发布时间:2018-02-09 16:12:30 作者:佚名 我要评论
GPT4.0+Midjourney绘画+国内大模型 会员永久免费使用!
【 如果你想靠AI翻身,你先需要一个靠谱的工具! 】
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Math.random() * 10 - 5 : 0 ) : 0 ) ); this. level = level ; this.life = 0 ; this.angle = 0 ; this.vx = 0 ; this.vy = 0 ; } // grow branch Branch.prototype.grow = function() { // z move this.p 1 .z--; // 3 D projection this.p 1 .project(); // recursively grow children branches this.b 1 && this.b 1 .grow(); this.b 2 && this.b 2 .grow(); // grow if (this.life-- > 1 ) { this.p 1 .x += this.vx; this.p 1 .y += this.vy; } // done - push more children branches if (this.life === 1 && this. level > 0 ) { this.b 1 = newBranch(this); if (Math.random() <= freq) this.b 2 = newBranch(this); this.life--; } // cut the tree if (this.p 0 .z <= -250 ) { this.parent = null; } // draw the branch var width = resolution * (this. level === 1 ? 1 : ((this. level + 1 ) * (this. level + 1 )) * 0.5 * this.p 1 .scale ); var color = 100 - Math.abs(this.p 0 .z * 0.5 ); ctx.beginPath(); if (this. level ) { ctx.lineWidth = width; ctx.strokeStyle = "hsl(" + (this.hue % 360 ) + ", 14%," + color + "%)" ; ctx.moveTo(this.p 0 .xp, this.p 0 .yp); ctx.lineTo(this.p 1 .xp, this.p 1 .yp); ctx.stroke(); } else { ctx.globalCompositeOperation = "lighter" ; var c = ((this.hue + 180 ) % 360 ); ctx.fillStyle = "hsl(" + c + ", 100%, 70%)" ; ctx.arc(this.p 1 .xp, this.p 1 .yp, width * leafSize * 0.1 , 0 , Math.PI * 2 ); ctx.fill(); ctx.beginPath(); ctx.fillStyle = "hsl(" + c + ", 60%, 6%)" ; ctx.arc(this.p 1 .xp, this.p 1 .yp, width * leafSize, 0 , Math.PI * 2 ); ctx.fill(); ctx.globalCompositeOperation = "source-over" ; } } // 3 D point constructor function Point(x, y, z) { this.x = x; this.y = y; this.z = z; this.scale = 0 ; this.xp = 0 ; this.yp = 0 ; } // 3 D point projection Point.prototype.project = function() { this.scale = 265 / ( 265 + this.z); this.xp = canvas.centerX + (this.x - canvas.centerX) * this.scale; this.yp = canvas.centerY + (this.y - canvas.centerY) * this.scale; } // new branch factory function newBranch(parent) { var branch = new Branch(parent, parent. level - 1 , hue, parent.p 1 .x, parent.p 1 .y); branch.angle = Math.atan 2 ( parent.p 1 .y - parent.p 0 .y, parent.p 1 .x - parent.p 0 .x ) + (branch. level ? (Math.random() * maxAngle - (maxAngle * 0.5 )) : 0 ); branch.vx = Math.cos(branch.angle) * growSpeed; branch.vy = Math.sin(branch.angle) * growSpeed; branch.life = branch. level ? Math.round(Math.random() * branch. level * branchLength) + 1 : 2 ; return branch; } // animate the tree function tree() { // clear screen ctx.fillStyle = '#000' ; ctx.fillRect( 0 , 0 , canvas.width, canvas.height); // pointer trail if ( pointer .moveDistance > 10 * resolution) { pointer .moveDistance = 0 ; // main trunk var branch = new Branch( root, root. level , hue, root.p 1 .x, root.p 1 .y ); // add another branch if (Math.random() <= freq) root.b 1 = newBranch(root); // new root root = branch; root.p 1 .x = pointer .x; root.p 1 .y = pointer .y; } // increment color hue++; // traverse the tree var trunk = root; while (trunk) { trunk.grow(); trunk = trunk.parent; } } // prepare the canvas var canvas = { elem: document.getElementById( 'canvas' ), resize: function() { this.width = this.elem.width = this.elem.offsetWidth * resolution; this.height = this.elem.height = this.elem.offsetHeight * resolution; this.centerX = this.width * 0.5 ; this.centerY = this.height * 0.5 ; } } var ctx = canvas.elem.getContext( "2d" ); window.addEventListener( 'resize' , canvas.resize.bind(canvas), false); canvas.resize(); // pointer events var pointer = { x: 0 , y: 0 , px: 0 , py: 0 , moveDistance: 0 , move: function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var pointer = e.targetTouches ? e.targetTouches[ 0 ] : e; // stop automove if (automove) { automove = false; document.getElementById( "clic" ).innerHTML = "" ; } this.x = pointer .clientX * resolution; this.y = pointer .clientY * resolution; this.distance(); // render tree requestAnimationFrame(tree); }, distance: function() { var dx = this.x - this.px; var dy = this.y - this.py; this.moveDistance += Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy); // speed limit if (!automove && this.moveDistance > 40 ) { this.x = this.px + dx * 0.1 ; this.y = this.py + dy * 0.1 ; } this.px = this.x; this.py = this.y; } } window.addEventListener( "mousemove" , pointer . move .bind( pointer ), false); canvas.elem.addEventListener( "touchmove" , pointer . move .bind( pointer ), false); // auto start ! function auto () { automove && requestAnimationFrame( auto ); // lissajou pointer .x = canvas.centerX + canvas.centerX * Math.cos(angleX += 0.02 ) * 0.20 ; pointer .y = canvas.centerY + canvas.centerY * Math.sin(angleY += 0.04 ) * 0.25 ; pointer .distance(); // create the first branch if (!root) { root = new Branch(false, maxLevels, hue, pointer .x, pointer .y); root.p 0 = root.p 1 ; root.p 0 .project(); } // render tree tree(); }(); }(); </script> </body> </html> |
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