Web开发人员常用速查手册 英文集合推荐
更新时间:2011年04月22日 01:11:51 作者:
HTML 速查手册
- HTML/XTML in one page
- HTML5: The Evolution of Web Standards by James Sugrue
- (X)HTML Elements and Attributes
- Doctype Declarations (DTDs)
- XHTML Character Entity Reference
- GoSquared HTML Help Sheet
CSS 速查手册
- CSS in one page
- CSS Properties and Values
- All CSS Properties Listed Alphabetically
- CSS Shorthand Guide
- GoSquared CSS Help Sheet
JavaScript 速查手册
jQuery 速查手册
- jQuery Cheatsheet
- jQuery 1.3 Visual Cheat Sheet by Antonio Lupetti
- jQuery Selectors by Bear Bibeault & Yehuda Katz
Adobe Flash 速查手册
ASP.NET 速查手册
PHP 速查手册
- PHP Basics Quick Reference Sheet
- PHP Cheat Sheet
- PHP Security Cheat Sheet
- PHP Variable and Array Tests
- GoSquared PHP Help Sheet