更新时间:2021年09月01日 17:02:25 作者:~疆
<template> <div id="map" style="width: 100vw; height: 100vh"></div> </template> <script> import "ol/ol.css"; import TileLayer from "ol/layer/Tile"; import VectorLayer from "ol/layer/Vector"; import VectorSource from "ol/source/Vector"; import XYZ from "ol/source/XYZ"; import { Map, View, Feature, ol } from "ol"; import { Style, Stroke, Fill } from "ol/style"; import { Polygon, MultiPolygon } from "ol/geom"; import areaGeo from "@/assets/chengdu.json"; export default { data() { return { map: {}, areaLayer: {}, }; }, mounted() { this.initMap(); //初始化地图方法 this.addArea(areaGeo); //添加区域图层方法 this.pointMove(); this.getFeatureByClick(); }, methods: { pointMove() { // 设置鼠标划过矢量要素的样式 this.map.on("pointermove", (e) => { const isHover = this.map.hasFeatureAtPixel(e.pixel); this.map.getTargetElement().style.cursor = isHover ? "pointer" : ""; }); }, getFeatureByClick() { this.map.on("click", (e) => { let features = this.map.getFeaturesAtPixel(e.pixel); this.map.getView().fit(features[0].getGeometry(), { duration: 1500, padding: [100, 100, 100, 100], }); }); }, /** * 设置区域 */ addArea(geo = {}) { if (Object.keys(geo).length == 0 && geo.features.length == 0) return; // 设置图层 this.areaLayer = new VectorLayer({ source: new VectorSource({ features: [], }), }); // 添加图层 this.map.addLayer(this.areaLayer); let features = geo.features; for (let i in features) { let areaFeature = {}; if (features[i].geometry.type == "MultiPolygon") { areaFeature = new Feature({ geometry: new MultiPolygon(features[i].geometry.coordinates), }); } else if (features[i].geometry.type == "Polygon") { areaFeature = new Feature({ geometry: new Polygon(features[i].geometry.coordinates), }); } areaFeature.setStyle( new Style({ fill: new Fill({ color: "#4e98f444" }), stroke: new Stroke({ width: 3, color: [71, 137, 227, 1], }), }) ); areaFeature.setProperties(features[i].properties); this.areaLayer.getSource().addFeature(areaFeature); } }, /** * 初始化地图 */ initMap() { this.map = new Map({ target: "map", layers: [ new TileLayer({ source: new XYZ({ url: "http://map.geoq.cn/ArcGIS/rest/services/ChinaOnlineStreetPurplishBlue/MapServer/tile/{z}/{y}/{x}", }), }), ], view: new View({ projection: "EPSG:4326", center: [103, 31], zoom: 7, }), }); }, }, }; </script>
到此这篇关于Vue+Openlayer动态加载geojson的文章就介绍到这了,更多相关Vue Openlayer加载geojson内容请搜索脚本之家以前的文章或继续浏览下面的相关文章希望大家以后多多支持脚本之家!
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