这个文章主要是使用Go+Redis实现常见的限流算法,如果需要了解每种限流算法的原理可以阅读文章 Go实现常见的限流算法
const fixedWindowLimiterTryAcquireRedisScript = ` -- ARGV[1]: 窗口时间大小 -- ARGV[2]: 窗口请求上限 local window = tonumber(ARGV[1]) local limit = tonumber(ARGV[2]) -- 获取原始值 local counter = tonumber(redis.call("get", KEYS[1])) if counter == nil then counter = 0 end -- 若到达窗口请求上限,请求失败 if counter >= limit then return 0 end -- 窗口值+1 redis.call("incr", KEYS[1]) if counter == 0 then redis.call("pexpire", KEYS[1], window) end return 1 `
package redis import ( "context" "errors" "github.com/go-redis/redis/v8" "time" ) // FixedWindowLimiter 固定窗口限流器 type FixedWindowLimiter struct { limit int // 窗口请求上限 window int // 窗口时间大小 client *redis.Client // Redis客户端 script *redis.Script // TryAcquire脚本 } func NewFixedWindowLimiter(client *redis.Client, limit int, window time.Duration) (*FixedWindowLimiter, error) { // redis过期时间精度最大到毫秒,因此窗口必须能被毫秒整除 if window%time.Millisecond != 0 { return nil, errors.New("the window uint must not be less than millisecond") } return &FixedWindowLimiter{ limit: limit, window: int(window / time.Millisecond), client: client, script: redis.NewScript(fixedWindowLimiterTryAcquireRedisScript), }, nil } func (l *FixedWindowLimiter) TryAcquire(ctx context.Context, resource string) error { success, err := l.script.Run(ctx, l.client, []string{resource}, l.window, l.limit).Bool() if err != nil { return err } // 若到达窗口请求上限,请求失败 if !success { return ErrAcquireFailed } return nil }
const slidingWindowLimiterTryAcquireRedisScriptHashImpl = ` -- ARGV[1]: 窗口时间大小 -- ARGV[2]: 窗口请求上限 -- ARGV[3]: 当前小窗口值 -- ARGV[4]: 起始小窗口值 local window = tonumber(ARGV[1]) local limit = tonumber(ARGV[2]) local currentSmallWindow = tonumber(ARGV[3]) local startSmallWindow = tonumber(ARGV[4]) -- 计算当前窗口的请求总数 local counters = redis.call("hgetall", KEYS[1]) local count = 0 for i = 1, #(counters) / 2 do local smallWindow = tonumber(counters[i * 2 - 1]) local counter = tonumber(counters[i * 2]) if smallWindow < startSmallWindow then redis.call("hdel", KEYS[1], smallWindow) else count = count + counter end end -- 若到达窗口请求上限,请求失败 if count >= limit then return 0 end -- 若没到窗口请求上限,当前小窗口计数器+1,请求成功 redis.call("hincrby", KEYS[1], currentSmallWindow, 1) redis.call("pexpire", KEYS[1], window) return 1 `
package redis import ( "context" "errors" "github.com/go-redis/redis/v8" "time" ) // SlidingWindowLimiter 滑动窗口限流器 type SlidingWindowLimiter struct { limit int // 窗口请求上限 window int64 // 窗口时间大小 smallWindow int64 // 小窗口时间大小 smallWindows int64 // 小窗口数量 client *redis.Client // Redis客户端 script *redis.Script // TryAcquire脚本 } func NewSlidingWindowLimiter(client *redis.Client, limit int, window, smallWindow time.Duration) ( *SlidingWindowLimiter, error) { // redis过期时间精度最大到毫秒,因此窗口必须能被毫秒整除 if window%time.Millisecond != 0 || smallWindow%time.Millisecond != 0 { return nil, errors.New("the window uint must not be less than millisecond") } // 窗口时间必须能够被小窗口时间整除 if window%smallWindow != 0 { return nil, errors.New("window cannot be split by integers") } return &SlidingWindowLimiter{ limit: limit, window: int64(window / time.Millisecond), smallWindow: int64(smallWindow / time.Millisecond), smallWindows: int64(window / smallWindow), client: client, script: redis.NewScript(slidingWindowLimiterTryAcquireRedisScriptHashImpl), }, nil } func (l *SlidingWindowLimiter) TryAcquire(ctx context.Context, resource string) error { // 获取当前小窗口值 currentSmallWindow := time.Now().UnixMilli() / l.smallWindow * l.smallWindow // 获取起始小窗口值 startSmallWindow := currentSmallWindow - l.smallWindow*(l.smallWindows-1) success, err := l.script.Run( ctx, l.client, []string{resource}, l.window, l.limit, currentSmallWindow, startSmallWindow).Bool() if err != nil { return err } // 若到达窗口请求上限,请求失败 if !success { return ErrAcquireFailed } return nil }
[counter, smallWindow1, count1, smallWindow2, count2, smallWindow3, count3...]
也就是我们使用list的第一个元素存储计数器,每个窗口用两个元素表示,第一个元素表示小窗口值,第二个元素表示这个小窗口的计数。不直接把小窗口值和计数放到一个元素里是因为Redis Lua脚本里没有分割字符串的函数。
- 如果倒数第二个元素小窗口值大于等于当前小窗口值,表示当前请求因为网络延迟的问题,到达服务器的时候,窗口已经过时了,把倒数第二个元素当成当前小窗口(因为它更新),倒数第一个元素值+1
- 否则,添加新的窗口值,添加新的计数(1),更新过期时间
7.counter + 1
const slidingWindowLimiterTryAcquireRedisScriptListImpl = ` -- ARGV[1]: 窗口时间大小 -- ARGV[2]: 窗口请求上限 -- ARGV[3]: 当前小窗口值 -- ARGV[4]: 起始小窗口值 local window = tonumber(ARGV[1]) local limit = tonumber(ARGV[2]) local currentSmallWindow = tonumber(ARGV[3]) local startSmallWindow = tonumber(ARGV[4]) -- 获取list长度 local len = redis.call("llen", KEYS[1]) -- 如果长度是0,设置counter,长度+1 local counter = 0 if len == 0 then redis.call("rpush", KEYS[1], 0) redis.call("pexpire", KEYS[1], window) len = len + 1 else -- 如果长度大于1,获取第二第个元素 local smallWindow1 = tonumber(redis.call("lindex", KEYS[1], 1)) counter = tonumber(redis.call("lindex", KEYS[1], 0)) -- 如果该值小于起始小窗口值 if smallWindow1 < startSmallWindow then local count1 = redis.call("lindex", KEYS[1], 2) -- counter-第三个元素的值 counter = counter - count1 -- 长度-2 len = len - 2 -- 删除第二第三个元素 redis.call("lrem", KEYS[1], 1, smallWindow1) redis.call("lrem", KEYS[1], 1, count1) end end -- 若到达窗口请求上限,请求失败 if counter >= limit then return 0 end -- 如果长度大于1,获取倒数第二第一个元素 if len > 1 then local smallWindown = tonumber(redis.call("lindex", KEYS[1], -2)) -- 如果倒数第二个元素小窗口值大于等于当前小窗口值 if smallWindown >= currentSmallWindow then -- 把倒数第二个元素当成当前小窗口(因为它更新),倒数第一个元素值+1 local countn = redis.call("lindex", KEYS[1], -1) redis.call("lset", KEYS[1], -1, countn + 1) else -- 否则,添加新的窗口值,添加新的计数(1),更新过期时间 redis.call("rpush", KEYS[1], currentSmallWindow, 1) redis.call("pexpire", KEYS[1], window) end else -- 否则,添加新的窗口值,添加新的计数(1),更新过期时间 redis.call("rpush", KEYS[1], currentSmallWindow, 1) redis.call("pexpire", KEYS[1], window) end -- counter + 1并更新 redis.call("lset", KEYS[1], 0, counter + 1) return 1 `
const leakyBucketLimiterTryAcquireRedisScript = ` -- ARGV[1]: 最高水位 -- ARGV[2]: 水流速度/秒 -- ARGV[3]: 当前时间(秒) local peakLevel = tonumber(ARGV[1]) local currentVelocity = tonumber(ARGV[2]) local now = tonumber(ARGV[3]) local lastTime = tonumber(redis.call("hget", KEYS[1], "lastTime")) local currentLevel = tonumber(redis.call("hget", KEYS[1], "currentLevel")) -- 初始化 if lastTime == nil then lastTime = now currentLevel = 0 redis.call("hmset", KEYS[1], "currentLevel", currentLevel, "lastTime", lastTime) end -- 尝试放水 -- 距离上次放水的时间 local interval = now - lastTime if interval > 0 then -- 当前水位-距离上次放水的时间(秒)*水流速度 local newLevel = currentLevel - interval * currentVelocity if newLevel < 0 then newLevel = 0 end currentLevel = newLevel redis.call("hmset", KEYS[1], "currentLevel", newLevel, "lastTime", now) end -- 若到达最高水位,请求失败 if currentLevel >= peakLevel then return 0 end -- 若没有到达最高水位,当前水位+1,请求成功 redis.call("hincrby", KEYS[1], "currentLevel", 1) redis.call("expire", KEYS[1], peakLevel / currentVelocity) return 1 `
package redis import ( "context" "github.com/go-redis/redis/v8" "time" ) // LeakyBucketLimiter 漏桶限流器 type LeakyBucketLimiter struct { peakLevel int // 最高水位 currentVelocity int // 水流速度/秒 client *redis.Client // Redis客户端 script *redis.Script // TryAcquire脚本 } func NewLeakyBucketLimiter(client *redis.Client, peakLevel, currentVelocity int) *LeakyBucketLimiter { return &LeakyBucketLimiter{ peakLevel: peakLevel, currentVelocity: currentVelocity, client: client, script: redis.NewScript(leakyBucketLimiterTryAcquireRedisScript), } } func (l *LeakyBucketLimiter) TryAcquire(ctx context.Context, resource string) error { // 当前时间 now := time.Now().Unix() success, err := l.script.Run(ctx, l.client, []string{resource}, l.peakLevel, l.currentVelocity, now).Bool() if err != nil { return err } // 若到达窗口请求上限,请求失败 if !success { return ErrAcquireFailed } return nil }
const tokenBucketLimiterTryAcquireRedisScript = ` -- ARGV[1]: 容量 -- ARGV[2]: 发放令牌速率/秒 -- ARGV[3]: 当前时间(秒) local capacity = tonumber(ARGV[1]) local rate = tonumber(ARGV[2]) local now = tonumber(ARGV[3]) local lastTime = tonumber(redis.call("hget", KEYS[1], "lastTime")) local currentTokens = tonumber(redis.call("hget", KEYS[1], "currentTokens")) -- 初始化 if lastTime == nil then lastTime = now currentTokens = capacity redis.call("hmset", KEYS[1], "currentTokens", currentTokens, "lastTime", lastTime) end -- 尝试发放令牌 -- 距离上次发放令牌的时间 local interval = now - lastTime if interval > 0 then -- 当前令牌数量+距离上次发放令牌的时间(秒)*发放令牌速率 local newTokens = currentTokens + interval * rate if newTokens > capacity then newTokens = capacity end currentTokens = newTokens redis.call("hmset", KEYS[1], "currentTokens", newTokens, "lastTime", now) end -- 如果没有令牌,请求失败 if currentTokens == 0 then return 0 end -- 果有令牌,当前令牌-1,请求成功 redis.call("hincrby", KEYS[1], "currentTokens", -1) redis.call("expire", KEYS[1], capacity / rate) return 1 `
package redis import ( "context" "github.com/go-redis/redis/v8" "time" ) // TokenBucketLimiter 令牌桶限流器 type TokenBucketLimiter struct { capacity int // 容量 rate int // 发放令牌速率/秒 client *redis.Client // Redis客户端 script *redis.Script // TryAcquire脚本 } func NewTokenBucketLimiter(client *redis.Client, capacity, rate int) *TokenBucketLimiter { return &TokenBucketLimiter{ capacity: capacity, rate: rate, client: client, script: redis.NewScript(tokenBucketLimiterTryAcquireRedisScript), } } func (l *TokenBucketLimiter) TryAcquire(ctx context.Context, resource string) error { // 当前时间 now := time.Now().Unix() success, err := l.script.Run(ctx, l.client, []string{resource}, l.capacity, l.rate, now).Bool() if err != nil { return err } // 若到达窗口请求上限,请求失败 if !success { return ErrAcquireFailed } return nil }
const slidingLogLimiterTryAcquireRedisScriptHashImpl = ` -- ARGV[1]: 当前小窗口值 -- ARGV[2]: 第一个策略的窗口时间大小 -- ARGV[i * 2 + 1]: 每个策略的起始小窗口值 -- ARGV[i * 2 + 2]: 每个策略的窗口请求上限 local currentSmallWindow = tonumber(ARGV[1]) -- 第一个策略的窗口时间大小 local window = tonumber(ARGV[2]) -- 第一个策略的起始小窗口值 local startSmallWindow = tonumber(ARGV[3]) local strategiesLen = #(ARGV) / 2 - 1 -- 计算每个策略当前窗口的请求总数 local counters = redis.call("hgetall", KEYS[1]) local counts = {} -- 初始化counts for j = 1, strategiesLen do counts[j] = 0 end for i = 1, #(counters) / 2 do local smallWindow = tonumber(counters[i * 2 - 1]) local counter = tonumber(counters[i * 2]) if smallWindow < startSmallWindow then redis.call("hdel", KEYS[1], smallWindow) else for j = 1, strategiesLen do if smallWindow >= tonumber(ARGV[j * 2 + 1]) then counts[j] = counts[j] + counter end end end end -- 若到达对应策略窗口请求上限,请求失败,返回违背的策略下标 for i = 1, strategiesLen do if counts[i] >= tonumber(ARGV[i * 2 + 2]) then return i - 1 end end -- 若没到窗口请求上限,当前小窗口计数器+1,请求成功 redis.call("hincrby", KEYS[1], currentSmallWindow, 1) redis.call("pexpire", KEYS[1], window) return -1 `
package redis import ( "context" "errors" "fmt" "github.com/go-redis/redis/v8" "sort" "time" ) // ViolationStrategyError 违背策略错误 type ViolationStrategyError struct { Limit int // 窗口请求上限 Window time.Duration // 窗口时间大小 } func (e *ViolationStrategyError) Error() string { return fmt.Sprintf("violation strategy that limit = %d and window = %d", e.Limit, e.Window) } // SlidingLogLimiterStrategy 滑动日志限流器的策略 type SlidingLogLimiterStrategy struct { limit int // 窗口请求上限 window int64 // 窗口时间大小 smallWindows int64 // 小窗口数量 } func NewSlidingLogLimiterStrategy(limit int, window time.Duration) *SlidingLogLimiterStrategy { return &SlidingLogLimiterStrategy{ limit: limit, window: int64(window), } } // SlidingLogLimiter 滑动日志限流器 type SlidingLogLimiter struct { strategies []*SlidingLogLimiterStrategy // 滑动日志限流器策略列表 smallWindow int64 // 小窗口时间大小 client *redis.Client // Redis客户端 script *redis.Script // TryAcquire脚本 } func NewSlidingLogLimiter(client *redis.Client, smallWindow time.Duration, strategies ...*SlidingLogLimiterStrategy) ( *SlidingLogLimiter, error) { // 复制策略避免被修改 strategies = append(make([]*SlidingLogLimiterStrategy, 0, len(strategies)), strategies...) // 不能不设置策略 if len(strategies) == 0 { return nil, errors.New("must be set strategies") } // redis过期时间精度最大到毫秒,因此窗口必须能被毫秒整除 if smallWindow%time.Millisecond != 0 { return nil, errors.New("the window uint must not be less than millisecond") } smallWindow = smallWindow / time.Millisecond for _, strategy := range strategies { if strategy.window%int64(time.Millisecond) != 0 { return nil, errors.New("the window uint must not be less than millisecond") } strategy.window = strategy.window / int64(time.Millisecond) } // 排序策略,窗口时间大的排前面,相同窗口上限大的排前面 sort.Slice(strategies, func(i, j int) bool { a, b := strategies[i], strategies[j] if a.window == b.window { return a.limit > b.limit } return a.window > b.window }) for i, strategy := range strategies { // 随着窗口时间变小,窗口上限也应该变小 if i > 0 { if strategy.limit >= strategies[i-1].limit { return nil, errors.New("the smaller window should be the smaller limit") } } // 窗口时间必须能够被小窗口时间整除 if strategy.window%int64(smallWindow) != 0 { return nil, errors.New("window cannot be split by integers") } strategy.smallWindows = strategy.window / int64(smallWindow) } return &SlidingLogLimiter{ strategies: strategies, smallWindow: int64(smallWindow), client: client, script: redis.NewScript(slidingLogLimiterTryAcquireRedisScriptHashImpl), }, nil } func (l *SlidingLogLimiter) TryAcquire(ctx context.Context, resource string) error { // 获取当前小窗口值 currentSmallWindow := time.Now().UnixMilli() / l.smallWindow * l.smallWindow args := make([]interface{}, len(l.strategies)*2+2) args[0] = currentSmallWindow args[1] = l.strategies[0].window // 获取每个策略的起始小窗口值 for i, strategy := range l.strategies { args[i*2+2] = currentSmallWindow - l.smallWindow*(strategy.smallWindows-1) args[i*2+3] = strategy.limit } index, err := l.script.Run( ctx, l.client, []string{resource}, args...).Int() if err != nil { return err } // 若到达窗口请求上限,请求失败 if index != -1 { return &ViolationStrategyError{ Limit: l.strategies[index].limit, Window: time.Duration(l.strategies[index].window), } } return nil }
以上就是Go+Redis实现常见限流算法的示例代码的详细内容,更多关于Go Redis限流算法的资料请关注脚本之家其它相关文章!