新的C #编译器可以编译C # 6 。它不仅已完成代码清理;编译器管道的功能也可以在自定义程序中使用,并且被应用在Visual Studio的许多功能里。本平台暂提供Professional C# 6 and .NET Core 1.0英文版下载!
新的编译平台可以增强C #许多新特征.虽然没有类似LINQ或异步特征关键字的影响力,但许多增强的功能确实提高了开发者生产力。
ASP.NET Core 1.0是一个完全重写的ASP.NET。它具有模块化编程的特征,完全开放源代码,轻量级以便在云平台得到最佳使用,并且可用于非Microsoft平台。
本书Professional C# 6 and .NET Core 1.0提供了最新的更新,功能全覆盖,和能力和一切你需要的C #。在新的Visual Studio 2015,Windows运行时,ADO.NET,ASP.NET,Windows应用商店的应用程序,Windows工作流基础上可得到专家指导及更多。
Professional C# 6 and .NET Core 1.0 provides complete coverage of the latest updates, features, and capabilities, giving you everything you need for C#. Get expert instruction on the latest changes to Visual Studio 2015, Windows Runtime, ADO.NET, ASP.NET, Windows Store Apps, Windows Workflow Foundation, and more, with clear explanations, no-nonsense pacing, and valuable expert insight. This incredibly useful guide serves as both tutorial and desk reference, providing a professional-level review of C# architecture and its application in a number of areas. You'll gain a solid background in managed code and .NET constructs within the context of the 2015 release, so you can get acclimated quickly and get back to work.
The new updates can actively streamline your workflow, with major changes including reimagined C# refactoring support, a new .NET Web app stack, and the .NET compiler platform that makes C# and Visual Basic compilers available as APIs. This book walks you through the changes with a comprehensive C# review.
Explore the new Visual Studio templates for ASP.NET Core 1.0, Web Forms, and MVC
Learn about the networking switch to HttpClient and ASP.NET Web API's replacement of WCF Data Services
Work with the latest updates to the event log, Windows Runtime 2.0, and Windows 8.1 deployment and localization
Dig deep into the new .NET 5.0 GC behaviors and the Migrations addition to ADO.NET
Microsoft has stepped up both the cadence and magnitude of their software releases. Professional C# 6 and .NET Core 1.0 shows you everything you need to know about working with C# in a real-world context.
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