《五子棋》 是一种两人对弈的纯策略型棋类游戏,棋具与围棋通用,是起源于中国古代的传统黑白棋种之一。发展于日本,流行于欧美。容易上手,老少皆宜,而且趣味横生,引人入胜;不仅能增强思维能力,提高智力,而且富含哲理,有助于修身养性。
- 行棋顺序:黑先、白后,相互顺序落子。
- 判断胜负:最先在棋盘横向、竖向、斜向形成连续的相同色五个棋子的一方为胜。黑棋禁手判负,白棋无禁手。黑棋禁手包括三三禁手,四四禁手,长连禁手。如
- 分不出胜负,则定为平局。
- 五连:五颗同色棋子连在一起,即4个方向的11111这种形式的棋型。
- 活四:有2个成五点的四颗棋子,即4个方向的011110这种形式的棋型,注意两边一定要有空格。
- 冲四:有1个成五点的四颗棋子,棋型有点多。
- 活三:可以形成活四的三颗棋子
- 三三禁手:由于黑方落一子,同时形成二个或二个以上黑方活三的局面
- 四四禁手:由于黑方落一子,同时形成二个或二个以上黑方四(活四或者冲四)的局面
- 长连禁手:由于黑方落一子,形成六个或者六个以上的同色连续棋子
private static final long servialVersionUID = 1L; final JLabel logoLabel = new JLabel("开心五子棋"); final JLabel logo = new JLabel(); final JButton loginButton = new JButton(" 登 陆 "); final JLabel registerLabel = new JLabel("立即注册"); final JLabel userLabel = new JLabel("账号:"); final JLabel passwordLabel = new JLabel("密码:"); final static JTextField userjt = new JTextField(11); final JPasswordField passwordjt = new JPasswordField(11); final JCheckBox rememberPasswordjcb = new JCheckBox(); final JLabel rememberPasswordjl = new JLabel("记住密码"); final JCheckBox automaticLoginjcb = new JCheckBox(); final JLabel automaticLoginjl = new JLabel("自动登录"); final JLabel promptPasswordFalse = new JLabel("密码错误!"); final JLabel promptRegister = new JLabel("该账号还未注册!"); final JLabel promptUserNameEmpty = new JLabel("请输入账号!"); final JLabel prompPasswordEmpty = new JLabel("请输入密码!"); final Color color = new Color(255, 218, 185); final FileOperation read = new FileOperation();//创建文件对象 final FileOperation f = new FileOperation(); public Main() { setTitle("开心五子棋"); setBounds(200, 200, 500, 500); setDefaultCloseOperation(WindowConstants.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); setVisible(true); //基本布局设置 SpringLayout springLayout = new SpringLayout();//使用弹簧布局管理器 Container c = getContentPane();//创建容器 c.setBackground(new Color(255, 218, 185)); c.setLayout(springLayout); userjt.setFont(new Font("微软雅黑", 0, 18 )); userjt.setText(Register.userName); passwordjt.setFont(new Font("微软雅黑", 0, 18)); passwordjt.setText(Register.password); logoLabel.setFont(new Font("微软雅黑", 1, 48)); logoLabel.setForeground(Color.pink); ImageIcon logoimage = new ImageIcon(Main.class.getResource("/image/logo5.jpg")); logoimage.setImage(logoimage.getImage().getScaledInstance(260, 130, Image.SCALE_DEFAULT)); logo.setIcon(logoimage); userLabel.setFont(new Font("微软雅黑", 1, 20)); passwordLabel.setFont(new Font("微软雅黑", 1, 20)); rememberPasswordjl.setFont(new Font("微软雅黑", 0, 14)); rememberPasswordjl.setForeground(Color.gray); automaticLoginjl.setFont(new Font("微软雅黑", 0, 14)); automaticLoginjl.setForeground(Color.gray); loginButton.setFont(new Font("微软雅黑", 1, 16)); registerLabel.setFont(new Font("微软雅黑", 1, 13)); registerLabel.setForeground(Color.gray); promptPasswordFalse.setFont(new Font("微软雅黑", 0, 13)); promptPasswordFalse.setForeground(Color.red); promptUserNameEmpty.setFont(new Font("微软雅黑", 0, 13)); promptUserNameEmpty.setForeground(Color.red); prompPasswordEmpty.setFont(new Font("微软雅黑", 0, 13)); prompPasswordEmpty.setForeground(Color.red); promptRegister.setFont(new Font("微软雅黑", 0, 13)); promptRegister.setForeground(Color.red); rememberPasswordjcb.setBackground(new Color(255, 218, 185)); automaticLoginjcb.setBackground(new Color(255, 218, 185)); c.add(logo);//首页图标 springLayout.putConstraint(springLayout.NORTH, logo, 40, springLayout.NORTH, c); springLayout.putConstraint(springLayout.WEST, logo, 115, springLayout.WEST, c); c.add(logoLabel);//标题“开心五子棋” springLayout.putConstraint(springLayout.NORTH, logoLabel, 100, springLayout.NORTH, c); springLayout.putConstraint(springLayout.WEST, logoLabel, 120, springLayout.WEST, c); logoLabel.setVisible(false); c.add(userLabel);//用户名 springLayout.putConstraint(springLayout.NORTH, userLabel, 35, springLayout.SOUTH, logoLabel); springLayout.putConstraint(springLayout.WEST, userLabel, 110, springLayout.WEST, c); c.add(userjt); springLayout.putConstraint(springLayout.NORTH, userjt, 35, springLayout.SOUTH, logoLabel); springLayout.putConstraint(springLayout.WEST, userjt, 10, springLayout.EAST, userLabel); c.add(passwordLabel);//密码 springLayout.putConstraint(springLayout.NORTH, passwordLabel, 10, springLayout.SOUTH, userLabel); springLayout.putConstraint(springLayout.WEST, passwordLabel, 110, springLayout.WEST, c); c.add(passwordjt); springLayout.putConstraint(springLayout.NORTH, passwordjt, 10, springLayout.SOUTH, userjt); springLayout.putConstraint(springLayout.WEST, passwordjt, 10, springLayout.EAST, passwordLabel); c.add(rememberPasswordjcb);//复选框 springLayout.putConstraint(springLayout.NORTH, rememberPasswordjcb, 10, springLayout.SOUTH, passwordLabel); springLayout.putConstraint(springLayout.WEST, rememberPasswordjcb, 175, springLayout.WEST, c); c.add(rememberPasswordjl); springLayout.putConstraint(springLayout.NORTH, rememberPasswordjl, 10, springLayout.SOUTH, passwordjt); springLayout.putConstraint(springLayout.WEST, rememberPasswordjl, 5, springLayout.EAST, rememberPasswordjcb); c.add(automaticLoginjcb); springLayout.putConstraint(springLayout.NORTH, automaticLoginjcb, 10, springLayout.SOUTH, passwordjt); springLayout.putConstraint(springLayout.WEST, automaticLoginjcb, 30, springLayout.EAST, rememberPasswordjl); c.add(automaticLoginjl); springLayout.putConstraint(springLayout.NORTH, automaticLoginjl, 10, springLayout.SOUTH, passwordjt); springLayout.putConstraint(springLayout.WEST, automaticLoginjl, 5, springLayout.EAST, automaticLoginjcb); c.add(loginButton);//登陆按钮 springLayout.putConstraint(springLayout.NORTH, loginButton, 20, springLayout.SOUTH, rememberPasswordjl); springLayout.putConstraint(springLayout.WEST, loginButton, 110, springLayout.WEST, c); c.add(registerLabel);//注册按钮 springLayout.putConstraint(springLayout.NORTH, registerLabel, 5, springLayout.SOUTH, loginButton); springLayout.putConstraint(springLayout.WEST, registerLabel, 320, springLayout.WEST, c); c.add(promptRegister);//账号未注册提示 promptRegister.setVisible(false); springLayout.putConstraint(springLayout.NORTH, promptRegister, 41, springLayout.SOUTH, logoLabel); springLayout.putConstraint(springLayout.WEST, promptRegister, 5, springLayout.EAST, userjt); c.add(promptUserNameEmpty);//请输入账号 promptUserNameEmpty.setVisible(false); springLayout.putConstraint(springLayout.NORTH, promptUserNameEmpty, 41, springLayout.SOUTH, logoLabel); springLayout.putConstraint(springLayout.WEST, promptUserNameEmpty, 5, springLayout.EAST, userjt); c.add(promptPasswordFalse);//密码错误提示 promptPasswordFalse.setVisible(false); springLayout.putConstraint(springLayout.NORTH, promptPasswordFalse, 20, springLayout.SOUTH, promptRegister); springLayout.putConstraint(springLayout.WEST, promptPasswordFalse, 5, springLayout.EAST, passwordjt); c.add(prompPasswordEmpty);//密码为空提示 prompPasswordEmpty.setVisible(false); springLayout.putConstraint(springLayout.NORTH, prompPasswordEmpty, 20, springLayout.SOUTH, promptRegister); springLayout.putConstraint(springLayout.WEST, prompPasswordEmpty, 5, springLayout.EAST, passwordjt); //设置文本框鼠标点击事件 userjt.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() {//文本框 public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) { userjt.setText(""); } }); passwordjt.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() {//密码框 public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) { passwordjt.setText(""); } }); //设置登陆按钮单击事件 loginButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { String userName = userjt.getText().trim();//获取用户输入的账号和密码 String Password = new String(passwordjt.getPassword()).trim(); //判断账号和密码 if(userName.length() != 0) {//用户名不为空 promptUserNameEmpty.setVisible(false);//关闭账号为空显示 if(Password.length() != 0) {//密码不为空 if(f.readData("user.xls", userName) && Password.equals(f.backData("user.xls", userName, "password"))) {//用户输入的账号和密码正确 promptRegister.setVisible(false);//隐藏提示信息 promptPasswordFalse.setVisible(false); prompPasswordEmpty.setVisible(false); loginButton.setText(" 登 陆 中... "); new Chessboard();//跳转到五子棋棋盘页面 dispose();//销毁当前页面 } else if( f.readData("user.xls", userName) && !Password.equals(f.backData("user.xls", userName, "password"))) {//用户输入密码错误 promptPasswordFalse.setVisible(true);//显示密码错误提示 promptRegister.setVisible(false); prompPasswordEmpty.setVisible(false); passwordjt.setText("");//密码框清空 passwordjt.requestFocus();//光标定位到密码框 }else {//账号还未注册 promptRegister.setVisible(true); promptPasswordFalse.setVisible(false); prompPasswordEmpty.setVisible(false); } } else {//密码为空 if(userName.equals("admin")) {//用户名已经注册, 提示输入密码 prompPasswordEmpty.setVisible(true); promptUserNameEmpty.setVisible(false); promptRegister.setVisible(false); promptPasswordFalse.setVisible(false); }else {//用户名未注册 prompPasswordEmpty.setVisible(false); promptUserNameEmpty.setVisible(false); promptRegister.setVisible(true); promptPasswordFalse.setVisible(false); } } }else {//用户名为空 promptUserNameEmpty.setVisible(true);//提示输入账号 promptRegister.setVisible(false); promptPasswordFalse.setVisible(false); prompPasswordEmpty.setVisible(false); passwordjt.setText("");//将密码框置为空 if(Password.length() == 0) {//密码为空 prompPasswordEmpty.setVisible(true); promptRegister.setVisible(false); promptPasswordFalse.setVisible(false); } } } }); //注册标签监听器 registerLabel.addMouseListener(new MouseListener() { public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) { dispose(); new Register(); } public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent e) { registerLabel.setForeground(Color.red);; } public void mouseExited(MouseEvent e) { registerLabel.setForeground(Color.black); } public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) {} public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) {} }); } public static void main(String[] args) { // TODO 自动生成的方法存根 new Main(); }
public static int countScore(int map[][], int X, int Y, int computerColor) { int sum = 0; int count = 0; int value[] = new int[] {0, 0, 0, 0}; int upcount[] = new int[] {0, 0, 0, 0}; int downcount[] = new int[] {0, 0, 0, 0}; int upflag[] = new int[] {0, 0, 0, 0}; int downflag[] = new int[] {0, 0, 0, 0}; for(int color = 1; color <= 2; color++) {//计算双方的分数 map[X][Y] = color;//先将该点放白子 /*******************************************计算横向棋子***********************/ for(int i = X - 1; i >=0; i--) {//计算左边棋子数量 if(map[i][Y] == color) { upcount[0]++; }else if(map[i][Y] != 0 && map[i][Y] != color) {//表示有对方棋子 upflag[0] = -1; break; }else {//表示为空 upflag[0] = 1; if(i - 1 >= 0 && map[i][Y] == 0) { upflag[0] = 2;//表示两个空格 }else { break; } if(i - 2 >= 0 && map[i][Y] == 0) { upflag[0] = 3;//表示有三个空格 }else { break; } break; } } for(int j = X + 1; j <= 14; j++) {//计算右边棋子数量 if(map[j][Y] == color) { downcount[0]++; }else if(map[j][Y] != 0 && map[j][Y] != color) { downflag[0] = -1; break; }else {//表示为空 downflag[0] = 1; if(j + 1 <= 14 && map[j][Y] == 0) { downflag[0] = 2; }else { break; } if(j + 2 <= 14 && map[j][Y] == 0) { downflag[0] = 3; }else { break; } break; } } /******************************************************计算列项棋子***************************************/ for(int i = Y - 1; i >= 0; i--) {//计算方向向上 if(map[X][i] == color) { upcount[1]++; }else if(map[X][i] != 0 && map[X][i] != color) {//表示该点是对方棋子 upflag[1] = -1; break; }else {//表示为空 upflag[1] = 1; if(i - 1 >= 0 && map[X][i] == 0) { upflag[1] = 2; }else { break; } if(i - 2 >= 0 && map[X][i] == 0) { upflag[1] = 3; }else { break; } break; } } for(int j = Y + 1; j <= 14; j++) {//计算方向向下 if(map[X][j] == color) { downcount[1]++; }else if(map[X][j] != 0 && map[X][j] != color) {//表示该点是对方棋子 downflag[1] = -1; break; }else {//表示为空 downflag[1] = 1; if(j + 1 >= 0 && map[X][j] == 0) { downflag[1] = 2; }else { break; } if(j + 2 >= 0 && map[X][j] == 0) { downflag[1] = 3; }else { break; } break; } } /****************************************************计算斜向下棋子*********************************************/ int i = 0; int j = 0; for(i = X - 1, j = Y - 1; i >= 0 && j >= 0; i--, j--) {//计算斜向上 if(map[i][j] == color) { upcount[2]++; }else if(map[i][j] != 0 && map[i][j] != color) { upflag[2] = -1; break; }else {//为空 upflag[2] = 1; if(i - 1 >= 0 && j - 1 >= 0 && map[i][j] == 0) { upflag[2] = 2; }else { break; } if(i - 2 >= 0 && j - 2 >= 0 && map[i][j] == 0) { upflag[2] = 3; }else { break; } break; } } for(i = X + 1, j = Y + 1; i <= 14 && j <= 14; i++, j++) {//计算斜向下 if(map[i][j] == color) { downcount[2]++; }else if(map[i][j] != 0 && map[i][j] != color) { downflag[2] = -1; break; }else {//为空 downflag[2] = 1; if(i + 1 <= 14 && j + 1 <= 14 && map[i][j] == 0) { downflag[2] = 2; }else { break; } if(i + 2 <= 14 && j + 2 <= 14 && map[i][j] == 0) { downflag[2] = 3; }else { break; } break; } } /****************************************************计算斜向上棋子*************************************************/ for(i = X + 1, j = Y - 1; i <= 14 && j >= 0; i++, j--) { if(map[i][j] == color) { upcount[3]++; }else if(map[i][j] != 0 && map[i][j] != color) { upflag[3] = -1; break; }else { upflag[3] = 1; if(i + 1 <= 14 && j - 1 >= 0 && map[i][j] == 0) { upflag[3] = 2; }else { break; } if(i + 2 <= 14 && j - 2 >= 0 && map[i][j] == 0) { upflag[3] = 3; }else { break; } break; } } for(i = X - 1, j = Y + 1; i >= 0 && j <= 14; i--, j++) {//计算斜向下 if(map[i][j] == color) { downcount[3]++; }else if(map[i][j] != 0 && map[i][j] != color) { downflag[3] = -1; break; }else {//为空 downflag[3] = 1; if(i - 1 >= 0 && j + 1 <= 14 && map[i][j] == 0) { downflag[3] = 2; }else { break; } if(i - 2 >= 0 && j + 2 <= 14 && map[i][j] == 0) { downflag[3] = 3; }else { break; } break; } } //数据处理 if(map[X][Y] == computerColor) {//如果是电脑方的话分数要高一点 for(i =0; i < 4; i++) { count = upcount[i] + downcount[i] + 1; if(count == 5) {//成五 value[i] = 40000; }else if(count == 4) { if(upflag[i] >= 1 && downflag[i] >= 1) {//活四 value[i] = 19000; } if((upflag[i] >= 1 && downflag[i] == -1) || (upflag[i] == -1 && downflag[i] >= 1)) {//眠四 value[i] = 3000; } if(upflag[i] == -1 && downflag[i] == -1) {//死四 value[i] = -50; } }else if(count == 3) { if((upflag[i] >= 2 && downflag[i] >= 1) || (upflag[i] >= 1 && downflag[i] >= 2)) {//活三 value[i] = 4000; } if((upflag[i] >= 2 && downflag[i] == -1) || (upflag[i] == -1 && downflag[i] >= 2) || (upflag[i] == 1 && downflag[i] == 1)){//眠三 value[i] = 800; } if(upflag[i] == -1 && downflag[i] == -1) {//死三 value[i] = -50; } }else if(count == 2) { if((upflag[i] >= 1 && downflag[i] >= 3) || (upflag[i] >=2 && downflag[i] >= 2) || (upflag[i] >= 3 && downflag[i] >= 1)) {//活二 value[i] = 1050; } if((upflag[i] == -1 && downflag[i] >= 3) || (upflag[i] >= 3 && downflag[i] == -1) || (upflag[i] == 2 && downflag[i] == 1) || (upflag[i] == 1 && downflag[i] == 2)) {//眠二 value[i] = 350; } if(upflag[i] == -1 && downflag[i] == -1) {//死二 value[i] = -50; } }else { if((upflag[i] >= 2 && downflag[i] >= 3) || (upflag[i] >= 3 && downflag[i] >= 2)) {//活1 value[i] = 80; } if((upflag[i] == 2 && downflag[i] == 2) || (upflag[i] == 1 && downflag[i] == 3) || (upflag[i] == 3 && downflag[i] == 1)) {//眠1 value[i] = 20; } if((upflag[i] <= 1 && downflag[i] <= 2) || (upflag[i] <= 2 && downflag[i] <= 1)) { value[i] = -50; } } } }else { for(i =0; i < 4; i++) { count = upcount[i] + downcount[i] + 1; if(count == 5) {//成五 value[i] = 30000; }else if(count == 4) { if(upflag[i] >= 1 && downflag[i] >= 1) {//活四 value[i] = 15000; } if((upflag[i] >= 1 && downflag[i] == -1) || (upflag[i] == -1 && downflag[i] >= 1)) {//眠四 value[i] = 2500; } if(upflag[i] == -1 && downflag[i] == -1) {//死四 value[i] = -50; } }else if(count == 3) { if((upflag[i] >= 2 && downflag[i] >= 1) || (upflag[i] >= 1 && downflag[i] >= 2)) {//活三 value[i] = 3000; } if((upflag[i] >= 2 && downflag[i] == -1) || (upflag[i] == -1 && downflag[i] >= 2) || (upflag[i] == 1 && downflag[i] == 1)){//眠三 value[i] = 500; } if(upflag[i] == -1 && downflag[i] == -1) {//死三 value[i] = -50; } }else if(count == 2) { if((upflag[i] >= 1 && downflag[i] >= 3) || (upflag[i] >=2 && downflag[i] >= 2) || (upflag[i] >= 3 && downflag[i] >= 1)) {//活二 value[i] = 650; } if((upflag[i] == -1 && downflag[i] >= 3) || (upflag[i] >= 3 && downflag[i] == -1) || (upflag[i] == 2 && downflag[i] == 1) || (upflag[i] == 1 && downflag[i] == 2)) {//眠二 value[i] = 150; } if((upflag[i] == -1 && downflag[i] == -1) || (upflag[i] == 1 && downflag[i] == 1) || (upflag[i] == -1 && downflag[i] == 2) || (upflag[i] == 2 && downflag[i] == -1)) {//死二 value[i] = -50; } }else { if((upflag[i] >= 2 && downflag[i] >= 3) || (upflag[i] >= 3 && downflag[i] >= 2)) {//活1 value[i] = 50; } if((upflag[i] == 2 && downflag[i] == 2) || (upflag[i] == 1 && downflag[i] == 3) || (upflag[i] == 3 && downflag[i] == 1)) {//眠1 value[i] = 10; } if((upflag[i] <= 1 && downflag[i] <= 2) || (upflag[i] <= 2 && downflag[i] <= 1)|| (upflag[i] <= 3 && downflag[i] == -1)|| (upflag[i] == -1 && downflag[i] <= 3)) { value[i] = -50; } } } } for(i = 0; i < 4; i++) { sum += value[i]; value[i] = 0; upcount[i] = 0; downcount[i] = 0; upflag[i] = 0; downflag[i] = 0; } } map[X][Y] = 0; return sum; }
public static int[] evalute(int map[][], int depth, int computerColor) { int maxscore = 0; Random r = new Random(); int pos[][] = new int[10][2];{ for(int i = 0; i < pos.length; i++) { for(int j = 0; j < pos[i].length; j++) { pos[i][j] = 0; } } } int FLAG = 0; int score[][] = new int[15][15];{//初始化计分数组 for(int i = 0; i < 15; i++) { for(int j = 0; j < 15; j++) { score[i][j] = 0; } } } int position[] = new int[]{0, 0};//初始化位置坐标数组 for(int i = 6 - depth; i <= 8 + depth && i <= 14; i++) {//搜索横坐标 for(int j = 6 - depth; j <= 8 + depth && j <= 14; j++) {//搜索纵坐标 if(map[i][j] == 0) {//表示该点在棋盘上面为空 score[i][j] = countScore(map, i, j, computerColor); if(maxscore < score[i][j]) { maxscore = score[i][j];//记录当前棋盘分数的最大值 } } } } for(int i = 6 - depth; i <= 8 + depth && i <= 14; i++) { for(int j = 6 - depth; j <= 8 + depth && j <= 14; j++) { if(score[i][j] == maxscore) { pos[FLAG][0] = i; pos[FLAG++][1] = j; } } } int m = r.nextInt(FLAG); position[0] = pos[m][0]; position[1] = pos[m][1]; return position; } //极大极小值算法 public int minimax(int map[][], int chessColor) { return chessColor; } //alpha beta剪枝 public void alphaBetaCutting(int map[][], int chessColor){ }
private void tuntoComputer() {//电脑下棋 if(depth >= 7) { depth = 6; } position = Algorithm.evalute(map, depth, computerColor);//调用估值函数 map[position[0]][position[1]] = computerColor; imapflag[flag] = position[0];//将坐标存放在悔棋标记数组中 jmapflag[flag] = position[1]; newchessX = position[0];//新棋子标记记录坐标 newchessY = position[1]; int a = Math.max(Math.abs(position[0] - 7), Math.abs(position[1] - 7));//计算该点到中心的最大的距离 depth = Math.max(depth, a);//不断更新depth的值 flag ++; chessboardEmpty = 1;//棋盘标记为有棋子 player = 1;//玩家下棋标志置0 computer = 0;//电脑下棋标志为1 judgeFlag = 1; repaint(); }
public void judge() { for(t = newchessX,s = newchessY,count = 0; t >=0 && s >= 0 && count <= 4; t--,s--,count++) { comeX = t; comeY = s; } for(t = newchessX, s = newchessY, count = 0; t <=14 && s >= 0 && count <= 4; t++, s--, count++) { toX = t; toY = s; } if(winFLAG == 0) { for(int ch = 1; ch <=2; ch++) { CHESSCOLOR = ch; //判断横向棋子 for(s = (newchessX - 4) >=0 ? (newchessX - 4) : 0 ; s <= newchessX; s++) {//表示玩家获胜 t = newchessY; if(map[s][t] == CHESSCOLOR && s < 11) {//行棋子数量计算 if(map[s + 1][t] == CHESSCOLOR) { if(map[s + 2][t] == CHESSCOLOR) { if(map[s + 3][t] == CHESSCOLOR) { if(map[s + 4][t] == CHESSCOLOR) { winX = s; winY = t; winWay = 1; if(CHESSCOLOR == 1) {//白棋 winFLAG = 1; }else {//黑棋 winFLAG = 2; } break; } } } } } } if(winFLAG != 0) {//如果某一方赢了就直接退出 break; } //判断列项棋子 for(t = (newchessY - 4) >=0 ? (newchessY - 4) : 0 ; t <= newchessY; t ++) { s = newchessX; if(map[s][t] == CHESSCOLOR && t < 11) {//列棋子数量计算 if(map[s][t + 1] == CHESSCOLOR) { if(map[s][t + 2] == CHESSCOLOR) { if(map[s][t + 3] == CHESSCOLOR) { if(map[s][t + 4] == CHESSCOLOR) { winX = s; winY = t; winWay = 2; if(CHESSCOLOR == 1) {//白棋 winFLAG = 1; }else {//黑棋 winFLAG = 2; } break; } } } } } } if(winFLAG != 0) {//如果某一方赢了就直接退出 break; } //判断左上到右下棋子 for(s = comeX, t = comeY; s <= newchessX && t <= newchessY; s ++, t++) { if(map[s][t] == CHESSCOLOR && s < 11 && t < 11) {//斜下棋子数量计算 if(map[s + 1][t + 1] == CHESSCOLOR) { if(map[s + 2][t + 2] == CHESSCOLOR) { if(map[s + 3][t + 3] == CHESSCOLOR) { if(map[s + 4][t + 4] == CHESSCOLOR) { winX = s; winY = t; winWay = 3; if(CHESSCOLOR == 1) {//白棋 winFLAG = 1; }else {//黑棋 winFLAG = 2; } break; } } } } } } if(winFLAG != 0) {//如果某一方赢了就直接退出 break; } //判断右上到左下棋子 for(s = toX, t = toY; s >= newchessX && t <= newchessY; s --, t++) { if(map[s][t] == CHESSCOLOR && s >= 4 && t < 11) {//斜上棋子数量计算 if(map[s - 1][t + 1] == CHESSCOLOR) { if(map[s - 2][t + 2] == CHESSCOLOR) { if(map[s - 3][t + 3] == CHESSCOLOR) { if(map[s - 4][t + 4] == CHESSCOLOR) { winX = s; winY = t; winWay = 4; if(CHESSCOLOR == 1) {//白棋 winFLAG = 1; }else {//黑棋 winFLAG = 2; } break; } } } } } } if(winFLAG != 0) {//如果某一方赢了就直接退出 break; } } } }
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