weak_ptr 设计的目的是为配合 shared_ptr 而引入的一种智能指针来协助 shared_ptr 工作, 它只可以从一个 shared_ptr 或另一个 weak_ptr 对象构造, 它的构造和析构不会引起引用记数的增加或减少。同时weak_ptr 没有重载*和->,但可以使用 lock 获得一个可用的 shared_ptr 对象(引用计数会增加1)。
RefCnt 和 Mdel实现
template<typename _Ty> class Mydeletor { public: Mydeletor() = default; void operator()(_Ty* p)const { if (p != NULL) { delete[]p; } p = NULL; } }; template<typename _Ty> class RefCnt { public: RefCnt(_Ty* p) :ptr(p), Uses(1), Weaks(0) { cout <<"RefCnt construct"<<endl; } ~RefCnt() {} void IncUses() { Uses += 1; } void IncWeaks() { Weaks += 1; } protected: _Ty* ptr; std::atomic_int Uses; std::atomic_int Weaks; friend class M_shared_ptr<_Ty>; friend class M_weak_ptr<_Ty>; };
shared_ptr 实现
template<typename _Ty,typename _De> class M_shared_ptr { private: _Ty* Ptr; RefCnt<_Ty>* Ref; _De mdeletor; public: M_shared_ptr(_Ty* p = nullptr) :Ptr(nullptr),Ref(nullptr) { if (p != nullptr) { Ptr = p; Ref = new RefCnt<_Ty>(p); } } M_shared_ptr(const M_shared_ptr& other):Ptr(other.Ptr),Ref(other.Ref)//拷贝构造 { if (Ptr != NULL) { Ref->IncUses(); } } M_shared_ptr(const M_weak_ptr<_Ty>& other):Ptr(other.GetRef()->ptr),Ref(other.GetRef())//用weak_ptr拷贝构造 { if (Ptr != NULL) { Ref->IncUses(); } } M_shared_ptr(M_shared_ptr&& other) :Ptr(other.Ptr), Ref(other.Ref)//移动构造 { other.Ptr = NULL; other.Ref = NULL; } M_shared_ptr& operator=(const M_shared_ptr& other)//赋值 { if (this == &other || Ptr == other.Ptr) return *this;//自赋值,直接返回本身 if (Ptr != NULL && --Ref->Uses == 0)//被赋值的智能指针对象拥有资源, { //且该对象仅被该智能指针拥有 mdeletor(Ptr);//释放该对象 if (--Ref->Weaks == 0)//当弱引用计数为零时 { delete Ref;//析构引用计数对象 Ref = NULL; } } Ptr = other.Ptr; Ref = other.Ref; if (Ptr != NULL) { Ref->IncUses(); } return *this; } M_shared_ptr& operator=(M_shared_ptr&& other)//移动赋值 { if (this == &other) return *this; if (Ptr == other.Ptr && Ptr != NULL)//当两个智能指针使用同一个对象时,且该对象不为空 { other.Ptr = NULL;//去掉other的使用权 other.Ref = NULL; Ref->Uses -= 1;//强引用计数-1 return *this; } if (Ptr != NULL && --Ref->Uses == 0) { mdeletor(Ptr); if (--Ref->Weaks == 0) { delete Ref; Ref = NULL; } } Ptr = other.Ptr; Ref = other.Ref; other.Ptr = NULL; other.Ref = NULL; return *this; } ~M_shared_ptr() { if (Ptr != NULL && --Ref->Uses == 0) { mdeletor(Ptr); if (--Ref->Weaks == 0) { delete Ref; } } Ref = NULL; } _Ty* get()const { return Ptr; } _Ty& operator*() { return *get(); } _Ty* operator->() { return get(); } size_t use_count()const { if (Ref == NULL) return 0; return Ref->Uses; } void swap(M_shared_ptr& other) { std::swap(Ptr, other.Ptr); std::swap(Ref, other.Ref); } operator bool()const { return Ptr != NULL; } friend class M_weak_ptr<_Ty>; };
weak_ptr 实现
template<typename _Ty> class M_weak_ptr { private: RefCnt<_Ty>* wRef; public: size_t use_count()const { if (wRef == NULL) return 0; return wRef->Uses; } size_t weak_count()const { if (wRef == NULL) return 0; return wRef->Weaks; } RefCnt<_Ty>* GetRef() const { return wRef; } M_weak_ptr() :wRef(NULL) {} M_weak_ptr(const M_shared_ptr<_Ty>& other) :wRef(other.Ref)//共享指针构造 { if (wRef!=NULL) { wRef->IncWeaks(); } } M_weak_ptr(const M_weak_ptr& other) :wRef(other.wRef)//拷贝构造 { if (wRef != NULL) { wRef->IncWeaks(); } } M_weak_ptr(M_weak_ptr&& other) :wRef(other.wRef)//移动构造 { other.wRef = NULL; } M_weak_ptr& operator=(const M_weak_ptr& other) { if (this == &other||wRef==other.wRef) return *this;//自赋值或者是两个指针指向同一个对象 if (this != NULL && --wRef->Weaks == 0)//是否自己独占对象 { delete wRef; } wRef = other.wRef; if (wRef != NULL) { wRef->IncUses(); } return *this; } M_weak_ptr& operator=(M_weak_ptr&& other) { //1 判断是否自赋值 if (this == &other) return *this; //2 判断是否是指向同一个对象的两个指针相互赋值 if (wRef == other.wRef && wRef != NULL)//如果是 { other.wRef = NULL; wRef->Weaks -= 1; return *this; } //3 两个指向不同对象的指针赋值 if (this != NULL && --wRef->Weaks == 0)//是否自己独占对象 { delete wRef;//如果独有 } wRef = other.wRef; other.wRef = NULL; return *this; } M_weak_ptr& operator=(const M_shared_ptr<_Ty>& other)//共享智能指针给弱指针赋值 { if (wRef == other.Ref) return *this; if (wRef != NULL && --wRef->Uses == 0) { delete wRef; } wRef = other.Ref; if (wRef != NULL) { wRef->IncWeaks(); } return *this; } M_weak_ptr& operator=( M_shared_ptr<_Ty>&& other) = delete; ~M_weak_ptr() { if (wRef != NULL && --wRef->Weaks == 0) { delete wRef; } wRef = NULL; } bool expired()const//判断被引用的对象是否删除,若删除则返回真 { return wRef->Uses == 0; } M_shared_ptr<_Ty> lock()const { M_shared_ptr<_Ty> tmp; tmp.Ptr = wRef->ptr; tmp.Ref = wRef; tmp.Ref->IncUses(); return tmp; } };
std::enable_shared_from_this 能让一个对象(假设其名为 t ,且已被一个 std::shared_ptr 对象 pt 管理)安全地生成其他额外的 std::shared_ptr 实例(假设名为 pt1, pt2, … ) ,它们与 pt 共享对象 t 的所有权。
class T需要继承enable_shared_from_this才能使用shared_from_this(),具体源码如下:
namespace boost { template<class T> class enable_shared_from_this { protected: enable_shared_from_this() { } enable_shared_from_this(enable_shared_from_this const &) { } enable_shared_from_this & operator=(enable_shared_from_this const &) { return *this; } ~enable_shared_from_this() { } public: shared_ptr<T> shared_from_this() { shared_ptr<T> p( weak_this_ ); BOOST_ASSERT( p.get() == this ); return p; } shared_ptr<T const> shared_from_this() const { shared_ptr<T const> p( weak_this_ ); BOOST_ASSERT( p.get() == this ); return p; } public: // actually private, but avoids compiler template friendship issues // Note: invoked automatically by shared_ptr; do not call template<class X, class Y> void _internal_accept_owner( shared_ptr<X> const * ppx, Y * py ) const { if( weak_this_.expired() ) { //shared_ptr通过拷贝构造一个临时的shared_ptr,然后赋值给weak_ptr weak_this_ = shared_ptr<T>( *ppx, py ); } } private: mutable weak_ptr<T> weak_this_; }; } // namespace boost
template<class Y> explicit shared_ptr( Y * p ): px( p ), pn( p ) // Y must be complete { boost::detail::sp_enable_shared_from_this( this, p, p ); } template< class X, class Y, class T > inline void sp_enable_shared_from_this( boost::shared_ptr<X> const * ppx, Y const * py, boost::enable_shared_from_this< T > const * pe ) { if( pe != 0 ) { //调用 enable_shared_from_this对象的函数 pe->_internal_accept_owner( ppx, const_cast< Y* >( py ) ); } }
类内不能包含指向自身的shared_ptr ,否则它会无法析构。
#include <iostream> #include <memory> class Demo { public: Demo() { std::cout << "constructor" << std::endl; } ~Demo() { std::cout << "destructor" << std::endl; } void StoreDemo(std::shared_ptr<Demo> ptr) { m_ptr = ptr; } private: std::shared_ptr<Demo> m_ptr; }; int main() { std::shared_ptr<Demo> d_ptr(new Demo()); d_ptr->StoreDemo(d_ptr); // this line is the bug return 0; }
#include <iostream> #include <memory> class DemoB; class DemoA { public: DemoA() { std::cout << "DemoA()" << std::endl; } ~DemoA() { std::cout << "~DemoA()" << std::endl; } void Set_Ptr(std::shared_ptr<DemoB>& ptr) { m_ptr_b = ptr; } private: std::shared_ptr<DemoB> m_ptr_b; }; class DemoB { public: DemoB() { std::cout << "DemoB()" << std::endl; } ~DemoB() { std::cout << "~DemoB()" << std::endl; } void Set_Ptr(std::shared_ptr<DemoA>& ptr) { m_ptr_a = ptr; } private: std::shared_ptr<DemoA> m_ptr_a; }; int main() { std::shared_ptr<DemoA> ptr_a(new DemoA()); std::shared_ptr<DemoB> ptr_b(new DemoB()); ptr_a->Set_Ptr(ptr_b); ptr_b->Set_Ptr(ptr_a); std::cout << ptr_a.use_count() << " " << ptr_b.use_count() << std::endl; return 0; }
这种情况下 A、B的引用计数都是2,因此无法析构。
到此这篇关于C++智能指针shared_ptr与weak_ptr的实现分析的文章就介绍到这了,更多相关C++ shared_ptr与weak_ptr内容请搜索脚本之家以前的文章或继续浏览下面的相关文章希望大家以后多多支持脚本之家!