更新时间:2020年04月23日 15:02:52 作者:qq_41859277
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import urllib import json # 设置一个退出程序的出口 isOut = False # 不断调用爬取翻译页面的功能 # 直到isOut被设置为True,退出程序 def query(keys): while True: if isOut == True: break # 假定用户输入“CloseMe”,则退出 key = keys if key == "CloseMe": isOut = True continue # 回到循环开始处,然后结果条件满足退出 # 做真正的查询操作 url = "" # 构造headers headers = {"User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/65.0.3325.181 Safari/537.36", "X-Requested-With": "XMLHttpRequest", "Accept": "application/json, text/javascript, */*; q=0.01", "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8" } # 把form数据转规范化,然后post给服务端 formdata = { "i": key, "from": "AUTO", "to": "AUTO", "smartresult": "dict", "client": "fanyideskweb", "salt": "1523933959290", "sign": "248f5d216c45a64c38a3dccac0f4600d", "doctype": "json", "version": "2.1", "keyfrom": "fanyi.web", "action": "FY_BY_REALTIME", "typoResult": "false" } data = bytes(urllib.parse.urlencode( formdata), encoding="utf-8") # 给服务器发送post请求 req = urllib.request.Request(url, data, headers, method="POST") response = urllib.request.urlopen(req) info ="utf-8") jsonLoads = json.loads(info) return jsonLoads['translateResult'][0][0]["tgt"]
#!/usr/bin/python3 # coding=utf-8 from signal import * from socket import * import pymysql from time import * import sys import os from youdaoTest import query def do_child(connfd, db): while True: msg = connfd.recv(128).decode() print("msg : ", msg) if msg[0] == 'R': do_register(connfd, msg, db) if msg[0] == 'L': do_login(connfd, msg, db) if msg[0] == 'Q': do_query(connfd, msg, db) if msg[0] == 'H': do_history(connfd, msg, db) if msg[0] == 'E': connfd.close() sys.exit(0) return def do_register(connfd, msg, db): print("in register.......") cursor = db.cursor() s = msg.split(' ') name = s[1] passwd = s[2] sql = "select * from user where name = '%s'" % name cursor.execute(sql) data = cursor.fetchone() print(data) if data != None: connfd.send("FALL".encode()) return sql = "insert into user values ('%s','%s')" % (name, passwd) try: cursor.execute(sql) db.commit() connfd.send('OK'.encode()) except: connfd.send("FALL".encode()) db.rollback() return else: print("register OK !") def do_login(connfd, msg, db): print("in login.......") cursor = db.cursor() s = msg.split(' ') name = s[1] passwd = s[2] try: sql = "select * from user where name = '%s' and passwd = '%s'" % ( name, passwd) cursor.execute(sql) data = cursor.fetchone() print(data) except: pass if data == None: connfd.send("FALL".encode()) else: connfd.send('OK'.encode()) return def do_query(connfd, msg, db): print("in query.......") start = time() cursor = db.cursor() s = msg.split(' ') words = s[1] name = s[2] msg = query(words) connfd.send(msg.encode()) insert_history(db, words, name) def do_history(connfd, msg, db): print('in history...') s = msg.split(' ') name = s[1] cursor = db.cursor() sql = 'select * from history where name = "%s"' % name try: cursor.execute(sql) data = cursor.fetchall() connfd.send('OK'.encode()) except: connfd.send('FALL'.encode()) sleep(0.1) for msg in data: name = msg[0] word = msg[1] time = msg[2] sleep(0.01) connfd.send(('%s %s %s' % (name, word, time)).encode()) sleep(0.1) connfd.send('over'.encode()) def insert_history(db, words, name): time = ctime() cursor = db.cursor() sql = 'insert into history values ("%s","%s","%s")' % (name, words, time) try: cursor.execute(sql) db.commit() except: print('into history failed') db.rollback() def main(): signal(SIGCHLD, SIG_IGN) db = pymysql.connect('localhost', 'root', '123456', 'dict') HOST = sys.argv[1] PORT = int(sys.argv[2]) sockfd = socket() sockfd.bind((HOST, PORT)) sockfd.listen(5) while True: try: connfd, addr = sockfd.accept() print("connect addr : ", addr) except KeyboardInterrupt: raise except: continue pid = os.fork() if pid < 0: print("create child process failed") connfd.close() continue elif pid == 0: sockfd.close() do_child(connfd, db) else: connfd.close() continue db.close() sockfd.close() sys.exit(0) if __name__ == "__main__": main()
#!/usr/bin/python # coding=utf-8 from signal import * from socket import * from time import * import sys import os def do_register(sockfd, msg): name = input("input your user name >>") passwd = input("input your user passwd >>") msg = 'R %s %s' % (name, passwd) sockfd.send(msg.encode()) msg = sockfd.recv(128).decode() if msg[0:2] == 'OK': return 0 else: return -1 def do_login(sockfd, msg): name = input("input your user name >>") passwd = input("input your user passwd >>") msg = 'L %s %s' % (name, passwd) sockfd.send(msg.encode()) msg = sockfd.recv(128).decode() if msg[0:2] == 'OK': return name else: return -1 def do_query(sockfd, msg, name): while True: word = input("input word >>") if word == '##': return msg = 'Q %s %s' % (word, name) sockfd.send(msg.encode()) msg = sockfd.recv(128).decode() if msg[0:2] == 'OK': msg = sockfd.recv(1024).decode() if msg == " ": print("not found this word") print(msg) # elif msg[:11] == 'found error': # print('found error') # continue else: print("fail to query") continue def do_history(sockfd, msg, name): msg = 'H %s' % name sockfd.send(msg.encode()) msg = sockfd.recv(128).decode() if msg[0:2] == 'OK': while True: data = sockfd.recv(1024).decode() if data == 'over': break print(data) else: print("fail to history") return -1 def main(): HOST = sys.argv[1] PORT = int(sys.argv[2]) msg = None sockfd = socket() sockfd.connect((HOST, PORT)) def login(name): while True: print(''' ==========query commend========= ---1:查词 2:历史记录 3:退出--- ================================ ''') try: cmd = int(input("Input commend >> ")) except: print("Input error!") continue if cmd not in [1, 2, 3]: print("input error!") sys.stdin.flush() continue if cmd == 1: do_query(sockfd, msg, name) if cmd == 2: do_history(sockfd, msg, name) if cmd == 3: break return while True: print(''' =============Welcome============= ----1: 注册 2: 登陆 3: 退出---- ================================= ''') try: cmd = int(input("Input command >> ")) except: print("Input error") continue if cmd not in [1, 2, 3]: print("input error!") sys.stdin.flush() continue if cmd == 1: if do_register(sockfd, msg) == 0: print("register OK!") else: print("register FALL") if cmd == 2: name = do_login(sockfd, msg) if name != -1: print("login OK!") login(name) else: print("register FALL") if cmd == 3: msg = 'E' sockfd.send(msg.encode()) sockfd.close() sys.exit(0) if __name__ == "__main__": main()