C++ OpenCV读写XML或YAML文件的方法详解
所谓XML,即eXtensible Markup Language,翻译成中文为“可扩展标识语言”。首先,XML是一种元标记语言。所谓元标记,就是开发者可以根据自身需要定义自己的标记,比如可以定义标记<book>、<name>。任何满足XML命名规则的名称都可以标记,这就向不同的应用程序打开了的大门。此外,XML是一种语义、结构化语言,它描述了文档的结构与语义。
YAML是YAML Ain’t a Markup Language(YAML不是一种置标语言)的缩写。YAML是一个可读性高,用来表达资料序列的格式。它参考了其他多种语言,包括:XML、C语言、Python、Perl以及电子邮件格式RFC2822。
C++:FileStorage::FileStorage() C++:FileStorage::FileStorage(const string& source, int flags, const string& encoding=string())
FileStorage fs("abc.xml", FileStorage::WRITE);
FileStorage fs; fs.open("abc.xml",FileStorage::WRITE);
FileStorage fs(“abc.xml”, FileStorage::READ);
FileStorage fs; fs.open(“abc.xml”, FileStorage::READ);
1.2 第二步:进行文件读写操作
int itNr; fs["iterationNr"]>>itNr; itNr = (int) fs["iterationNr"];
// 数据结构的初始化 Mat R = Mat_<uchar>::eye(3,3); Mat T = Mat_<double>::zeros(3, 1); // 向Mat中写入数据 fs << "R" << R; fs << "T" << T; // 从Mat中读取数据 fs["R"] >> R; fs["T"] >> T;
1.3 第三步:vector(array)和map的输入和输出
fs << "strings"<<"["; //开始读入string文本序列 fs << "image1.jpg" << "Awesomeness" << "baboon.jpg"; fs << "]"; //关闭序列
fs << "Mapping";//开始读入Mapping文本 fs << "{" << "One" << 1; fs << "Two" << 2 << "}";
```cpp FileNode n = fs["strings"];//读取字符串序列以得到节点 if (n.type()!=FileNode::SEQ) { cerr << "发生错误!字符串不是一个序列" << endl; return 1; } FileNodeIterator it = n.begin(),it_end = n.end(); //遍历节点 for(;it!=it_end;it++) cout << (string)*it << endl;
1.4 第四步:文件关闭
2.1 写文件
#include<opencv2/opencv.hpp> #include<time.h> using namespace cv; int main() { //初始化 FileStorage fs("test.yaml", FileStorage::WRITE); //开始文件写入 fs << "frameCount" << 5; time_t rawtime; time(&rawtime); fs << "calibrationDate" << asctime(localtime(&rawtime));//读取时间量 Mat cameraMatrix = (Mat_<double>(3, 3) << 1000, 0, 320, 0, 1000, 240, 0, 0, 1); Mat distCoeffs = (Mat_<double>(5, 1) << 0.1, 0.01, -0.001, 0, 0);//畸变参数 fs << "cameraMatrix" << cameraMatrix << "distCoeffs" << distCoeffs;//读取Mat型cameraMatrix,distcoeffs的内容 fs << "feature" << "["; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { int x = rand() % 640; int y = rand() % 480; uchar ibp = rand() % 256; fs << "{:" << "x" << x << "y" << y << "ibp" << "[:"; for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) fs << ((ibp >> j) & 1); fs << "]" << "}"; } fs << "]"; fs.release(); printf("完毕,请在工程目录下查看文件-"); getchar(); return 0; }
上面的示例将一个整数、一个文本字符串(标定日期)、2 个矩阵和一个自定义结构“feature”存储到 YML,其中包括特征坐标和 LBP(局部二进制模式)值。这是样本的输出:
frameCount: 5
calibrationDate: "Fri Jun 17 14:09:29 2011\n"
cameraMatrix: !!opencv-matrix
rows: 3
cols: 3
dt: d
data: [ 1000., 0., 320., 0., 1000., 240., 0., 0., 1. ]
distCoeffs: !!opencv-matrix
rows: 5
cols: 1
dt: d
data: [ 1.0000000000000001e-01, 1.0000000000000000e-02,
-1.0000000000000000e-03, 0., 0. ]
- { x:167, y:49, lbp:[ 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1 ] }
- { x:298, y:130, lbp:[ 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1 ] }
- { x:344, y:158, lbp:[ 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0 ] }
作为练习,您可以将上面示例中的“.yml”替换为“.xml”或“.json”,然后查看相应的 XML 文件的外观。
- 生成的 YAML(和 XML/JSON)由可以嵌套的异构集合组成。有两种类型的集合:命名集合(映射)和未命名集合(序列)。在映射中,每个元素都有一个名称并通过名称访问。这类似于 C/C++ 中的std::map结构以及 Python 中的字典。在序列中元素没有名称,它们通过索引访问。这类似于 C/C++ 中的std::vector数组以及 Python 中的列表、元组。“异构”意味着每个单一集合的元素可以有不同的类型。
- YAML/XML/JSON 中的顶级集合是一个映射。每个矩阵存储为一个映射,矩阵元素存储为一个序列。然后,有一个特征序列,其中每个特征都表示一个映射,以及嵌套序列中的 lbp 值。
- 当您写入映射(结构)时,您写入元素名称后跟其值。当您写入一个序列时,您只需一个一个地写入元素。OpenCV 数据结构(例如cv::Mat)的编写方式与简单的 C 数据结构完全相同 - 使用<<运算符。
- 要编写映射,首先写入特殊字符串{,然后将元素作为对 ( fs << <element_name> << <element_value>) 写入,然后写入结束符}。
- 要编写一个序列,首先要编写特殊的字符串[,然后编写元素,然后编写结束]。
- 在 YAML/JSON(但不是 XML)中,映射和序列可以以类似 Python 的紧凑内联形式编写。在上面的示例中,矩阵元素以及每个特征,包括它的 lbp 值,都以这种内联形式存储。要以紧凑的形式存储映射/序列,请放在:开始字符之后,例如使用{:代替{和[:代替[。当数据写入 XML 时,那些额外:的将被忽略。
2.2 读文件
#include<opencv2/opencv.hpp> #include<time.h> using namespace cv; using namespace std; int main() { //改变consolo字体颜色 system("color 6F"); //初始化 FileStorage fs2("test.yaml", FileStorage::READ); //开始文件读取 //法一,对FileNode操作 int frameCount2 = (int)fs2["framecount2"]; std::string date;//定义字符串 date //法二,使用FileNode运算符>> fs2["calibrationDate"] >> date; Mat cameraMatrix2, distCoeffs2; fs2["cameraMatrix"] >> cameraMatrix2; fs2["distCoeffs"] >> distCoeffs2;//读取 cout << "frameCount2:" << frameCount2 << endl << "calibration date:" << date << endl << "camera matrix:" << cameraMatrix2 << endl << "distortion coeffs:" << distCoeffs2 << endl; FileNode feature = fs2["feature"]; FileNodeIterator it = feature.begin(), it_end = feature.end();//定义it int idx = 0; std::vector<uchar>ibpval;//定义向量容器ibpal //使用FileNodeIterator历遍序列(读取) for (; it != it_end; it++, idx++) { cout << "feature#" << idx << ":"; cout << "x=" << (int)(*it)["x"] << ",y=" << (int)(*it)["y"] << ",ibp:("; //也可以使用filenod>>std::vector操作符很容易读取数值阵列 (*it)["ibp"] >> ibpval; for (int i = 0; i < (int)ibpval.size(); i++) cout << "" << (int)ibpval[i]; cout << ")" << endl; } fs2.release(); printf("读取完毕,请按任意键结束-"); getchar(); return 0; }
2.3 完整的示例代码
/* * filestorage_sample demonstrate the usage of the opencv serialization functionality */ #include "opencv2/core.hpp" #include <iostream> #include <string> using std::string; using std::cout; using std::endl; using std::cerr; using std::ostream; using namespace cv; static void help(char** av) { cout << "\nfilestorage_sample demonstrate the usage of the opencv serialization functionality.\n" << "usage:\n" << av[0] << " outputfile.yml.gz\n" << "\n outputfile above can have many different extensions, see below." << "\nThis program demonstrates the use of FileStorage for serialization, that is in use << and >> in OpenCV\n" << "For example, how to create a class and have it serialize, but also how to use it to read and write matrices.\n" << "FileStorage allows you to serialize to various formats specified by the file end type." << "\nYou should try using different file extensions.(e.g. yaml yml xml xml.gz yaml.gz etc...)\n" << endl; } struct MyData { MyData() : A(0), X(0), id() { } explicit MyData(int) : A(97), X(CV_PI), id("mydata1234") { } int A; double X; string id; void write(FileStorage& fs) const //Write serialization for this class { fs << "{" << "A" << A << "X" << X << "id" << id << "}"; } void read(const FileNode& node) //Read serialization for this class { A = (int)node["A"]; X = (double)node["X"]; id = (string)node["id"]; } }; //These write and read functions must exist as per the inline functions in operations.hpp static void write(FileStorage& fs, const std::string&, const MyData& x){ x.write(fs); } static void read(const FileNode& node, MyData& x, const MyData& default_value = MyData()){ if(node.empty()) x = default_value; else x.read(node); } static ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, const MyData& m){ out << "{ id = " << m.id << ", "; out << "X = " << m.X << ", "; out << "A = " << m.A << "}"; return out; } int main(int ac, char** av) { cv::CommandLineParser parser(ac, av, "{@input||}{help h ||}" ); if (parser.has("help")) { help(av); return 0; } string filename = parser.get<string>("@input"); if (filename.empty()) { help(av); return 1; } //write { FileStorage fs(filename, FileStorage::WRITE); cout << "writing images\n"; fs << "images" << "["; fs << "image1.jpg" << "myfi.png" << "baboon.jpg"; cout << "image1.jpg" << " myfi.png" << " baboon.jpg" << endl; fs << "]"; cout << "writing mats\n"; Mat R =Mat_<double>::eye(3, 3),T = Mat_<double>::zeros(3, 1); cout << "R = " << R << "\n"; cout << "T = " << T << "\n"; fs << "R" << R; fs << "T" << T; cout << "writing MyData struct\n"; MyData m(1); fs << "mdata" << m; cout << m << endl; } //read { FileStorage fs(filename, FileStorage::READ); if (!fs.isOpened()) { cerr << "failed to open " << filename << endl; help(av); return 1; } FileNode n = fs["images"]; if (n.type() != FileNode::SEQ) { cerr << "images is not a sequence! FAIL" << endl; return 1; } cout << "reading images\n"; FileNodeIterator it = n.begin(), it_end = n.end(); for (; it != it_end; ++it) { cout << (string)*it << "\n"; } Mat R, T; cout << "reading R and T" << endl; fs["R"] >> R; fs["T"] >> T; cout << "R = " << R << "\n"; cout << "T = " << T << endl; MyData m; fs["mdata"] >> m; cout << "read mdata\n"; cout << m << endl; cout << "attempting to read mdata_b\n"; //Show default behavior for empty matrix fs["mdata_b"] >> m; cout << "read mdata_b\n"; cout << m << endl; } cout << "Try opening " << filename << " to see the serialized data." << endl << endl; //read from string { cout << "Read data from string\n"; string dataString = "%YAML:1.0\n" "mdata:\n" " A: 97\n" " X: 3.1415926535897931e+00\n" " id: mydata1234\n"; MyData m; FileStorage fs(dataString, FileStorage::READ | FileStorage::MEMORY); cout << "attempting to read mdata_b from string\n"; //Show default behavior for empty matrix fs["mdata"] >> m; cout << "read mdata\n"; cout << m << endl; } //write to string { cout << "Write data to string\n"; FileStorage fs(filename, FileStorage::WRITE | FileStorage::MEMORY | FileStorage::FORMAT_YAML); cout << "writing MyData struct\n"; MyData m(1); fs << "mdata" << m; cout << m << endl; string createdString = fs.releaseAndGetString(); cout << "Created string:\n" << createdString << "\n"; } return 0; }
到此这篇关于C++ OpenCV读写XML或YAML文件的方法详解的文章就介绍到这了,更多相关C++读写XML YAML文件内容请搜索脚本之家以前的文章或继续浏览下面的相关文章希望大家以后多多支持脚本之家!