此时就会出现,程序1与程序2中调用fun common的地方,在没有链接之前,调用处的地址,我们以“stub”,表示这其实是一个未确定的东西,而后续的这个地址填充(写入正确的common地址),其实就是Linker的职责。
我们通过上面的例子,其实就可以明白,Linker,主要的职责,就是帮助查找当前程序所依赖的动态库文件(ELF文件)。那么Linker本身是个什么呢,其实他跟.so文件都是同一种格式,也是ELF文件,那么Linker又由谁帮助加载启动呢,这里就会出现存在一个(鸡生蛋,蛋生鸡)的问题,而ELF文件给出的答案就是,设立一个:interp 的段,当一个进程启动的时候(linux中通过execv启动),此时就会通过load_elf_binary函数,先加载ELF文件,然后再调用load_elf_interp方法,直接加载了:interp 段地址的起点,从而能够构建我们的大管家Linker,当然,Linker本身就不能像普通的so文件一样,去依赖另一个so,其实原因也很简单,没人帮他初始化呀!因此Linker是采用配置的方式先启动起来了!
Android 7.0 为原生库引入了命名空间,以限制内部 API 可见性并解决应用意外使用平台库而不是自己的平台库的情况。
linker_namespaces.h struct android_namespace_link_t private: std::string name_; namespace名称 bool is_isolated_; 是否隔离(大部分是true) std::vector<std::string> ld_library_paths_; 链接路径 std::vector<std::string> default_library_paths_;默认可访问路径 std::vector<std::string> permitted_paths_;已允许访问路径 ....
private synchronized void loadLibrary0(ClassLoader loader, Class<?> callerClass, String libname) { 文件名校验 if (libname.indexOf((int)File.separatorChar) != -1) { throw new UnsatisfiedLinkError( "Directory separator should not appear in library name: " + libname); } String libraryName = libname; // Android-note: BootClassLoader doesn't implement findLibrary(). http://b/111850480 // Android's class.getClassLoader() can return BootClassLoader where the RI would // have returned null; therefore we treat BootClassLoader the same as null here. if (loader != null && !(loader instanceof BootClassLoader)) { String filename = loader.findLibrary(libraryName); if (filename == null && (loader.getClass() == PathClassLoader.class || loader.getClass() == DelegateLastClassLoader.class)) { // Don't give up even if we failed to find the library in the native lib paths. // The underlying dynamic linker might be able to find the lib in one of the linker // namespaces associated with the current linker namespace. In order to give the // dynamic linker a chance, proceed to load the library with its soname, which // is the fileName. // Note that we do this only for PathClassLoader and DelegateLastClassLoader to // minimize the scope of this behavioral change as much as possible, which might // cause problem like b/143649498. These two class loaders are the only // platform-provided class loaders that can load apps. See the classLoader attribute // of the application tag in app manifest. filename = System.mapLibraryName(libraryName); } if (filename == null) { // It's not necessarily true that the ClassLoader used // System.mapLibraryName, but the default setup does, and it's // misleading to say we didn't find "" when we // actually searched for "". throw new UnsatisfiedLinkError(loader + " couldn't find "" + System.mapLibraryName(libraryName) + """); } String error = nativeLoad(filename, loader); if (error != null) { throw new UnsatisfiedLinkError(error); } return; } // We know some apps use mLibPaths directly, potentially assuming it's not null. // Initialize it here to make sure apps see a non-null value. getLibPaths(); String filename = System.mapLibraryName(libraryName); //最终调用nativeLoad String error = nativeLoad(filename, loader, callerClass); if (error != null) { throw new UnsatisfiedLinkError(error); } }
LoadNativeLibrary 非常长,我们截取部分 bool JavaVMExt::LoadNativeLibrary(JNIEnv* env, const std::string& path, jobject class_loader, jclass caller_class, std::string* error_msg) { 会判断是否已经加载过当前so,同时也要加锁,因为存在多线程加载的情况 SharedLibrary* library; Thread* self = Thread::Current(); { // TODO: move the locking (and more of this logic) into Libraries. MutexLock mu(self, *Locks::jni_libraries_lock_); library = libraries_->Get(path); } 调用OpenNativeLibrary加载 void* handle = android::OpenNativeLibrary( env, runtime_->GetTargetSdkVersion(), path_str, class_loader, (caller_location.empty() ? nullptr : caller_location.c_str()), library_path.get(), &needs_native_bridge, &nativeloader_error_msg);
void* OpenNativeLibrary(JNIEnv* env, int32_t target_sdk_version, const char* path, jobject class_loader, const char* caller_location, jstring library_path, bool* needs_native_bridge, char** error_msg) { #if defined(ART_TARGET_ANDROID) UNUSED(target_sdk_version); if (class_loader == nullptr) { *needs_native_bridge = false; if (caller_location != nullptr) { android_namespace_t* boot_namespace = FindExportedNamespace(caller_location); if (boot_namespace != nullptr) { const android_dlextinfo dlextinfo = { .flags = ANDROID_DLEXT_USE_NAMESPACE, .library_namespace = boot_namespace, }; //最终调用android_dlopen_ext打开 void* handle = android_dlopen_ext(path, RTLD_NOW, &dlextinfo); if (handle == nullptr) { *error_msg = strdup(dlerror()); } return handle; } } // Check if the library is in NATIVELOADER_DEFAULT_NAMESPACE_LIBS and should // be loaded from the kNativeloaderExtraLibs namespace. { Result<void*> handle = TryLoadNativeloaderExtraLib(path); if (!handle.ok()) { *error_msg = strdup(handle.error().message().c_str()); return nullptr; } if (handle.value() != nullptr) { return handle.value(); } } // Fall back to the system namespace. This happens for preloaded JNI // libraries in the zygote. // TODO(b/185833744): Investigate if this should fall back to the app main // namespace (aka anonymous namespace) instead. void* handle = OpenSystemLibrary(path, RTLD_NOW); if (handle == nullptr) { *error_msg = strdup(dlerror()); } return handle; } std::lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(g_namespaces_mutex); NativeLoaderNamespace* ns; //涉及到了namespace,如果当前classloader没有,则创建,但是这属于异常情况 if ((ns = g_namespaces->FindNamespaceByClassLoader(env, class_loader)) == nullptr) { // This is the case where the classloader was not created by ApplicationLoaders // In this case we create an isolated not-shared namespace for it. Result<NativeLoaderNamespace*> isolated_ns = CreateClassLoaderNamespaceLocked(env, target_sdk_version, class_loader, /*is_shared=*/false, /*dex_path=*/nullptr, library_path, /*permitted_path=*/nullptr, /*uses_library_list=*/nullptr); if (!isolated_ns.ok()) { *error_msg = strdup(isolated_ns.error().message().c_str()); return nullptr; } else { ns = *isolated_ns; } } return OpenNativeLibraryInNamespace(ns, path, needs_native_bridge, error_msg);
frameworks/base/core/java/android/app/ if (!mIncludeCode) { if (mDefaultClassLoader == null) { StrictMode.ThreadPolicy oldPolicy = allowThreadDiskReads(); mDefaultClassLoader = ApplicationLoaders.getDefault().getClassLoader( "" /* codePath */, mApplicationInfo.targetSdkVersion, isBundledApp, librarySearchPath, libraryPermittedPath, mBaseClassLoader, null /* classLoaderName */); setThreadPolicy(oldPolicy); mAppComponentFactory = AppComponentFactory.DEFAULT; } if (mClassLoader == null) { mClassLoader = mAppComponentFactory.instantiateClassLoader(mDefaultClassLoader, new ApplicationInfo(mApplicationInfo)); } return; }
public static ClassLoader createClassLoader(String dexPath, String librarySearchPath, String libraryPermittedPath, ClassLoader parent, int targetSdkVersion, boolean isNamespaceShared, String classLoaderName, List<ClassLoader> sharedLibraries, List<String> nativeSharedLibraries, List<ClassLoader> sharedLibrariesAfter) { final ClassLoader classLoader = createClassLoader(dexPath, librarySearchPath, parent, classLoaderName, sharedLibraries, sharedLibrariesAfter); String sonameList = ""; if (nativeSharedLibraries != null) { sonameList = String.join(":", nativeSharedLibraries); } Trace.traceBegin(Trace.TRACE_TAG_ACTIVITY_MANAGER, "createClassloaderNamespace"); //这里就讲上述的属性传入,创建了一个属于该classloader的namespace String errorMessage = createClassloaderNamespace(classLoader, targetSdkVersion, librarySearchPath, libraryPermittedPath, isNamespaceShared, dexPath, sonameList); Trace.traceEnd(Trace.TRACE_TAG_ACTIVITY_MANAGER); if (errorMessage != null) { throw new UnsatisfiedLinkError("Unable to create namespace for the classloader " + classLoader + ": " + errorMessage); } return classLoader; }
void* android_dlopen_ext(const char* filename, int flag, const android_dlextinfo* extinfo) { const void* caller_addr = __builtin_return_address(0); return __loader_android_dlopen_ext(filename, flag, extinfo, caller_addr); }
这里不知道大家有没有觉得眼熟,这里肯定最终调用就是dlopen,只不过谷歌为了限制dlopen的调起方,采用了__builtin_return_address 内建函数作为卡口,限制了普通app调哟dlopen(这里也是有破解方法的)
之后的经历android_dlopen_ext -> dlopen_ext ->do_dlopen,最终到了最后加载的方法了
void* do_dlopen(const char* name, int flags, const android_dlextinfo* extinfo, const void* caller_addr) { std::string trace_prefix = std::string("dlopen: ") + (name == nullptr ? "(nullptr)" : name); ScopedTrace trace(trace_prefix.c_str()); ScopedTrace loading_trace((trace_prefix + " - loading and linking").c_str()); soinfo* const caller = find_containing_library(caller_addr); // 找到调用者,属于哪个namespace android_namespace_t* ns = get_caller_namespace(caller); ... ProtectedDataGuard guard; 之后就是在namespace的加载列表找library的过程了 soinfo* si = find_library(ns, translated_name, flags, extinfo, caller); .... return nullptr; }
以上就是so加载Linker跟NameSpace机制详解的详细内容,更多关于so加载Linker NameSpace机制的资料请关注脚本之家其它相关文章!