1. 普通插入
2. foreach 优化插入
3. ExecutorType.BATCH插入
INSERT INTO `table1` (`field1`, `field2`) VALUES ("data1", "data2"); INSERT INTO `table1` (`field1`, `field2`) VALUES ("data1", "data2"); INSERT INTO `table1` (`field1`, `field2`) VALUES ("data1", "data2"); INSERT INTO `table1` (`field1`, `field2`) VALUES ("data1", "data2"); INSERT INTO `table1` (`field1`, `field2`) VALUES ("data1", "data2");
sql log如下:
2022-08-30 05:26:02 [1125b8ff-dfa3-478e-bbee-29173babe5a7] [http-nio-3005-exec-2] [com.btn.common.config.MybatisSqlLoggerInterceptor]-[INFO] 拦截的sql ==>: com.btn.mapper.patient.PatientLabelDetailMapper.insert:INSERT INTO t_patient_label_detail ( patient_id, doctor_id, tag_id, patient_name, gender, age, create_by, create_time ) VALUES ( 337, 178, 251, '刘梅好', 2, 29, '178', )
2022-08-30 05:26:02 [1125b8ff-dfa3-478e-bbee-29173babe5a7] [http-nio-3005-exec-2] [com.btn.mapper.patient.PatientLabelDetailMapper.insert]-[DEBUG] ==> Preparing: INSERT INTO t_patient_label_detail ( patient_id, doctor_id, tag_id, patient_name, gender, age, create_by, create_time ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? )2022-08-30 05:34:40 [215b2b99-b0c9-41f6-93b2-545c8d6ff0fb] [http-nio-3005-exec-2] [com.btn.common.config.MybatisSqlLoggerInterceptor]-[INFO] 拦截的sql ==>: com.btn.mapper.patient.PatientLabelDetailMapper.insert:INSERT INTO t_patient_label_detail ( patient_id, doctor_id, tag_id, patient_name, gender, age, create_by, create_time ) VALUES ( 256, 178, 253, '🍉啊~吃西瓜', 0, 0, '178', )
2022-08-30 05:34:40 [215b2b99-b0c9-41f6-93b2-545c8d6ff0fb] [http-nio-3005-exec-2] [com.btn.mapper.patient.PatientLabelDetailMapper.insert]-[DEBUG] ==> Preparing: INSERT INTO t_patient_label_detail ( patient_id, doctor_id, tag_id, patient_name, gender, age, create_by, create_time ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? )
2.foreach 优化插入
<insert id="batchInsert" parameterType="java.util.List"> insert into table1 (field1, field2) values <foreach collection="list" item="t" index="index" separator=","> (#{t.field1}, #{t.field2}) </foreach> </insert>
INSERT INTO `table1` (`field1`, `field2`) VALUES ("data1", "data2"), ("data1", "data2"), ("data1", "data2"), ("data1", "data2"), ("data1", "data2");
Of course don’t combine ALL of them, if the amount is HUGE. Say you
have 1000 rows you need to insert, then don’t do it one at a time. You
shouldn’t equally try to have all 1000 rows in a single query. Instead
break it into smaller sizes.
Insert inside Mybatis foreach is not batch, this is a single (could
become giant) SQL statement and that brings drawbacks:some database such as Oracle here does not support.
in relevant cases: there will be a large number of records to insert
and the database configured limit (by default around 2000 parameters
per statement) will be hit, and eventually possibly DB stack error if
the statement itself become too large.Iteration over the collection must not be done in the mybatis XML.
Just execute a simple Insertstatement in a Java Foreach loop. The most
important thing is the session Executor type.Unlike default ExecutorType.SIMPLE, the statement will be prepared
once and executed for each record to insert.
Internally, it still generates the same single insert statement with
many placeholders as the JDBC code above. MyBatis has an ability to
cache PreparedStatement, but this statement cannot be cached because
it contains element and the statement varies depending on
the parameters. As a result, MyBatis has to 1) evaluate the foreach
part and 2) parse the statement string to build parameter mapping [1]
on every execution of this statement.And these steps are relatively costly process when the statement
string is big and contains many placeholders.[1] simply put, it is a mapping between placeholders and the
foreach 遇到数量大,性能瓶颈
所以,如果非要使用 foreach 的方式来进行批量插入的话,可以考虑减少一条 insert 语句中 values 的个数,最好能达到上面曲线的最底部的值,使速度最快。一般按经验来说,一次性插20~50行数量是比较合适的,时间消耗也能接受。
此外Mysql 对执行的SQL语句大小进行限制,相当于对字符串进行限制。默认允许最大SQL是 4M 。
com.mysql.jdbc.PacketTooBigException: Packet for query is too large (8346602 > 4194304). You can change this value on the server by setting the max_allowed_packet’ variable.
这个错误是 Mysql 的JDBC包抛出的,跟Mybatis框架无关, Mybatis 解析动态SQL的源码如下:
// 开始解析 public void parse() { if (!configuration.isResourceLoaded(resource)) { configurationElement(parser.evalNode("/mapper")); configuration.addLoadedResource(resource); bindMapperForNamespace(); } parsePendingResultMaps(); parsePendingChacheRefs(); parsePendingStatements(); } // 解析mapper private void configurationElement(XNode context) { try { String namespace = context.getStringAttribute("namespace"); if (namespace.equals("")) { throw new BuilderException("Mapper's namespace cannot be empty"); } builderAssistant.setCurrentNamespace(namespace); cacheRefElement(context.evalNode("cache-ref")); cacheElement(context.evalNode("cache")); parameterMapElement(context.evalNodes("/mapper/parameterMap")); resultMapElements(context.evalNodes("/mapper/resultMap")); sqlElement(context.evalNodes("/mapper/sql")); buildStatementFromContext(context.evalNodes("select|insert|update|delete")); } catch (Exception e) { throw new BuilderException("Error parsing Mapper XML. Cause: " + e, e); } } // 创建 select|insert|update|delete 语句 private void buildStatementFromContext(List<XNode> list, String requiredDatabaseId) { for (XNode context : list) { final XMLStatementBuilder statementParser = new XMLStatementBuilder(configuration, builderAssistant, context, requiredDatabaseId); try { statementParser.parseStatementNode(); } catch (IncompleteElementException e) { configuration.addIncompleteStatement(statementParser); } } } // 填充参数,创建语句 public BoundSql getBoundSql(Object parameterObject) { DynamicContext context = new DynamicContext(configuration, parameterObject); rootSqlNode.apply(context); SqlSourceBuilder sqlSourceParser = new SqlSourceBuilder(configuration); Class<?> parameterType = parameterObject == null ? Object.class : parameterObject.getClass(); SqlSource sqlSource = sqlSourceParser.parse(context.getSql(), parameterType, context.getBindings()); BoundSql boundSql = sqlSource.getBoundSql(parameterObject); for (Map.Entry<String, Object> entry : context.getBindings().entrySet()) { boundSql.setAdditionalParameter(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } return boundSql; }
从开始到结束, Mybatis 都没有对填充的条数和参数的数量做限制,是Mysql 对语句的长度有限制,默认是 4M。
Mybatis内置的ExecutorType有3种,SIMPLE、REUSE、BATCH; 默认的是simple,该模式下它为每个语句的执行创建一个新的预处理语句,单条提交sql;而batch模式重复使用已经预处理的语句,并且批量执行所有更新语句,显然batch性能将更优;但batch模式也有自己的问题,比如在Insert操作时,在事务没有提交之前,是没有办法获取到自增的id,这在某型情形下是不符合业务要求的.
JDBC 在执行 SQL 语句时,会将 SQL 语句以及实参通过网络请求的方式发送到数据库,一次执行一条 SQL 语句,一方面会减小请求包的有效负载,另一个方面会增加耗费在网络通信上的时间。通过批处理的方式,我们就可以在 JDBC 客户端缓存多条 SQL 语句,然后在 flush 或缓存满的时候,将多条 SQL 语句打包发送到数据库执行,这样就可以有效地降低上述两方面的损耗,从而提高系统性能。进行jdbc批处理时需在JDBC的url中加入rewriteBatchedStatements=true
不过,有一点需要特别注意:每次向数据库发送的 SQL 语句的条数是有上限的,如果批量执行的时候超过这个上限值,数据库就会抛出异常,拒绝执行这一批 SQL 语句,所以我们需要控制批量发送 SQL 语句的条数和频率.
//如果自动提交设置为true,将无法控制提交的条数,改为最后统一提交 SqlSession sqlSession = sqlSessionFactory.openSession(ExecutorType.BATCH,false); PatientLabelDetailMapper patientLabelDetailMapper = sqlSession.getMapper(PatientLabelDetailMapper.class); private int BATCH = 1000; for (int index = 0; index < data.size(); index++) { patientLabelDetailMapper.insert(data.get(i)) if (index != 0 && index % BATCH == 0) { sqlSession .commit(); } } sqlSession.commit();
需要说明的是,很多博客文章都说在commit后需要调用sqlSession .clearCache()和sqlSession .flushStatements();,用以刷新缓存和提交到数据库,通过阅读源码,这两行大可不必写,源码解析如下:
public void commit(boolean required) throws SQLException { if (this.closed) { throw new ExecutorException("Cannot commit, transaction is already closed"); } else { this.clearLocalCache(); this.flushStatements(); if (required) { this.transaction.commit(); } } }
public void clearCache() { this.executor.clearLocalCache(); }
sql log日志分析如下:
2022-08-30 05:31:27 [0ed35173-ae5f-4ea5-a937-f771d33ae4bd] [http-nio-3005-exec-1] [com.btn.common.config.MybatisSqlLoggerInterceptor]-[INFO] 拦截的sql ==>: com.btn.mapper.patient.PatientLabelDetailMapper.insert:INSERT INTO t_patient_label_detail ( patient_id, doctor_id, tag_id, patient_name, gender, age, create_by, create_time ) VALUES ( 337, 178, 252, '刘梅好', 2, 29, '178', )
2022-08-30 05:31:27 [0ed35173-ae5f-4ea5-a937-f771d33ae4bd] [http-nio-3005-exec-1] [com.btn.mapper.patient.PatientLabelDetailMapper.insert]-[DEBUG] ==> Preparing: INSERT INTO t_patient_label_detail ( patient_id, doctor_id, tag_id, patient_name, gender, age, create_by, create_time ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? )
2022-08-30 05:31:27 [0ed35173-ae5f-4ea5-a937-f771d33ae4bd] [http-nio-3005-exec-1] [com.btn.common.config.MybatisSqlLoggerInterceptor]-[INFO] sql耗时 ==>: 2
2022-08-30 05:31:27 [0ed35173-ae5f-4ea5-a937-f771d33ae4bd] [http-nio-3005-exec-1] [com.btn.mapper.patient.PatientLabelDetailMapper.insert]-[DEBUG] ==> Parameters: 337(Long), 178(Long), 252(Long), 刘梅好(String), 2(Integer), 29(Integer), 178(String), null
2022-08-30 05:31:27 [0ed35173-ae5f-4ea5-a937-f771d33ae4bd] [http-nio-3005-exec-1] [com.btn.mapper.patient.PatientLabelDetailMapper.insert]-[DEBUG] ==> Parameters: 256(Long), 178(Long), 252(Long), 🍉啊~吃西瓜(String), 0(Integer), 0(Integer), 178(String), null
java 8 lambda表达式list操作分组、过滤、求和、最值、排序、去重代码详解