mysql SQL语句积累
更新时间:2011年09月15日 00:02:44 作者:
mysql SQL语句积累,学习mysql的朋友可以参考下。
rename table t_softwareport to software_port;
alter table software_port add constraint fk_software_port_softwareprocessid foreign key (softwareprocessid) references software_process (id) on delete restrict on update restrict;
alter table software_type drop column upid, drop column orderid;
alter table software_process change software_id softwareid int(11) not null;
alter table cms_contentbody modify column offical_site_name varchar(30) character set utf8 collate utf8_unicode_ci not null;
alter table cms_flash add name varchar(30) not null unique;
rename table t_softwareport to software_port;
alter table software_port add constraint fk_software_port_softwareprocessid foreign key (softwareprocessid) references software_process (id) on delete restrict on update restrict;
alter table software_type drop column upid, drop column orderid;
alter table software_process change software_id softwareid int(11) not null;
alter table cms_contentbody modify column offical_site_name varchar(30) character set utf8 collate utf8_unicode_ci not null;
alter table cms_flash add name varchar(30) not null unique;
MySQL 中 datetime 和 timestamp 的区别与选择
MySQL 中常用的两种时间储存类型分别是datetime和 timestamp。如何在它们之间选择是建表时必要的考虑。下面就谈谈他们的区别和怎么选择,需要的朋友可以参考一下2021-09-09解决mysql不能插入中文Incorrect string value