New Additions:
* Added Campaign 6.
* Added Intro and outro slide text for Campaign抯 1 ?4 in additional languages* .
* Added some new random map types for "capture the relic" mode.
* Speed changes through triggers are now percent based instead of absolute speed values (eg. 1 = 10%).
General Bug Fixing and features for upcoming AI adjustments:
* Players can no longer make buildings move by increasing their speed with a trigger.
* Campaign chat dialogues no longer overflow a buffer (increased the size of the buffer).
* Text positioning on some Forgotten intro slides in various languages has been adjusted.
* AI players are now more likely to attack players that control the hill in a "King of the Hill" game.
* The AI has been reprimanded for overzealously constructing buildings in the Attila the Hun campaign.
* The "STEPPE-MAP" AI symbol is now defined when playing on a Steppe-type random map.
* Dead monks carrying a relic in "capture the relic" mode no longer have line of sight issues.
* Range change triggers now also change search radius and line of sight.
* When the host of a lobby is sent an invitation to another lobby an error message now appears to reduce 'dead lobies' being listed.
* Dropped players are now able to join saved games that they participated in before dropping.
* Text input panels should no longer appear over the Steam interface.
* The in-game music no longer plays when saving and exiting a multiplayer game.
* Players who start a quick match lobby with the "any?size will now be matched correctly with others.
* When the AI is attacking a boar, villagers that are too low in health will not be sent.
* When the AI is attacking a boar, the villager being attacking will garrison in the nearest town center.
* Players should now see restore lobbies of games in which they participated in the lobby browser.
* AI names will now be set correctly when multiple AIs have their civilization set to "mirror".
* When AIs are assigning forward builders the game no longer crashes.
* When players spam the chat window the game no longer crashes, still, nobody likes spammers - be nice.
* The focus-player and target-player wildcards should now work correctly (in AI scripts).
* Monasteries no longer appear in capture the relic maps.
* We like people being friendly, but players no longer spawn too close together in Hill Fort capture the relic games.
* Players no longer spawn in odd places when "team together" was disabled.
* Filter dropdowns should be filled correctly when returning to the lobby after previously switching to the "skill" filter in the multiplayer lobby.
* Buildings that are marked as "invulnerable" now get unit AIs (This fixes an issue where AI players could not build monks out of monasteries in "capture the relic" mode).
* Up-pending-objects should now handle unit line types correctly (This should fix a crash players were seeing when the AI reached Imperial age).
* Dead monks carrying a relic in "capture the relic" mode will now issue a notification that the relic was dropped.
* Placing the mouse over the edge of the screen no longer causes the "resize" cursor to continue displaying until the user placed the mouse over the game world.
* Loading a saved game from a campaign with custom unit names no longer causes those unit names to become "Select the Outpost to fire the Trebs".
* Refreshing the lobby browser with the "friends" filter no longer displays games that are not created by their friends or that have already started.
* The game no longer receives lobby updates for lobbies that the player is no longer in (eg. renaming a quick match lobby no longer results in corrupted lobby options after starting a new lobby).
* Resolved several AI errors that caused games to crash.
* Tributes to neutral or enemy players functions properly in single player and disabled for multiplayer.
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