原文地址 文章日期:2006/09/25/
新版.32 的YUI-EXT包含了GIRD事件机制的重要升级。许多新事件现在可以用了,监听事件的机制也改变了(尽管它仍然向后兼容)。
鉴于 YAHOO.util.CustomEvent只提供简单的访问,Grid和相关的对象扩展了新的方法来侦听事件,这些事件你应该是熟悉的。它们是:
- addListener(eventName, fn, scope, override) - "eventName" should be one of the events defined below. "fn" is the function to call when the event occurs. "scope" is an optional object providing the scope (this) of the function. "override" is whether or not to apply that scope and is only there for backwards compatibility.
- removeListener(eventName, fn, scope) -移除前先提交的事件侦听
- on(eventName, fn, scope, override) - addListener 快捷方式
var sm = grid.getSelectionModel(); sm.addListener('rowselect', myHandler);
- cellclick - (this, rowIndex, columnIndex, e) - Fires when a cell is clicked
- celldblclick - (this, rowIndex, columnIndex, e) - Fires when a cell is double clicked
- rowclick - (this, rowIndex, e) - Fires when a row is clicked
- rowdblclick - (this, rowIndex, e) - Fires when a row is double clicked
- headerclick - (this, columnIndex, e) - Fires when a header is clicked
- rowcontextmenu - (this, rowIndex, e) - Fires when a row is right clicked
- headercontextmenu - (this, columnIndex, e) - Fires when a header is right clicked
- beforeedit - (this, rowIndex, columnIndex, e) - Fires just before editing is started on a cell
- afteredit - (this, rowIndex, columnIndex, e) - Fires immediately after a cell is edited
- bodyscroll - (scrollLeft, scrollTop) - Fires when the grid's body is scrolled
- columnresize - (columnIndex, newSize) Fires when the user resizes a column.
- startdrag - (this, dd, e) - Fires when row(s) start being dragged
- enddrag - (this, dd, e) - Fires when a drag operation is complete
- dragdrop - (this, dd, targetId, e) - Fires when dragged row(s) are dropped on a valid DD target
- dragover - (this, dd, targetId, e) Fires while row(s) are being dragged. "targetId" is the id of the Yahoo.util.DD object the selected rows are being dragged over.
- dragenter - (this, dd, targetId, e) - Fires when the dragged row(s) first cross another DD target while being dragged
- dragout - (this, dd, targetId, e) - Fires when the dragged row(s) leave another DD target while being dragged
function onCellClick(grid, rowIndex, colIndex, e){ alert('Cell at row ' + rowIndex + ', column ' + colIndex + ' was clicked!'); } var grid = ... // 这里注册事件 grid.addListener('cellclick', onCellClick);
- click
- dblclick
- mousedown
- mouseup
- mouseover
- mouseout
- keypress
- keydown
var img = getEl('loading-indicator'); var dm = grid.getDataModel(); dm.addListener('beforeload',, img, true); dm.addListener('load', img.hide, img, true);
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