新特性C#4.0,如动态绑定,可选和命名参数和类型参数变化 所有的C#的基础 高级主题,包括操作符重载,自定义转换,类型约束,协变和逆变,lambda表达式和闭包,迭代器,可空类型和操作起重
LINQ,使用序列,懒惰的执行,标准查询操作符开始,结束了一个完整的参考查询表达式 不安全代码和指针,自定义属性,预处理器指令和XML文档
Written by the authors of the acclaimed C# 4.0 in a Nutshell (O’Reilly), this book covers the entire C# 4.0 language -- without skimping on the details -- including:
Features new to C# 4.0, such as dynamic binding, optional and named parameters, and type parameter variance
All of C#'s fundamentals
Advanced topics, including operator overloading, custom conversions, type constraints, covariance and contravariance, lambda expressions and closures, iterators, nullable types, and operator lifting
LINQ, starting with sequences, lazy execution, and standard query operators; finishing with a complete reference to query expressions
Unsafe code and pointers, custom attributes, preprocessor directives, and XML documentation
LINQ,使用序列,懒惰的执行,标准查询操作符开始,结束了一个完整的参考查询表达式 不安全代码和指针,自定义属性,预处理器指令和XML文档
Written by the authors of the acclaimed C# 4.0 in a Nutshell (O’Reilly), this book covers the entire C# 4.0 language -- without skimping on the details -- including:
Features new to C# 4.0, such as dynamic binding, optional and named parameters, and type parameter variance
All of C#'s fundamentals
Advanced topics, including operator overloading, custom conversions, type constraints, covariance and contravariance, lambda expressions and closures, iterators, nullable types, and operator lifting
LINQ, starting with sequences, lazy execution, and standard query operators; finishing with a complete reference to query expressions
Unsafe code and pointers, custom attributes, preprocessor directives, and XML documentation
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