spring data jpa @Query注解中delete语句报错的解决
spring data jpa @Query注解中delete语句报错
@Query("delete from EngineerServices es where es.engineerId = ?1") int deleteByEgId(String engineerId);
org.hibernate.hql.QueryExecutionRequestException: Not supported for DML operations
@Modifying @Query("delete from EngineerServices es where es.engineerId = ?1") int deleteByEgId(String engineerId);
nested exception is javax.persistence.TransactionRequiredException: Executing an update/delete query
@Modifying @Transactional @Query("delete from EngineerServices es where es.engineerId = ?1") int deleteByEgId(String engineerId);
package com.easy.kotlin.chapter11_kotlin_springboot.dao import com.easy.kotlin.chapter11_kotlin_springboot.entity.Image import org.springframework.data.domain.Page import org.springframework.data.domain.Pageable import org.springframework.data.jpa.repository.Modifying import org.springframework.data.jpa.repository.Query import org.springframework.data.repository.PagingAndSortingRepository import org.springframework.data.repository.query.Param import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional /** Created by jack on 2017/7/17. @Query注解里面的value和nativeQuery=true,意思是使用原生的sql查询语句. sql模糊查询like语法,我们在写sql的时候是这样写的 like '%?%' 但是在@Query的value字符串中, 这样写 like %?1% 另外,要注意的是: 对于执行update和delete语句需要添加@Modifying注解 */ interface ImageRepository : PagingAndSortingRepository<Image, Long> { @Query("SELECT a from #{#entityName} a where a.isDeleted=0 and a.category like %?1%") fun findByCategory(category: String): MutableList<Image> @Query("select count(*) from #{#entityName} a where a.isDeleted=0 and a.url = ?1") fun countByUrl(url: String): Int @Query("SELECT a from #{#entityName} a where a.isDeleted=0 and a.category like %:searchText%") fun search(@Param("searchText") searchText: String, pageable: Pageable): Page<Image> @Query("SELECT a from #{#entityName} a where a.isDeleted=0 and a.isFavorite=1") fun findAllFavorite(pageable: Pageable): Page<Image> @Query("SELECT a from #{#entityName} a where a.isDeleted=0 and a.isFavorite=1 and a.category like %:searchText%") fun searchFavorite(@Param("searchText") searchText: String, pageable: Pageable): Page<Image> @Modifying @Transactional @Query("update #{#entityName} a set a.isFavorite=1 where a.id=?1") fun addFavorite(id: Long) @Modifying @Transactional @Query("delete from #{#entityName} a where a.id=?1") fun delete(id: Long) }
1. 一个使用@Query注解的简单例子
@Query(value = "select name,author,price from Book b where b.price>?1 and b.price<?2") List<Book> findByPriceRange(long price1, long price2);
2. Like表达式
@Query(value = "select name,author,price from Book b where b.name like %:name%") List<Book> findByNameMatch(@Param("name") String name);
3. 使用Native SQL Query
@Query(value = "select * from book b where b.name=?1", nativeQuery = true) List<Book> findByName(String name);
4. 使用@Param注解注入参数
@Query(value = "select name,author,price from Book b where b.name = :name AND b.author=:author AND b.price=:price") List<Book> findByNamedParam(@Param("name") String name, @Param("author") String author, @Param("price") long price);
5. SPEL表达式(使用时请参考最后的补充说明)
public interface BookQueryRepositoryExample extends Repository<Book, Long>{ @Query(value = "select * from #{#entityName} b where b.name=?1", nativeQuery = true) List<Book> findByName(String name); }
6. 一个较完整的例子
public interface BookQueryRepositoryExample extends Repository<Book, Long> { @Query(value = "select * from Book b where b.name=?1", nativeQuery = true) List<Book> findByName(String name);// 此方法sql将会报错(java.lang.IllegalArgumentException),看出原因了吗,若没看出来,请看下一个例子 @Query(value = "select name,author,price from Book b where b.price>?1 and b.price<?2") List<Book> findByPriceRange(long price1, long price2); @Query(value = "select name,author,price from Book b where b.name like %:name%") List<Book> findByNameMatch(@Param("name") String name); @Query(value = "select name,author,price from Book b where b.name = :name AND b.author=:author AND b.price=:price") List<Book> findByNamedParam(@Param("name") String name, @Param("author") String author, @Param("price") long price); }
7. S模糊查询注意问题
@Repository public interface SaleschargeRespolity extends JpaRepository<Salescharge,Integer> { @Query(value = "select p from Salescharge p where ordertime>:startTime and ordertime<:endTime and staffid like :staffidlike and length(staffid)=(length(:staffid)+2)") List<Salescharge> finAllSubChargeInfo(@Param("startTime") Date startTime, @Param("endTime") Date endTime,@Param("staffid") String staffid, @Param("staffidlike") String staffidlike); }
8. 解释例6中错误的原因
因为指定了nativeQuery = true,即使用原生的sql语句查询。使用java对象'Book'作为表名来查自然是不对的。只需将Book替换为表名book。
@Query(value = "select * from book b where b.name=?1", nativeQuery = true) List<Book> findByName(String name);