通过指针或者引用决定对象运行时类型的一种方法是使用运行时类型转换(runtime cast),用这种方法可以查证所尝试进行的转换正确与否。当要把基类指针类型转换为派生类时,这个方法非常有用。由于继承的层次结构的典型描述说基类在派生类之上,所以这种类型转换也成为向下类型转换(downcast)。
#include <iostream> #include <vector> #include "../purge.h" using namespace std; class Security { protected: enum { BASEID = 0 }; public: virtual ~Security() {} virtual bool isA(int id) { return (id == BASEID); } }; class Stock : public Security { typedef Security Super; protected: enum { OFFSET = 1, TYPEID = BASEID + OFFSET }; public: bool isA(int id) { return id == TYPEID || Super::isA(id); } static Stock* dynacast(Security* s) { return (s->isA(TYPEID)) ? static_cast<Stock*>(s) : 0; } }; class Bond : public Security { typedef Security Super; protected: enum { OFFSET = 2, TYPEID = BASEID + OFFSET }; public: bool isA(int id) { return id == TYPEID || Super::isA(id); } static Bond* dynacast(Security* s) { return (s->isA(TYPEID)) ? static_cast<Bond*>(s) : 0; } }; class Investment : public Security { typedef Security Super; protected: enum { OFFSET = 3, TYPEID = BASEID + OFFSET }; public: bool isA(int id) { return id == TYPEID || Super::isA(id); } static Investment* dynacast(Security* s) { return (s->isA(TYPEID)) ? static_cast<Investment*>(s) : 0; } void special() { cout << "special Investment function" << endl; } }; class Metal : public Investment { typedef Investment Super; protected: enum { OFFSET = 4, TYPEID = BASEID + OFFSET }; public: bool isA(int id) { return id == TYPEID || Super::isA(id); } static Metal* dynacast(Security* s) { return (s->isA(TYPEID)) ? static_cast<Metal*>(s) : 0; } }; int main() { vector<Security*> portfolio; portfolio.push_back(new Metal); portfolio.push_back(new Investment); portfolio.push_back(new Bond); portfolio.push_back(new Stock); for(vector<Security*>::iterator it = portfolio.begin(); it != portfolio.end(); ++it) { Investment* cm = Investment::dynacast(*it); if(cm) cm->special(); else cout << "not an Investment" << endl; } cout << "cast from intermediate pointer:" << endl; Security* sp = new Metal; Investment* cp = Investment::dynacast(sp); if(cp) cout << " it's an Investment" << endl; Metal* mp = Metal::dynacast(sp); if(mp) cout << " it's a Metal too!" << endl; purge(portfolio); } ///:~
//: C08:Security.h #ifndef SECURITY_H #define SECURITY_H #include <iostream> class Security { public: virtual ~Security() {} }; class Stock : public Security {}; class Bond : public Security {}; class Investment : public Security { public: void special() { std::cout << "special Investment function" <<std::endl; } }; class Metal : public Investment {}; #endif // SECURITY_H ///:~
// Uses RTTI's dynamic_cast. #include <vector> #include "../purge.h" #include "Security.h" using namespace std; int main() { vector<Security*> portfolio; portfolio.push_back(new Metal); portfolio.push_back(new Investment); portfolio.push_back(new Bond); portfolio.push_back(new Stock); for(vector<Security*>::iterator it = portfolio.begin(); it != portfolio.end(); ++it) { Investment* cm = dynamic_cast<Investment*>(*it); if(cm) cm->special(); else cout << "not a Investment" << endl; } cout << "cast from intermediate pointer:" << endl; Security* sp = new Metal; Investment* cp = dynamic_cast<Investment*>(sp); if(cp) cout << " it's an Investment" << endl; Metal* mp = dynamic_cast<Metal*>(sp); if(mp) cout << " it's a Metal too!" << endl; purge(portfolio); } ///:~
#include <typeinfo> #include "Security.h" using namespace std; int main() { Metal m; Security& s = m; try { Investment& c = dynamic_cast<Investment&>(s); cout << "It's an Investment" << endl; } catch(bad_cast&) { cout << "s is not an Investment type" << endl; } try { Bond& b = dynamic_cast<Bond&>(s); cout << "It's a Bond" << endl; } catch(bad_cast&) { cout << "It's not a Bond type" << endl; } } ///:~
获得有关一个对象运行时信息的另一个方法,就是typeid操作符来完成。这种操作符返回一个type_info类的对象,该对象给出与其应用有关的对象类型的信息。如果该对象的类型是多态的,它将给出那个应用(动态类型(dynamic type))的大部分派生类信息;否则,它将给出静态类型信息。typeid操作符的一个用途是获得一个对象的动态类型的名称,例如const char * ,就像在下面例子中可以看到的:
#include <iostream> #include <typeinfo> using namespace std; struct PolyBase { virtual ~PolyBase() {} }; struct PolyDer : PolyBase { PolyDer() {} }; struct NonPolyBase {}; struct NonPolyDer : NonPolyBase { NonPolyDer(int) {} }; int main() { // Test polymorphic Types const PolyDer pd; const PolyBase* ppb = &pd; cout << typeid(ppb).name() << endl; cout << typeid(*ppb).name() << endl; cout << boolalpha << (typeid(*ppb) == typeid(pd)) << endl; cout << (typeid(PolyDer) == typeid(const PolyDer)) << endl; // Test non-polymorphic Types const NonPolyDer npd(1); const NonPolyBase* nppb = &npd; cout << typeid(nppb).name() << endl; cout << typeid(*nppb).name() << endl; cout << (typeid(*nppb) == typeid(npd)) << endl; // Test a built-in type int i; cout << typeid(i).name() << endl; } ///:~
struct PolyBase const *
struct Polyder
struct NonPolyBase const *
struct NonPolyBase
#include <cassert> #include <typeinfo> using namespace std; class B1 { public: virtual ~B1() {} }; class B2 { public: virtual ~B2() {} }; class MI : public B1, public B2 {}; class Mi2 : public MI {}; int main() { B2* b2 = new Mi2; Mi2* mi2 = dynamic_cast<Mi2*>(b2); MI* mi = dynamic_cast<MI*>(b2); B1* b1 = dynamic_cast<B1*>(b2); assert(typeid(b2) != typeid(Mi2*)); assert(typeid(b2) == typeid(B2*)); delete b2; } ///:~
B1* b1 = dynamic_cast<B1*>(b2);
//!#include <iostream> #include <typeinfo> using namespace std; class Stimpy { public: virtual void happy() {} virtual void joy() {} virtual ~Stimpy() {} }; int main() { void* v = new Stimpy; // Error: //! Stimpy* s = dynamic_cast<Stimpy*>(v); // Error: //! cout << typeid(*v).name() << endl; } ///:~
一个void* 真是的意思是”无类型信息“。
#include <iostream> #include <typeinfo> using namespace std; template<int id> class Announce { public: Announce() { cout << typeid(*this).name() << " constructor" << endl; } ~Announce() { cout << typeid(*this).name() << " destructor" << endl; } }; class X : public Announce<0> { Announce<1> m1; Announce<2> m2; public: X() { cout << "X::X()" << endl; } ~X() { cout << "X::~X()" << endl; } }; int main() { X x; } ///:~
Announce<0> constructor
Announce<1> constructor
Announce<2> constructor
Announce<2> destructor
Announce<1> destructor
Announce<0> destructor
#include <iostream> #include <typeinfo> using namespace std; class BB { public: virtual void f() {} virtual ~BB() {} }; class B1 : virtual public BB {}; class B2 : virtual public BB {}; class MI : public B1, public B2 {}; int main() { BB* bbp = new MI; // Upcast // Proper name detection: cout << typeid(*bbp).name() << endl; // Dynamic_cast works properly: MI* mip = dynamic_cast<MI*>(bbp); // Can't force old-style cast: //! MI* mip2 = (MI*)bbp; // Compile error } ///:~
MI* mip2 = (MI*)bbp; // Compile error
// Describing trash. #ifndef TRASH_H #define TRASH_H #include <iostream> class Trash { float _weight; public: Trash(float wt) : _weight(wt) {} virtual float value() const = 0; float weight() const { return _weight; } virtual ~Trash() { std::cout << "~Trash()" << std::endl; } }; class Aluminum : public Trash { static float val; public: Aluminum(float wt) : Trash(wt) {} float value() const { return val; } static void value(float newval) { val = newval; } }; class Paper : public Trash { static float val; public: Paper(float wt) : Trash(wt) {} float value() const { return val; } static void value(float newval) { val = newval; } }; class Glass : public Trash { static float val; public: Glass(float wt) : Trash(wt) {} float value() const { return val; } static void value(float newval) { val = newval; } }; #endif // TRASH_H ///:~
// A Trash Recycler. #include "Trash.h" float Aluminum::val = 1.67; float Paper::val = 0.10; float Glass::val = 0.23; ///:~
//{L} Trash // A Trash Recycler. #include <cstdlib> #include <ctime> #include <iostream> #include <typeinfo> #include <vector> #include "Trash.h" #include "../purge.h" using namespace std; // Sums up the value of the Trash in a bin: template<class Container> void sumValue(Container& bin, ostream& os) { typename Container::iterator tally = bin.begin(); float val = 0; while(tally != bin.end()) { val += (*tally)->weight() * (*tally)->value(); os << "weight of " << typeid(**tally).name() << " = " << (*tally)->weight() << endl; ++tally; } os << "Total value = " << val << endl; } int main() { srand(time(0)); // Seed the random number generator vector<Trash*> bin; // Fill up the Trash bin: for(int i = 0; i < 30; i++) switch(rand() % 3) { case 0 : bin.push_back(new Aluminum((rand() % 1000)/10.0)); break; case 1 : bin.push_back(new Paper((rand() % 1000)/10.0)); break; case 2 : bin.push_back(new Glass((rand() % 1000)/10.0)); break; } // Note: bins hold exact type of object, not base type: vector<Glass*> glassBin; vector<Paper*> paperBin; vector<Aluminum*> alumBin; vector<Trash*>::iterator sorter = bin.begin(); // Sort the Trash: while(sorter != bin.end()) { Aluminum* ap = dynamic_cast<Aluminum*>(*sorter); Paper* pp = dynamic_cast<Paper*>(*sorter); Glass* gp = dynamic_cast<Glass*>(*sorter); if(ap) alumBin.push_back(ap); else if(pp) paperBin.push_back(pp); else if(gp) glassBin.push_back(gp); ++sorter; } sumValue(alumBin, cout); sumValue(paperBin, cout); sumValue(glassBin, cout); sumValue(bin, cout); purge(bin); } ///:~
//{L} Trash // Recyling with a map. #include <cstdlib> #include <ctime> #include <iostream> #include <map> #include <typeinfo> #include <utility> #include <vector> #include "Trash.h" #include "../purge.h" using namespace std; // Comparator for type_info pointers struct TInfoLess { bool operator()(const type_info* t1, const type_info* t2) const { return t1->before(*t2); } }; typedef map<const type_info*, vector<Trash*>, TInfoLess> TrashMap; // Sums up the value of the Trash in a bin: void sumValue(const TrashMap::value_type& p, ostream& os) { vector<Trash*>::const_iterator tally = p.second.begin(); float val = 0; while(tally != p.second.end()) { val += (*tally)->weight() * (*tally)->value(); os << "weight of " << p.first->name() // type_info::name() << " = " << (*tally)->weight() << endl; ++tally; } os << "Total value = " << val << endl; } int main() { srand(time(0)); // Seed the random number generator TrashMap bin; // Fill up the Trash bin: for(int i = 0; i < 30; i++) { Trash* tp; switch(rand() % 3) { case 0 : tp = new Aluminum((rand() % 1000)/10.0); break; case 1 : tp = new Paper((rand() % 1000)/10.0); break; case 2 : tp = new Glass((rand() % 1000)/10.0); break; } bin[&typeid(*tp)].push_back(tp); } // Print sorted results for(TrashMap::iterator p = bin.begin(); p != bin.end(); ++p) { sumValue(*p, cout); purge(p->second); } } ///:~