更新时间:2014年07月31日 10:36:09 投稿:shichen2014
Module Module1 Sub Main() Dim a As Date Dim h, m, s As Integer Dim n, i As Long Dim x, z As Long Dim y As Long Console.WriteLine("本程序为倒计时程序,请分部输入需要倒数的小时数、分钟数、秒数") Console.WriteLine("请输入计时的小时数(大于等于0的整数):") h = Console.ReadLine() Console.WriteLine("请输入计时的总分钟数(大于等于0并且小于60的整数):") m = Console.ReadLine() Console.WriteLine("请输入计时的秒数(大于等于0的并且小于60的整数):") s = Console.ReadLine() Console.WriteLine("当前系统时间为:{0}", h) a = Now() Console.WriteLine("当前系统时间为:{0}", a) Console.WriteLine(" ") Console.WriteLine(" **************倒计时开始***************** ") Console.WriteLine(" **************倒计时开始***************** ") Console.WriteLine(" **************倒计时开始***************** ") Console.WriteLine(" **************倒计时开始***************** ") z = 0 x = 60 For i = 0 To h * 3600 + m * 60 + s For n = 0 To 6000000 For y = 0 To 25 z = z + 1 Next Next If (h <= 0) And (m <= 0) And (s <= 0) Then Exit For If s > 0 Then s = s - 1 Console.WriteLine(" 剩余:{0}小时{1}分{2}秒", h, m, s) If (h <= 0) And (m <= 0) And (s <= 0) Then Console.WriteLine("倒计时完毕,随意输入字符将退出程序:") Exit For End If End If If s = 0 Then If m > 0 Then m = m - 1 s = 59 Console.WriteLine(" 剩余:{0}小时{1}分{2}秒 ", h, m, s) End If If m = 0 And h > 0 And s = 0 Then h = h - 1 m = 59 s = 59 Console.WriteLine(" 剩余:{0}小时{1}分{2}秒 ", h, m, s) If (h <= 0) And (m <= 0) And (s <= 0) Then Console.WriteLine("倒计时完毕,随意输入字符将退出程序:") Exit For End If End If End If Next Console.Read() End Sub End Module
Windows 10 x64 安装 Visual Basic 
这篇文章主要介绍了Windows 10 x64 安装 Visual Basic 6.0 SP6注意事项,需要的朋友可以参考下2023-06-06VB中判断空的几种方法(Null, Missing, Empty, Nothing,&nb
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