React 程序设计简单的轻量级自动完成搜索框应用
更新时间:2022年10月25日 15:22:10 作者:Jovie
这篇文章主要为大家介绍了React 程序设计简单的轻量级自动完成搜索框应用,有需要的朋友可以借鉴参考下,希望能够有所帮助,祝大家多多进步,早日升职加薪
# Yarn $ yarn add react-search-box # NPM $ npm i react-search-box
import React, { Component } from "react"; import ReactSearchBox from "react-search-box";
2.将ReactSearchBox 组件添加到应用程序中
<ReactSearchBox placeholder="Type Something..." value="ReactScript" data={} callback={(record) => console.log(record)} />
export default class App extends Component { data = [ { key: "react", value: "React Native", }, { key: "vue", value: "Vue Component", }, // ... ]; render() { return ( <ReactSearchBox placeholder="Type Something..." value="ReactScript" data={} callback={(record) => console.log(record)} /> ); } }
/* * The placeholder text for the input box. */ placeholder: string; /* * The name attribute for the input box. */ name?: string; /* * An array of objects which acts as the source of data for the dropdown. This prop is required. */ data: { key: string; value: string }[]; /* * Configs to override default Fuse configs. */ fuseConfigs?: {}; /* * Focus on the input box once the component is mounted. */ autoFocus?: boolean; /* * A function which acts as a callback when any record is selected. It is triggered once a dropdown item is clicked. */ onSelect: (record: Record) => void; /* * A function which acts as a callback when the input is focussed. */ onFocus?: () => void; /* * A function which acts as a callback when the input value is changed. */ onChange: (value: string) => void; /* * Color of the text in the input box. */ inputFontColor?: string; /* * Color of the border of the input box. */ inputBorderColor?: string; /* * Size of the font of the input box. */ inputFontSize?: string; /* * Height of the input box. */ inputHeight?: string; /* * Background color of the input box. */ inputBackgroundColor?: string; /* * Background color on hover of the dropdown list items. */ dropdownHoverColor?: string; /* * Border color of the dropdown. */ dropdownBorderColor?: string; /* * Clear the input value when any record is selected. */ clearOnSelect?: boolean; /* * Icon to be rendered on the left of the input box. */ leftIcon?: ReactNode; /* * The size of the icon (based on the leftIcon prop). */ iconBoxSize?: number | string; /* * The type of the input. */ type?: string;
The postAutocomplete Search Box For Reactappeared first onReactScript.
以上就是React 程序设计简单的轻量级自动完成搜索框应用的详细内容,更多关于React 轻量级自动搜索框的资料请关注脚本之家其它相关文章!
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