Patch 1.2.2030
Performance Improvements
#7036: Memory leaks with ground piles no longer an issue
#6994: Saving the game from the 換uit Game?menu now generates a proper screenshot and portraits for the Load Game screen
#6902: The game UI no longer flashes on screen before starting the game (Black Pits II).
#7047: Pressing the up or down arrows on the Record screen no longer crashes the game.
General Enhancements
#7010: Action icons are now much more clearly active or inactive (active buttons are no longer gray-scaled).
#7011: Multi-class kit names now display correctly in the statistics panel of the Record screen (Jaheira抯 classes, for example, now list 揊ighter?and 揇ruid?instead of 揊ighter/Druid?and 揊ighter/Druid?.
#4605: Creature spawns no longer disappear when loading a saved game.
#6942: Speaking characters now display the white feedback circle under their avatars regardless of the setting in Options > Gameplay > Feedback.
#6991: The Options screen from the main menu now displays the game logo correctly.
#7026: Neera now waits near the entrance to the Hidden Refuge if you refuse to let her join the party in the Wild Forest.
#7032: Neera's "Wooden Horse Necklace" is now properly treated as a magical protection item.
#7048: The blindness effect during the Blinding Sun trial now correctly offers a saving throw.
#7040: The collarbell's deafness effect now wears off properly after resting.
#7046: NPC dialogue loop with Hexxat, Dorn, and Rasaad closed in the Underdark.
#7014: Timmoth's dialogue no longer forms an infinite loop (Black Pits II).
#6955: Bards with the Set Spiked Trap high-level ability may now correctly set the trap. (Requires a new game to take effect if your bard is already at least level 24.)
#7008: Timmoth's dialogue no longer displays "no valid replies or links" after talking about a confrontation with the Winged (Black Pits II)
#7027: Hexxat no longer talks to herself while talking to Haer'Dalis.
#7053: Dorn's patron is no longer mentioned during Bodhi's scene if Dorn has no patron at that point.
#7059: Hexxat no longer teleports away during the Bodhi "kidnapping" sequence.
#7061: Dragomir no longer disappears after resting in another area.
#7062: Dorn no longer repeats his post-sparring romance talk after the player rejects his advances.
#7068: Stannel no longer gives away the ending like a jerk (Black Pits II).
#7071: Hexxat no longer bugs the player to hurry up and get to Dragomir's Tomb...if the player is already there.
#7072: The new (EE) NPCs no longer appear as options in Phaere's dialogue if they are not currently in the party.
#7087: WIlson's claws are now flagged as magical weapons.
#7088: Dennaton no longer transports into the arena by the effects of Striv's Wrangler (Black Pits II).
#6165: Slings and throwing daggers no longer grant a THAC0 bonus from Strength.
#7076: Weapon Mastery (as well as High Mastery and Grand Mastery) now grants the correct (as advertised) bonuses to THAC0, Damage, and APR.
#7097: Fallen Rangers and Dragon Disciples now list their correct class names on the Record screen and in their Kit Descriptions.
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