); if (orgKidsContacts != null && orgKidsContacts.size() != 0) { kidsContacts.addAll(orgKidsContacts); } if (kidsContacts.size() != 0) { treeBean.setKids(kidsContacts); } getKidContacts(kidsContacts, ifonlyTerminal); } } /** * 获取已选中的终端 * 作者: 吴 波 * 时间: 2020-03-14 21:36 * 笔名: 那年秋天的茄子^^ */ public ResBean getTerminals(CMap param) { List<CMap> list=this.reminderTerminalLinkmapper.getTerminals(param);"\n[获取到预约会议呼叫的终端设备]\n{}",list); return ResBean.success(list); } }
<!-- 获取通讯录 --> <select id="getRootContacts" resultType=""> select ID||'' AS "id", YJJGMC AS "label", FBMID||'' as "parentId", 0 as "nodeType" -- 为了前端判断是否能选中用的 FROM YJ_ZB_ZBJG WHERE 1=1 AND ID=FBMID </select> <!-- 获取通讯录子节点 --> <select id="getKidsContacts" resultType=""> select ID||'' AS "id", YJJGMC AS "label", FBMID||'' as "parentId", 0 as "nodeType" FROM YJ_ZB_ZBJG WHERE 1=1 AND ID||'' != #{parentId} AND FBMID||'' = #{parentId} </select> <!-- 获取终端通讯录TREE --> <select id="getTerminalKidsForTree" resultType=""> SELECT ID as "id", TERMINAL_NAME as "label", TERMINAL_TYPE, TERMINAL_NUM, SERIAL_NUM, ORG_ID||'' as "parentId", 1 as "nodeType", case TERMINAL_TYPE -- 为前端设定图标使用(为了方便直接写数据库,介意前端判断) when 0 then 'el-icon-monitor' else 'el-icon-user' end as "icon" FROM YJ_TERMINAL where 1=1 and ORG_ID||'' =#{parentId} <if test="ifonlyTerminal==1"> and TERMINAL_TYPE = 0 </if> </select>
本文是 Flutter 部件内部状态管理的小结,从部件的基础开始,到部件的状态管理,并且在过程中实现一个类似 Vue 的 v-model 的功能,感兴趣的朋友跟随小编一起看看吧2019-06-06el-table表格动态合并相同数据单元格(可指定列+自定义合并)
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这篇文章主要介绍了Vue CLI3中使用compass normalize的方法,小编觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,也给大家做个参考。一起跟随小编过来看看吧2019-05-05