2.1 单条记录类(LogStatement ):
public class LogStatement { private String date; //日期 private String time; //时间 private String user; //用户 private String host; //主机名 private String TheadId; //线程ID private String schema; //查询的数据库 private String queryTime; //查询时间 private String row_sent; //返回的行数 private String row_examined;//检索的行数 private String sql; //SQL语句 private String orderFlag; //排序字段 @Override //格式化打印语句 public String toString() { return date+"-"+time+" "+user+"@"+host+" thead_id:"+TheadId+" "+schema+" "+queryTime +"s Rows_sent/Rows_examined:"+row_sent+"/"+row_examined+"————"+sql; } //构造方法,可根据实际情况生成其他的构造方法 public LogStatement(String date, String time) { = date; this.time = time; } //后面都是getter和setter public String getDate() { return date; } public void setDate(String date) { = date; } public String getTime() { return time; } public void setTime(String time) { this.time = time; } public String getUser() { return user; } public void setUser(String user) { this.user = user; } public String getHost() { return host; } public void setHost(String host) { = host; } public String getTheadId() { return TheadId; } public void setTheadId(String theadId) { TheadId = theadId; } public String getSchema() { return schema; } public void setSchema(String schema) { this.schema = schema; } public String getQueryTime() { return queryTime; } public void setQueryTime(String queryTime) { this.queryTime = queryTime; } public String getRow_sent() { return row_sent; } public void setRow_sent(String row_sent) { this.row_sent = row_sent; } public String getRow_examined() { return row_examined; } public void setRow_examined(String row_examined) { this.row_examined = row_examined; } public String getSql() { return sql; } public void setSql(String sql) { this.sql = sql; } public String getOrderFlag() { return orderFlag; } public void setOrderFlag(String orderFlag) { this.orderFlag = orderFlag; } }
2.2 逻辑处理类(MySQLSlowLogParser):
2.2.1 成员变量
private static int totalSlowSQL; //总的慢SQL条数 //后面截取SQL的排序字段时,需要根据SQL类型定义不同的分割符进行截取 private static final String INSERT_STM = "insert"; private static final String UPDATE_STM = "update"; private static final String SELECT_STM = "select"; private static final List<String> records = new ArrayList<>(); //存单条记录的集合 private static final List<LogStatement> logs = new ArrayList<>(); //格式化后的记录
2.2.2 main方法:
public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner scan = new Scanner(; System.out.println("请输入要解析的 MySQL/MariaDB 慢SQL的全路径:"); if (scan.hasNextLine()) { String filePath = scan.nextLine(); //读取文件路径 parse(filePath); //解析对应文件 } getResult(); //提取每条记录的关键信息 sortResult(); //将结果进行排序 printResult(); //打印结果 }
2.2.3 parse方法:
# Time: 221026 0:19:59
User@Host: msg[msg] @ [] Thread_id: 2766408 Schema: trs_hycloud_msg QC_hit: No Query_time: 5.192931 Lock_time: 0.000422 Rows_sent: 1 Rows_examined: 150436 Rows_affected: 0 Bytes_sent: 60 //后面的就省略了
private static void parse(String filePath) { System.out.println("开始解析:" + filePath); //声明流对象 InputStream is = null; Reader reader = null; BufferedReader bufferedReader = null; try { //以缓冲流的的方式读取数据 is = new FileInputStream(new File(filePath)); reader = new InputStreamReader(is, "utf-8"); bufferedReader = new BufferedReader(reader); String singleSQL = ""; //用来存完整的单条慢SQL记录 String line; //用来存每一行读取的数据 //根据慢日志文件的单条记录的特点进行处理 while ((line = bufferedReader.readLine()) != null) { if (line.startsWith("# Time:")) { //当前行以“# Time:”开头的情况 covertAndAddStatement(singleSQL); //那么之前的语句为一条完整记录,将singleSQL进行转换 while(line.contains(" ")) //将多个空格保留为1个 line = line.replace(" "," "); records.add(line); //直接将当前行的时间存入记录的集合,因为有的记录共享一个时间 singleSQL = ""; //处理完前一条后,要重新拼记录,令singleSQL为空 } else if (line.startsWith("# User@Host")){ //当前行以“# User@Host”开头的情况 covertAndAddStatement(singleSQL); //那么之前的语句也为一条完整记录,将singleSQL进行转换 singleSQL = line; //当前行作为新的记录的开头 }else { singleSQL += line + " "; //不满足前两个,则直接把当前行加入,作为单条记录的一部分 } //末尾加空格是为了将两行之间以空格隔开 } //还要处理最后一句,因为最后一条记录的后面没有“# Time:”或“# User@Host”,while循环不会执行到最后一句 covertAndAddStatement(singleSQL); } catch (IOException e) { System.err.println("Error:" + e); } finally { //释放资源 try {if (bufferedReader != null) bufferedReader.close();} catch (IOException e) { System.err.println("Error:" + e); } try {if (reader != null) reader.close();} catch (IOException e) { System.err.println("Error:" + e); } try {if (is != null) is.close();} catch (IOException e) { System.err.println("Error:" + e); } } }
2.2.4 covertAndAddStatement方法:
private static void covertAndAddStatement(String statement){ if(statement.equals("")) //空字符串直接不处理 return; //去掉“#”号 statement = statement.replace("#"," "); //多个空格替换为1个,因为文件中两个单词之间的空格个能不止一个, //就算将多行合并为一行,也会有多个空格的存在 while(statement.contains(" ")) statement = statement.replace(" "," "); records.add(statement); }
2.2.5 getResult方法:
private static void getResult(){ //遍历单条记录,处理结果,加入结果集 String date = ""; //有多条记录的时间相同,所以要把时间放循环体外,方便为多条记录赋值 String time = ""; for (String record : records) { if (record.contains("# Time")){ //更新即将处理的记录的时间 String[] tmp = record.split(" "); date = tmp[2]; time = tmp[3]; if (time.length()<8) //长度不足用0补充占位 time = "0"+time; //例如: 3:24:48替换为03:24:48 continue; } LogStatement log = new LogStatement(date,time); totalSlowSQL ++; //慢SQL计数加一 //每条记录都有timestamp,按其分割字符串更快找到SQL语句 String[] tmp = record.split("timestamp"); //前半段可以得到相关信息 getTags(log, tmp[0]); //后半段可以得到SQL getSQL(log, tmp[1]); logs.add(log); } } getTags方法:
tags = {"", "User@Host:", "msg[msg]", "@", "[]", "Thread_id:", "2766408", "Schema:", "trs_hycloud_msg", "QC_hit:", "No Query_time:", "5.192931", "Lock_time:", "0.000422", "Rows_sent:", "1", "Rows_examined:", "150436", "Rows_affected:", "0", "Bytes_sent:", "60", ...}
private static void getTags(LogStatement log, String info){ String[] tags = info.split(" "); //用户 log.setUser(tags[2]); //主机 log.setHost(tags[4]); //Threadid log.setTheadId(tags[6]); //操作的数据库 log.setSchema(tags[8]); //查询时间 log.setQueryTime(tags[12]); //执行成功后返回的行数 log.setRow_sent(tags[16]); //检索的行数 log.setRow_examined(tags[18]); }
statement="=1666743599; select count(* from (select DISTINCT from msg_detail d join msg_receiver r on r.msg_id = WHERE";
private static void getSQL(LogStatement log, String statement){ //第一个分号后就是SQL,所以从第一个分号出现的位置+1分割字符串就可以得到SQL int subIndex = statement.indexOf(';'); String sql = statement.substring(subIndex+1).trim(); //提取SQL log.setSql(sql); getOrderFlag(log, sql); } getOrderFlag方法:
private static void getOrderFlag(LogStatement log, String sql){ //提取部分SQL作为排序字段 sql = sql.toLowerCase(); //先转小写,避免大小写不统一的情况 int index = sql.indexOf(";"); //先令sql分割点为末尾 if (sql.startsWith(INSERT_STM)){ //根据sql语句来定分割点 index = !sql.contains("values") ? index : sql.indexOf("values"); }else if (sql.startsWith(UPDATE_STM)){ index = !sql.contains("set") ? index : sql.indexOf("set"); }else if (sql.startsWith(SELECT_STM)){ index = !sql.contains("where") ? index : sql.indexOf("where"); } log.setOrderFlag(sql.substring(0, index)); //将截取后的sql语句设置为排序字段 } sortResult方法:
private static void sortResult(){ // 排序方法 logs.sort(new Comparator<LogStatement>() { @Override public int compare(LogStatement o1, LogStatement o2) { return o1.getOrderFlag().compareTo(o2.getOrderFlag()); } }); } 打印结果:
private static void printResult(){ //打印结果 System.out.println("慢总SQL条数:" + "\t" + totalSlowSQL); System.out.println(); for (LogStatement log : logs) { System.out.println(log); } }
import*; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Scanner; public class MySQLSlowLogParser { private static int totalSlowSQL; //总的慢SQL条数 private static final String INSERT_STM = "insert"; private static final String UPDATE_STM = "update"; private static final String SELECT_STM = "select"; private static final List<String> records = new ArrayList<>(); //存单条记录的集合 private static final List<LogStatement> logs = new ArrayList<>(); //存筛选字段后的记录 public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner scan = new Scanner(; System.out.println("请输入要解析的 MySQL/MariaDB 慢SQL的全路径:"); if (scan.hasNextLine()) { String filePath = scan.nextLine(); //读取文件路径 // System.out.println(filePath); parse(filePath); //解析对应文件 } getResult(); //提取每条记录的关键信息 sortResult(); //将结果进行排序 printResult(); //打印结果 } private static void parse(String filePath) { System.out.println("开始解析:" + filePath); InputStream is = null; Reader reader = null; BufferedReader bufferedReader = null; try { //以缓冲流的的方式读取数据 is = new FileInputStream(new File(filePath)); reader = new InputStreamReader(is, "utf-8"); bufferedReader = new BufferedReader(reader); String singleSQL = ""; //用来存完整的单条慢SQL记录 String line; while ((line = bufferedReader.readLine()) != null) { if (line.startsWith("# Time:")) { //当前行以“# Time:”开头的情况 covertAndAddStatement(singleSQL); //那么之前的语句为一条完整记录,将singleSQL进行转换 while(line.contains(" ")) //将多个空格保留为1个 line = line.replace(" "," "); records.add(line); //直接将当前行的时间存入记录的集合,因为有的记录共享一个时间 singleSQL = ""; //处理完前一条后,要重新拼记录,令singleSQL为空 } else if (line.startsWith("# User@Host")){ //当前行以“# User@Host”开头的情况 covertAndAddStatement(singleSQL); //那么之前的语句也为一条完整记录,将singleSQL进行转换 singleSQL = line; //当前行作为新的记录的开头 }else { singleSQL += line + " "; //不满足前两个,则直接把当前行加入,作为单条记录的一部分 } //末尾加空格是为了将两行之间以空格隔开 } //还要处理最后一句,因为最后一条记录的后面没有“# Time:”或“# User@Host”,while循环不会执行到最后一句 covertAndAddStatement(singleSQL); } catch (IOException e) { System.err.println("Error:" + e); } finally { //释放资源 try {if (bufferedReader != null) bufferedReader.close();} catch (IOException e) { System.err.println("Error:" + e); } try {if (reader != null) reader.close();} catch (IOException e) { System.err.println("Error:" + e); } try {if (is != null) is.close();} catch (IOException e) { System.err.println("Error:" + e); } } } private static void covertAndAddStatement(String statement){ if(statement.equals("")) //空字符串直接不处理 return; //去掉“#”号 statement = statement.replace("#"," "); //多个空格替换为1个 while(statement.contains(" ")) statement = statement.replace(" "," "); records.add(statement); } private static void getResult(){ //遍历单条记录,处理结果,加入结果集 String date = ""; //有多条记录的时间相同,所以要把时间放循环体外,方便为多条记录赋值 String time = ""; for (String record : records) { if (record.contains("# Time")){ //若当前的record为时间,则更新即将处理的记录的时间 String[] tmp = record.split(" "); date = tmp[2]; time = tmp[3]; if (time.length()<8) //长度不足用0补充占位 time = "0"+time; //例如: 3:24:48替换为03:24:48 continue; } LogStatement log = new LogStatement(date,time); totalSlowSQL ++; //慢SQL计数加一 //每条记录都有timestamp,按其分割字符串更快找到SQL语句 String[] tmp = record.split("timestamp"); //前半段可以得到相关信息 getTags(log, tmp[0]); //后半段可以得到SQL getSQL(log, tmp[1]); logs.add(log); } } private static void getTags(LogStatement log, String info){ String[] tags = info.split(" "); //用户 log.setUser(tags[2]); //主机 log.setHost(tags[4]); //Threadid log.setTheadId(tags[6]); //操作的数据库 log.setSchema(tags[8]); //查询时间 log.setQueryTime(tags[12]); //执行成功后返回的行数 log.setRow_sent(tags[16]); //检索的行数 log.setRow_examined(tags[18]); } private static void getSQL(LogStatement log, String statement){ //第一个分号后就是SQL,所以从第一个分号出现的位置+1分割字符串就可以得到SQL int subIndex = statement.indexOf(';'); String sql = statement.substring(subIndex+1).trim(); //提取SQL log.setSql(sql); getOrderFlag(log, sql); } private static void getOrderFlag(LogStatement log, String sql){ //提取部分SQL作为排序字段 sql = sql.toLowerCase(); //先转小写 int index = sql.indexOf(";"); //先令sql分割点为末尾 if (sql.startsWith(INSERT_STM)){ //根据sql语句来定分割点 index = !sql.contains("values") ? index : sql.indexOf("values"); }else if (sql.startsWith(UPDATE_STM)){ index = !sql.contains("set") ? index : sql.indexOf("set"); }else if (sql.startsWith(SELECT_STM)){ index = !sql.contains("where") ? index : sql.indexOf("where"); } log.setOrderFlag(sql.substring(0, index)); //将截取后的sql语句设置为排序字段 } private static void sortResult(){ // 排序方法 logs.sort(new Comparator<LogStatement>() { @Override public int compare(LogStatement o1, LogStatement o2) { return o1.getOrderFlag().compareTo(o2.getOrderFlag()); } }); } private static void printResult(){ //打印结果 System.out.println("慢总SQL条数:" + "\t" + totalSlowSQL); System.out.println(); for (LogStatement log : logs) { System.out.println(log); } } }
# Time: 221026 0:19:59 # User@Host: msg[msg] @ [] # Thread_id: 2766408 Schema: trs_hycloud_msg QC_hit: No # Query_time: 5.192931 Lock_time: 0.000422 Rows_sent: 1 Rows_examined: 150436 # Rows_affected: 0 Bytes_sent: 60 use trs_hycloud_msg; SET timestamp=1666743599; select count(*) from (select DISTINCT from msg_detail d join msg_receiver r on r.msg_id = WHERE ( ( (r.receiver_type = 203 and r.receiver_id in ( '889' , '894' , '899' , '902' , '905' , '1190' , '1191' , '1192' , '1193' , '1447' , '1703' , '2' ) ) or (r.receiver_type = 204 and r.receiver_id in ( '712' ) ) or (r.receiver_type = 201 and r.receiver_id in ( '13' , '851' ) ) ) ) and (d.notice_status = 'published' or d.notice_status is null) and d.pub_time >= '2022-05-15 11:20:18' and not exists ( SELECT from msg_reader rd WHERE rd.reader_id in ( '712' ) and rd.reader_type = 204 and = rd.msg_id ) ) msg_ids; # Time: 221026 0:36:21 # User@Host: msg[msg] @ [] # Thread_id: 2766515 Schema: trs_hycloud_msg QC_hit: No # Query_time: 2.585773 Lock_time: 0.004551 Rows_sent: 1 Rows_examined: 5360 # Rows_affected: 0 Bytes_sent: 56 SET timestamp=1666744581; select count(*) from (select DISTINCT from msg_detail d join msg_receiver r on r.msg_id = WHERE ( ( (r.receiver_type = 203 and r.receiver_id in ( '570' , '577' , '578' , '580' , '583' , '586' , '746' , '1174' , '1536' , '1537' , '2' ) ) or (r.receiver_type = 204 and r.receiver_id in ( '170' ) ) or (r.receiver_type = 201 and r.receiver_id in ( '305' ) ) ) ) and (d.notice_status = 'published' or d.notice_status is null) and d.pub_time >= '2022-04-08 10:32:51' and not exists ( SELECT from msg_reader rd WHERE rd.reader_id in ( '170' ) and rd.reader_type = 204 and = rd.msg_id ) ) msg_ids; # User@Host: msg[msg] @ [] # Thread_id: 2766408 Schema: trs_hycloud_msg QC_hit: No # Query_time: 6.523476 Lock_time: 0.000227 Rows_sent: 1 Rows_examined: 5360 # Rows_affected: 0 Bytes_sent: 56 SET timestamp=1666744581; select count(*) from (select DISTINCT from msg_detail d join msg_receiver r on r.msg_id = WHERE ( ( (r.receiver_type = 203 and r.receiver_id in ( '570' , '577' , '578' , '580' , '583' , '586' , '746' , '1174' , '1536' , '1537' , '2' ) ) or (r.receiver_type = 204 and r.receiver_id in ( '170' ) ) or (r.receiver_type = 201 and r.receiver_id in ( '305' ) ) ) ) and (d.notice_status = 'published' or d.notice_status is null) and d.pub_time >= '2022-04-08 10:32:51' and not exists ( SELECT from msg_reader rd WHERE rd.reader_id in ( '170' ) and rd.reader_type = 204 and = rd.msg_id ) ) msg_ids; # Time: 221026 0:49:59 # User@Host: msg[msg] @ [] # Thread_id: 2766515 Schema: trs_hycloud_msg QC_hit: No # Query_time: 2.193934 Lock_time: 0.000306 Rows_sent: 1 Rows_examined: 142368 # Rows_affected: 0 Bytes_sent: 60 SET timestamp=1666745399; select count(*) from (select DISTINCT from msg_detail d join msg_receiver r on r.msg_id = WHERE ( ( (r.receiver_type = 203 and r.receiver_id in ( '746' , '747' , '842' , '845' , '849' , '855' , '856' , '857' , '858' , '859' , '860' , '861' , '1233' , '1326' , '2' ) ) or (r.receiver_type = 204 and r.receiver_id in ( '620' ) ) or (r.receiver_type = 201 and r.receiver_id in ( '11' , '918' ) ) ) ) and (d.notice_status = 'published' or d.notice_status is null) and d.pub_time >= '2022-05-12 08:50:15' and not exists ( SELECT from msg_reader rd WHERE rd.reader_id in ( '620' ) and rd.reader_type = 204 and = rd.msg_id ) ) msg_ids; # Time: 221026 1:21:40 # User@Host: ids[ids] @ [] # Thread_id: 2766762 Schema: trs_ids QC_hit: No # Query_time: 4.315032 Lock_time: 0.000072 Rows_sent: 0 Rows_examined: 0 # Rows_affected: 1 Bytes_sent: 14 use trs_ids; SET timestamp=1666747300; insert into `IDSLOG` (`LOGTIME`, `LOGUSER`, `LOGTYPE`, `LOGDESC`, `HOSTIP`, `IDSSESS`, `COAPP`, `COSESS`, `LOGRESULT`, `DETAIL`, `CALLER`, `PROXYIPS`, `USERAGENT`, `SIGNATURE`, `REGFROM`, `REGCOAPP`, `ELAPSEDTIME`) values ('2022-10-26 09:24:14', '营山县发展公司_报送', 1, '用户登录协作应用', '', '95997EFDEA8E3688D77E67D9F89D7935-', 'IIP', '2D6ECDA7219778FC64BF21786251A1BF', 0, 'N/A', 'com.trs.idm.model.logging.LogManager.logLoginEvent(<-com.trs.idm.model.session.SSOSessionManager.logLoginE...ger.coLogin(<-com.trs.idm.model.session.SSOSessionManager.loginInternal(', '', 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/70.0.3538.25 Safari/537.36 Core/1.70.3884.400 QQBrowser/10.8.4560.400', '302c021444d6cb8bc18efeb0a833e1d05601b7b9f0b2db44021469e8949a922ff6d04c7f4cc099355ee414ab7f7c', 'IIP', 'ids', 61); # User@Host: ids[ids] @ [] # Thread_id: 2766723 Schema: trs_ids QC_hit: No # Query_time: 3.385338 Lock_time: 0.000080 Rows_sent: 0 Rows_examined: 0 # Rows_affected: 1 Bytes_sent: 14 SET timestamp=1666747300; insert into `IDSLOG` (`LOGTIME`, `LOGUSER`, `COUSERNAME`, `LOGTYPE`, `LOGDESC`, `HOSTIP`, `IDSSESS`, `COAPP`, `COSESS`, `LOGRESULT`, `DETAIL`, `CALLER`, `PROXYIPS`, `USERAGENT`, `SIGNATURE`, `REGFROM`, `REGCOAPP`, `ELAPSEDTIME`) values ('2022-10-26 09:24:15', '营山县发展公司_报送', '', 1, '用户登录协作应用', '', '95997EFDEA8E3688D77E67D9F89D7935-', 'IIP', 'E26E11AE359341B1BAEF79014D61817F', 0, 'N/A', 'com.trs.idm.model.logging.LogManager.logLoginEvent(<-com.trs.idm.model.session.SSOSessionManager.logLoginE...Manager.coLogin(<-com.trs.idm.model.login.BaseLoginController.coLogin(', '', 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/70.0.3538.25 Safari/537.36 Core/1.70.3884.400 QQBrowser/10.8.4560.400', '302d0215008ce8a59e0f51771d2ae6604fbae8a46f02ab6d0902143a21c820388efed92f2958bcc00e75d9ff0fcd14', 'IIP', 'ids', 21); # Time: 221026 2:48:18 # User@Host: ids[ids] @ [] # Thread_id: 2767183 Schema: trs_ids QC_hit: No # Query_time: 4.827856 Lock_time: 0.000088 Rows_sent: 0 Rows_examined: 0 # Rows_affected: 1 Bytes_sent: 14 SET timestamp=1666752498; insert into `IDSLOG` (`LOGTIME`, `LOGUSER`, `COUSERNAME`, `LOGTYPE`, `LOGDESC`, `HOSTIP`, `IDSSESS`, `COAPP`, `COSESS`, `LOGRESULT`, `DETAIL`, `CALLER`, `PROXYIPS`, `SIGNATURE`, `ELAPSEDTIME`) values ('2022-10-26 10:50:51', 'SYSTEM', '', 1, '刷新ssoToken[FA73D00B442F406CE98A4B00A4DD690B-]成功', '', 'FA73D00B442F406CE98A4B00A4DD690B-', 'IIP', '45AC416DC3F549A882EA5704703820F9', 0, '会话延期成功', 'com.trs.idm.model.logging.LogManager.logLoginEvent(<-com.trs.idm.model.logging.LogManager.logLoginEvent(Lo...i.v5.sso.RefreshProcessor.process(<-com.trs.idm.api.v5.APIServer.executeProcessor(', '', '302d021500837259300c34676df1a8efc9780f5e4d2721b1f302146cb2f6fbd7d5ec496cbe06fe0f2564e1943c74a4', -1); # User@Host: ids[ids] @ [] # Thread_id: 2767254 Schema: trs_ids QC_hit: No # Query_time: 4.709218 Lock_time: 0.000142 Rows_sent: 0 Rows_examined: 0 # Rows_affected: 1 Bytes_sent: 14 SET timestamp=1666752498; insert into `IDSLOG` (`LOGTIME`, `LOGUSER`, `COUSERNAME`, `LOGTYPE`, `LOGDESC`, `HOSTIP`, `IDSSESS`, `COAPP`, `COSESS`, `LOGRESULT`, `DETAIL`, `CALLER`, `PROXYIPS`, `SIGNATURE`, `ELAPSEDTIME`) values ('2022-10-26 10:50:51', 'SYSTEM', '', 1, '刷新ssoToken[FA73D00B442F406CE98A4B00A4DD690B-]成功', '', 'FA73D00B442F406CE98A4B00A4DD690B-', 'IIP', '45AC416DC3F549A882EA5704703820F9', 0, '会话延期成功', 'com.trs.idm.model.logging.LogManager.logLoginEvent(<-com.trs.idm.model.logging.LogManager.logLoginEvent(Lo...i.v5.sso.RefreshProcessor.process(<-com.trs.idm.api.v5.APIServer.executeProcessor(', '', '302b02142c5ccb887703dd46339164b87f6caba6c521320f02135d324b7fa9b2fde712d7e4e905116d3f1b4ea1', -1); # Time: 221026 3:24:48 # User@Host: igi[igi] @ [] # Thread_id: 2767514 Schema: trs_hycloud_igi QC_hit: No # Query_time: 2.398462 Lock_time: 0.000000 Rows_sent: 0 Rows_examined: 0 # Rows_affected: 0 Bytes_sent: 11 use trs_hycloud_igi; SET timestamp=1666754688; commit; # Time: 221026 3:24:58 # User@Host: irs[irs] @ [] # Thread_id: 2765861 Schema: trs_irs QC_hit: No # Query_time: 2.326965 Lock_time: 0.000127 Rows_sent: 9 Rows_examined: 9 # Rows_affected: 0 Bytes_sent: 1878 use trs_irs; SET timestamp=1666754698; select as id1_24_, searchfiel0_.analyzer_type as analyzer2_24_, searchfiel0_.cn_name as cn_name3_24_, searchfiel0_.cr_time as cr_time4_24_, searchfiel0_.cr_user as cr_user5_24_, searchfiel0_.en_name as en_name6_24_, searchfiel0_.ext_en_name as ext_en_n7_24_, searchfiel0_.field_type as field_ty8_24_, searchfiel0_.is_system as is_syste9_24_, searchfiel0_.searchbase_id as searchb10_24_, searchfiel0_.searchbase_table_id as searchb11_24_ from irs_searchbase_field_info searchfiel0_ where in (108 , 116 , 125 , 133 , 73 , 88 , 39 , 46 , 7); # Time: 221026 3:36:06 # User@Host: ipm[ipm] @ [] # Thread_id: 1312728 Schema: trs_hycloud_ipm QC_hit: No # Query_time: 2.419303 Lock_time: 0.000000 Rows_sent: 0 Rows_examined: 0 # Rows_affected: 0 Bytes_sent: 11 use trs_hycloud_ipm; SET timestamp=1666755366; commit; # Time: 221026 3:39:55 # User@Host: ids[ids] @ [] # Thread_id: 2767549 Schema: trs_ids QC_hit: No # Query_time: 3.666000 Lock_time: 0.000000 Rows_sent: 0 Rows_examined: 0 # Rows_affected: 0 Bytes_sent: 11 use trs_ids; SET timestamp=1666755595; commit; # User@Host: ids[ids] @ [] # Thread_id: 2767253 Schema: trs_ids QC_hit: No # Query_time: 2.947360 Lock_time: 0.000000 Rows_sent: 0 Rows_examined: 0 # Rows_affected: 0 Bytes_sent: 11 SET timestamp=1666755595; commit; # User@Host: ids[ids] @ [] # Thread_id: 2767661 Schema: trs_ids QC_hit: No # Query_time: 3.276164 Lock_time: 0.000000 Rows_sent: 0 Rows_examined: 0 # Rows_affected: 0 Bytes_sent: 11 SET timestamp=1666755595; commit; # User@Host: ids[ids] @ [] # Thread_id: 2767402 Schema: trs_ids QC_hit: No # Query_time: 3.001373 Lock_time: 0.000000 Rows_sent: 0 Rows_examined: 0 # Rows_affected: 0 Bytes_sent: 11 SET timestamp=1666755595; commit; # User@Host: ids[ids] @ [] # Thread_id: 2767550 Schema: trs_ids QC_hit: No # Query_time: 3.409387 Lock_time: 0.000000 Rows_sent: 0 Rows_examined: 0 # Rows_affected: 0 Bytes_sent: 11 SET timestamp=1666755595; commit; # User@Host: ids[ids] @ [] # Thread_id: 2767616 Schema: trs_ids QC_hit: No # Query_time: 2.962938 Lock_time: 0.000000 Rows_sent: 0 Rows_examined: 0 # Rows_affected: 0 Bytes_sent: 11 SET timestamp=1666755595; commit; # User@Host: ids[ids] @ [] # Thread_id: 2767660 Schema: trs_ids QC_hit: No # Query_time: 3.234524 Lock_time: 0.000000 Rows_sent: 0 Rows_examined: 0 # Rows_affected: 0 Bytes_sent: 11 SET timestamp=1666755595; commit; # User@Host: ids[ids] @ [] # Thread_id: 2767487 Schema: trs_ids QC_hit: No # Query_time: 2.390315 Lock_time: 0.000000 Rows_sent: 0 Rows_examined: 0 # Rows_affected: 0 Bytes_sent: 11 SET timestamp=1666755595; commit; # User@Host: ids[ids] @ [] # Thread_id: 2767183 Schema: trs_ids QC_hit: No # Query_time: 3.065140 Lock_time: 0.000000 Rows_sent: 0 Rows_examined: 0 # Rows_affected: 0 Bytes_sent: 11 SET timestamp=1666755595; commit; # User@Host: ids[ids] @ [] # Thread_id: 2767492 Schema: trs_ids QC_hit: No # Query_time: 3.631596 Lock_time: 0.000000 Rows_sent: 0 Rows_examined: 0 # Rows_affected: 0 Bytes_sent: 11 SET timestamp=1666755595; commit; # Time: 221026 3:40:38 # User@Host: ids[ids] @ [] # Thread_id: 2767616 Schema: trs_ids QC_hit: No # Query_time: 4.389682 Lock_time: 0.000053 Rows_sent: 0 Rows_examined: 0 # Rows_affected: 1 Bytes_sent: 14 SET timestamp=1666755638; insert into `IDSLOG` (`LOGTIME`, `LOGUSER`, `COUSERNAME`, `LOGTYPE`, `LOGDESC`, `HOSTIP`, `IDSSESS`, `COAPP`, `COSESS`, `LOGRESULT`, `DETAIL`, `CALLER`, `PROXYIPS`, `SIGNATURE`, `REGFROM`, `REGCOAPP`, `ELAPSEDTIME`) values ('2022-10-26 11:43:11', '生态环境局_童雪梅', '', 1, 'IDS发出注销请求', '', '8BCF21D38C7B24A7ADB0F3745DCBB66E-', 'IGI', 'CC26AA8179A9185F61AF03334348BB62', 0, '请求URL:http://hycloud-nginx-svc/IGI/ids/gotoLogin 实际通知会话:CC26AA8179A9185F61AF03334348BB62 响应信息:IGIlogout 906EAB9004C6508C98B896F613FE4AA8 (This sessionId must be the same as CoSessionId from IDS Above) 通知用的会话标识:JSESSIONID', 'com.trs.idm.model.logging.LogManager.logLoginEvent(<-com.trs.idm.model.session.SSOSessionManager.logLoginE...fyAppLogout(<-com.trs.idm.model.session.SSOSessionManager.notifyCoApp(', '', '302c0214405a6599f4b2bf5a7b637eaa156aced907be703d021446dba112801877a3fbe2dc546e075a7113ecb0ee', 'IIP', 'ids', -1); # User@Host: ids[ids] @ [] # Thread_id: 2767402 Schema: trs_ids QC_hit: No # Query_time: 3.299221 Lock_time: 0.000146 Rows_sent: 0 Rows_examined: 0 # Rows_affected: 1 Bytes_sent: 14 SET timestamp=1666755638; insert into `IDSLOG` (`LOGTIME`, `LOGUSER`, `COUSERNAME`, `LOGTYPE`, `LOGDESC`, `HOSTIP`, `IDSSESS`, `COAPP`, `COSESS`, `LOGRESULT`, `DETAIL`, `CALLER`, `PROXYIPS`, `SIGNATURE`, `REGFROM`, `REGCOAPP`, `ELAPSEDTIME`) values ('2022-10-26 11:43:13', '生态环境局_童雪梅', '', 1, 'IDS发出注销请求', '', '8BCF21D38C7B24A7ADB0F3745DCBB66E-', 'IGI', '7579471BBEDAC5B2C3A7EF6F7ABF7E55', 0, '请求URL:http://hycloud-nginx-svc/IGI/ids/gotoLogin 实际通知会话:7579471BBEDAC5B2C3A7EF6F7ABF7E55 响应信息:IGIlogout D458CE3EC94C2F289B26244FCA99CEBA (This sessionId must be the same as CoSessionId from IDS Above) 通知用的会话标识:JSESSIONID', 'com.trs.idm.model.logging.LogManager.logLoginEvent(<-com.trs.idm.model.session.SSOSessionManager.logLoginE...fyAppLogout(<-com.trs.idm.model.session.SSOSessionManager.notifyCoApp(', '', '302d021414315ba709db5a75fa0ba589ab1c5cb59823fc6a02150093fc980ef45f2de19de35501b9d0169f5e48bf1b', 'IIP', 'ids', -1); # User@Host: ids[ids] @ [] # Thread_id: 2767661 Schema: trs_ids QC_hit: No # Query_time: 3.366218 Lock_time: 0.000087 Rows_sent: 0 Rows_examined: 0 # Rows_affected: 1 Bytes_sent: 14 SET timestamp=1666755638; insert into `IDSLOG` (`LOGTIME`, `LOGUSER`, `COUSERNAME`, `LOGTYPE`, `LOGDESC`, `HOSTIP`, `IDSSESS`, `COAPP`, `COSESS`, `LOGRESULT`, `DETAIL`, `CALLER`, `PROXYIPS`, `SIGNATURE`, `REGFROM`, `REGCOAPP`, `ELAPSEDTIME`) values ('2022-10-26 11:43:13', '生态环境局_童雪梅', '', 1, 'IDS发出注销请求', '', '8BCF21D38C7B24A7ADB0F3745DCBB66E-', 'IGI', '7579471BBEDAC5B2C3A7EF6F7ABF7E55', 0, '请求URL:http://hycloud-nginx-svc/IGI/ids/gotoLogin 实际通知会话:7579471BBEDAC5B2C3A7EF6F7ABF7E55 响应信息:IGIlogout 79D2B96DBAF70610FF223E64B93D38AB (This sessionId must be the same as CoSessionId from IDS Above) 通知用的会话标识:JSESSIONID', 'com.trs.idm.model.logging.LogManager.logLoginEvent(<-com.trs.idm.model.session.SSOSessionManager.logLoginE...fyAppLogout(<-com.trs.idm.model.session.SSOSessionManager.notifyCoApp(', '', '302c021440f50a5b173afd189e882653c4f9ebd658a2f9d1021445762c0382c898d4540af088fe3f3cd749f86337', 'IIP', 'ids', -1); # User@Host: ids[ids] @ [] # Thread_id: 2767183 Schema: trs_ids QC_hit: No # Query_time: 3.306278 Lock_time: 0.000121 Rows_sent: 0 Rows_examined: 0 # Rows_affected: 1 Bytes_sent: 14 SET timestamp=1666755638; insert into `IDSLOG` (`LOGTIME`, `LOGUSER`, `COUSERNAME`, `LOGTYPE`, `LOGDESC`, `HOSTIP`, `IDSSESS`, `COAPP`, `COSESS`, `LOGRESULT`, `DETAIL`, `CALLER`, `PROXYIPS`, `SIGNATURE`, `REGFROM`, `REGCOAPP`, `ELAPSEDTIME`) values ('2022-10-26 11:43:13', '生态环境局_童雪梅', '', 1, 'IDS发出注销请求', '', '8BCF21D38C7B24A7ADB0F3745DCBB66E-', 'IGI', '7579471BBEDAC5B2C3A7EF6F7ABF7E55', 0, '请求URL:http://hycloud-nginx-svc/IGI/ids/gotoLogin 实际通知会话:7579471BBEDAC5B2C3A7EF6F7ABF7E55 响应信息:IGIlogout 6D19CE3915A5013C64BCDFC41807CE57 (This sessionId must be the same as CoSessionId from IDS Above) 通知用的会话标识:JSESSIONID', 'com.trs.idm.model.logging.LogManager.logLoginEvent(<-com.trs.idm.model.session.SSOSessionManager.logLoginE...fyAppLogout(<-com.trs.idm.model.session.SSOSessionManager.notifyCoApp(', '', '302c02145f948691d174ee809d06b3222447b351136188ac021435188a78aac6ff58f8966da5e16f1ac23088b76e', 'IIP', 'ids', -1); # User@Host: ids[ids] @ [] # Thread_id: 2767492 Schema: trs_ids QC_hit: No # Query_time: 2.401411 Lock_time: 0.000177 Rows_sent: 0 Rows_examined: 0 # Rows_affected: 1 Bytes_sent: 14 SET timestamp=1666755638; insert into `IDSLOG` (`LOGTIME`, `LOGUSER`, `COUSERNAME`, `LOGTYPE`, `LOGDESC`, `HOSTIP`, `IDSSESS`, `COAPP`, `COSESS`, `LOGRESULT`, `DETAIL`, `CALLER`, `PROXYIPS`, `SIGNATURE`, `REGFROM`, `REGCOAPP`, `ELAPSEDTIME`) values ('2022-10-26 11:43:13', '生态环境局_童雪梅', '', 1, 'IDS发出注销请求', '', '8BCF21D38C7B24A7ADB0F3745DCBB66E-', 'IGI', '7579471BBEDAC5B2C3A7EF6F7ABF7E55', 0, '请求URL:http://hycloud-nginx-svc/IGI/ids/gotoLogin 实际通知会话:7579471BBEDAC5B2C3A7EF6F7ABF7E55 响应信息:IGIlogout 3E2C7266A29D6E41A77BC1576B7BACD6 (This sessionId must be the same as CoSessionId from IDS Above) 通知用的会话标识:JSESSIONID', 'com.trs.idm.model.logging.LogManager.logLoginEvent(<-com.trs.idm.model.session.SSOSessionManager.logLoginE...fyAppLogout(<-com.trs.idm.model.session.SSOSessionManager.notifyCoApp(', '', '302c02143bcf3c5ebc16315dae911033d77f31362455d74e02145e12634a1c009781558010abe9b2d06b38709d82', 'IIP', 'ids', -1); # User@Host: ids[ids] @ [] # Thread_id: 2767550 Schema: trs_ids QC_hit: No # Query_time: 3.404811 Lock_time: 0.000102 Rows_sent: 0 Rows_examined: 0 # Rows_affected: 1 Bytes_sent: 14 SET timestamp=1666755638; insert into `IDSLOG` (`LOGTIME`, `LOGUSER`, `COUSERNAME`, `LOGTYPE`, `LOGDESC`, `HOSTIP`, `IDSSESS`, `COAPP`, `COSESS`, `LOGRESULT`, `DETAIL`, `CALLER`, `PROXYIPS`, `SIGNATURE`, `REGFROM`, `REGCOAPP`, `ELAPSEDTIME`) values ('2022-10-26 11:43:13', '生态环境局_童雪梅', '', 1, 'IDS发出注销请求', '', '8BCF21D38C7B24A7ADB0F3745DCBB66E-', 'IGI', '7579471BBEDAC5B2C3A7EF6F7ABF7E55', 0, '请求URL:http://hycloud-nginx-svc/IGI/ids/gotoLogin 实际通知会话:7579471BBEDAC5B2C3A7EF6F7ABF7E55 响应信息:IGIlogout C71B2877E421590B5CC4EFDD70DA3B7C (This sessionId must be the same as CoSessionId from IDS Above) 通知用的会话标识:JSESSIONID', 'com.trs.idm.model.logging.LogManager.logLoginEvent(<-com.trs.idm.model.session.SSOSessionManager.logLoginE...fyAppLogout(<-com.trs.idm.model.session.SSOSessionManager.notifyCoApp(', '', '302c02143882dcc85c32ae5fd1a5747b5acd411d2473003c02140a7d22233b503bdc8684919f78d53cc6f4023d60', 'IIP', 'ids', -1); # User@Host: ids[ids] @ [] # Thread_id: 2767660 Schema: trs_ids QC_hit: No # Query_time: 2.371651 Lock_time: 0.000169 Rows_sent: 0 Rows_examined: 0 # Rows_affected: 1 Bytes_sent: 14 SET timestamp=1666755638; insert into `IDSLOG` (`LOGTIME`, `LOGUSER`, `COUSERNAME`, `LOGTYPE`, `LOGDESC`, `HOSTIP`, `IDSSESS`, `COAPP`, `COSESS`, `LOGRESULT`, `DETAIL`, `CALLER`, `PROXYIPS`, `SIGNATURE`, `REGFROM`, `REGCOAPP`, `ELAPSEDTIME`) values ('2022-10-26 11:43:14', '生态环境局_童雪梅', '', 1, 'IDS发出注销请求', '', '8BCF21D38C7B24A7ADB0F3745DCBB66E-', 'IGI', '7579471BBEDAC5B2C3A7EF6F7ABF7E55', 0, '请求URL:http://hycloud-nginx-svc/IGI/ids/gotoLogin 实际通知会话:7579471BBEDAC5B2C3A7EF6F7ABF7E55 响应信息:IGIlogout C86D736A47BB2A99CF67E7FF29D5ED69 (This sessionId must be the same as CoSessionId from IDS Above) 通知用的会话标识:JSESSIONID', 'com.trs.idm.model.logging.LogManager.logLoginEvent(<-com.trs.idm.model.session.SSOSessionManager.logLoginE...fyAppLogout(<-com.trs.idm.model.session.SSOSessionManager.notifyCoApp(', '', '302c021415ec3a63fcdb1ffced96271730fd14d05f8ee2f902147ba79bcd371b84271d6248374fafc6d8522840c9', 'IIP', 'ids', -1); # Time: 221026 5:25:02 # User@Host: ids[ids] @ [] # Thread_id: 2768295 Schema: trs_ids QC_hit: No # Query_time: 2.080505 Lock_time: 0.000075 Rows_sent: 2 Rows_examined: 2 # Rows_affected: 0 Bytes_sent: 1562 SET timestamp=1666761902; select this_.`ID` as ID1_29_0_, this_.`NAME` as NAME2_29_0_, this_.`DISPLAYNAME` as DISPLAYN3_29_0_, this_.`DESCRIPTION` as DESCRIPT4_29_0_, this_.`SENDERTYPE` as SENDERTYPE5_29_0_, this_.`SENDERCLASS` as SENDERCL6_29_0_, this_.`CREATEDTIME` as CREATEDT7_29_0_, this_.`CREATEDUSER` as CREATEDU8_29_0_, this_.`STATUS` as STATUS9_29_0_, this_.`STATUSDESC` as STATUSDESC10_29_0_, this_.`CONFIGURATION` as CONFIGU11_29_0_, this_.`INTERNAL` as INTERNAL12_29_0_ from `IDSNOTIFICATIONSENDER` this_ limit 500; # Time: 221026 6:59:55 # User@Host: ids[ids] @ [] # Thread_id: 2768854 Schema: trs_ids QC_hit: No # Query_time: 4.340171 Lock_time: 0.000049 Rows_sent: 0 Rows_examined: 0 # Rows_affected: 1 Bytes_sent: 14 SET timestamp=1666767595; insert into `IDSLOG` (`LOGTIME`, `LOGUSER`, `COUSERNAME`, `LOGTYPE`, `LOGDESC`, `HOSTIP`, `IDSSESS`, `COAPP`, `COSESS`, `LOGRESULT`, `DETAIL`, `CALLER`, `PROXYIPS`, `SIGNATURE`, `REGFROM`, `REGCOAPP`, `ELAPSEDTIME`) values ('2022-10-26 15:02:29', '南部县双峰乡', '', 1, 'IDS发出注销请求', '', 'D1BC67C6F89CDB7CF15FB63C304022D3-', 'IGI', 'E6DD7EF376A9FDC1D421E36D6CC92D81', 0, '请求URL:http://hycloud-nginx-svc/IGI/ids/gotoLogin 实际通知会话:E6DD7EF376A9FDC1D421E36D6CC92D81 响应信息:IGIlogout 0A516B61273223ADB1E5AA4D68A4AF83 (This sessionId must be the same as CoSessionId from IDS Above) 通知用的会话标识:JSESSIONID', 'com.trs.idm.model.logging.LogManager.logLoginEvent(<-com.trs.idm.model.session.SSOSessionManager.logLoginE...fyAppLogout(<-com.trs.idm.model.session.SSOSessionManager.notifyCoApp(', '', '302e0215008dffc9f646eeb9308e38184372dd1362fcd819fe0215009663f36c60640d7b211258ca33724d990d570e5a', 'IIP', 'ids', -1); # User@Host: ids[ids] @ [] # Thread_id: 2768626 Schema: trs_ids QC_hit: No # Query_time: 3.313328 Lock_time: 0.000163 Rows_sent: 0 Rows_examined: 0 # Rows_affected: 1 Bytes_sent: 14 SET timestamp=1666767595; insert into `IDSLOG` (`LOGTIME`, `LOGUSER`, `COUSERNAME`, `LOGTYPE`, `LOGDESC`, `HOSTIP`, `IDSSESS`, `COAPP`, `COSESS`, `LOGRESULT`, `DETAIL`, `CALLER`, `PROXYIPS`, `SIGNATURE`, `REGFROM`, `REGCOAPP`, `ELAPSEDTIME`) values ('2022-10-26 15:02:30', '南部县双峰乡', '', 1, 'IDS发出注销请求', '', 'D1BC67C6F89CDB7CF15FB63C304022D3-', 'IGI', 'E6DD7EF376A9FDC1D421E36D6CC92D81', 0, '请求URL:http://hycloud-nginx-svc/IGI/ids/gotoLogin 实际通知会话:E6DD7EF376A9FDC1D421E36D6CC92D81 响应信息:IGIlogout FDC4B593F979F927345F8A0ECA722497 (This sessionId must be the same as CoSessionId from IDS Above) 通知用的会话标识:JSESSIONID', 'com.trs.idm.model.logging.LogManager.logLoginEvent(<-com.trs.idm.model.session.SSOSessionManager.logLoginE...fyAppLogout(<-com.trs.idm.model.session.SSOSessionManager.notifyCoApp(', '', '302d02150085ff105564e67af6a567ea0272f2adfcc9e3ae48021432d5d98f0780213f5206a5e6dcbf50d1d047a3d2', 'IIP', 'ids', -1); # User@Host: ids[ids] @ [] # Thread_id: 2768856 Schema: trs_ids QC_hit: No # Query_time: 2.707695 Lock_time: 0.000149 Rows_sent: 0 Rows_examined: 0 # Rows_affected: 1 Bytes_sent: 14 SET timestamp=1666767595; insert into `IDSLOG` (`LOGTIME`, `LOGUSER`, `COUSERNAME`, `LOGTYPE`, `LOGDESC`, `HOSTIP`, `IDSSESS`, `COAPP`, `COSESS`, `LOGRESULT`, `DETAIL`, `CALLER`, `PROXYIPS`, `SIGNATURE`, `REGFROM`, `REGCOAPP`, `ELAPSEDTIME`) values ('2022-10-26 15:02:30', '南部县双峰乡', '', 1, 'IDS发出注销请求', '', 'D1BC67C6F89CDB7CF15FB63C304022D3-', 'IGI', 'E6DD7EF376A9FDC1D421E36D6CC92D81', 0, '请求URL:http://hycloud-nginx-svc/IGI/ids/gotoLogin 实际通知会话:E6DD7EF376A9FDC1D421E36D6CC92D81 响应信息:IGIlogout 648D9F22CE97EE43B50405261CC611F6 (This sessionId must be the same as CoSessionId from IDS Above) 通知用的会话标识:JSESSIONID', 'com.trs.idm.model.logging.LogManager.logLoginEvent(<-com.trs.idm.model.session.SSOSessionManager.logLoginE...fyAppLogout(<-com.trs.idm.model.session.SSOSessionManager.notifyCoApp(', '', '302e021500945d59b03b996590998d8dd108936f79b57f177302150095682fcdd8f859bec602e697b482cb9b61e74a19', 'IIP', 'ids', -1); # User@Host: ids[ids] @ [] # Thread_id: 2768821 Schema: trs_ids QC_hit: No # Query_time: 2.341896 Lock_time: 0.000206 Rows_sent: 0 Rows_examined: 0 # Rows_affected: 1 Bytes_sent: 14 SET timestamp=1666767595; insert into `IDSLOG` (`LOGTIME`, `LOGUSER`, `COUSERNAME`, `LOGTYPE`, `LOGDESC`, `HOSTIP`, `IDSSESS`, `COAPP`, `COSESS`, `LOGRESULT`, `DETAIL`, `CALLER`, `PROXYIPS`, `SIGNATURE`, `REGFROM`, `REGCOAPP`, `ELAPSEDTIME`) values ('2022-10-26 15:02:31', '南部县双峰乡', '', 1, 'IDS发出注销请求', '', 'D1BC67C6F89CDB7CF15FB63C304022D3-', 'IGI', 'E6DD7EF376A9FDC1D421E36D6CC92D81', 0, '请求URL:http://hycloud-nginx-svc/IGI/ids/gotoLogin 实际通知会话:E6DD7EF376A9FDC1D421E36D6CC92D81 响应信息:IGIlogout EADA374021155C4CD68BDA555D27A45D (This sessionId must be the same as CoSessionId from IDS Above) 通知用的会话标识:JSESSIONID', 'com.trs.idm.model.logging.LogManager.logLoginEvent(<-com.trs.idm.model.session.SSOSessionManager.logLoginE...fyAppLogout(<-com.trs.idm.model.session.SSOSessionManager.notifyCoApp(', '', '302c0214789167442caae01a4b68f4af453ff5047d7464c70214599ff40bf4324d424800ce98f6a8440eab111ae6', 'IIP', 'ids', -1); # User@Host: ids[ids] @ [] # Thread_id: 2768768 Schema: trs_ids QC_hit: No # Query_time: 3.713903 Lock_time: 0.000168 Rows_sent: 0 Rows_examined: 0 # Rows_affected: 1 Bytes_sent: 14 SET timestamp=1666767595; insert into `IDSLOG` (`LOGTIME`, `LOGUSER`, `COUSERNAME`, `LOGTYPE`, `LOGDESC`, `HOSTIP`, `IDSSESS`, `COAPP`, `COSESS`, `LOGRESULT`, `DETAIL`, `CALLER`, `PROXYIPS`, `SIGNATURE`, `REGFROM`, `REGCOAPP`, `ELAPSEDTIME`) values ('2022-10-26 15:02:30', '南部县双峰乡', '', 1, 'IDS发出注销请求', '', 'D1BC67C6F89CDB7CF15FB63C304022D3-', 'IGI', 'E6DD7EF376A9FDC1D421E36D6CC92D81', 0, '请求URL:http://hycloud-nginx-svc/IGI/ids/gotoLogin 实际通知会话:E6DD7EF376A9FDC1D421E36D6CC92D81 响应信息:IGIlogout A43045E7C34FCF9A5ACB1D844AEB1D46 (This sessionId must be the same as CoSessionId from IDS Above) 通知用的会话标识:JSESSIONID', 'com.trs.idm.model.logging.LogManager.logLoginEvent(<-com.trs.idm.model.session.SSOSessionManager.logLoginE...fyAppLogout(<-com.trs.idm.model.session.SSOSessionManager.notifyCoApp(', '', '302c02140cf2b984f184b911f4787d099d28b92b846dd7ef02144b601c784afe9b70d276142221ac8dcc37ea888f', 'IIP', 'ids', -1); # User@Host: ids[ids] @ [] # Thread_id: 2768855 Schema: trs_ids QC_hit: No # Query_time: 3.997345 Lock_time: 0.000107 Rows_sent: 0 Rows_examined: 0 # Rows_affected: 1 Bytes_sent: 14 SET timestamp=1666767595; insert into `IDSLOG` (`LOGTIME`, `LOGUSER`, `COUSERNAME`, `LOGTYPE`, `LOGDESC`, `HOSTIP`, `IDSSESS`, `COAPP`, `COSESS`, `LOGRESULT`, `DETAIL`, `CALLER`, `PROXYIPS`, `SIGNATURE`, `REGFROM`, `REGCOAPP`, `ELAPSEDTIME`) values ('2022-10-26 15:02:29', '南部县双峰乡', '', 1, 'IDS发出注销请求', '', 'D1BC67C6F89CDB7CF15FB63C304022D3-', 'IGI', 'E6DD7EF376A9FDC1D421E36D6CC92D81', 0, '请求URL:http://hycloud-nginx-svc/IGI/ids/gotoLogin 实际通知会话:E6DD7EF376A9FDC1D421E36D6CC92D81 响应信息:IGIlogout 0AD621EE90030289A4560C85456DA711 (This sessionId must be the same as CoSessionId from IDS Above) 通知用的会话标识:JSESSIONID', 'com.trs.idm.model.logging.LogManager.logLoginEvent(<-com.trs.idm.model.session.SSOSessionManager.logLoginE...fyAppLogout(<-com.trs.idm.model.session.SSOSessionManager.notifyCoApp(', '', '302d02144beffba11593c6ec800dbaaf13624e1fe8579e4f0215008305cdf5adce525025a074cdee83594330f69299', 'IIP', 'ids', -1); # User@Host: ids[ids] @ [] # Thread_id: 2768988 Schema: trs_ids QC_hit: No # Query_time: 3.719262 Lock_time: 0.000174 Rows_sent: 0 Rows_examined: 0 # Rows_affected: 1 Bytes_sent: 14 SET timestamp=1666767595; insert into `IDSLOG` (`LOGTIME`, `LOGUSER`, `COUSERNAME`, `LOGTYPE`, `LOGDESC`, `HOSTIP`, `IDSSESS`, `COAPP`, `COSESS`, `LOGRESULT`, `DETAIL`, `CALLER`, `PROXYIPS`, `SIGNATURE`, `REGFROM`, `REGCOAPP`, `ELAPSEDTIME`) values ('2022-10-26 15:02:29', '南部县双峰乡', '', 1, 'IDS发出注销请求', '', 'D1BC67C6F89CDB7CF15FB63C304022D3-', 'IGI', 'E6DD7EF376A9FDC1D421E36D6CC92D81', 0, '请求URL:http://hycloud-nginx-svc/IGI/ids/gotoLogin 实际通知会话:E6DD7EF376A9FDC1D421E36D6CC92D81 响应信息:IGIlogout 095211CC4FD0EAF3CD523CBE1566064B (This sessionId must be the same as CoSessionId from IDS Above) 通知用的会话标识:JSESSIONID', 'com.trs.idm.model.logging.LogManager.logLoginEvent(<-com.trs.idm.model.session.SSOSessionManager.logLoginE...fyAppLogout(<-com.trs.idm.model.session.SSOSessionManager.notifyCoApp(', '', '302d0215008a4d1bf136e1454bda6cbd8491f3e35c8fddbb2e0214323d5712191b01136bcd40834d7a8978a7a1ee40', 'IIP', 'ids', -1); # User@Host: ids[ids] @ [] # Thread_id: 2768986 Schema: trs_ids QC_hit: No # Query_time: 4.316618 Lock_time: 0.000127 Rows_sent: 0 Rows_examined: 0 # Rows_affected: 1 Bytes_sent: 14 SET timestamp=1666767595; insert into `IDSLOG` (`LOGTIME`, `LOGUSER`, `COUSERNAME`, `LOGTYPE`, `LOGDESC`, `HOSTIP`, `IDSSESS`, `COAPP`, `COSESS`, `LOGRESULT`, `DETAIL`, `CALLER`, `PROXYIPS`, `SIGNATURE`, `REGFROM`, `REGCOAPP`, `ELAPSEDTIME`) values ('2022-10-26 15:02:29', '南部县双峰乡', '', 1, 'IDS发出注销请求', '', 'D1BC67C6F89CDB7CF15FB63C304022D3-', 'IGI', 'E6DD7EF376A9FDC1D421E36D6CC92D81', 0, '请求URL:http://hycloud-nginx-svc/IGI/ids/gotoLogin 实际通知会话:E6DD7EF376A9FDC1D421E36D6CC92D81 响应信息:IGIlogout 4A00E96A0666CE6C03F75743FE68A2B6 (This sessionId must be the same as CoSessionId from IDS Above) 通知用的会话标识:JSESSIONID', 'com.trs.idm.model.logging.LogManager.logLoginEvent(<-com.trs.idm.model.session.SSOSessionManager.logLoginE...fyAppLogout(<-com.trs.idm.model.session.SSOSessionManager.notifyCoApp(', '', '302c02145e013f28fdea67baa68494b9ea7f796e780d1cbc021441dee895310f37195ecf92d3a8b64fcfb4eed2fb', 'IIP', 'ids', -1); # User@Host: ids[ids] @ [] # Thread_id: 2768987 Schema: trs_ids QC_hit: No # Query_time: 3.342963 Lock_time: 0.000179 Rows_sent: 0 Rows_examined: 0 # Rows_affected: 1 Bytes_sent: 14 SET timestamp=1666767595; insert into `IDSLOG` (`LOGTIME`, `LOGUSER`, `COUSERNAME`, `LOGTYPE`, `LOGDESC`, `HOSTIP`, `IDSSESS`, `COAPP`, `COSESS`, `LOGRESULT`, `DETAIL`, `CALLER`, `PROXYIPS`, `SIGNATURE`, `REGFROM`, `REGCOAPP`, `ELAPSEDTIME`) values ('2022-10-26 15:02:30', '南部县双峰乡', '', 1, 'IDS发出注销请求', '', 'D1BC67C6F89CDB7CF15FB63C304022D3-', 'IGI', 'E6DD7EF376A9FDC1D421E36D6CC92D81', 0, '请求URL:http://hycloud-nginx-svc/IGI/ids/gotoLogin 实际通知会话:E6DD7EF376A9FDC1D421E36D6CC92D81 响应信息:IGIlogout D3C3DA7B6920F9B2F1220426C9B619CC (This sessionId must be the same as CoSessionId from IDS Above) 通知用的会话标识:JSESSIONID', 'com.trs.idm.model.logging.LogManager.logLoginEvent(<-com.trs.idm.model.session.SSOSessionManager.logLoginE...fyAppLogout(<-com.trs.idm.model.session.SSOSessionManager.notifyCoApp(', '', '302c021417a9a31a5e8d8e0e61438c73491ccc70d912ee6b0214182b7f758fe2a5356de5b914fffe8f828a73925f', 'IIP', 'ids', -1); # Time: 221026 8:07:36 # User@Host: ids[ids] @ [] # Thread_id: 2769438 Schema: trs_ids QC_hit: No # Query_time: 4.927149 Lock_time: 0.000046 Rows_sent: 0 Rows_examined: 0 # Rows_affected: 1 Bytes_sent: 14 SET timestamp=1666771656; insert into `IDSLOG` (`LOGTIME`, `LOGUSER`, `COUSERNAME`, `LOGTYPE`, `LOGDESC`, `HOSTIP`, `IDSSESS`, `COAPP`, `COSESS`, `LOGRESULT`, `DETAIL`, `CALLER`, `PROXYIPS`, `SIGNATURE`, `REGFROM`, `REGCOAPP`, `ELAPSEDTIME`) values ('2022-10-26 16:10:09', '西充县综合行政执法局-审核', '', 1, 'IDS发出注销请求', '', 'F9B3B073FF74E19707069CDFCE673366-', 'IGI', 'F82DF72A4DFF2BC869DAD7E34B47749F', 0, '请求URL:http://hycloud-nginx-svc/IGI/ids/gotoLogin 实际通知会话:F82DF72A4DFF2BC869DAD7E34B47749F 响应信息:IGIlogout 3C77103F4B2EADD916E2CCC535D6BC29 (This sessionId must be the same as CoSessionId from IDS Above) 通知用的会话标识:JSESSIONID', 'com.trs.idm.model.logging.LogManager.logLoginEvent(<-com.trs.idm.model.session.SSOSessionManager.logLoginE...fyAppLogout(<-com.trs.idm.model.session.SSOSessionManager.notifyCoApp(', '', '302c02145b6213cc30e83540f607ebd9c165f586c112fa1402146dff3e4c2dbfd6123eb8128deeeaec1519b6ebfb', 'IIP', 'ids', -1); # Time: 221026 9:16:14 # User@Host: ids[ids] @ [] # Thread_id: 2769622 Schema: trs_ids QC_hit: No # Query_time: 5.538084 Lock_time: 0.000107 Rows_sent: 0 Rows_examined: 0 # Rows_affected: 1 Bytes_sent: 14 SET timestamp=1666775774; insert into `IDSLOG` (`LOGTIME`, `LOGUSER`, `COUSERNAME`, `LOGTYPE`, `LOGDESC`, `HOSTIP`, `IDSSESS`, `COAPP`, `COSESS`, `LOGRESULT`, `DETAIL`, `CALLER`, `PROXYIPS`, `SIGNATURE`, `ELAPSEDTIME`) values ('2022-10-26 17:18:46', 'SYSTEM', '', 1, '刷新ssoToken[A90A96B2384E076B11C3B8126CCC0039-]成功', '', 'A90A96B2384E076B11C3B8126CCC0039-', 'IIP', 'ECC23833E11C4241A35C352DA45E3811', 0, '会话延期成功', 'com.trs.idm.model.logging.LogManager.logLoginEvent(<-com.trs.idm.model.logging.LogManager.logLoginEvent(Lo...i.v5.sso.RefreshProcessor.process(<-com.trs.idm.api.v5.APIServer.executeProcessor(', '', '302c02147cd1111bfabca975ddf7693aa242f86a60a782c302145466bf530d61fbf7b2b5908b4ceec07534796a2e', -1); # User@Host: ids[ids] @ [] # Thread_id: 2769786 Schema: trs_ids QC_hit: No # Query_time: 5.531273 Lock_time: 0.000104 Rows_sent: 0 Rows_examined: 0 # Rows_affected: 1 Bytes_sent: 14 SET timestamp=1666775774; insert into `IDSLOG` (`LOGTIME`, `LOGUSER`, `COUSERNAME`, `LOGTYPE`, `LOGDESC`, `HOSTIP`, `IDSSESS`, `COAPP`, `COSESS`, `LOGRESULT`, `DETAIL`, `CALLER`, `PROXYIPS`, `SIGNATURE`, `ELAPSEDTIME`) values ('2022-10-26 17:18:46', 'SYSTEM', '', 1, '刷新ssoToken[A90A96B2384E076B11C3B8126CCC0039-]成功', '', 'A90A96B2384E076B11C3B8126CCC0039-', 'IIP', 'ECC23833E11C4241A35C352DA45E3811', 0, '会话延期成功', 'com.trs.idm.model.logging.LogManager.logLoginEvent(<-com.trs.idm.model.logging.LogManager.logLoginEvent(Lo...i.v5.sso.RefreshProcessor.process(<-com.trs.idm.api.v5.APIServer.executeProcessor(', '', '302d0215008b492ae2e980dfd95a60201aabf995486183015902141dee5a348272d93e472ee0a15a72bd05945ba829', -1); # User@Host: ids[ids] @ [] # Thread_id: 2769884 Schema: trs_ids QC_hit: No # Query_time: 4.780034 Lock_time: 0.000149 Rows_sent: 0 Rows_examined: 0 # Rows_affected: 1 Bytes_sent: 14 SET timestamp=1666775774; insert into `IDSLOG` (`LOGTIME`, `LOGUSER`, `COUSERNAME`, `LOGTYPE`, `LOGDESC`, `HOSTIP`, `IDSSESS`, `COAPP`, `COSESS`, `LOGRESULT`, `DETAIL`, `CALLER`, `PROXYIPS`, `SIGNATURE`, `ELAPSEDTIME`) values ('2022-10-26 17:18:47', 'SYSTEM', '', 1, '刷新ssoToken[A90A96B2384E076B11C3B8126CCC0039-]成功', '', 'A90A96B2384E076B11C3B8126CCC0039-', 'IIP', 'ECC23833E11C4241A35C352DA45E3811', 0, '会话延期成功', 'com.trs.idm.model.logging.LogManager.logLoginEvent(<-com.trs.idm.model.logging.LogManager.logLoginEvent(Lo...i.v5.sso.RefreshProcessor.process(<-com.trs.idm.api.v5.APIServer.executeProcessor(', '', '302c0214393c06b457b97b4fed1f824e8ab4e240160d16b9021446adc97c8586f821d90036b85ed7ec98ebcf87cc', -1); # User@Host: ids[ids] @ [] # Thread_id: 2769882 Schema: trs_ids QC_hit: No # Query_time: 4.738372 Lock_time: 0.000156 Rows_sent: 0 Rows_examined: 0 # Rows_affected: 1 Bytes_sent: 14 SET timestamp=1666775774; insert into `IDSLOG` (`LOGTIME`, `LOGUSER`, `COUSERNAME`, `LOGTYPE`, `LOGDESC`, `HOSTIP`, `IDSSESS`, `COAPP`, `COSESS`, `LOGRESULT`, `DETAIL`, `CALLER`, `PROXYIPS`, `SIGNATURE`, `ELAPSEDTIME`) values ('2022-10-26 17:18:47', 'SYSTEM', '', 1, '刷新ssoToken[A90A96B2384E076B11C3B8126CCC0039-]成功', '', 'A90A96B2384E076B11C3B8126CCC0039-', 'IIP', 'ECC23833E11C4241A35C352DA45E3811', 0, '会话延期成功', 'com.trs.idm.model.logging.LogManager.logLoginEvent(<-com.trs.idm.model.logging.LogManager.logLoginEvent(Lo...i.v5.sso.RefreshProcessor.process(<-com.trs.idm.api.v5.APIServer.executeProcessor(', '', '302d021450d84f20780ff43733e9859006dba8cebcc54cc80215008f1fd1ec8da0dfaf3a67f8604f8efcb616265b06', -1); # User@Host: ids[ids] @ [] # Thread_id: 2769883 Schema: trs_ids QC_hit: No # Query_time: 3.779332 Lock_time: 0.000118 Rows_sent: 0 Rows_examined: 0 # Rows_affected: 1 Bytes_sent: 14 SET timestamp=1666775774; insert into `IDSLOG` (`LOGTIME`, `LOGUSER`, `COUSERNAME`, `LOGTYPE`, `LOGDESC`, `HOSTIP`, `IDSSESS`, `COAPP`, `COSESS`, `LOGRESULT`, `DETAIL`, `CALLER`, `PROXYIPS`, `SIGNATURE`, `ELAPSEDTIME`) values ('2022-10-26 17:18:48', 'SYSTEM', '', 1, '刷新ssoToken[A90A96B2384E076B11C3B8126CCC0039-]成功', '', 'A90A96B2384E076B11C3B8126CCC0039-', 'IIP', 'ECC23833E11C4241A35C352DA45E3811', 0, '会话延期成功', 'com.trs.idm.model.logging.LogManager.logLoginEvent(<-com.trs.idm.model.logging.LogManager.logLoginEvent(Lo...i.v5.sso.RefreshProcessor.process(<-com.trs.idm.api.v5.APIServer.executeProcessor(', '', '302c0214130e985d60367eb438e831b240e6f352a237d361021431a0c1b3f5e163ee1dd0e584b59d6543ee9795e9', -1); # Time: 221026 10:00:36 # User@Host: leadercockpit[leadercockpit] @ [] # Thread_id: 2770182 Schema: leadercockpit QC_hit: No # Query_time: 8.295103 Lock_time: 0.000093 Rows_sent: 0 Rows_examined: 1 # Rows_affected: 1 Bytes_sent: 52 use leadercockpit; SET timestamp=1666778436; UPDATE data_syn_log SET data_syn_task_id=124531, request_url='', response='{"code":0,"data":0,"msg":"操作成功"}', exception='success', scene='在线信箱', create_time='2022-10-26 10:03:07' WHERE data_syn_log_id=178094; # Time: 221026 10:21:05 # User@Host: igi[igi] @ [] # Thread_id: 2769869 Schema: trs_hycloud_igi QC_hit: No # Query_time: 3.846060 Lock_time: 0.000061 Rows_sent: 0 Rows_examined: 0 # Rows_affected: 1 Bytes_sent: 14 use trs_hycloud_igi; SET timestamp=1666779665; insert into trs_message_records (create_date, modify_date, content, failure_reasons, is_success, phone_number, type) values ('2022-10-26 18:21:01', null, '{"netizenName":"李秋月","siteName":"南充市人民政府","appInfoName":"南充市统一信箱","nodeDesc":"待回复","operation":"新","govTitle":"南充升钟水利工程建设管理局在职人员杜双全恶意扰乱金额秩序。","govQueryNumber":"2022102637248660","govQueryPwd":"892857","operTargetDept":"南充市人民政府办公室","majorDealDept":"南充市人民政府办公室","assistDealDept":"","timeLeft":"5"}', '短信通知发送失败,原因:SDK.ServerUnreachable : Server unreachable:', '1', '13990776653', 'GOV_NOTICE_NEW'); # Time: 221026 14:00:56 # User@Host: leadercockpit[leadercockpit] @ [] # Thread_id: 2771627 Schema: leadercockpit QC_hit: No # Query_time: 4.074533 Lock_time: 0.000040 Rows_sent: 0 Rows_examined: 0 # Rows_affected: 1 Bytes_sent: 14 use leadercockpit; SET timestamp=1666792856; INSERT INTO data_syn_log ( data_syn_task_id, request_url, response, exception, scene, create_time ) VALUES ( 124916, 'http://apollo-prometheus-svc.trsdevops:30090/api/v1/query_range?query=(sum(node_memory_MemTotal_bytes{origin_prometheus=~""} - node_memory_MemAvailable_bytes{origin_prometheus=~""}) / sum(node_memory_MemTotal_bytes{origin_prometheus=~""}))*100&start=1666793010&end=1666793010&step=1800', '未发送请求/请求发生异常', 'success', '服务运行状态详情监控', '2022-10-26 14:03:30' ); # Time: 221026 16:07:49 # User@Host: ipm[ipm] @ [] # Thread_id: 2772499 Schema: trs_hycloud_ipm QC_hit: No # Query_time: 3.054128 Lock_time: 0.000124 Rows_sent: 0 Rows_examined: 487 # Rows_affected: 1 Bytes_sent: 52 use trs_hycloud_ipm; SET timestamp=1666800469; update issue set checkTime = '2022-10-27 00:07:56' WHERE 1=1 AND siteId = 50 AND customer2 = '5667' AND typeId = 101 AND subTypeId = 1011 AND isResolved = 0 AND isDel = 0 AND isResolved = 0 AND isDel = 0; # User@Host: ipm[ipm] @ [] # Thread_id: 2772488 Schema: trs_hycloud_ipm QC_hit: No # Query_time: 2.585605 Lock_time: 0.000193 Rows_sent: 0 Rows_examined: 0 # Rows_affected: 1 Bytes_sent: 13 SET timestamp=1666800469; INSERT INTO performanceindex ( siteId, indexLevel, performance, checkTime , singleVeto , homePageAvailability , homePageChannel , levySurvey , interactiveInterview ) VALUES ( 22, 1, 0.0, '2022-10-27 00:07:56' , '站点无法访问;站点不更新;栏目不更新;互动回应差;' , '5 * 100.0(%)' , '5' , '5' , '5' ); # Time: 221026 17:06:55 # User@Host: ids[ids] @ [] # Thread_id: 2772901 Schema: trs_ids QC_hit: No # Query_time: 3.882894 Lock_time: 0.000000 Rows_sent: 0 Rows_examined: 0 # Rows_affected: 0 Bytes_sent: 11 use trs_ids; SET timestamp=1666804015; commit; # User@Host: igi[igi] @ [] # Thread_id: 2770625 Schema: trs_hycloud_igi QC_hit: No # Query_time: 2.326791 Lock_time: 0.000000 Rows_sent: 0 Rows_examined: 0 # Rows_affected: 0 Bytes_sent: 11 use trs_hycloud_igi; SET timestamp=1666804015; commit; # Time: 221026 17:07:07 # User@Host: mas[mas] @ [] # Thread_id: 2418677 Schema: trs_mas QC_hit: No # Query_time: 2.258129 Lock_time: 0.000000 Rows_sent: 0 Rows_examined: 0 # Rows_affected: 0 Bytes_sent: 11 use trs_mas; SET timestamp=1666804027; commit; # Time: 221026 17:07:54 # User@Host: ids[ids] @ [] # Thread_id: 2772902 Schema: trs_ids QC_hit: No # Query_time: 3.008971 Lock_time: 0.000000 Rows_sent: 0 Rows_examined: 0 # Rows_affected: 0 Bytes_sent: 11 use trs_ids; SET timestamp=1666804074; commit; # Time: 221026 19:01:32 # User@Host: root[root] @ [] # Thread_id: 2773651 Schema: leadercockpit QC_hit: No # Query_time: 4.863133 Lock_time: 0.000042 Rows_sent: 179359 Rows_examined: 179359 # Rows_affected: 0 Bytes_sent: 184391841 use leadercockpit; SET timestamp=1666810892; SELECT /*!40001 SQL_NO_CACHE */ `data_syn_log_id`, `data_syn_task_id`, `request_url`, `request_params`, `response`, `exception`, `scene`, `create_time` FROM `data_syn_log`; # Time: 221026 19:02:03 # User@Host: root[root] @ [] # Thread_id: 2773651 Schema: trs_hycloud_igi QC_hit: No # Query_time: 19.358427 Lock_time: 0.000047 Rows_sent: 1107403 Rows_examined: 1107403 # Rows_affected: 0 Bytes_sent: 643887837 use trs_hycloud_igi; SET timestamp=1666810923; SELECT /*!40001 SQL_NO_CACHE */ `id`, `create_date`, `modify_date`, `content`, `failure_reasons`, `is_success`, `number_of_days`, `phone_number`, `type` FROM `trs_message_records`; # Time: 221026 19:02:09 # User@Host: root[root] @ [] # Thread_id: 2773651 Schema: trs_hycloud_msg QC_hit: No # Query_time: 3.249953 Lock_time: 0.000064 Rows_sent: 225517 Rows_examined: 225517 # Rows_affected: 0 Bytes_sent: 89203745 use trs_hycloud_msg; SET timestamp=1666810929; SELECT /*!40001 SQL_NO_CACHE */ `id`, `group_id`, `module_id`, `biz_id`, `title`, `content`, `source_id`, `event`, `event_data`, `cr_time`, `msg_type`, `notice_status`, `receive_user_count`, `up_time`, `up_user`, `pub_time` FROM `msg_detail`; # Time: 221026 19:02:13 # User@Host: root[root] @ [] # Thread_id: 2773651 Schema: trs_hycloud_msg QC_hit: No # Query_time: 3.798709 Lock_time: 0.000040 Rows_sent: 760078 Rows_examined: 760078 # Rows_affected: 0 Bytes_sent: 37822394 SET timestamp=1666810933; SELECT /*!40001 SQL_NO_CACHE */ `id`, `group_id`, `module_id`, `msg_id`, `reader_type`, `reader_id`, `cr_time` FROM `msg_reader`; # Time: 221026 19:04:41 # User@Host: root[root] @ [] # Thread_id: 2773651 Schema: trs_ids QC_hit: No # Query_time: 144.767234 Lock_time: 0.000115 Rows_sent: 6704082 Rows_examined: 6704082 # Rows_affected: 0 Bytes_sent: 5009273781 use trs_ids; SET timestamp=1666811081; SELECT /*!40001 SQL_NO_CACHE */ `LOGID`, `LOGTIME`, `LOGUSER`, `COUSERNAME`, `LOGTYPE`, `LOGDESC`, `HOSTIP`, `IDSSESS`, `COAPP`, `COSESS`, `LOGRESULT`, `DETAIL`, `CALLER`, `PROXYIPS`, `USERAGENT`, `SIGNATURE`, `REGFROM`, `REGCOAPP`, `ELAPSEDTIME` FROM `idslog`; # Time: 221026 19:04:42 # User@Host: igi[igi] @ [] # Thread_id: 2773636 Schema: trs_hycloud_igi QC_hit: No # Query_time: 52.343538 Lock_time: 0.000538 Rows_sent: 6 Rows_examined: 63701 # Rows_affected: 0 Bytes_sent: 21074 use trs_hycloud_igi; SET timestamp=1666811082; select as id1_31_, govmsgbox0_.create_date as create_d2_31_, govmsgbox0_.modify_date as modify_d3_31_, govmsgbox0_.accept_time as accept_t4_31_, govmsgbox0_.address as address5_31_, govmsgbox0_.agent_user as agent_us6_31_, govmsgbox0_.app_id as app_id7_31_, govmsgbox0_.arepublic as arepubli8_31_, govmsgbox0_.area as area9_31_, govmsgbox0_.attachs as attachs10_31_, govmsgbox0_.cardid as cardid11_31_, govmsgbox0_.cardtype as cardtyp12_31_, as career13_31_, as city14_31_, govmsgbox0_.content as content15_31_, govmsgbox0_.count_remain_day_start_time as count_r16_31_, govmsgbox0_.crip as crip17_31_, govmsgbox0_.cruser as cruser18_31_, govmsgbox0_.dealdeptid as dealdep19_31_, govmsgbox0_.dealdeptname as dealdep20_31_, govmsgbox0_.dealuserid as dealuse21_31_, govmsgbox0_.delay_apply_time as delay_a22_31_, govmsgbox0_.delay_flag as delay_f23_31_, govmsgbox0_.delete_reason as delete_24_31_, govmsgbox0_.district_code as distric25_31_, govmsgbox0_.doc_desc as doc_des26_31_, govmsgbox0_.doc_id as doc_id27_31_, govmsgbox0_.doc_username as doc_use28_31_, as email29_31_, govmsgbox0_.examine_dept_id as examine30_31_, govmsgbox0_.examine_user_id as examine31_31_, govmsgbox0_.external_id as externa32_31_, govmsgbox0_.finishtime as finisht33_31_, govmsgbox0_.forward_dept_id as forward34_31_, govmsgbox0_.forward_user_name as forward35_31_, govmsgbox0_.govmsgbox_desc as govmsgb36_31_, govmsgbox0_.govmsgboxflag as govmsgb37_31_, govmsgbox0_.govmsgboxtype as govmsgb38_31_, govmsgbox0_.govmsgboxtype1 as govmsgb39_31_, govmsgbox0_.handle_time as handle_40_31_, govmsgbox0_.htmlcontent as htmlcon41_31_, govmsgbox0_.initial_app_id as initial42_31_, govmsgbox0_.initial_is_public as initial43_31_, govmsgbox0_.initial_site_id as initial44_31_, govmsgbox0_.is_agent as is_agen45_31_, govmsgbox0_.is_anonymous as is_anon46_31_, govmsgbox0_.is_anonymous_letter as is_anon47_31_, govmsgbox0_.isapply as isapply48_31_, govmsgbox0_.is_auto_reply as is_auto49_31_, govmsgbox0_.is_back as is_back50_31_, govmsgbox0_.is_blacklisted as is_blac51_31_, govmsgbox0_.is_deadline as is_dead52_31_, govmsgbox0_.is_deleted as is_dele53_31_, govmsgbox0_.is_forward as is_forw54_31_, govmsgbox0_.is_magor_msg as is_mago55_31_, govmsgbox0_.ispublic as ispubli56_31_, govmsgbox0_.is_reassign as is_reas57_31_, govmsgbox0_.is_rejected as is_reje58_31_, govmsgbox0_.isreply as isreply59_31_, govmsgbox0_.is_supervise_flag as is_supe60_31_, govmsgbox0_.is_union_dept_all_reply as is_unio61_31_, govmsgbox0_.is_wait_do_turn_multi_apply as is_wait62_31_, govmsgbox0_.last_cooperate_targe_typ as last_co63_31_, govmsgbox0_.last_reply_time as last_re64_31_, govmsgbox0_.location as locatio65_31_, govmsgbox0_.native_place as native_66_31_, govmsgbox0_.nick_name as nick_na67_31_, govmsgbox0_.open_scope as open_sc68_31_, govmsgbox0_.operip as operip69_31_, govmsgbox0_.operuser as operuse70_31_, govmsgbox0_.parent_id as parent_71_31_, as phone72_31_, govmsgbox0_.province as provinc73_31_, govmsgbox0_.publictime as publict74_31_, govmsgbox0_.publish_error_reason as publish75_31_, govmsgbox0_.publish_url as publish76_31_, govmsgbox0_.query_number as query_n77_31_, govmsgbox0_.query_pwd as query_p78_31_, govmsgbox0_.region as region79_31_, govmsgbox0_.rejected_reason as rejecte80_31_, govmsgbox0_.remind as remind81_31_, govmsgbox0_.score as score82_31_, govmsgbox0_.setting_selected as setting83_31_, as sex84_31_, govmsgbox0_.signvalue as signval85_31_, govmsgbox0_.siteid as siteid86_31_, govmsgbox0_.smart_record_id as smart_r87_31_, govmsgbox0_.smart_turn_data_id as smart_t88_31_, govmsgbox0_.smart_turn_flag as smart_t89_31_, govmsgbox0_.smart_turn_result as smart_t90_31_, govmsgbox0_.status as status91_31_, govmsgbox0_.street as street92_31_, govmsgbox0_.submit_time as submit_93_31_, govmsgbox0_.thumb_status as thumb_s94_31_, govmsgbox0_.thumbnails as thumbna95_31_, govmsgbox0_.tidy_status as tidy_st96_31_, govmsgbox0_.time_left as time_le97_31_, govmsgbox0_.title as title98_31_, govmsgbox0_.toassign_time as toassig99_31_, govmsgbox0_.toexamine_time as toexam100_31_, govmsgbox0_.toreply_time as torepl101_31_, govmsgbox0_.total_days as total_102_31_, govmsgbox0_.trash_time as trash_103_31_, govmsgbox0_.username as userna104_31_ from trs_govmsgbox govmsgbox0_ where (govmsgbox0_.siteid in (50)) and (govmsgbox0_.app_id in (14)) and govmsgbox0_.ispublic=1 and govmsgbox0_.arepublic=1 and govmsgbox0_.parent_id=0 and govmsgbox0_.status=7 order by govmsgbox0_.submit_time desc limit 6; # User@Host: igi[igi] @ [] # Thread_id: 2773671 Schema: trs_hycloud_igi QC_hit: No # Query_time: 41.628405 Lock_time: 0.000448 Rows_sent: 6 Rows_examined: 63701 # Rows_affected: 0 Bytes_sent: 25772 SET timestamp=1666811082; select as id1_31_, govmsgbox0_.create_date as create_d2_31_, govmsgbox0_.modify_date as modify_d3_31_, govmsgbox0_.accept_time as accept_t4_31_, govmsgbox0_.address as address5_31_, govmsgbox0_.agent_user as agent_us6_31_, govmsgbox0_.app_id as app_id7_31_, govmsgbox0_.arepublic as arepubli8_31_, govmsgbox0_.area as area9_31_, govmsgbox0_.attachs as attachs10_31_, govmsgbox0_.cardid as cardid11_31_, govmsgbox0_.cardtype as cardtyp12_31_, as career13_31_, as city14_31_, govmsgbox0_.content as content15_31_, govmsgbox0_.count_remain_day_start_time as count_r16_31_, govmsgbox0_.crip as crip17_31_, govmsgbox0_.cruser as cruser18_31_, govmsgbox0_.dealdeptid as dealdep19_31_, govmsgbox0_.dealdeptname as dealdep20_31_, govmsgbox0_.dealuserid as dealuse21_31_, govmsgbox0_.delay_apply_time as delay_a22_31_, govmsgbox0_.delay_flag as delay_f23_31_, govmsgbox0_.delete_reason as delete_24_31_, govmsgbox0_.district_code as distric25_31_, govmsgbox0_.doc_desc as doc_des26_31_, govmsgbox0_.doc_id as doc_id27_31_, govmsgbox0_.doc_username as doc_use28_31_, as email29_31_, govmsgbox0_.examine_dept_id as examine30_31_, govmsgbox0_.examine_user_id as examine31_31_, govmsgbox0_.external_id as externa32_31_, govmsgbox0_.finishtime as finisht33_31_, govmsgbox0_.forward_dept_id as forward34_31_, govmsgbox0_.forward_user_name as forward35_31_, govmsgbox0_.govmsgbox_desc as govmsgb36_31_, govmsgbox0_.govmsgboxflag as govmsgb37_31_, govmsgbox0_.govmsgboxtype as govmsgb38_31_, govmsgbox0_.govmsgboxtype1 as govmsgb39_31_, govmsgbox0_.handle_time as handle_40_31_, govmsgbox0_.htmlcontent as htmlcon41_31_, govmsgbox0_.initial_app_id as initial42_31_, govmsgbox0_.initial_is_public as initial43_31_, govmsgbox0_.initial_site_id as initial44_31_, govmsgbox0_.is_agent as is_agen45_31_, govmsgbox0_.is_anonymous as is_anon46_31_, govmsgbox0_.is_anonymous_letter as is_anon47_31_, govmsgbox0_.isapply as isapply48_31_, govmsgbox0_.is_auto_reply as is_auto49_31_, govmsgbox0_.is_back as is_back50_31_, govmsgbox0_.is_blacklisted as is_blac51_31_, govmsgbox0_.is_deadline as is_dead52_31_, govmsgbox0_.is_deleted as is_dele53_31_, govmsgbox0_.is_forward as is_forw54_31_, govmsgbox0_.is_magor_msg as is_mago55_31_, govmsgbox0_.ispublic as ispubli56_31_, govmsgbox0_.is_reassign as is_reas57_31_, govmsgbox0_.is_rejected as is_reje58_31_, govmsgbox0_.isreply as isreply59_31_, govmsgbox0_.is_supervise_flag as is_supe60_31_, govmsgbox0_.is_union_dept_all_reply as is_unio61_31_, govmsgbox0_.is_wait_do_turn_multi_apply as is_wait62_31_, govmsgbox0_.last_cooperate_targe_typ as last_co63_31_, govmsgbox0_.last_reply_time as last_re64_31_, govmsgbox0_.location as locatio65_31_, govmsgbox0_.native_place as native_66_31_, govmsgbox0_.nick_name as nick_na67_31_, govmsgbox0_.open_scope as open_sc68_31_, govmsgbox0_.operip as operip69_31_, govmsgbox0_.operuser as operuse70_31_, govmsgbox0_.parent_id as parent_71_31_, as phone72_31_, govmsgbox0_.province as provinc73_31_, govmsgbox0_.publictime as publict74_31_, govmsgbox0_.publish_error_reason as publish75_31_, govmsgbox0_.publish_url as publish76_31_, govmsgbox0_.query_number as query_n77_31_, govmsgbox0_.query_pwd as query_p78_31_, govmsgbox0_.region as region79_31_, govmsgbox0_.rejected_reason as rejecte80_31_, govmsgbox0_.remind as remind81_31_, govmsgbox0_.score as score82_31_, govmsgbox0_.setting_selected as setting83_31_, as sex84_31_, govmsgbox0_.signvalue as signval85_31_, govmsgbox0_.siteid as siteid86_31_, govmsgbox0_.smart_record_id as smart_r87_31_, govmsgbox0_.smart_turn_data_id as smart_t88_31_, govmsgbox0_.smart_turn_flag as smart_t89_31_, govmsgbox0_.smart_turn_result as smart_t90_31_, govmsgbox0_.status as status91_31_, govmsgbox0_.street as street92_31_, govmsgbox0_.submit_time as submit_93_31_, govmsgbox0_.thumb_status as thumb_s94_31_, govmsgbox0_.thumbnails as thumbna95_31_, govmsgbox0_.tidy_status as tidy_st96_31_, govmsgbox0_.time_left as time_le97_31_, govmsgbox0_.title as title98_31_, govmsgbox0_.toassign_time as toassig99_31_, govmsgbox0_.toexamine_time as toexam100_31_, govmsgbox0_.toreply_time as torepl101_31_, govmsgbox0_.total_days as total_102_31_, govmsgbox0_.trash_time as trash_103_31_, govmsgbox0_.username as userna104_31_ from trs_govmsgbox govmsgbox0_ where (govmsgbox0_.siteid in (46)) and (govmsgbox0_.app_id in (10)) and govmsgbox0_.ispublic=1 and govmsgbox0_.arepublic=1 and govmsgbox0_.parent_id=0 and govmsgbox0_.status=7 order by govmsgbox0_.submit_time desc limit 6; # User@Host: igi[igi] @ [] # Thread_id: 2773313 Schema: trs_hycloud_igi QC_hit: No # Query_time: 62.764443 Lock_time: 0.000448 Rows_sent: 7 Rows_examined: 63702 # Rows_affected: 0 Bytes_sent: 27195 SET timestamp=1666811082; select as id1_31_, govmsgbox0_.create_date as create_d2_31_, govmsgbox0_.modify_date as modify_d3_31_, govmsgbox0_.accept_time as accept_t4_31_, govmsgbox0_.address as address5_31_, govmsgbox0_.agent_user as agent_us6_31_, govmsgbox0_.app_id as app_id7_31_, govmsgbox0_.arepublic as arepubli8_31_, govmsgbox0_.area as area9_31_, govmsgbox0_.attachs as attachs10_31_, govmsgbox0_.cardid as cardid11_31_, govmsgbox0_.cardtype as cardtyp12_31_, as career13_31_, as city14_31_, govmsgbox0_.content as content15_31_, govmsgbox0_.count_remain_day_start_time as count_r16_31_, govmsgbox0_.crip as crip17_31_, govmsgbox0_.cruser as cruser18_31_, govmsgbox0_.dealdeptid as dealdep19_31_, govmsgbox0_.dealdeptname as dealdep20_31_, govmsgbox0_.dealuserid as dealuse21_31_, govmsgbox0_.delay_apply_time as delay_a22_31_, govmsgbox0_.delay_flag as delay_f23_31_, govmsgbox0_.delete_reason as delete_24_31_, govmsgbox0_.district_code as distric25_31_, govmsgbox0_.doc_desc as doc_des26_31_, govmsgbox0_.doc_id as doc_id27_31_, govmsgbox0_.doc_username as doc_use28_31_, as email29_31_, govmsgbox0_.examine_dept_id as examine30_31_, govmsgbox0_.examine_user_id as examine31_31_, govmsgbox0_.external_id as externa32_31_, govmsgbox0_.finishtime as finisht33_31_, govmsgbox0_.forward_dept_id as forward34_31_, govmsgbox0_.forward_user_name as forward35_31_, govmsgbox0_.govmsgbox_desc as govmsgb36_31_, govmsgbox0_.govmsgboxflag as govmsgb37_31_, govmsgbox0_.govmsgboxtype as govmsgb38_31_, govmsgbox0_.govmsgboxtype1 as govmsgb39_31_, govmsgbox0_.handle_time as handle_40_31_, govmsgbox0_.htmlcontent as htmlcon41_31_, govmsgbox0_.initial_app_id as initial42_31_, govmsgbox0_.initial_is_public as initial43_31_, govmsgbox0_.initial_site_id as initial44_31_, govmsgbox0_.is_agent as is_agen45_31_, govmsgbox0_.is_anonymous as is_anon46_31_, govmsgbox0_.is_anonymous_letter as is_anon47_31_, govmsgbox0_.isapply as isapply48_31_, govmsgbox0_.is_auto_reply as is_auto49_31_, govmsgbox0_.is_back as is_back50_31_, govmsgbox0_.is_blacklisted as is_blac51_31_, govmsgbox0_.is_deadline as is_dead52_31_, govmsgbox0_.is_deleted as is_dele53_31_, govmsgbox0_.is_forward as is_forw54_31_, govmsgbox0_.is_magor_msg as is_mago55_31_, govmsgbox0_.ispublic as ispubli56_31_, govmsgbox0_.is_reassign as is_reas57_31_, govmsgbox0_.is_rejected as is_reje58_31_, govmsgbox0_.isreply as isreply59_31_, govmsgbox0_.is_supervise_flag as is_supe60_31_, govmsgbox0_.is_union_dept_all_reply as is_unio61_31_, govmsgbox0_.is_wait_do_turn_multi_apply as is_wait62_31_, govmsgbox0_.last_cooperate_targe_typ as last_co63_31_, govmsgbox0_.last_reply_time as last_re64_31_, govmsgbox0_.location as locatio65_31_, govmsgbox0_.native_place as native_66_31_, govmsgbox0_.nick_name as nick_na67_31_, govmsgbox0_.open_scope as open_sc68_31_, govmsgbox0_.operip as operip69_31_, govmsgbox0_.operuser as operuse70_31_, govmsgbox0_.parent_id as parent_71_31_, as phone72_31_, govmsgbox0_.province as provinc73_31_, govmsgbox0_.publictime as publict74_31_, govmsgbox0_.publish_error_reason as publish75_31_, govmsgbox0_.publish_url as publish76_31_, govmsgbox0_.query_number as query_n77_31_, govmsgbox0_.query_pwd as query_p78_31_, govmsgbox0_.region as region79_31_, govmsgbox0_.rejected_reason as rejecte80_31_, govmsgbox0_.remind as remind81_31_, govmsgbox0_.score as score82_31_, govmsgbox0_.setting_selected as setting83_31_, as sex84_31_, govmsgbox0_.signvalue as signval85_31_, govmsgbox0_.siteid as siteid86_31_, govmsgbox0_.smart_record_id as smart_r87_31_, govmsgbox0_.smart_turn_data_id as smart_t88_31_, govmsgbox0_.smart_turn_flag as smart_t89_31_, govmsgbox0_.smart_turn_result as smart_t90_31_, govmsgbox0_.status as status91_31_, govmsgbox0_.street as street92_31_, govmsgbox0_.submit_time as submit_93_31_, govmsgbox0_.thumb_status as thumb_s94_31_, govmsgbox0_.thumbnails as thumbna95_31_, govmsgbox0_.tidy_status as tidy_st96_31_, govmsgbox0_.time_left as time_le97_31_, govmsgbox0_.title as title98_31_, govmsgbox0_.toassign_time as toassig99_31_, govmsgbox0_.toexamine_time as toexam100_31_, govmsgbox0_.toreply_time as torepl101_31_, govmsgbox0_.total_days as total_102_31_, govmsgbox0_.trash_time as trash_103_31_, govmsgbox0_.username as userna104_31_ from trs_govmsgbox govmsgbox0_ where (govmsgbox0_.siteid in (46)) and (govmsgbox0_.app_id in (10)) and govmsgbox0_.ispublic=1 and govmsgbox0_.arepublic=1 and govmsgbox0_.parent_id=0 and govmsgbox0_.status=7 order by govmsgbox0_.submit_time desc limit 7; # Time: 221026 19:04:50 # User@Host: root[root] @ [] # Thread_id: 2773651 Schema: trs_ids QC_hit: No # Query_time: 5.457925 Lock_time: 0.000053 Rows_sent: 6064 Rows_examined: 6064 # Rows_affected: 0 Bytes_sent: 17639900 use trs_ids; SET timestamp=1666811090; SELECT /*!40001 SQL_NO_CACHE */ `ID`, `COAPPNAME`, `USERNAME`, `OPERATION`, `LOCKER`, `LOCKEDTIME`, `CREATEDTIME`, `FOLLOWTIME`, `TRIEDCOUNT`, `REASON`, `STATUS`, `PROPERTIES`, `SOURCENAME`, `OBJTYPE` FROM `idsusersyncjob`; # Time: 221026 19:04:54 # User@Host: igi[igi] @ [] # Thread_id: 2773313 Schema: trs_hycloud_igi QC_hit: No # Query_time: 2.453342 Lock_time: 0.000311 Rows_sent: 6 Rows_examined: 63701 # Rows_affected: 0 Bytes_sent: 21074 use trs_hycloud_igi; SET timestamp=1666811094; select as id1_31_, govmsgbox0_.create_date as create_d2_31_, govmsgbox0_.modify_date as modify_d3_31_, govmsgbox0_.accept_time as accept_t4_31_, govmsgbox0_.address as address5_31_, govmsgbox0_.agent_user as agent_us6_31_, govmsgbox0_.app_id as app_id7_31_, govmsgbox0_.arepublic as arepubli8_31_, govmsgbox0_.area as area9_31_, govmsgbox0_.attachs as attachs10_31_, govmsgbox0_.cardid as cardid11_31_, govmsgbox0_.cardtype as cardtyp12_31_, as career13_31_, as city14_31_, govmsgbox0_.content as content15_31_, govmsgbox0_.count_remain_day_start_time as count_r16_31_, govmsgbox0_.crip as crip17_31_, govmsgbox0_.cruser as cruser18_31_, govmsgbox0_.dealdeptid as dealdep19_31_, govmsgbox0_.dealdeptname as dealdep20_31_, govmsgbox0_.dealuserid as dealuse21_31_, govmsgbox0_.delay_apply_time as delay_a22_31_, govmsgbox0_.delay_flag as delay_f23_31_, govmsgbox0_.delete_reason as delete_24_31_, govmsgbox0_.district_code as distric25_31_, govmsgbox0_.doc_desc as doc_des26_31_, govmsgbox0_.doc_id as doc_id27_31_, govmsgbox0_.doc_username as doc_use28_31_, as email29_31_, govmsgbox0_.examine_dept_id as examine30_31_, govmsgbox0_.examine_user_id as examine31_31_, govmsgbox0_.external_id as externa32_31_, govmsgbox0_.finishtime as finisht33_31_, govmsgbox0_.forward_dept_id as forward34_31_, govmsgbox0_.forward_user_name as forward35_31_, govmsgbox0_.govmsgbox_desc as govmsgb36_31_, govmsgbox0_.govmsgboxflag as govmsgb37_31_, govmsgbox0_.govmsgboxtype as govmsgb38_31_, govmsgbox0_.govmsgboxtype1 as govmsgb39_31_, govmsgbox0_.handle_time as handle_40_31_, govmsgbox0_.htmlcontent as htmlcon41_31_, govmsgbox0_.initial_app_id as initial42_31_, govmsgbox0_.initial_is_public as initial43_31_, govmsgbox0_.initial_site_id as initial44_31_, govmsgbox0_.is_agent as is_agen45_31_, govmsgbox0_.is_anonymous as is_anon46_31_, govmsgbox0_.is_anonymous_letter as is_anon47_31_, govmsgbox0_.isapply as isapply48_31_, govmsgbox0_.is_auto_reply as is_auto49_31_, govmsgbox0_.is_back as is_back50_31_, govmsgbox0_.is_blacklisted as is_blac51_31_, govmsgbox0_.is_deadline as is_dead52_31_, govmsgbox0_.is_deleted as is_dele53_31_, govmsgbox0_.is_forward as is_forw54_31_, govmsgbox0_.is_magor_msg as is_mago55_31_, govmsgbox0_.ispublic as ispubli56_31_, govmsgbox0_.is_reassign as is_reas57_31_, govmsgbox0_.is_rejected as is_reje58_31_, govmsgbox0_.isreply as isreply59_31_, govmsgbox0_.is_supervise_flag as is_supe60_31_, govmsgbox0_.is_union_dept_all_reply as is_unio61_31_, govmsgbox0_.is_wait_do_turn_multi_apply as is_wait62_31_, govmsgbox0_.last_cooperate_targe_typ as last_co63_31_, govmsgbox0_.last_reply_time as last_re64_31_, govmsgbox0_.location as locatio65_31_, govmsgbox0_.native_place as native_66_31_, govmsgbox0_.nick_name as nick_na67_31_, govmsgbox0_.open_scope as open_sc68_31_, govmsgbox0_.operip as operip69_31_, govmsgbox0_.operuser as operuse70_31_, govmsgbox0_.parent_id as parent_71_31_, as phone72_31_, govmsgbox0_.province as provinc73_31_, govmsgbox0_.publictime as publict74_31_, govmsgbox0_.publish_error_reason as publish75_31_, govmsgbox0_.publish_url as publish76_31_, govmsgbox0_.query_number as query_n77_31_, govmsgbox0_.query_pwd as query_p78_31_, govmsgbox0_.region as region79_31_, govmsgbox0_.rejected_reason as rejecte80_31_, govmsgbox0_.remind as remind81_31_, govmsgbox0_.score as score82_31_, govmsgbox0_.setting_selected as setting83_31_, as sex84_31_, govmsgbox0_.signvalue as signval85_31_, govmsgbox0_.siteid as siteid86_31_, govmsgbox0_.smart_record_id as smart_r87_31_, govmsgbox0_.smart_turn_data_id as smart_t88_31_, govmsgbox0_.smart_turn_flag as smart_t89_31_, govmsgbox0_.smart_turn_result as smart_t90_31_, govmsgbox0_.status as status91_31_, govmsgbox0_.street as street92_31_, govmsgbox0_.submit_time as submit_93_31_, govmsgbox0_.thumb_status as thumb_s94_31_, govmsgbox0_.thumbnails as thumbna95_31_, govmsgbox0_.tidy_status as tidy_st96_31_, govmsgbox0_.time_left as time_le97_31_, govmsgbox0_.title as title98_31_, govmsgbox0_.toassign_time as toassig99_31_, govmsgbox0_.toexamine_time as toexam100_31_, govmsgbox0_.toreply_time as torepl101_31_, govmsgbox0_.total_days as total_102_31_, govmsgbox0_.trash_time as trash_103_31_, govmsgbox0_.username as userna104_31_ from trs_govmsgbox govmsgbox0_ where (govmsgbox0_.siteid in (50)) and (govmsgbox0_.app_id in (14)) and govmsgbox0_.ispublic=1 and govmsgbox0_.arepublic=1 and govmsgbox0_.parent_id=0 and govmsgbox0_.status=7 order by govmsgbox0_.submit_time desc limit 6; # Time: 221026 19:05:05 # User@Host: root[root] @ [] # Thread_id: 2773651 Schema: trs_mas QC_hit: No # Query_time: 4.842019 Lock_time: 0.000056 Rows_sent: 474281 Rows_examined: 474281 # Rows_affected: 0 Bytes_sent: 133134598 use trs_mas; SET timestamp=1666811105; SELECT /*!40001 SQL_NO_CACHE */ `ID`, `CREATEDTIME`, `CREATEDUSER`, `CREATEDUSERID`, `CREATEDUSERNICKNAME`, `LASTMODIFIEDTIME`, `LASTMODIFIEDUSER`, `LASTMODIFIEDUSERID`, `BROWSER`, `BROWSERVERSION`, `CATEGORYDN`, `CREATEDUSERIP`, `DEVICE`, `OBJECTCREATEDUSER`, `OBJECTCREATEDUSERID`, `OBJECTID`, `OPERATIONSYSTEM`, `OPERATIONTYPE`, `PCategoryId`, `PCATEGORYNAME`, `PLAYER`, `SCREEN`, `USERAGENT`, `WEIGHTNUMBER` FROM `mas_userdynamic`; # Time: 221026 19:07:38 # User@Host: igi[igi] @ [] # Thread_id: 2773636 Schema: trs_hycloud_igi QC_hit: No # Query_time: 2.253104 Lock_time: 0.000331 Rows_sent: 3 Rows_examined: 140176 # Rows_affected: 0 Bytes_sent: 9091 use trs_hycloud_igi; SET timestamp=1666811258; select govmsgboxd0_.govmsgboxdocid as govmsgbo1_37_, govmsgboxd0_.appname as appname2_37_, govmsgboxd0_.attachs as attachs3_37_, govmsgboxd0_.attribute as attribut4_37_, govmsgboxd0_.content as content5_37_, govmsgboxd0_.crip as crip6_37_, govmsgboxd0_.crtime as crtime7_37_, govmsgboxd0_.cruser as cruser8_37_, govmsgboxd0_.data_id as data_id9_37_, govmsgboxd0_.deal_dept_id as deal_de10_37_, govmsgboxd0_.deal_dept_name as deal_de11_37_, govmsgboxd0_.deal_user_id as deal_us12_37_, govmsgboxd0_.delay_days as delay_d13_37_, govmsgboxd0_.dept_path as dept_pa14_37_, govmsgboxd0_.evaluate as evaluat15_37_, govmsgboxd0_.flow_status as flow_st16_37_, govmsgboxd0_.forward_dept_id as forward17_37_, govmsgboxd0_.forward_user_name as forward18_37_, govmsgboxd0_.message as message19_37_, govmsgboxd0_.oper as oper20_37_, govmsgboxd0_.oper_content as oper_co21_37_, govmsgboxd0_.oper_type as oper_ty22_37_, govmsgboxd0_.parent_id as parent_23_37_, govmsgboxd0_.passed as passed24_37_, govmsgboxd0_.post_content as post_co25_37_, govmsgboxd0_.post_dept as post_de26_37_, govmsgboxd0_.post_dept_name as post_de27_37_, govmsgboxd0_.post_status as post_st28_37_, govmsgboxd0_.post_user as post_us29_37_, govmsgboxd0_.process_desc as process30_37_, govmsgboxd0_.remain_days as remain_31_37_, govmsgboxd0_.site_id as site_id32_37_, govmsgboxd0_.target_app_id as target_33_37_, govmsgboxd0_.target_site_id as target_34_37_, govmsgboxd0_.view_id as view_id35_37_ from trs_govmsgbox_doc govmsgboxd0_ where govmsgboxd0_.data_id=240420 and govmsgboxd0_.oper_type=1 order by govmsgboxd0_.crtime desc; # Time: 221026 19:07:46 # User@Host: igi[igi] @ [] # Thread_id: 2773636 Schema: trs_hycloud_igi QC_hit: No # Query_time: 8.406159 Lock_time: 0.000177 Rows_sent: 1 Rows_examined: 61924 # Rows_affected: 0 Bytes_sent: 7397 SET timestamp=1666811266; select govmsgboxr0_.reply_id as reply_id1_43_, govmsgboxr0_.data_id as data_id2_43_, govmsgboxr0_.reply_attachs as reply_at3_43_, govmsgboxr0_.replycontent as replycon4_43_, govmsgboxr0_.replydept as replydep5_43_, govmsgboxr0_.reply_dept_ext_name as reply_de6_43_, govmsgboxr0_.replydeptid as replydep7_43_, govmsgboxr0_.replyhtmlcontent as replyhtm8_43_, govmsgboxr0_.replyip as replyip9_43_, govmsgboxr0_.replytime as replyti10_43_, govmsgboxr0_.replytype as replyty11_43_, govmsgboxr0_.replyuser as replyus12_43_, govmsgboxr0_.signvalue as signval13_43_, govmsgboxr0_.site_id as site_id14_43_ from trs_govmsgbox_reply govmsgboxr0_ where govmsgboxr0_.data_id=240420; # Time: 221026 19:10:03 # User@Host: igi[igi] @ [] # Thread_id: 2773636 Schema: trs_hycloud_igi QC_hit: No # Query_time: 2.922208 Lock_time: 0.000259 Rows_sent: 0 Rows_examined: 63695 # Rows_affected: 0 Bytes_sent: 9231 SET timestamp=1666811403; select as id1_31_, govmsgbox0_.create_date as create_d2_31_, govmsgbox0_.modify_date as modify_d3_31_, govmsgbox0_.accept_time as accept_t4_31_, govmsgbox0_.address as address5_31_, govmsgbox0_.agent_user as agent_us6_31_, govmsgbox0_.app_id as app_id7_31_, govmsgbox0_.arepublic as arepubli8_31_, govmsgbox0_.area as area9_31_, govmsgbox0_.attachs as attachs10_31_, govmsgbox0_.cardid as cardid11_31_, govmsgbox0_.cardtype as cardtyp12_31_, as career13_31_, as city14_31_, govmsgbox0_.content as content15_31_, govmsgbox0_.count_remain_day_start_time as count_r16_31_, govmsgbox0_.crip as crip17_31_, govmsgbox0_.cruser as cruser18_31_, govmsgbox0_.dealdeptid as dealdep19_31_, govmsgbox0_.dealdeptname as dealdep20_31_, govmsgbox0_.dealuserid as dealuse21_31_, govmsgbox0_.delay_apply_time as delay_a22_31_, govmsgbox0_.delay_flag as delay_f23_31_, govmsgbox0_.delete_reason as delete_24_31_, govmsgbox0_.district_code as distric25_31_, govmsgbox0_.doc_desc as doc_des26_31_, govmsgbox0_.doc_id as doc_id27_31_, govmsgbox0_.doc_username as doc_use28_31_, as email29_31_, govmsgbox0_.examine_dept_id as examine30_31_, govmsgbox0_.examine_user_id as examine31_31_, govmsgbox0_.external_id as externa32_31_, govmsgbox0_.finishtime as finisht33_31_, govmsgbox0_.forward_dept_id as forward34_31_, govmsgbox0_.forward_user_name as forward35_31_, govmsgbox0_.govmsgbox_desc as govmsgb36_31_, govmsgbox0_.govmsgboxflag as govmsgb37_31_, govmsgbox0_.govmsgboxtype as govmsgb38_31_, govmsgbox0_.govmsgboxtype1 as govmsgb39_31_, govmsgbox0_.handle_time as handle_40_31_, govmsgbox0_.htmlcontent as htmlcon41_31_, govmsgbox0_.initial_app_id as initial42_31_, govmsgbox0_.initial_is_public as initial43_31_, govmsgbox0_.initial_site_id as initial44_31_, govmsgbox0_.is_agent as is_agen45_31_, govmsgbox0_.is_anonymous as is_anon46_31_, govmsgbox0_.is_anonymous_letter as is_anon47_31_, govmsgbox0_.isapply as isapply48_31_, govmsgbox0_.is_auto_reply as is_auto49_31_, govmsgbox0_.is_back as is_back50_31_, govmsgbox0_.is_blacklisted as is_blac51_31_, govmsgbox0_.is_deadline as is_dead52_31_, govmsgbox0_.is_deleted as is_dele53_31_, govmsgbox0_.is_forward as is_forw54_31_, govmsgbox0_.is_magor_msg as is_mago55_31_, govmsgbox0_.ispublic as ispubli56_31_, govmsgbox0_.is_reassign as is_reas57_31_, govmsgbox0_.is_rejected as is_reje58_31_, govmsgbox0_.isreply as isreply59_31_, govmsgbox0_.is_supervise_flag as is_supe60_31_, govmsgbox0_.is_union_dept_all_reply as is_unio61_31_, govmsgbox0_.is_wait_do_turn_multi_apply as is_wait62_31_, govmsgbox0_.last_cooperate_targe_typ as last_co63_31_, govmsgbox0_.last_reply_time as last_re64_31_, govmsgbox0_.location as locatio65_31_, govmsgbox0_.native_place as native_66_31_, govmsgbox0_.nick_name as nick_na67_31_, govmsgbox0_.open_scope as open_sc68_31_, govmsgbox0_.operip as operip69_31_, govmsgbox0_.operuser as operuse70_31_, govmsgbox0_.parent_id as parent_71_31_, as phone72_31_, govmsgbox0_.province as provinc73_31_, govmsgbox0_.publictime as publict74_31_, govmsgbox0_.publish_error_reason as publish75_31_, govmsgbox0_.publish_url as publish76_31_, govmsgbox0_.query_number as query_n77_31_, govmsgbox0_.query_pwd as query_p78_31_, govmsgbox0_.region as region79_31_, govmsgbox0_.rejected_reason as rejecte80_31_, govmsgbox0_.remind as remind81_31_, govmsgbox0_.score as score82_31_, govmsgbox0_.setting_selected as setting83_31_, as sex84_31_, govmsgbox0_.signvalue as signval85_31_, govmsgbox0_.siteid as siteid86_31_, govmsgbox0_.smart_record_id as smart_r87_31_, govmsgbox0_.smart_turn_data_id as smart_t88_31_, govmsgbox0_.smart_turn_flag as smart_t89_31_, govmsgbox0_.smart_turn_result as smart_t90_31_, govmsgbox0_.status as status91_31_, govmsgbox0_.street as street92_31_, govmsgbox0_.submit_time as submit_93_31_, govmsgbox0_.thumb_status as thumb_s94_31_, govmsgbox0_.thumbnails as thumbna95_31_, govmsgbox0_.tidy_status as tidy_st96_31_, govmsgbox0_.time_left as time_le97_31_, govmsgbox0_.title as title98_31_, govmsgbox0_.toassign_time as toassig99_31_, govmsgbox0_.toexamine_time as toexam100_31_, govmsgbox0_.toreply_time as torepl101_31_, govmsgbox0_.total_days as total_102_31_, govmsgbox0_.trash_time as trash_103_31_, govmsgbox0_.username as userna104_31_ from trs_govmsgbox govmsgbox0_ where govmsgbox0_.smart_turn_flag=1 and govmsgbox0_.smart_turn_result=0 and govmsgbox0_.smart_turn_data_id<>0; # Time: 221026 19:24:59 # User@Host: igi[igi] @ [] # Thread_id: 2770625 Schema: trs_hycloud_igi QC_hit: No # Query_time: 3.789189 Lock_time: 0.000000 Rows_sent: 0 Rows_examined: 0 # Rows_affected: 0 Bytes_sent: 11 SET timestamp=1666812299; commit; # User@Host: mas[mas] @ [] # Thread_id: 2418700 Schema: trs_mas QC_hit: No # Query_time: 3.527154 Lock_time: 0.050343 Rows_sent: 0 Rows_examined: 4 # Rows_affected: 0 Bytes_sent: 1498 use trs_mas; SET timestamp=1666812299; select processjob0_.`ID` as ID1_32_, processjob0_.`CREATEDTIME` as CREATEDT2_32_, processjob0_.`CREATEDUSER` as CREATEDU3_32_, processjob0_.`CREATEDUSERID` as CREATEDU4_32_, processjob0_.`CREATEDUSERNICKNAME` as CREATEDU5_32_, processjob0_.`LASTMODIFIEDTIME` as LASTMODI6_32_, processjob0_.`LASTMODIFIEDUSER` as LASTMODI7_32_, processjob0_.`LASTMODIFIEDUSERID` as LASTMODI8_32_, processjob0_.`CREATORNODEKEY` as CREATORN9_32_, processjob0_.`MARKERNODEKEY` as MARKERN10_32_, processjob0_.`DETAIL` as DETAIL11_32_, processjob0_.`DOMAINOBJID` as DOMAINO12_32_, processjob0_.`MARKTIME` as MARKTIME13_32_, processjob0_.`PROCESSORDER` as PROCESS14_32_, processjob0_.`SOURCETYPE` as SOURCETYPE15_32_, processjob0_.`STATE` as STATE16_32_, processjob0_.`STATUS` as STATUS17_32_, processjob0_.`TYPE` as TYPE18_32_ from MAS_PROCESSJOB processjob0_ where processjob0_.`STATE`='NEW' order by processjob0_.`PROCESSORDER` asc limit 1; # User@Host: ipm[ipm] @ [] # Thread_id: 1173218 Schema: trs_hycloud_ipm QC_hit: No # Query_time: 4.021290 Lock_time: 0.050219 Rows_sent: 1 Rows_examined: 1 # Rows_affected: 0 Bytes_sent: 529 use trs_hycloud_ipm; SET timestamp=1666812299; SELECT * FROM QRTZ_SCHEDULER_STATE WHERE SCHED_NAME = 'kpi'; # User@Host: mas[mas] @ [] # Thread_id: 2412354 Schema: trs_mas QC_hit: No # Query_time: 3.266587 Lock_time: 0.050510 Rows_sent: 0 Rows_examined: 0 # Rows_affected: 0 Bytes_sent: 4382 use trs_mas; SET timestamp=1666812299; select live0_.`ID` as ID1_46_, live0_.`CREATEDTIME` as CREATEDT2_46_, live0_.`CREATEDUSER` as CREATEDU3_46_, live0_.`CREATEDUSERID` as CREATEDU4_46_, live0_.`CREATEDUSERNICKNAME` as CREATEDU5_46_, live0_.`LASTMODIFIEDTIME` as LASTMODI6_46_, live0_.`LASTMODIFIEDUSER` as LASTMODI7_46_, live0_.`LASTMODIFIEDUSERID` as LASTMODI8_46_, live0_.`ATTACHEDPIC` as ATTACHED9_46_, live0_.`AUDIOBITRATE` as AUDIOBI10_46_, live0_.`AUDIOCHANNELS` as AUDIOCH11_46_, live0_.`AUDIOCODEC` as AUDIOCODEC12_46_, live0_.`AUDIOFORMAT` as AUDIOFO13_46_, live0_.`AUDIOSAMPLERATE` as AUDIOSA14_46_, live0_.`BITRATE` as BITRATE15_46_, live0_.`DEMUXER` as DEMUXER16_46_, live0_.`DURATION` as DURATION17_46_, live0_.`DURATIONOFDOUBLE` as DURATIO18_46_, live0_.`FPS` as FPS19_46_, live0_.`FRAMERATE` as FRAMERATE20_46_, live0_.`HEIGHT` as HEIGHT21_46_, live0_.`IFRAMES` as IFRAMES22_46_, live0_.`mediaType` as mediaType23_46_, live0_.`NBFRAMES` as NBFRAMES24_46_, live0_.`PIXELFORMAT` as PIXELFO25_46_, live0_.`ROTATE` as ROTATE26_46_, live0_.`VIDEOCODEC` as VIDEOCODEC27_46_, live0_.`VIDEOFORMAT` as VIDEOFO28_46_, live0_.`VIDEOLEVEL` as VIDEOLEVEL29_46_, live0_.`VIDEOPROFILE` as VIDEOPR30_46_, live0_.`WIDTH` as WIDTH31_46_, live0_.`IOSLIVENAME` as IOSLIVE32_46_, live0_.`LIVE_STATUS` as LIVE33_46_, live0_.`NAME` as NAME34_46_, live0_.`PREDICTION` as PREDICTION35_46_, live0_.`STATUS` as STATUS36_46_, live0_.`STREAMCOUNT` as STREAMC37_46_, live0_.`SUPPORTIOSDEVICE` as SUPPORT38_46_, live0_.`TITLE` as TITLE39_46_, live0_.`ENDTIME` as ENDTIME40_46_, live0_.`ISLIVEVIDEOONLIVE` as ISLIVEV41_46_, live0_.`ISSTARTFFMPEG` as ISSTART42_46_, live0_.`LIVE_DEVICE` as LIVE43_46_, live0_.`LIVEROLETYPE` as LIVEROL44_46_, live0_.`LIVE_TYPE` as LIVE45_46_, live0_.`LOGONAME` as LOGONAME46_46_, live0_.`ORIGINLIVEID` as ORIGINL47_46_, live0_.`PLAYCOUNT` as PLAYCOUNT48_46_, live0_.`PROBLEMATIC` as PROBLEM49_46_, live0_.`RECORDCATEGORYID` as RECORDC50_46_, live0_.`RECORDVIDEOID` as RECORDV51_46_, live0_.`RECORDVIDEOTITLE` as RECORDV52_46_, live0_.`RECORDING` as RECORDING53_46_, live0_.`REGION` as REGION54_46_, live0_.`RELATEDVIDEOID` as RELATED55_46_, live0_.`RELATEDVIDEOTITLE` as RELATED56_46_, live0_.`SRCTRANSPARAM` as SRCTRAN57_46_, live0_.`SRCTYPE` as SRCTYPE58_46_, live0_.`SRCURL` as SRCURL59_46_, live0_.`STARTTIME` as STARTTIME60_46_, live0_.`TIMING_END` as TIMING61_46_, live0_.`TIMING_START` as TIMING62_46_ from MAS_LIVE live0_ order by live0_.`ID` desc limit 1000; # User@Host: igi[igi] @ [] # Thread_id: 2773636 Schema: trs_hycloud_igi QC_hit: No # Query_time: 4.038223 Lock_time: 0.000073 Rows_sent: 2 Rows_examined: 2 # Rows_affected: 0 Bytes_sent: 637 use trs_hycloud_igi; SET timestamp=1666812299; SELECT * FROM qrtz_SCHEDULER_STATE WHERE SCHED_NAME = 'quartzScheduler'; # Time: 221026 19:25:02 # User@Host: ipm[ipm] @ [] # Thread_id: 1173218 Schema: trs_hycloud_ipm QC_hit: No # Query_time: 2.912537 Lock_time: 0.000000 Rows_sent: 0 Rows_examined: 0 # Rows_affected: 0 Bytes_sent: 11 use trs_hycloud_ipm; SET timestamp=1666812302; commit; # User@Host: igi[igi] @ [] # Thread_id: 2773636 Schema: trs_hycloud_igi QC_hit: No # Query_time: 2.912705 Lock_time: 0.000000 Rows_sent: 0 Rows_examined: 0 # Rows_affected: 0 Bytes_sent: 11 use trs_hycloud_igi; SET timestamp=1666812302; commit; # Time: 221026 19:25:03 # User@Host: mas[mas] @ [] # Thread_id: 2418710 Schema: trs_mas QC_hit: No # Query_time: 2.682208 Lock_time: 0.050374 Rows_sent: 0 Rows_examined: 0 # Rows_affected: 0 Bytes_sent: 4382 use trs_mas; SET timestamp=1666812303; select live0_.`ID` as ID1_46_, live0_.`CREATEDTIME` as CREATEDT2_46_, live0_.`CREATEDUSER` as CREATEDU3_46_, live0_.`CREATEDUSERID` as CREATEDU4_46_, live0_.`CREATEDUSERNICKNAME` as CREATEDU5_46_, live0_.`LASTMODIFIEDTIME` as LASTMODI6_46_, live0_.`LASTMODIFIEDUSER` as LASTMODI7_46_, live0_.`LASTMODIFIEDUSERID` as LASTMODI8_46_, live0_.`ATTACHEDPIC` as ATTACHED9_46_, live0_.`AUDIOBITRATE` as AUDIOBI10_46_, live0_.`AUDIOCHANNELS` as AUDIOCH11_46_, live0_.`AUDIOCODEC` as AUDIOCODEC12_46_, live0_.`AUDIOFORMAT` as AUDIOFO13_46_, live0_.`AUDIOSAMPLERATE` as AUDIOSA14_46_, live0_.`BITRATE` as BITRATE15_46_, live0_.`DEMUXER` as DEMUXER16_46_, live0_.`DURATION` as DURATION17_46_, live0_.`DURATIONOFDOUBLE` as DURATIO18_46_, live0_.`FPS` as FPS19_46_, live0_.`FRAMERATE` as FRAMERATE20_46_, live0_.`HEIGHT` as HEIGHT21_46_, live0_.`IFRAMES` as IFRAMES22_46_, live0_.`mediaType` as mediaType23_46_, live0_.`NBFRAMES` as NBFRAMES24_46_, live0_.`PIXELFORMAT` as PIXELFO25_46_, live0_.`ROTATE` as ROTATE26_46_, live0_.`VIDEOCODEC` as VIDEOCODEC27_46_, live0_.`VIDEOFORMAT` as VIDEOFO28_46_, live0_.`VIDEOLEVEL` as VIDEOLEVEL29_46_, live0_.`VIDEOPROFILE` as VIDEOPR30_46_, live0_.`WIDTH` as WIDTH31_46_, live0_.`IOSLIVENAME` as IOSLIVE32_46_, live0_.`LIVE_STATUS` as LIVE33_46_, live0_.`NAME` as NAME34_46_, live0_.`PREDICTION` as PREDICTION35_46_, live0_.`STATUS` as STATUS36_46_, live0_.`STREAMCOUNT` as STREAMC37_46_, live0_.`SUPPORTIOSDEVICE` as SUPPORT38_46_, live0_.`TITLE` as TITLE39_46_, live0_.`ENDTIME` as ENDTIME40_46_, live0_.`ISLIVEVIDEOONLIVE` as ISLIVEV41_46_, live0_.`ISSTARTFFMPEG` as ISSTART42_46_, live0_.`LIVE_DEVICE` as LIVE43_46_, live0_.`LIVEROLETYPE` as LIVEROL44_46_, live0_.`LIVE_TYPE` as LIVE45_46_, live0_.`LOGONAME` as LOGONAME46_46_, live0_.`ORIGINLIVEID` as ORIGINL47_46_, live0_.`PLAYCOUNT` as PLAYCOUNT48_46_, live0_.`PROBLEMATIC` as PROBLEM49_46_, live0_.`RECORDCATEGORYID` as RECORDC50_46_, live0_.`RECORDVIDEOID` as RECORDV51_46_, live0_.`RECORDVIDEOTITLE` as RECORDV52_46_, live0_.`RECORDING` as RECORDING53_46_, live0_.`REGION` as REGION54_46_, live0_.`RELATEDVIDEOID` as RELATED55_46_, live0_.`RELATEDVIDEOTITLE` as RELATED56_46_, live0_.`SRCTRANSPARAM` as SRCTRAN57_46_, live0_.`SRCTYPE` as SRCTYPE58_46_, live0_.`SRCURL` as SRCURL59_46_, live0_.`STARTTIME` as STARTTIME60_46_, live0_.`TIMING_END` as TIMING61_46_, live0_.`TIMING_START` as TIMING62_46_ from MAS_LIVE live0_ order by live0_.`ID` desc limit 1000; # User@Host: igi[igi] @ [] # Thread_id: 2773253 Schema: trs_hycloud_igi QC_hit: No # Query_time: 2.627624 Lock_time: 0.050452 Rows_sent: 1 Rows_examined: 10 # Rows_affected: 0 Bytes_sent: 4782 use trs_hycloud_igi; SET timestamp=1666812303; select as id1_48_, interview0_.create_date as create_d2_48_, interview0_.modify_date as modify_d3_48_, interview0_.category as category4_48_, interview0_.channel_id as channel_5_48_, interview0_.interview_comment as intervie6_48_, interview0_.cr_user as cr_user7_48_, interview0_.delete_content as delete_c8_48_, interview0_.end_time as end_time9_48_, interview0_.enter_company as enter_c10_48_, interview0_.ex_link as ex_link11_48_, interview0_.ext_audio_url as ext_aud12_48_, interview0_.ext_video_url as ext_vid13_48_, interview0_.guests as guests14_48_, interview0_.interview_flag as intervi15_48_, interview0_.invalid_time as invalid16_48_, interview0_.is_auto_publish as is_auto17_48_, interview0_.is_need_advance as is_need18_48_, interview0_.is_need_item_memoir as is_need19_48_, interview0_.is_public as is_publ20_48_, interview0_.keyword as keyword21_48_, interview0_.live_url as live_ur22_48_, interview0_.online_company as online_23_48_, interview0_.oper_ip as oper_ip24_48_, interview0_.oper_user as oper_us25_48_, interview0_.propaganda as propaga26_48_, interview0_.publish_error_reason as publish27_48_, interview0_.publish_url as publish28_48_, interview0_.record_audio_url as record_29_48_, interview0_.record_video_url as record_30_48_, interview0_.site_id as site_id31_48_, interview0_.sort_order as sort_or32_48_, interview0_.sort_top_order as sort_to33_48_, interview0_.start_time as start_t34_48_, interview0_.status as status35_48_, interview0_.subtitle as subtitl36_48_, interview0_.title as title37_48_, interview0_.top_type as top_typ38_48_, interview0_.type as type39_48_ from trs_interview interview0_ where (interview0_.site_id in (48)) and interview0_.is_public=1 and interview0_.status=0 order by interview0_.start_time desc limit 1; # User@Host: ids[ids] @ [] # Thread_id: 2773707 Schema: trs_ids QC_hit: No # Query_time: 2.767730 Lock_time: 0.000157 Rows_sent: 86 Rows_examined: 172 # Rows_affected: 0 Bytes_sent: 21507 use trs_ids; SET timestamp=1666812303; select this_.`TABLENAME` as TABLENAME1_36_0_, this_.`FIELDNAME` as FIELDNAME2_36_0_, this_.`DISPLAYNAME` as DISPLAYN3_36_0_, this_.`DESCRIPTION` as DESCRIPT4_36_0_, this_.`MINLENGTH` as MINLENGTH5_36_0_, this_.`MAXLENGTH` as MAXLENGTH6_36_0_, this_.`STATUS` as STATUS7_36_0_, this_.`DATATYPE` as DATATYPE8_36_0_, this_.`NEEDSYNC` as NEEDSYNC9_36_0_, this_.`NEEDHEAVYQUERY` as NEEDHEA10_36_0_, this_.`LASTMODIFIEDUSER` as LASTMOD11_36_0_, this_.`LASTMODIFIEDTIME` as LASTMOD12_36_0_, this_.`HBMDEFINITION` as HBMDEFI13_36_0_, this_.`UNIQUE` as UNIQUE14_36_0_, this_.`NOTNULL` as NOTNULL15_36_0_, this_.`VALIDATORTYPE` as VALIDAT16_36_0_, this_.`FROMELEMENTTYPE` as FROMELE17_36_0_, this_.`FORMELEMENTDEFAULTVALUES` as FORMELE18_36_0_, this_.`FORMELEMENTOPTIONVALUES` as FORMELE19_36_0_, this_.`NEEDIMPORT` as NEEDIMPORT20_36_0_, this_.`BASICATTRIBUTE` as BASICAT21_36_0_, this_.`NEEDAUDIT` as NEEDAUDIT22_36_0_, this_.`NEEDEXPORT` as NEEDEXPORT23_36_0_, this_.`NEEDSEARCH` as NEEDSEARCH24_36_0_, this_.`DEFAULTREADPERMIT` as DEFAULT25_36_0_, this_.`DISPLAYORDER` as DISPLAY26_36_0_, this_.`SEARCHFORMELEMENTTYPE` as SEARCHF27_36_0_, this_.`DISPLAYINREGPAGE` as DISPLAY28_36_0_, this_.`DISPLAYINSELFPAGE` as DISPLAY29_36_0_, this_.`DISPLAYINADMINREADPAGE` as DISPLAY30_36_0_, this_.`DISPLAYINADMINADDPAGE` as DISPLAY31_36_0_, this_.`DISPLAYINADMINEDITPAGE` as DISPLAY32_36_0_, this_.`LENGTH` as LENGTH33_36_0_, this_.`DISPLAYINCOAPPAPPLY` as DISPLAY34_36_0_, this_.`DEVELOPERNECESSARY` as DEVELOP35_36_0_, this_.`SYSTEMWRITE` as SYSTEMW36_36_0_, this_.`SENSITIVE` as SENSITIVE37_36_0_, this_.`SENDTYPE` as SENDTYPE38_36_0_, this_.`REGEXEXPRESSION` as REGEXEX39_36_0_, this_.`VALUEGENERATORCLASS` as VALUEGE40_36_0_, this_.`CHECKFILTERWORD` as CHECKFI41_36_0_, this_.`INTEGRITYWEIGHT` as INTEGRI42_36_0_, this_.`SUFFIX` as SUFFIX43_36_0_, this_.`NEEDACTIVATE` as NEEDACT44_36_0_, this_.`BOCONSTRUCTORDEFINITIONID` as BOCONST45_36_0_, this_.`NEEDBATCHSEARCH` as NEEDBAT46_36_0_ from `IDSCUSTOMFIELD` this_ where this_.`TABLENAME`='User' order by this_.`DISPLAYORDER` asc limit 10000; # User@Host: igi[igi] @ [] # Thread_id: 2773312 Schema: trs_hycloud_igi QC_hit: No # Query_time: 2.698749 Lock_time: 0.050396 Rows_sent: 5 Rows_examined: 63700 # Rows_affected: 0 Bytes_sent: 17045 use trs_hycloud_igi; SET timestamp=1666812303; select as id1_31_, govmsgbox0_.create_date as create_d2_31_, govmsgbox0_.modify_date as modify_d3_31_, govmsgbox0_.accept_time as accept_t4_31_, govmsgbox0_.address as address5_31_, govmsgbox0_.agent_user as agent_us6_31_, govmsgbox0_.app_id as app_id7_31_, govmsgbox0_.arepublic as arepubli8_31_, govmsgbox0_.area as area9_31_, govmsgbox0_.attachs as attachs10_31_, govmsgbox0_.cardid as cardid11_31_, govmsgbox0_.cardtype as cardtyp12_31_, as career13_31_, as city14_31_, govmsgbox0_.content as content15_31_, govmsgbox0_.count_remain_day_start_time as count_r16_31_, govmsgbox0_.crip as crip17_31_, govmsgbox0_.cruser as cruser18_31_, govmsgbox0_.dealdeptid as dealdep19_31_, govmsgbox0_.dealdeptname as dealdep20_31_, govmsgbox0_.dealuserid as dealuse21_31_, govmsgbox0_.delay_apply_time as delay_a22_31_, govmsgbox0_.delay_flag as delay_f23_31_, govmsgbox0_.delete_reason as delete_24_31_, govmsgbox0_.district_code as distric25_31_, govmsgbox0_.doc_desc as doc_des26_31_, govmsgbox0_.doc_id as doc_id27_31_, govmsgbox0_.doc_username as doc_use28_31_, as email29_31_, govmsgbox0_.examine_dept_id as examine30_31_, govmsgbox0_.examine_user_id as examine31_31_, govmsgbox0_.external_id as externa32_31_, govmsgbox0_.finishtime as finisht33_31_, govmsgbox0_.forward_dept_id as forward34_31_, govmsgbox0_.forward_user_name as forward35_31_, govmsgbox0_.govmsgbox_desc as govmsgb36_31_, govmsgbox0_.govmsgboxflag as govmsgb37_31_, govmsgbox0_.govmsgboxtype as govmsgb38_31_, govmsgbox0_.govmsgboxtype1 as govmsgb39_31_, govmsgbox0_.handle_time as handle_40_31_, govmsgbox0_.htmlcontent as htmlcon41_31_, govmsgbox0_.initial_app_id as initial42_31_, govmsgbox0_.initial_is_public as initial43_31_, govmsgbox0_.initial_site_id as initial44_31_, govmsgbox0_.is_agent as is_agen45_31_, govmsgbox0_.is_anonymous as is_anon46_31_, govmsgbox0_.is_anonymous_letter as is_anon47_31_, govmsgbox0_.isapply as isapply48_31_, govmsgbox0_.is_auto_reply as is_auto49_31_, govmsgbox0_.is_back as is_back50_31_, govmsgbox0_.is_blacklisted as is_blac51_31_, govmsgbox0_.is_deadline as is_dead52_31_, govmsgbox0_.is_deleted as is_dele53_31_, govmsgbox0_.is_forward as is_forw54_31_, govmsgbox0_.is_magor_msg as is_mago55_31_, govmsgbox0_.ispublic as ispubli56_31_, govmsgbox0_.is_reassign as is_reas57_31_, govmsgbox0_.is_rejected as is_reje58_31_, govmsgbox0_.isreply as isreply59_31_, govmsgbox0_.is_supervise_flag as is_supe60_31_, govmsgbox0_.is_union_dept_all_reply as is_unio61_31_, govmsgbox0_.is_wait_do_turn_multi_apply as is_wait62_31_, govmsgbox0_.last_cooperate_targe_typ as last_co63_31_, govmsgbox0_.last_reply_time as last_re64_31_, govmsgbox0_.location as locatio65_31_, govmsgbox0_.native_place as native_66_31_, govmsgbox0_.nick_name as nick_na67_31_, govmsgbox0_.open_scope as open_sc68_31_, govmsgbox0_.operip as operip69_31_, govmsgbox0_.operuser as operuse70_31_, govmsgbox0_.parent_id as parent_71_31_, as phone72_31_, govmsgbox0_.province as provinc73_31_, govmsgbox0_.publictime as publict74_31_, govmsgbox0_.publish_error_reason as publish75_31_, govmsgbox0_.publish_url as publish76_31_, govmsgbox0_.query_number as query_n77_31_, govmsgbox0_.query_pwd as query_p78_31_, govmsgbox0_.region as region79_31_, govmsgbox0_.rejected_reason as rejecte80_31_, govmsgbox0_.remind as remind81_31_, govmsgbox0_.score as score82_31_, govmsgbox0_.setting_selected as setting83_31_, as sex84_31_, govmsgbox0_.signvalue as signval85_31_, govmsgbox0_.siteid as siteid86_31_, govmsgbox0_.smart_record_id as smart_r87_31_, govmsgbox0_.smart_turn_data_id as smart_t88_31_, govmsgbox0_.smart_turn_flag as smart_t89_31_, govmsgbox0_.smart_turn_result as smart_t90_31_, govmsgbox0_.status as status91_31_, govmsgbox0_.street as street92_31_, govmsgbox0_.submit_time as submit_93_31_, govmsgbox0_.thumb_status as thumb_s94_31_, govmsgbox0_.thumbnails as thumbna95_31_, govmsgbox0_.tidy_status as tidy_st96_31_, govmsgbox0_.time_left as time_le97_31_, govmsgbox0_.title as title98_31_, govmsgbox0_.toassign_time as toassig99_31_, govmsgbox0_.toexamine_time as toexam100_31_, govmsgbox0_.toreply_time as torepl101_31_, govmsgbox0_.total_days as total_102_31_, govmsgbox0_.trash_time as trash_103_31_, govmsgbox0_.username as userna104_31_ from trs_govmsgbox govmsgbox0_ where (govmsgbox0_.siteid in (48)) and (govmsgbox0_.app_id in (9)) and govmsgbox0_.ispublic=1 and govmsgbox0_.arepublic=1 and govmsgbox0_.parent_id=0 and govmsgbox0_.status=7 order by govmsgbox0_.submit_time desc limit 5; # Time: 221026 20:06:33 # User@Host: ipm[ipm] @ [] # Thread_id: 1173216 Schema: trs_hycloud_ipm QC_hit: No # Query_time: 2.563619 Lock_time: 0.000000 Rows_sent: 0 Rows_examined: 0 # Rows_affected: 0 Bytes_sent: 11 use trs_hycloud_ipm; SET timestamp=1666814793; commit; # Time: 221027 0:09:17 # User@Host: msg[msg] @ [] # Thread_id: 2775622 Schema: trs_hycloud_msg QC_hit: No # Query_time: 4.824891 Lock_time: 0.000443 Rows_sent: 1 Rows_examined: 23368 # Rows_affected: 0 Bytes_sent: 59 use trs_hycloud_msg; SET timestamp=1666829357; select count(*) from (select DISTINCT from msg_detail d join msg_receiver r on r.msg_id = WHERE ( ( (r.receiver_type = 203 and r.receiver_id in ( '927' , '934' , '935' , '1183' , '2' ) ) or (r.receiver_type = 204 and r.receiver_id in ( '528' ) ) or (r.receiver_type = 201 and r.receiver_id in ( '569' ) ) ) ) and (d.notice_status = 'published' or d.notice_status is null) and d.pub_time >= '2022-05-11 19:18:48' and not exists ( SELECT from msg_reader rd WHERE rd.reader_id in ( '528' ) and rd.reader_type = 204 and = rd.msg_id ) ) msg_ids; # Time: 221027 0:21:55 # User@Host: msg[msg] @ [] # Thread_id: 2775622 Schema: trs_hycloud_msg QC_hit: No # Query_time: 7.405037 Lock_time: 0.000635 Rows_sent: 1 Rows_examined: 5460 # Rows_affected: 0 Bytes_sent: 57 SET timestamp=1666830115; select count(*) from (select DISTINCT from msg_detail d join msg_receiver r on r.msg_id = WHERE ( ( (r.receiver_type = 203 and r.receiver_id in ( '570' , '577' , '578' , '580' , '583' , '586' , '746' , '1174' , '1536' , '1537' , '2' ) ) or (r.receiver_type = 204 and r.receiver_id in ( '170' ) ) or (r.receiver_type = 201 and r.receiver_id in ( '305' ) ) ) ) and (d.notice_status = 'published' or d.notice_status is null) and d.pub_time >= '2022-04-08 10:32:51' and not exists ( SELECT from msg_reader rd WHERE rd.reader_id in ( '170' ) and rd.reader_type = 204 and = rd.msg_id ) ) msg_ids; # Time: 221027 0:24:08 # User@Host: msg[msg] @ [] # Thread_id: 2775622 Schema: trs_hycloud_msg QC_hit: No # Query_time: 2.092562 Lock_time: 0.000559 Rows_sent: 1 Rows_examined: 150596 # Rows_affected: 0 Bytes_sent: 60 SET timestamp=1666830248; select count(*) from (select DISTINCT from msg_detail d join msg_receiver r on r.msg_id = WHERE ( ( (r.receiver_type = 203 and r.receiver_id in ( '889' , '894' , '899' , '902' , '905' , '1190' , '1191' , '1192' , '1193' , '1447' , '1703' , '2' ) ) or (r.receiver_type = 204 and r.receiver_id in ( '712' ) ) or (r.receiver_type = 201 and r.receiver_id in ( '13' , '851' ) ) ) ) and (d.notice_status = 'published' or d.notice_status is null) and d.pub_time >= '2022-05-15 11:20:18' and not exists ( SELECT from msg_reader rd WHERE rd.reader_id in ( '712' ) and rd.reader_type = 204 and = rd.msg_id ) ) msg_ids;
EhCache是一个纯Java的进程内缓存框架,具有快速、上手简单等特点,是Hibernate中默认的缓存提供方。本文讲述下SpringBoot2 整合Ehcache组件的步骤2021-06-06