@FeignClient(name="UserFeignService",url="${auth.url}", fallbackFactory = OrgFeignServiceFallback.class, configuration = FeignErrorDecoderConfiguration.class) public interface OrgFeignService { /** * * @param org * @return */ @PostMapping(value="Tenant/AddTenantOrg", consumes="application/json; charset=UTF-8") APIResultTO<TenantOrg> addOrg(OrgDto org, @RequestHeader("token")String token); }
@Getter @Setter @NoArgsConstructor public class TenantOrg { /** */ @JsonProperty("Id") private String Id; /** * 父级Id */ @JsonProperty("PId") private String PId; /** * 租户代码 */ @JsonProperty("Tenant") private String tenant; /** * 组织架构名字 */ @JsonProperty("Name") private String name; }
public Object deserializeFromObject(JsonParser p, DeserializationContext ctxt) throws IOException { /* 09-Dec-2014, tatu: As per [databind#622], we need to allow Object Id references * to come in as JSON Objects as well; but for now assume they will * be simple, single-property references, which means that we can * recognize them without having to buffer anything. * Once again, if we must, we can do more complex handling with buffering, * but let's only do that if and when that becomes necessary. */ if ((_objectIdReader != null) && _objectIdReader.maySerializeAsObject()) { if (p.hasTokenId(JsonTokenId.ID_FIELD_NAME) && _objectIdReader.isValidReferencePropertyName(p.getCurrentName(), p)) { return deserializeFromObjectId(p, ctxt); } } if (_nonStandardCreation) { if (_unwrappedPropertyHandler != null) { return deserializeWithUnwrapped(p, ctxt); } if (_externalTypeIdHandler != null) { return deserializeWithExternalTypeId(p, ctxt); } Object bean = deserializeFromObjectUsingNonDefault(p, ctxt); if (_injectables != null) { injectValues(ctxt, bean); } /* 27-May-2014, tatu: I don't think view processing would work * at this point, so commenting it out; but leaving in place * just in case I forgot something fundamental... */ /* if (_needViewProcesing) { Class<?> view = ctxt.getActiveView(); if (view != null) { return deserializeWithView(p, ctxt, bean, view); } } */ return bean; } final Object bean = _valueInstantiator.createUsingDefault(ctxt); // [databind#631]: Assign current value, to be accessible by custom deserializers p.setCurrentValue(bean); if (p.canReadObjectId()) { Object id = p.getObjectId(); if (id != null) { _handleTypedObjectId(p, ctxt, bean, id); } } if (_injectables != null) { injectValues(ctxt, bean); } if (_needViewProcesing) { Class<?> view = ctxt.getActiveView(); if (view != null) { return deserializeWithView(p, ctxt, bean, view); } } if (p.hasTokenId(JsonTokenId.ID_FIELD_NAME)) { String propName = p.getCurrentName(); do { p.nextToken(); //如果要跟踪测试的话,直接定位到该位置就可以,你就会发现如果没有 //JSONProperty之类的注解定义属性名字的话,Id、PId属性在_beanProperties都成了小写的属性 SettableBeanProperty prop = _beanProperties.find(propName); if (prop != null) { // normal case try { prop.deserializeAndSet(p, ctxt, bean); } catch (Exception e) { wrapAndThrow(e, bean, propName, ctxt); } continue; } handleUnknownVanilla(p, ctxt, bean, propName); } while ((propName = p.nextFieldName()) != null); } return bean; }
protected void _removeUnwantedProperties(Map<String, POJOPropertyBuilder> props) { Iterator<POJOPropertyBuilder> it = props.values().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { POJOPropertyBuilder prop = it.next(); // 去除private属性,PId属性会在这里移除 if (!prop.anyVisible()) { it.remove(); continue; } // Otherwise, check ignorals if (prop.anyIgnorals()) { // first: if one or more ignorals, and no explicit markers, remove the whole thing if (!prop.isExplicitlyIncluded()) { it.remove(); _collectIgnorals(prop.getName()); continue; } // otherwise just remove ones marked to be ignored prop.removeIgnored(); if (!prop.couldDeserialize()) { _collectIgnorals(prop.getName()); } } } }
protected void _renameProperties(Map<String, POJOPropertyBuilder> props) { // With renaming need to do in phases: first, find properties to rename Iterator<Map.Entry<String,POJOPropertyBuilder>> it = props.entrySet().iterator(); LinkedList<POJOPropertyBuilder> renamed = null; while (it.hasNext()) { Map.Entry<String, POJOPropertyBuilder> entry = it.next(); POJOPropertyBuilder prop = entry.getValue(); //被@JsonProperty注解的属性会找到对应的属性名 Collection<PropertyName> l = prop.findExplicitNames(); // no explicit names? Implicit one is fine as is if (l.isEmpty()) { continue; } it.remove(); // need to replace with one or more renamed if (renamed == null) { renamed = new LinkedList<POJOPropertyBuilder>(); } // simple renaming? Just do it //在这里使用@JsonProperty注解里面定义的属性名,比如PId、Id等 //所以使用了@JsonProperty注解后,我们就无需关注类里面属性的大小写,设置不用关注属性名 if (l.size() == 1) { PropertyName n = l.iterator().next(); renamed.add(prop.withName(n)); continue; } // but this may be problematic... renamed.addAll(prop.explode(l)); /* String newName = prop.findNewName(); if (newName != null) { if (renamed == null) { renamed = new LinkedList<POJOPropertyBuilder>(); } prop = prop.withSimpleName(newName); renamed.add(prop); it.remove(); } */ } // and if any were renamed, merge back in... if (renamed != null) { for (POJOPropertyBuilder prop : renamed) { String name = prop.getName(); POJOPropertyBuilder old = props.get(name); if (old == null) { props.put(name, prop); } else { old.addAll(prop); } // replace the creatorProperty too, if there is one _updateCreatorProperty(prop, _creatorProperties); // [databind#2001]: New name of property was ignored previously? Remove from ignored // 01-May-2018, tatu: I have a feeling this will need to be revisited at some point, // to avoid removing some types of removals, possibly. But will do for now. if (_ignoredPropertyNames != null) { _ignoredPropertyNames.remove(name); } } } }
springcloud feign请求:数据返回null
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