名称 | 字节数 | 数据 | 说明 |
段标识 | 1 | FF | 每个新段的开始标识 |
段类型 | 1 | 类型编码(称作“标记码”) | |
段长度 | 2 | 包括段内容和段长度本身,不包括段标识和段类型 | |
段内容 | ≤65533字节 |
这些段中必须要读取的段:SOS, DHT, DQT, SOF, DRI,其他的只是锦上添花
int curPos = 16, curCode = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) { int count = temp[i];//count为二进制位数为i+1的个数 curCode <<= 1; //curCode为当前huffman编码数值 while (count--) { //一次循环生成一个 uint16_t code=curCode; uint8_t bit=i+1;//比特位有几位 00为2位 uint8_t weight=temp[curPos];//权重是按照顺序排列的,如比特位为两位的编码有两个,设为00,01,后面权重排列为1,2,则00对应1,01对应2 pair<uint8_t, uint8_t> t1(bit,weight); //<code,<bit,weight> pair<uint16_t, pair<uint8_t, uint8_t>> t2(curCode,t1); table.insert(t2); curCode++; curPos++; } }
好了,到这里我们知道了要读取多少个8×8的矩阵 (实际上,因为没有反Zig-Zag编码,此时还是有64个数据的一维数组)
1、对于直流(差分编码),按照一个比特位来读取图片压缩数据,若在Huffman表中发现该编码,并且位数相等,则读取该编码所对应的权重,该权重代表接下来读取多少个比特位作为直流分量的值,你以为这就完了?还要加上差分矫正变量 (YCbCr每张表都有一个,所以一共有3个)。
2、对于交流(游程编码),其他部分都一样(这个没有差分矫正变量),不同的地方举个例子,设读取的直流分量为0x37,则低4位(这里为7)代表接下来7个比特位是该交流分量的值,而高4位(此处为3)代表此交流分量前有3个0 (这里就不用加上前面的了)。注意直流交流使用的Huffman表不同
- 读取了63个交流分量
- 交流分量的权值为0,此位后面全是0
curValue = (curValue >= pow(2, curValueLength - 1) ? curValue : curValue - pow(2, curValueLength) + 1);
假设reset为332(这是我图片的间隔),就是隔了332个MCU(也就是332×SUMmcu个8×8的矩阵),需要将所有差分矫正变量全部置为0,并且当这332个MCU读取完后,你要读取两个字节(这两个字节是一个段),这两个字节应该正好是0xFF 0xD0~0xD7,并且D0到D7是按顺序出现的,例如,上一个是0xFFD0那么下一个肯定是0xD1,到D7后下一个是D0,若对不上那就有问题了。还有,这读出来的两个字节不是图片的压缩数据不需要解码若读取到了0xFF00则00忽略
double** UnZigZag(int* originArray){ double** table=new double*[ROW]; for(int i=0;i<ROW;i++) table[i]=new double[COL]; int cur=0,x=0,y=0; bool flag = true;//true是右上 false是左下 while (cur < 64) { table[y][x] = originArray[cur++]; if (flag) { x++; y--; } else { x--; y++; } if (x < 0 || y < 0 || x>7 || y>7) flag = !flag; if (x < 0 && y>7) { x = 1; y = 7; } if (x < 0) x = 0; else if (x > 7) { x = 7; y += 2; } if (y < 0) y = 0; else if (y > 7) { y = 7; x += 2; } } return table;
double** JPEGData::createDCTAndIDCTArray(int row){ double** res=new double*[row]; for(int i=0;i<row;i++) res[i]=new double[row]; // cout<<endl; for(int i=0;i<row;i++){ for(int j=0;j<row;j++){ double t=0; if(i==0) t=sqrt(1.0/row); else t=sqrt(2.0/row); res[i][j]=t*cos(M_PI*(j+0.5)*i/row); // cout<<res[i][j]<<" "; } // cout<<endl; } return res; } //设返回的矩阵为A //DCT原理 Y=A*X*A'(X为正变换输入,Y是输出) //IDCT原理X=A'*Y*A(Y是逆变换输入,X是输出'是转置) void JPEGData::IDCT(double** originMatrix){ vector<vector<double>> temp(ROW,vector<double>(COL,0)); for(int i=0;i<ROW;i++){ for(int j=0;j<COL;j++){ double sum=0; for(int k=0;k<COL;k++){ sum+=DCTAndIDCTArray[k][i]*originMatrix[k][j]; } temp[i][j]=sum; } } for(int i=0;i<ROW;i++){ for(int j=0;j<COL;j++){ double sum=0; for(int k=0;k<COL;k++){ sum+=temp[i][k]*DCTAndIDCTArray[k][j]; } originMatrix[i][j]=sum; } } } void JPEGData::DCT(double** originMatrix){ vector<vector<double>> temp(ROW,vector<double>(COL,0)); for(int i=0;i<ROW;i++){ for(int j=0;j<COL;j++){ double sum=0; for(int k=0;k<COL;k++){ sum+=DCTAndIDCTArray[i][k]*originMatrix[k][j]; } temp[i][j]=sum; } } for(int i=0;i<ROW;i++){ for(int j=0;j<COL;j++){ double sum=0; for(int k=0;k<COL;k++){ sum+=temp[i][k]*DCTAndIDCTArray[j][k]; } originMatrix[i][j]=sum; } } }
R=128+y+1.402 cr
B=128+y+1.772 *cb
struct RGB{ uint8_t red; uint8_t green; uint8_t blue; }; RGB** JPEGData::YCbCrToRGB(const int* YUV){ RGB **res = new RGB *[ROW * max_v_samp_factor]; int matrixCount = YUV[0] + YUV[1] + YUV[2]; int crCount = 0, cbCount = 0; //1=Y, 2=Cb, 3=Cr //式子 scale*x,scale*y double cb_h_samp_scale=component[1].h_samp_factor*1.0/max_h_samp_factor, cb_v_samp_scale=component[1].v_samp_factor*1.0/max_v_samp_factor, cr_h_samp_scale=component[2].h_samp_factor*1.0/max_h_samp_factor, cr_v_samp_scale=component[2].v_samp_factor*1.0/max_v_samp_factor; for (int i = 0; i < ROW * max_v_samp_factor; i++) res[i] = new RGB[COL * max_h_samp_factor]; //此处直接生成rgb值 //注意,此处YCbCr的对应关系与采样因子有关 //这个ycbcr存的是一个MCU,假设YUV为411,那么ycbcr有6个 //这种方式转换不了YUV为420的,因为数组越界了,不过可以加个判断,我懒得改了 // cout<<endl; for(int j=0;j<ROW * max_v_samp_factor;j++){ for(int k=0;k<COL * max_h_samp_factor;k++){ int yPos = (j / ROW) * component[0].h_samp_factor + (k / COL); int cbPos = YUV[0] + (int)((k / ROW) * cb_v_samp_scale) + (int)((j / COL) * cb_h_samp_scale); int crPos = YUV[0] + YUV[1] + (int)((k / ROW) * cr_v_samp_scale) + (int)((j / COL) * cr_h_samp_scale); double y = ycbcr[yPos][j % ROW][k % COL]; double cb = ycbcr[cbPos][(int)(j * cb_v_samp_scale)][(int)(k * cb_h_samp_scale)]; double cr = ycbcr[crPos][(int)(j * cr_v_samp_scale)][(int)(k * cr_h_samp_scale)]; res[j][k].red =RGBValueLimit(128+y+1.402 *cr); res[j][k].green =RGBValueLimit(128+y-0.71414*cr-0.34414*cb); res[j][k].blue =RGBValueLimit(128+y+1.772 *cb); // 输出当前选择的矩阵 //cout<<dec<<yPos<<" "<<cbPos<<" "<<crPos<<" "; // cout<<hex<<setw(2)<<setfill('0')<<(int)res[j][k].red // <<setw(2)<<setfill('0')<<(int)res[j][k].green // <<setw(2)<<setfill('0')<<(int)res[j][k].blue<<" "; } // cout<<endl; } // cout<<endl; return res; }
#pragma once #define _USE_MATH_DEFINES #include <cmath> #include <fstream> #include <stdint.h> #include <utility> #ifndef _IMAGE_ #define _IMAGE_ #include "Util.h" #include <string> #include <vector> #include <iostream> using namespace std; NAME_SPACE_START(myUtil) #define ROW 8 #define COL 8 #define HUFFMAN_DECODE_DEQUE_CACHE 64//单位:位 // #define _DEBUG_ // #define _DEBUGOUT_ #define FREE_VECTOR_LP(vectorName) \ for(auto item : vectorName){ \ for(int i=0;i<ROW;i++)\ delete [] item[i];\ delete [] item; \ }\ vectorName.clear(); //释放二维指针 #define FREE_LP_2(lpName,row) \ for(int i=0;i<row;i++){\ delete [] lpName[i];\ }\ delete [] lpName; //段类型 enum JPEGPType{ SOF0 = 0xC0, //帧开始 SOF1 = 0xC1, //帧开始 SOF2 = 0xC2, //帧开始 DHT = 0xC4, //哈夫曼表 SOI = 0xD8, //文件头 EOI = 0xD9, //文件尾 SOS = 0xDA, //扫描行开始 DQT = 0xDB, //定义量化表 DRI = 0xDD, //定义重新开始间隔 APP0 = 0xE0, //定义交换格式和图像识别信息 APP1 = 0xE1, //定义交换格式和图像识别信息 APP2 = 0xE2, //定义交换格式和图像识别信息 COM = 0xFE //注释 }; //将一维数组变为二维数组 double** UnZigZag(int* originArray); struct RGB{ uint8_t red; uint8_t green; uint8_t blue; }; //SOS class JPEGScan{ public: //componentId,<DC,AC> map<uint8_t,pair<uint8_t,uint8_t>> componentHuffmanMap; bool Init(fstream& file,uint16_t len); }; //APP class JPEGInfo{ public: uint16_t version; }; //DHT class JPEGHuffmanCode{ public: using iterator = map<uint16_t,pair<uint8_t,uint8_t>>::iterator; //<code,<bit,weight> map<uint16_t,pair<uint8_t,uint8_t>> table; //init huffman table bool Init(fstream& file,uint16_t len); //find-true not find-false bool findKey(const uint16_t& code,const uint8_t& bit,iterator& it); }; //DQT //quality table class JPEGQuality{ public: uint8_t precision; uint8_t id; vector<uint16_t> table; bool Init(fstream& file,uint16_t len); }; //SOF segment class JPEGComponent{ public: //1=Y, 2=Cb, 3=Cr, 4=I, 5=Q uint8_t colorId; uint8_t h_samp_factor; uint8_t v_samp_factor; uint8_t qualityId; bool Init(fstream& file,uint16_t len); }; class JPEGData{ int max_h_samp_factor;//行MCU int max_v_samp_factor;//列MCU int width; int height; int precision; bool isYUV411=false; bool isYUV422=false; bool isYUV111=false; uint8_t curDRI=0;//当前重置直流分量标识,这里只取个位方便计算 uint16_t resetInterval=0;//单位是MCU int preDCValue[3]={0}; //用于直流差分矫正 //量化表 vector<JPEGQuality> quality; //huffman码表 vector<JPEGHuffmanCode> dc_huffman; vector<JPEGHuffmanCode> ac_huffman; //component每个颜色分量 vector<JPEGComponent> component; JPEGScan scan; //vector<int**> deHuffman; vector<double**> ycbcr; vector<RGB**> rgb; double** DCTAndIDCTArray; streampos pos; bool EOI{false}; public: JPEGData(): max_h_samp_factor(0), max_v_samp_factor(0), width(0), height(0), precision(0){ DCTAndIDCTArray=createDCTAndIDCTArray(ROW); } ~JPEGData(){ FREE_LP_2(DCTAndIDCTArray,ROW-1) // FREE_LP_2(DCTArray,ROW-1) // FREE_LP_2(IDCTArray,ROW-1) FREE_VECTOR_LP(rgb) } bool readJPEG(const char* filePath); int getWidth() const {return width;} int getHeight() const {return height;} vector<RGB**> getRGB() const {return rgb;} int getMaxHSampFactor() const {return max_h_samp_factor;} int getMaxVSampFactor() const {return max_v_samp_factor;} double** createDCTAndIDCTArray(int row); //double** createIDCTArray(int row); void DCT(double** originMatrix); void IDCT(double** originMatrix); protected: bool readSOF(fstream& file,uint16_t len); bool readData(fstream& file); bool huffmanDecode(fstream& file); void deQuality(double** originMatrix,int qualityID); //隔行正负纠正 void PAndNCorrect(double** originMatrix); RGB** YCbCrToRGB(const int* YUV); //标记位检查 是否结束,是否重置直流矫正数值,返回要添加的数值 string FlagCkeck(fstream& file,int byteInfo); uint16_t ReadByte(fstream& file,int len); uint16_t findHuffmanCodeByBit(fstream& file,int& length,int& pos,string& deque,int curValue,int& curValLen); }; NAME_SPACE_END() #endif //!_IMAGE_
#include "Image.h" #include "Util.h" #include <algorithm> #include <cmath> #include <exception> #include <fstream> #include <stdint.h> #include <bitset> #include <stdlib.h> #include <utility> #include <cstring> #include <vector> #include <iomanip> NAME_SPACE_START(myUtil) int RGBValueLimit(double input){ if(input<0) return 0; else if(input>255) return 255; // 四舍五入、取整均可 // return (int)(input); return round(input); } void print(double** originMatrix){ cout<<endl; for(int i=0;i<ROW;i++){ for(int j=0;j<COL;j++){ cout<<originMatrix[i][j]<<" "; } cout<<endl; } cout<<endl; } double** UnZigZag(int* originArray){ double** table=new double*[ROW]; for(int i=0;i<ROW;i++) table[i]=new double[COL]; int cur=0,x=0,y=0; bool flag = true;//true是右上 false是左下 while (cur < 64) { table[y][x] = originArray[cur++]; if (flag) { x++; y--; } else { x--; y++; } if (x < 0 || y < 0 || x>7 || y>7) flag = !flag; if (x < 0 && y>7) { x = 1; y = 7; } if (x < 0) x = 0; else if (x > 7) { x = 7; y += 2; } if (y < 0) y = 0; else if (y > 7) { y = 7; x += 2; } } return table; } bool JPEGScan::Init(fstream &file, uint16_t len){ try { uint8_t count=file.get(); len--; while(count--){ uint8_t componentId=file.get(); uint8_t table=file.get(); uint8_t dcId=table>>4; uint8_t acId=table&0x0f; pair<uint8_t, uint8_t> info1(dcId,acId); pair<uint8_t, pair<uint8_t, uint8_t>> info2(componentId,info1); componentHuffmanMap.insert(info2); } } catch (...) { return false; } return true; } bool JPEGHuffmanCode::Init(fstream &file, uint16_t len){ try{ vector<uint8_t> temp; while(len--){ int info=file.get(); temp.push_back(info); } int curPos = 16, curCode = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) { int count = temp[i]; curCode <<= 1; while (count--) { uint16_t code=curCode; uint8_t bit=i+1; uint8_t weight=temp[curPos]; pair<uint8_t, uint8_t> t1(bit,weight); pair<uint16_t, pair<uint8_t, uint8_t>> t2(curCode,t1); table.insert(t2); curCode++; curPos++; } } } catch(...){ return false; } return true; } bool JPEGHuffmanCode::findKey(const uint16_t& code,const uint8_t& bit,iterator& it) { it=table.find(code); if(it==table.end()) return true; return it->second.first!=bit; } bool JPEGQuality::Init(fstream &file, uint16_t len){ try{ int info=file.get(); precision=info>>4; id=info&0x0f; len--; while(len--){ int t=file.get(); table.push_back(t); } } catch(...){ return false; } return true; } bool JPEGComponent::Init(fstream &file, uint16_t len){ try { int info1=file.get(); int info2=file.get(); int info3=file.get(); colorId=info1; h_samp_factor=info2>>4; v_samp_factor=info2&0x0f; qualityId=info3; } catch (...) { return false; } return true; } bool JPEGData::readJPEG(const char *filePath){ fstream file(filePath,ios::in|ios::binary); if(file.fail()) return false; file.seekg(0,ios::end); pos = file.tellg(); file.seekg(2,ios::beg); dc_huffman.resize(2); ac_huffman.resize(2); try { //do read data through using other method uint16_t pLen=0; uint16_t pMarker=0xFF; uint16_t pType=0x00; while(!file.eof()){ pMarker=file.get(); pType=file.get(); if(pType==EOI) break; pLen=file.get(); pLen=(pLen<<8)+file.get(); // cout<<hex<<pMarker<<" "<<pType<<" "<<pLen<<endl; if(pMarker!=0xFF) throw exception(); bool flag=true; switch (pType) { case SOF0: case SOF1: case SOF2:{ flag=readSOF(file, pLen-2); break; } case DHT:{ JPEGHuffmanCode huf; int info=file.get(); int tableId=info&0x0f; // cout<<hex<<info<<" "; flag=huf.Init(file, pLen-3); if((info>>4)&1) ac_huffman[tableId]=huf; else dc_huffman[tableId]=huf; break; } //case SOI: //case EOI: case SOS:{ flag=scan.Init(file, pLen-2); int count=3; // cout<<endl; while(count--) file.get(); // cout<<endl; //正式读取数据 if(!flag) break; flag=readData(file); break; } case DQT:{ JPEGQuality q; flag=q.Init(file, pLen-2); quality.push_back(q); break; } case DRI:{ resetInterval=ReadByte(file, 2); break; } case APP0: case APP1: case APP2: case COM:{ pLen-=2; while(pLen--){ file.get(); } break; } default: pLen-=2; while(pLen--){ file.get(); } break; } if(!flag) throw exception(); // cout<<endl; } } catch (...) { file.close(); return false; } file.close(); return true; } bool JPEGData::readSOF(fstream& file,uint16_t len){ try { precision=file.get(); height=max(height,(int)ReadByte(file, 2)); width=max(width,(int)ReadByte(file, 2)); int count=ReadByte(file, 1); if(count!=3) return false; len-=6; component.resize(count); for(int i=0;i<count;i++){ JPEGComponent com; com.Init(file, len/3); max_h_samp_factor=max(max_h_samp_factor,(int)com.h_samp_factor); max_v_samp_factor=max(max_v_samp_factor,(int)com.v_samp_factor); component[i]=com; } if((component[0].h_samp_factor*component[0].v_samp_factor) /(component[1].h_samp_factor*component[1].v_samp_factor)==4){ isYUV411=true; } else if((component[0].h_samp_factor*component[0].v_samp_factor) /(component[1].h_samp_factor*component[1].v_samp_factor)==2){ isYUV422=true; } else if((component[0].h_samp_factor*component[0].v_samp_factor) /(component[1].h_samp_factor*component[1].v_samp_factor)==1){ isYUV111=true; } } catch (...) { return false; } return true; } bool JPEGData::readData(fstream& file){ bool flag=true; try{ //使用huffman表来解出RLE编码,接着转回长度为64的矩阵 flag=huffmanDecode(file); if(!flag) return false; //反量化,即上面的64矩阵×对应位置的量化表 //flag=deQuantity(); //if(!flag) return false; //反zig-zag排序 //flag=deZSort(); //if(!flag) return false; //反离散余弦变换 //if(!flag) return false; //YCbCr转RGB //if(!flag) return false; } catch(...){ return false; } return true; } bool JPEGData::huffmanDecode(fstream& file){ try { //原图像一个MCU有多少8*8矩阵(此时是YCbCr还没有分开) //int MCUBlockCount=max_h_samp_factor*max_v_samp_factor; //顺序YCbCr int YUV[]={component[0].h_samp_factor*component[0].v_samp_factor, component[1].h_samp_factor*component[1].v_samp_factor, component[2].h_samp_factor*component[2].v_samp_factor}; int curMCUCount=1; //当前MCU数量 int curValueLength=0; //当前值有多少位 int curValue=0; //当前的值 int curBitDequeLength=8;//当前curBitDeque长度 int curBitPos=0; //当前string读取到第几位 int restart=resetInterval;//直流分量重置 string curBitDeque=""; //用来存储读出来的2进制数 //一次循环解析一个MCU curBitDeque.append(bitset<8>(file.get()).to_string()); curBitDequeLength=8; // cout<<curBitDeque; while(!EOI||(pos-file.tellg())!=2){ // cout<<endl; int count=1; for(int i=0;i<3;i++){ for(int j=0;j<YUV[i];j++){ // cout<<count++<<" "; int matrix[64]={0}; int valCount=0; uint8_t dcID = scan.componentHuffmanMap[component[i].colorId].first; uint8_t acID = scan.componentHuffmanMap[component[i].colorId].second; int qualityId=component[i].qualityId; if(qualityId>=quality.size()) qualityId=0; // cout<<endl; while(valCount<64){ //用curBitDeque和curBit去找权重,curValue作为当前键值 JPEGHuffmanCode::iterator it; JPEGHuffmanCode &huffman = valCount==0?dc_huffman[dcID]:ac_huffman[acID]; while(curValueLength<=16&&huffman.findKey(curValue,curValueLength,it)){ curValue=findHuffmanCodeByBit(file,curBitDequeLength,curBitPos,curBitDeque,curValue,curValueLength); } if(curValueLength>16) return true; #ifdef _DEBUGOUT_ //cout<<dec<<" "<<curBitPos<<" "<<curBitDequeLength<<" "; cout<<"key="<<hex<<curValue<<" len="<<curValueLength<<endl; #endif //已经找到了权重和位宽 uint8_t weight,zeroCount=0; if(valCount==0) weight = it->second.second; else { weight = it->second.second & 0x0f; zeroCount = it->second.second >> 4;} curValue=0;//这里变为dc或ac值 curValueLength=0; if(valCount!=0&&weight==0&&zeroCount==0) break;//后面全是0 // 读取真正的值 for(int k=0;k<weight;k++){ curValue=findHuffmanCodeByBit(file,curBitDequeLength,curBitPos,curBitDeque,curValue,curValueLength); } curValue = (curValue >= pow(2, curValueLength - 1) ? curValue : curValue - pow(2, curValueLength) + 1); // cout<<curValue<<endl; int writeValue=valCount==0?(preDCValue[i]+=curValue):curValue; valCount+=zeroCount; writeValue*=quality[qualityId].table[valCount];//反量化 matrix[valCount]=writeValue; curValue=0; curValueLength=0; valCount++; } double** tempZ = UnZigZag(matrix);//反zig-zag编码 //反量化,在反zig-zag编码前后差别,前面:RGB数值与编辑器比偏小,反之偏大,这也与最后取整时的方式有关 // deQuality(tempZ,qualityId); // print(tempZ); //隔行正负纠正,有的博客说了,但是没感觉有啥帮助 // PAndNCorrect(tempZ); IDCT(tempZ); //dct逆变换 ycbcr.push_back(tempZ); #ifdef _DEBUG_ for(int k=0;k<ROW;k++){ for(int l=0;l<COL;l++){ cout.width(3); cout<<dec<<tempZ[k][j]<<" "; } cout<<endl; } cout<<endl; #endif } } // if(count!=6){ // cout<<" "; // } RGB** lpRGB = YCbCrToRGB(YUV); FREE_VECTOR_LP(ycbcr) rgb.push_back(lpRGB); // 直流分量重置间隔不为0的 if(restart>0){ resetInterval--; if(resetInterval==0){ resetInterval=restart; curDRI+=1; curDRI&=0x7; //需要在此处读取两字节信息,看是否为重置标识 file.get(); if(file.get()==0xD9) EOI=true; curBitPos=curBitDequeLength; preDCValue[0]=0; preDCValue[1]=0; preDCValue[2]=0; } } // cout<<"curMCUCount="<<dec<<curMCUCount++<<" pos="<<pos<<"/"<<file.tellg()<<" "<<file.tellg()*100.0/pos<<"%\n"; if(pos-file.tellg()==2) break; } cout<<"\nsuccessfully\n"; } catch (exception ex) { cout<<ex.what(); return false; } return true; } RGB** JPEGData::YCbCrToRGB(const int* YUV){ RGB **res = new RGB *[ROW * max_v_samp_factor]; int matrixCount = YUV[0] + YUV[1] + YUV[2]; int crCount = 0, cbCount = 0; //1=Y, 2=Cb, 3=Cr //式子 scale*x,scale*y double cb_h_samp_scale=component[1].h_samp_factor*1.0/max_h_samp_factor, cb_v_samp_scale=component[1].v_samp_factor*1.0/max_v_samp_factor, cr_h_samp_scale=component[2].h_samp_factor*1.0/max_h_samp_factor, cr_v_samp_scale=component[2].v_samp_factor*1.0/max_v_samp_factor; for (int i = 0; i < ROW * max_v_samp_factor; i++) res[i] = new RGB[COL * max_h_samp_factor]; //此处直接生成rgb值 //注意,此处YCbCr的对应关系与采样因子有关 // cout<<endl; for(int j=0;j<ROW * max_v_samp_factor;j++){ for(int k=0;k<COL * max_h_samp_factor;k++){ int yPos = (j / ROW) * component[0].h_samp_factor + (k / COL); int cbPos = YUV[0] + (int)((k / ROW) * cb_v_samp_scale) + (int)((j / COL) * cb_h_samp_scale); int crPos = YUV[0] + YUV[1] + (int)((k / ROW) * cr_v_samp_scale) + (int)((j / COL) * cr_h_samp_scale); double y = ycbcr[yPos][j % ROW][k % COL]; double cb = ycbcr[cbPos][(int)(j * cb_v_samp_scale)][(int)(k * cb_h_samp_scale)]; double cr = ycbcr[crPos][(int)(j * cr_v_samp_scale)][(int)(k * cr_h_samp_scale)]; res[j][k].red =RGBValueLimit(128+y+1.402 *cr); res[j][k].green =RGBValueLimit(128+y-0.71414*cr-0.34414*cb); res[j][k].blue =RGBValueLimit(128+y+1.772 *cb); // 输出当前选择的矩阵 //cout<<dec<<yPos<<" "<<cbPos<<" "<<crPos<<" "; // cout<<hex<<setw(2)<<setfill('0')<<(int)res[j][k].red // <<setw(2)<<setfill('0')<<(int)res[j][k].green // <<setw(2)<<setfill('0')<<(int)res[j][k].blue<<" "; } // cout<<endl; } // cout<<endl; return res; } double** JPEGData::createDCTAndIDCTArray(int row){ double** res=new double*[row]; for(int i=0;i<row;i++) res[i]=new double[row]; // cout<<endl; for(int i=0;i<row;i++){ for(int j=0;j<row;j++){ double t=0; if(i==0) t=sqrt(1.0/row); else t=sqrt(2.0/row); res[i][j]=t*cos(M_PI*(j+0.5)*i/row); // cout<<res[i][j]<<" "; } // cout<<endl; } return res; } void JPEGData::DCT(double** originMatrix){ //原理 Y=A*X*A' vector<vector<double>> temp(ROW,vector<double>(COL,0)); for(int i=0;i<ROW;i++){ for(int j=0;j<COL;j++){ double sum=0; for(int k=0;k<COL;k++){ sum+=DCTAndIDCTArray[i][k]*originMatrix[k][j]; } temp[i][j]=sum; } } for(int i=0;i<ROW;i++){ for(int j=0;j<COL;j++){ double sum=0; for(int k=0;k<COL;k++){ sum+=temp[i][k]*DCTAndIDCTArray[j][k]; } originMatrix[i][j]=sum; } } } void JPEGData::IDCT(double** originMatrix){ //原理X=A'*Y*A vector<vector<double>> temp(ROW,vector<double>(COL,0)); for(int i=0;i<ROW;i++){ for(int j=0;j<COL;j++){ double sum=0; for(int k=0;k<COL;k++){ sum+=DCTAndIDCTArray[k][i]*originMatrix[k][j]; } temp[i][j]=sum; } } for(int i=0;i<ROW;i++){ for(int j=0;j<COL;j++){ double sum=0; for(int k=0;k<COL;k++){ sum+=temp[i][k]*DCTAndIDCTArray[k][j]; } originMatrix[i][j]=sum; } } } void JPEGData::deQuality(double** originMatrix,int qualityID){ for(int i=0;i<ROW;i++){ for(int j=0;j<COL;j++){ originMatrix[i][j]*=quality[qualityID].table[i*ROW+j]; } } } void JPEGData::PAndNCorrect(double** originMatrix){ for(int i=0;i<ROW;i++) if(i%2==1) for(int j=0;j<COL;j++) originMatrix[i][j]=-originMatrix[i][j]; } string JPEGData::FlagCkeck(fstream& file,int byteInfo){ if(byteInfo==0xff){ uint8_t info=file.get(); string res=bitset<8>(0xFF).to_string(); if(info==0xD9) {EOI=true;return "false";} else if(info==0x00) return res; return res + bitset<8>(info).to_string(); } return bitset<8>(byteInfo).to_string(); } uint16_t JPEGData::ReadByte(fstream& file,int len){ uint16_t res=file.get(); if(len!=1){ res=(res<<8)+(uint8_t)file.get(); } return res; } uint16_t JPEGData::findHuffmanCodeByBit(fstream& file,int& length,int& pos,string& deque,int curValue,int& curValLen){ if(pos==length&&length>=HUFFMAN_DECODE_DEQUE_CACHE){//达到最大缓存 deque = deque.substr(pos); int info=file.get(); string res=FlagCkeck(file,info); string str=bitset<8>(info).to_string(); if(res=="false") res=bitset<8>(file.get()).to_string(); deque.append(res); length = deque.length(); pos = 0; } else if(length==0 || pos>=length){ if(length==0){ deque=""; pos=0; } int info=file.get(); string res=FlagCkeck(file,info); string str=bitset<8>(info).to_string(); if(res=="false") res=bitset<8>(file.get()).to_string(); deque.append(res); length+=8; } curValue = (curValue << 1) + (uint8_t)(deque.at(pos++) - '0'); curValLen++; return curValue; } NAME_SPACE_END()
#pragma once #include <stdio.h> #include <iostream> #include "Image.h" using namespace myUtil; /* Bitmap Header, 54 Bytes */ static unsigned char BmpHeader[54] = { 0x42, 0x4D, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x36, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x28, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x1B, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x18, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x60, 0xCD, 0x04, 0x00, 0x23, 0x2E, 0x00, 0x00, 0x23, 0x2E, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 }; void SetBitmapInfo(unsigned int size, int height, int width) { for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { // size of image ( header + data ) BmpHeader[2 + i] = size & 0xff; size >>= 8; // width of image BmpHeader[18 + i] = width & 0xff; width >>= 8; // height of image BmpHeader[22 + i] = height & 0xff; height >>= 8; } } /* BGR format 这是我粘来的改了映射部分代码 */ unsigned char *Encoder(const vector<RGB**>& buf, int height, int width, int mcu_height, int mcu_width, int &size) { uint8_t *bitmap = nullptr; int rowSize = (24 * width + 31) / 32 * 4; // compute the size of total bytes of image size = rowSize * height + 54; // data size + header size bitmap = new uint8_t [ size ]; // set the header info SetBitmapInfo(size, height, width); // fill the header area for (int i = 0; i < 54; i++) { bitmap[i] = BmpHeader[i]; } // fill the data area for (int i = 0; i < height; i++) { // compute the offset of destination bitmap and source image int idx = height - 1 - i; int offsetDst = idx * rowSize + 54; // 54 means the header length // int offsetSrc = i * width; int offsetHeight = (int)floor(i*1.0/mcu_height)*(int)ceil(width*1.0/mcu_width); // fill data for (int j = 0; j < width * 3; j++) { int pos=(j/3)/mcu_width+offsetHeight; if(pos>=buf.size()) pos=buf.size()-1; RGB temp=buf[pos][i%mcu_height][(j/3)%mcu_height]; if(j%3==0) bitmap[offsetDst + j] = temp.blue; else if(j%3==1) bitmap[offsetDst + j] = temp.green; else if(j%3==2) bitmap[offsetDst + j] = temp.red; // cout<<dec<<pos<<" "; } // fill 0x0, this part can be ignored for (int j = width * 3; j < rowSize; j++) { bitmap[offsetDst +j] = 0x0; } } return bitmap; } /* Save to file */ void Write(const char *fileName, uint8_t *buf, int &size) { FILE *fp = fopen(fileName, "wb+"); fwrite(buf, 1, size, fp); fclose(fp); }
#include <algorithm> #include <cctype> #include <fstream> #include <iostream> #include <locale> #include <sstream> #include <stdlib.h> #include "Image.h" #include "BmpEncoder.h" using namespace std; using namespace myUtil; // void print(double** input){ // cout<<endl; // for(int i=0;i<8;i++){ // for(int j=0;j<8;j++){ // cout<<input[i][j]<<" "; // } // cout<<endl; // } // cout<<endl; // } int main(){ string str="../img/Image/3.jpg"; JPEGData data; clock_t startTime=clock(); data.readJPEG(str.c_str()); int size; unsigned char *bitmap = Encoder(data.getRGB(), data.getHeight(), data.getWidth(), 8*data.getMaxHSampFactor(), 8*data.getMaxVSampFactor(), size); Write("out.bmp", bitmap, size); cout<<dec<<clock()-startTime<<"ms"<<endl; // DCT正反变换测试 // JPEGData data; // double** arr=new double*[8]; // for(int i=0;i<8;i++){ // arr[i]=new double[8]; // for(int j=0;j<8;j++){ // arr[i][j]=(int)(rand()%100); // } // } // print(arr); // data.DCT(arr); // print(arr); // data.IDCT(arr); // print(arr); // FREE_LP_2(arr,8) return 0; }
项目环境gcc 7.3.0 工具CMake,源码链接