Python之freegames 零代码的22个小游戏集合
- 简介:零代码的22个小游戏集合
- 作者:Grant Jenks
- 版本:2.4.0
- 安装:
D:\>pip install freegames -i Looking in indexes: Collecting freegames Downloading d8e4597259d8c56a920df1ed10dcfb65d7b80caff4f/freegames-2.4.0-py3-none-any.whl (10 8 kB) ------------------------------------ 109.0/109.0 kB 528.1 kB/s eta 0:00:00 Installing collected packages: freegames Successfully installed freegames-2.4.0
- 简要说明:
Free Python Games is an Apache2 licensed collection of free Python games
intended for education and fun. The games are written in simple Python code and
designed for experimentation and changes. Simplified versions of several
classic arcade games are included.
Python is one of the top-five most popular programming languages in the world
and available for free from Python includes an extensive
Standard Library distributed with your installation. The Standard Library has a
module called Turtle which is a popular way to introduce programming to
kids. Turtle was part of the original Logo programming language developed by
Wally Feurzig and Seymour Papert in 1966. All of the games in Free Python Games
are implemented using Python and its Turtle module.
Starting in 2012, Free Python Games began as an after school program to teach
programming to inner-city youth. The goal was to have fun as much as it was to
learn. Since then the games have been improved and used in a variety of
settings ranging from classrooms to summer day-camps.
The games run anywhere Python can be installed which includes desktop computers
running Windows, Mac OS, or Linux and older or low-power hardware such as the
Raspberry Pi. Kids across the United States in grades 6th-12th have enjoyed
learning about topics such as encryption and projectile motion through games.
Each game is entirely independent from the others and includes comments along
with a list of exercises to work through with students. Creativity and
flexibility is important. There is no right or wrong way to implement a new
feature or behavior! You never know which games students will engage with best.
Free Python Games supports a command-line interface (CLI). Help for the CLI is
available using::
$ python3 -m freegames --help
The CLI supports three commands: list, copy, and show. For a list of all games
$ python3 -m freegames list
Any of the listed games may be played by executing the Python module from the
command-line. To reference the Python module, combine "freegames" with the name
of the game. For example, to play the "snake" game run::
$ python3 -m freegames.snake
Games can be modified by copying their source code. The copy command will
create a Python file in your local directory which you can edit. For example,
to copy and play the "snake" game run::
$ python3 -m freegames copy snake
$ python3
Python includes a built-in text editor named IDLE which can also execute Python
code. To launch the editor and make changes to the "snake" game run::
$ python3 -m idlelib.idle
- 游戏列表:
D:\>python -m freegames list ant bagels bounce cannon connect crypto fidget flappy guess life madlibs maze memory minesweeper pacman paint pong simonsays snake tictactoe tiles tron
执行方法 freegames.游戏名
python -m
python -m freegames.pacman
python -m freegames.cannon
python -m freegames.pong
python -m freegames.tiles
python -m freegames.maze
执行: python -m freegames copy maze,就能拷贝出源码来
"""Maze, move from one side to another. Excercises 1. Keep score by counting taps. 2. Make the maze harder. 3. Generate the same maze twice. """ from random import random from turtle import * from freegames import line def draw(): """Draw maze.""" color('black') width(5) for x in range(-200, 200, 40): for y in range(-200, 200, 40): if random() > 0.5: line(x, y, x + 40, y + 40) else: line(x, y + 40, x + 40, y) update() def tap(x, y): """Draw line and dot for screen tap.""" if abs(x) > 198 or abs(y) > 198: up() else: down() width(2) color('red') goto(x, y) dot(4) setup(420, 420, 370, 0) hideturtle() tracer(False) draw() onscreenclick(tap) done()
"""Snake, classic arcade game. Exercises 1. How do you make the snake faster or slower? 2. How can you make the snake go around the edges? 3. How would you move the food? 4. Change the snake to respond to mouse clicks. """ from random import randrange from turtle import * from freegames import square, vector food = vector(0, 0) snake = [vector(10, 0)] aim = vector(0, -10) def change(x, y): """Change snake direction.""" aim.x = x aim.y = y def inside(head): """Return True if head inside boundaries.""" return -200 < head.x < 190 and -200 < head.y < 190 def move(): """Move snake forward one segment.""" head = snake[-1].copy() head.move(aim) if not inside(head) or head in snake: square(head.x, head.y, 9, 'red') update() return snake.append(head) if head == food: print('Snake:', len(snake)) food.x = randrange(-15, 15) * 10 food.y = randrange(-15, 15) * 10 else: snake.pop(0) clear() for body in snake: square(body.x, body.y, 9, 'black') square(food.x, food.y, 9, 'green') update() ontimer(move, 100) setup(420, 420, 370, 0) hideturtle() tracer(False) listen() onkey(lambda: change(10, 0), 'Right') onkey(lambda: change(-10, 0), 'Left') onkey(lambda: change(0, 10), 'Up') onkey(lambda: change(0, -10), 'Down') move() done()
>>> from freegames import square, vector
>>> import freegames >>> freegames.__all__ ['floor', 'line', 'path', 'square', 'vector']
CLASSES, freegames.utils.vector class vector( | vector(x, y) | | Two-dimensional vector. | | Vectors can be modified in-place. | | >>> v = vector(0, 1) | >>> v.move(1) | >>> v | vector(1, 2) | >>> v.rotate(90) | >>> v | vector(-2.0, 1.0) | | Method resolution order: | vector | | | | | | | builtins.object | | Methods defined here: | | __abs__(self) | v.__abs__() -> abs(v) | | >>> v = vector(3, 4) | >>> abs(v) | 5.0 | | __add__(self, other) | v.__add__(w) -> v + w | | >>> v = vector(1, 2) | >>> w = vector(3, 4) | >>> v + w | vector(4, 6) | >>> v + 1 | vector(2, 3) | >>> 2.0 + v | vector(3.0, 4.0) | | __eq__(self, other) | v.__eq__(w) -> v == w | | >>> v = vector(1, 2) | >>> w = vector(1, 2) | >>> v == w | True | | __getitem__(self, index) | v.__getitem__(v, i) -> v[i] | | >>> v = vector(3, 4) | >>> v[0] | 3 | >>> v[1] | 4 | >>> v[2] | Traceback (most recent call last): | ... | IndexError | | __hash__(self) | v.__hash__() -> hash(v) | | >>> v = vector(1, 2) | >>> h = hash(v) | >>> v.x = 2 | Traceback (most recent call last): | ... | ValueError: cannot set x after hashing | | __iadd__(self, other) | v.__iadd__(w) -> v += w | | >>> v = vector(1, 2) | >>> w = vector(3, 4) | >>> v += w | >>> v | vector(4, 6) | >>> v += 1 | >>> v | vector(5, 7) | | __imul__(self, other) | v.__imul__(w) -> v *= w | | >>> v = vector(1, 2) | >>> w = vector(3, 4) | >>> v *= w | >>> v | vector(3, 8) | >>> v *= 2 | >>> v | vector(6, 16) | | __init__(self, x, y) | Initialize vector with coordinates: x, y. | | >>> v = vector(1, 2) | >>> v.x | 1 | >>> v.y | 2 | | __isub__(self, other) | v.__isub__(w) -> v -= w | | >>> v = vector(1, 2) | >>> w = vector(3, 4) | >>> v -= w | >>> v | vector(-2, -2) | >>> v -= 1 | >>> v | vector(-3, -3) | | __itruediv__(self, other) | v.__itruediv__(w) -> v /= w | | >>> v = vector(2, 4) | >>> w = vector(4, 8) | >>> v /= w | >>> v | vector(0.5, 0.5) | >>> v /= 2 | >>> v | vector(0.25, 0.25) | | __len__(self) | v.__len__() -> len(v) | | >>> v = vector(1, 2) | >>> len(v) | 2 | | __mul__(self, other) | v.__mul__(w) -> v * w | | >>> v = vector(1, 2) | >>> w = vector(3, 4) | >>> v * w | vector(3, 8) | >>> v * 2 | vector(2, 4) | >>> 3.0 * v | vector(3.0, 6.0) | | __ne__(self, other) | v.__ne__(w) -> v != w | | >>> v = vector(1, 2) | >>> w = vector(3, 4) | >>> v != w | True | | __neg__(self) | v.__neg__() -> -v | | >>> v = vector(1, 2) | >>> -v | vector(-1, -2) | | __radd__ = __add__(self, other) | | __repr__(self) | v.__repr__() -> repr(v) | | >>> v = vector(1, 2) | >>> repr(v) | 'vector(1, 2)' | | __rmul__ = __mul__(self, other) | | __sub__(self, other) | v.__sub__(w) -> v - w | | >>> v = vector(1, 2) | >>> w = vector(3, 4) | >>> v - w | vector(-2, -2) | >>> v - 1 | vector(0, 1) | | __truediv__(self, other) | v.__truediv__(w) -> v / w | | >>> v = vector(1, 2) | >>> w = vector(3, 4) | >>> w / v | vector(3.0, 2.0) | >>> v / 2 | vector(0.5, 1.0) | | copy(self) | Return copy of vector. | | >>> v = vector(1, 2) | >>> w = v.copy() | >>> v is w | False | | move(self, other) | Move vector by other (in-place). | | >>> v = vector(1, 2) | >>> w = vector(3, 4) | >>> v.move(w) | >>> v | vector(4, 6) | >>> v.move(3) | >>> v | vector(7, 9) | | rotate(self, angle) | Rotate vector counter-clockwise by angle (in-place). | | >>> v = vector(1, 2) | >>> v.rotate(90) | >>> v == vector(-2, 1) | True | | scale(self, other) | Scale vector by other (in-place). | | >>> v = vector(1, 2) | >>> w = vector(3, 4) | >>> v.scale(w) | >>> v | vector(3, 8) | >>> v.scale(0.5) | >>> v | vector(1.5, 4.0) | | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- | Data descriptors defined here: | | x | X-axis component of vector. | | >>> v = vector(1, 2) | >>> v.x | 1 | >>> v.x = 3 | >>> v.x | 3 | | y | Y-axis component of vector. | | >>> v = vector(1, 2) | >>> v.y | 2 | >>> v.y = 5 | >>> v.y | 5 | | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- | Data and other attributes defined here: | | PRECISION = 6 | | __abstractmethods__ = frozenset() | | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- | Methods inherited from | | __contains__(self, value) | | __iter__(self) | | __reversed__(self) | | count(self, value) | S.count(value) -> integer -- return number of occurrences of value | | index(self, value, start=0, stop=None) | S.index(value, [start, [stop]]) -> integer -- return first index of value. | Raises ValueError if the value is not present. | | Supporting start and stop arguments is optional, but | recommended. | | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- | Class methods inherited from | | __subclasshook__(C) from abc.ABCMeta | Abstract classes can override this to customize issubclass(). | | This is invoked early on by abc.ABCMeta.__subclasscheck__(). | It should return True, False or NotImplemented. If it returns | NotImplemented, the normal algorithm is used. Otherwise, it | overrides the normal algorithm (and the outcome is cached). FUNCTIONS floor(value, size, offset=200) Floor of `value` given `size` and `offset`. The floor function is best understood with a diagram of the number line:: -200 -100 0 100 200 <--|--x--|-----|--y--|--z--|--> The number line shown has offset 200 denoted by the left-hand tick mark at -200 and size 100 denoted by the tick marks at -100, 0, 100, and 200. The floor of a value is the left-hand tick mark of the range where it lies. So for the points show above: ``floor(x)`` is -200, ``floor(y)`` is 0, and ``floor(z)`` is 100. >>> floor(10, 100) 0.0 >>> floor(120, 100) 100.0 >>> floor(-10, 100) -100.0 >>> floor(-150, 100) -200.0 >>> floor(50, 167) -33.0 line(a, b, x, y) Draw line from `(a, b)` to `(x, y)`. path(filename) Return full path to `filename` in freegames module. square(x, y, size, name) Draw square at `(x, y)` with side length `size` and fill color `name`. The square is oriented so the bottom left corner is at (x, y).
以上就是Python之freegames 零代码的22个小游戏集合的详细内容,更多关于Python之freegames库的资料请关注脚本之家其它相关文章!
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