更新时间:2010年09月15日 11:10:02 作者:
控件名 前缀
Lable lbl
TextBox txt
Button btn
LinkButton lnkbtn
ImageButton imgbtn
ListBox lst
DropDownList ddl
DataGrid dg
DataList dl
CheckBox chk
RadioButton rdo
RadioButtonList rdolst
Image img
Panel pnl
Calender cal
AdRotator ar
MenuStrip ms
ToolStripMenuItem tsmi
PictureBox pic
StatusStrip ss
DataGridView dgv
Table tbl
RequiredFieldValidator rfv
Comparidator cv
Rangidator rv
ReqularExpressionValidator rev
ValidatorSummary vs
CrystalReportViewer rptvew
ComboBox cbo
DataGridView dgv
GroupBox grp
ImageList il
ListView lv
ColumnHeader ch
StatusLable slbl
TabControl tab
TabPage tp
Timer tmr
ToolStrip ts
ToolStripButton tsbtn
ToolStripDropDownButton tsddb
DomainUpDown dud
FileUpload ful
Repeater rpt
Lable lbl
TextBox txt
Button btn
LinkButton lnkbtn
ImageButton imgbtn
ListBox lst
DropDownList ddl
DataGrid dg
DataList dl
CheckBox chk
RadioButton rdo
RadioButtonList rdolst
Image img
Panel pnl
Calender cal
AdRotator ar
MenuStrip ms
ToolStripMenuItem tsmi
PictureBox pic
StatusStrip ss
DataGridView dgv
Table tbl
RequiredFieldValidator rfv
Comparidator cv
Rangidator rv
ReqularExpressionValidator rev
ValidatorSummary vs
CrystalReportViewer rptvew
ComboBox cbo
DataGridView dgv
GroupBox grp
ImageList il
ListView lv
ColumnHeader ch
StatusLable slbl
TabControl tab
TabPage tp
Timer tmr
ToolStrip ts
ToolStripButton tsbtn
ToolStripDropDownButton tsddb
DomainUpDown dud
FileUpload ful
Repeater rpt
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