PHP+IIS7配置OCI8链接Oracle 10G的方法
1. 下载适用于Oracle10G的 Instant Client Package 32Bit,,(如果你是64Bit系统,下载),解压。
3.在IIS的FASTCGI下面选择环境变量编辑 添加如下三个变量
ORACLE_HOME | Contains the directory of the full Oracle Database software. Do not set this when using Oracle Instant Client as it is unnecessary and may cause installation problems. |
ORACLE_SID | Contains the name of the database on the local machine to be connected to. There is no need to set this if you using Oracle Instant Client, or always pass the connection parameter tooci_connect(). |
LD_LIBRARY_PATH | Set this (or its platform equivalent, such as DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH, LIBPATH, or SHLIB_PATH) to the location of the Oracle libraries, for example $ORACLE_HOME/lib or/usr/lib/oracle/11.1/client/lib. This variable is not needed if the libraries are located by a different search mechanism, such as with ldconfig or with LD_PRELOAD. |
NLS_LANG | This is the primary variable for setting the character set and globalization information used by the Oracle libraries. |
ORA_SDTZ | Sets the Oracle session timezone. |
TNS_ADMIN | Contains the directory where the Oracle Net Services configuration files such as tnsnames.ora and sqlnet.ora are kept. Not needed if the oci_connect() connection string uses the Easy Connect naming syntax such as localhost/XE. Not needed if the network configuration files are in one of the default locations such as $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin or /etc. |
Less frequently used Oracle environment variables include TWO_TASK, ORA_TZFILE, and the various Oracle globalization settings like NLS* and the ORA_NLS_* variables.
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