(Data Query Language:数据查询语言)
- 所有的查询操作都要用到它 select
- 简单的查询,复杂的查询都要用到它
- 数据库最核心的语言,最重要的语言
- 使用频率最高的语言
-- 查询所有的学生 select 字段 from 表 select * from student -- 查询指定字段 select studentno,studentname from student -- 给结果起一个名字 , As,可以给字段起别名,也可以给表起别名 select studentno as 学号,studentname as 学生姓名 from student select studentno 学号,studentname 学生姓名 from student -- 函数 concat(a,b) select CONCAT('姓名:',studentname) as 新名字 from student
语法:select 字段 from 表
字段名 as 别名 或者是 表名 as 表别名
去重 distinct
-- 查询一下有哪些同学参加了考试 select * from result -- 查询全部的考试成绩 select studentno from result -- 查询有哪些学生参加了考试 select distinct studentno from result -- 去重
select version() -- 查询系统版本号(函数) select 100*3-2 -- 用来计算(表达式) select @@auto_increment_increment -- 查询自增的步长(变量) -- 学生考试成绩+1分查看 select studentno,studentresult+1 as '提分后' from result
select 表达式 from 表
select studentno,studentresult from result -- 查询考试成绩在95~100之间的 -- and && select studentno,studentresult from result where studentresult>=95 and studentresult<=100 -- 模糊查询(区间) select studentno,studentresult from result where studentresult between 95 and 100 -- ! not select studentno,studentresult from result where not studentno=1000
-- ===========模糊查询======================== -- 查询姓张的同学 -- like结合%(代表0到任意个字符) _(一个字符) select studentno,studentname from student where studentname like '张%' -- 查询姓张的同学,名字只有两个字 select studentno,studentname from student where studentname like '张_' -- ======in(具体的一个或者多个值)======== -- 查询学号1000,1001的学生 select studentno,studentname from student where studentno in(1000,1001) -- 查询在北京的学生 select studentno,studentname from student where address in('北京朝阳') -- ========null not null==================== -- 查询地址为空的同学 null或者'' select studentno,studentname from student where address='' or address is null -- 查询出生日期不为空的学生 select studentno,studentname from student where borndate is not null
-- 查询参加考试的同学(学号,姓名,科目编号,分数) select * from student select * from result /*思路: 1.分析需求:分析查询的字段来自哪些表(连接查询) 2.确定使用哪种连接查询? 7种 确定交叉点,这两个表中哪些数据是相同的 判断的条件:学生表的studentno=成绩表 studentno */ select s.studentno,studentname,subjectno,studentresult from student as s inner join result as r where s.studentno=r.studentno -- right join select s.studentno,studentname,subjectno,studentresult from student as s right join result as r on s.studentno = r.studentno -- left join select s.studentno,studentname,subjectno,studentresult from student as s left join result as r on s.studentno = r.studentno
-- ===============联表查询================== -- 查询参加考试的同学(学号,姓名,科目编号,分数) select * from student select * from result /*思路: 1.分析需求:分析查询的字段来自哪些表(连接查询) 2.确定使用哪种连接查询? 7种 确定交叉点,这两个表中哪些数据是相同的 判断的条件:学生表的studentno=成绩表 studentno */ -- join(连接的表) on(判断的条件) 连接查询 -- where 等值查询 select s.studentno,studentname,subjectno,studentresult from student as s inner join result as r where s.studentno=r.studentno select s.studentno,studentname,subjectno,studentresult from student as s inner join result as r on s.studentno=r.studentno -- right join select s.studentno,studentname,subjectno,studentresult from student as s right join result as r on r.studentno = s.studentno -- left join select s.studentno,studentname,subjectno,studentresult from student as s left join result as r on s.studentno = r.studentno -- 查询缺考的同学(只要让成绩为null,就能找到) select s.studentno,studentname,subjectno,studentresult from student as s left join result as r on s.studentno = r.studentno where studentresult is null -- 查询了参加考试的同学信息:学号,学生姓名,科目名称,分数 -- 表 student result subject -- 右查询 -- 交叉点:学生表 studentno=成绩表 studentno -- 成绩表 subjectno=科目表 subjectno select s.studentno,studentname,sub.subjectname,studentresult from student as s right join result as r on r.studentno=s.studentno inner join `subject` as sub on r.subjectno=sub.subjectno -- 我要查询哪些数据 select ... -- 从哪几个表中查询 from 表 xxx join 连接的表 on 较差条件 -- 假设存在一种多张表查询,先查询两张表开始,然后再慢慢增加 -- from a left join b -- from a right join b
-- 查询父子信息:把一张表看为两个一模一样的表 select a.categoryname as '父栏目',b.categoryname as '子栏目' from category as a,category as b where a.categoryid = b.pid
-- 排序:升序 ASC 降序DESC -- 通过哪个字段排序,怎么排 select s.studentno,studentname,subjectname,studentresult from student as s inner join result as r on s.studentno = r.studentno inner join `subject` as sub on sub.subjectno=r.subjectno where subjectname = '高等数学-1' order by studentresult DESC
-- 为什么要分页 -- 缓解数据库的压力,给人更好的体验 ---瀑布流 -- 分页,每页显示五条数据 -- 语法:limit 起始值,页面的大小 -- 网页应用:当前页,总页数,页面的大小 -- limit 0,5 1~5条数据 -- limit 1,5 2~6条数据 select * from student limit 0,5 -- 第一页 limit 0,5 (1-1)*5 -- 第二页 limit 5,5 (2-1)*5 -- 第二页 limit 10,5 (3-1)*5 -- 第N页 limit (n-1)*5 -- pageSize:页面的大小 -- (n-1)*pageSize:起始值 -- n:当前页 -- 数据总数/页面大小=总页数
语法:limit (查询起始下标,pageSize)
where (值是固定的,这个值是计算出来的)
-- 查询高等数学-1的所有考试结果(学号,科目编号,成绩),降序排列 -- 方式1 select studentno,subjectno,studentresult from result as r inner join `subject` as sub on r.subjectno=sub.subjectno where subjectname='高等数学-1' order by studentresult DESC -- 方式2:使用子查询 select studentno,subjectno,studentresult from result where subjectno=( select subjectno from `subject` where subjectname='高等数学-1' )order by studentresult DESC -- 查询所有高等数学-1的学生的学号 select subjectno from `subject` where subjectname='高等数学-1' -- 查询分数不小于80分的学生的学号和姓名 select studentno,studentname from student where studentno=( select distinct studentno from result where studentresult>=80 ) -- 查询课程为高等数学-2并且分数不小于80分的同学的学号和姓名 -- 联表查询 select s.studentno,studentname from student as s inner join result as r on s.studentno=r.studentno inner join `subject` as sub on r.subjectno=sub.subjectno where subjectname='高等数学-2' and studentresult>=80 -- 子查询 select DISTINCT s.studentno,studentname from student as s inner join result as r on s.studentno=r.studentno where studentresult>=80 and subjectno=( select subjectno from `subject` where subjectname='高等数学-2' ) -- 子查询:(由里及外) select studentno,studentname from student where studentno in( select studentno from result where studentresult>=80 and subjectno=( select subjectno from `subject` where subjectname='高等数学-2' ) )
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File ‘c:\mysql\share\charsets\?.conf’ not found (Errcode: 22) Character set ‘#33′ is not a compiled character set and is not specified in the ‘c:\mysql\share\charsets\Index’ file2013-08-08