<template> <Table :row-key="rowKey" :row-selection="rowSelection" :pagination="pagination" :scroll="{ x: 'auto', y: scrollY }" :columns="columns" :loading="loading" :data-source="dataSource" > <template v-slot:headerCell="{ column }"> <span class="title2" :style="{ whiteSpace: 'nowrap', fontWeight: 'normal' }" >{{ $t(column.title as string) }}</span > </template> <template v-slot:bodyCell="{ column, record }"> <template v-for="slotName of slots"> <slot v-if="slotName === column.dataIndex" :name="slotName" :column="column" :record="record" ></slot> </template> <span v-if="!slots.includes(column.dataIndex as string)">{{ parseDefaultValue(record, column.dataIndex as string) }}</span> </template> </Table> </template> <script lang="ts" setup> import { Table, TablePaginationConfig } from "ant-design-vue"; import { TableColumns } from "@/models/base.model"; import { isNull } from "@/util"; import { TableRowSelection } from "ant-design-vue/es/table/interface"; const { columns, dataSource, slots = [], pagination = false, scrollY, rowSelection = undefined, rowKey, loading, } = defineProps<{ columns: TableColumns[]; pagination?: false | TablePaginationConfig; dataSource: any[]; slots?: string[]; scrollY?: number; rowSelection?: TableRowSelection; rowKey?: string; loading?: boolean; }>(); const parseDefaultValue = (record: Record<string, any>, dataIndex: string) => { const dataIndexs = dataIndex.split("."); let result = record; dataIndexs.forEach((element) => { if (result) { result = result[element]; } }); if (isNull(result)) { return "-"; } return result; }; </script>
<script lang="ts" setup> import VlanConfig from "@/views/VlanConfig.vue"; import { Button, Input, InputNumber, message, Modal } from "ant-design-vue"; import { reactive, watch } from "vue"; import vlanonfigController from "@/controllers/vlanConfig.controller"; import useDataFetch from "@/hooks/useDataFetch"; import CommonTable from "../common/CommonTable.vue"; import { NoPaddingTableColumns, TableColumns } from "@/models/base.model"; import Iconfont from "../layouts/Iconfont.vue"; import { TableRowSelection } from "ant-design-vue/es/table/interface"; import { VlanInfo } from "@/models/vlanConfig.model"; import { $deleteConfirm } from "@/util"; import EditButtons from "../common/EditButtons.vue"; import { useI18n } from "vue-i18n"; enum OperationType { EDIT, DELETE, } const { t } = useI18n(); const data = useDataFetch(vlanonfigController.getVlanList, true); const state = reactive({ selectedVlanIds: [], onOperationVlan: undefined as VlanInfo, operationType: null as OperationType, addModalOpen: false, confirmLoading: false, editData: { vlan_id: undefined, vlan_name: undefined, }, }); const handleDelete = (vlan: VlanInfo) => { state.onOperationVlan = vlan; state.operationType = OperationType.DELETE; $deleteConfirm({ title: t("vlan.deleteVlanTitle", { name: vlan.vlan_name }), content: t("deleteContent"), onOk() { return new Promise<void>((resolve) => { setTimeout(() => { resolve(); }, 1000); }); }, }); }; const restoreEditData = () => { state.editData = { vlan_id: undefined, vlan_name: undefined }; }; const handleEdit = (vlan: VlanInfo) => { state.operationType = OperationType.EDIT; restoreEditData(); state.onOperationVlan = vlan; }; const handleSelectChange: TableRowSelection["onSelect"] = (ids: number[]) => { console.log("in"); state.selectedVlanIds = ids; }; const columns = [ new TableColumns("vlan.vlanId", "vlan_id"), new TableColumns("vlan.vlanName", "vlan_name"), new NoPaddingTableColumns("", "operation", undefined, 240), ]; const deleteDisabled = $computed(() => !state.selectedVlanIds.length); const handleMultiDelete = () => { console.log(state.selectedVlanIds); }; const handleEditOk = (vlan: VlanInfo) => { state.onOperationVlan = undefined; data.setEditDataToOriginData(); }; const handleEditCancel = (vlan: VlanInfo) => { state.onOperationVlan = undefined; data.resetData(); console.log("cancel"); }; const checkOperationDisabled = (id: string) => { return ( state.onOperationVlan?.nanoid === id && state.operationType === OperationType.EDIT ); }; const handleAddVlanClick = () => { state.addModalOpen = true; }; const hanldeAddVlanCancel = () => { state.addModalOpen = false; restoreEditData(); }; const hanldeAddVlanOk = () => { const { vlan_id, vlan_name } = state.editData; if (!vlan_id || !vlan_name) { message.error(t("vlan.addError")); return; } state.confirmLoading = true; return new Promise<void>((resolve) => { setTimeout(() => { resolve(); data.refresh(); hanldeAddVlanCancel(); state.confirmLoading = false; }, 1000); }); }; const isEdit = $computed(() => state.operationType === OperationType.EDIT); </script> <template> <VlanConfig> <template #rightExtra> <div style="bottom: 12px" class="flex-start relative-position"> <Button :disabled="deleteDisabled" @click="handleMultiDelete" danger type="primary" >{{ $t("vlan.deleteVlan") }}</Button > <Button @click="handleAddVlanClick" :style="{ marginLeft: '16px' }" type="primary" >{{ $t("vlan.addVlan") }}</Button > </div> </template> <CommonTable :row-key="'nanoid'" :rowSelection="{ selectedRowKeys: state.selectedVlanIds, onChange: handleSelectChange, }" :slots="['operation', 'vlan_id', 'vlan_name']" :dataSource="data.clonedData.value" :columns="columns" > <template #vlan_id="{ record }"> <div v-if="isEdit && record.nanoid === state.onOperationVlan?.nanoid" class="flex-start" > <InputNumber style="margin-right: 8px" v-model:value="record.vlan_id" ></InputNumber> <EditButtons @ok="handleEditOk(record as VlanInfo)" @cancel="handleEditCancel(record as VlanInfo)" /> </div> </template> <template #vlan_name="{ record }"> <div v-if="isEdit && record.nanoid === state.onOperationVlan?.nanoid" class="flex-start" > <Input style="width: 200px; margin-right: 8px" v-model:value="record.vlan_name" ></Input> <EditButtons @ok="handleEditOk(record as VlanInfo)" @cancel="handleEditCancel(record as VlanInfo)" /> </div> </template> <template #operation="{ record }"> <div class="flex-start flex-nowrap"> <Button type="text" :disabled="checkOperationDisabled(record.nanoid)" @click="() => handleEdit(record as VlanInfo)" class="flex" > <Iconfont icon="ic_edit" :disabled="checkOperationDisabled(record.nanoid)" :primary="!checkOperationDisabled(record.nanoid)" ></Iconfont> <span :class="{ 'primary-color': !checkOperationDisabled(record.nanoid), }" >{{ $t("edit") }}</span > </Button> <Button type="text" @click="() => handleDelete(record as VlanInfo)" class="flex" > <Iconfont icon="ic_edit" primary></Iconfont> <span class="primary-color">{{ $t("delete") }}</span> </Button> </div> </template> </CommonTable> </VlanConfig> <!-- 添加vlan对话框 --> <Modal :width="400" @cancel="hanldeAddVlanCancel" @ok="hanldeAddVlanOk" centered :title="$t('vlan.addVlan')" :confirmLoading="state.confirmLoading" :open="state.addModalOpen" > <div style="padding: 24px 0 16px"> <div class="flex-btw flex-nowrap" :style="{ marginBottom: '24px' }"> <span class="title1 white-s-nowrap">{{ $t("vlan.vlanId") }}</span> <InputNumber :min="1" :max="4093" v-model:value="state.editData.vlan_id" style="width: 264px" ></InputNumber> </div> <div class="flex-btw flex-nowrap"> <span class="title1 white-s-nowrap">{{ $t("vlan.vlanName") }}</span> <Input v-model:value="state.editData.vlan_name" style="width: 264px" ></Input> </div> </div> </Modal> </template> <style scoped lang="scss"></style>
ant-design-vue Table封装
5、表格支持列显示和隐藏(同时也可以查看AVue,具有相同的功能,AVue 组件已经封装,可直接使用;此处仅供需要情景使用)
npm install vue-draggable-resizable -S
import { Table } from 'ant-design-vue' import Vue from 'vue' // 引入vue-draggable-resizable,用于表格列伸缩 import VueDraggableResizable from 'vue-draggable-resizable' // TableOption用于表格列显示或隐藏 import TableOption from './TableOption' // 注册组件 Vue.component('vue-draggable-resizable', VueDraggableResizable) Vue.component('table-option', TableOption) const componentName = 'drag-table' const DragTable = { name: componentName, props: Object.assign({}, Table.props, { // 返回 Promise<{ currPage, totalCount, list: any[] }> 的获取数据的函数,用于内部管理数据加载 data: { type: Function }, // 是否开启:单击行则选中行 selectOnClick: { type: Boolean, default: true }, // 默认翻到第 1 页 pageNum: { type: Number, default: 1 }, // 默认分页大小 10 行 pageSize: { type: Number, default: 10 }, // 是否显示分页大小切换下拉框 showSizeChanger: { type: Boolean, default: true }, // 是否显示分页器 showPagination: { type: [String, Boolean], default: 'auto' }, // 指定表格当前页数的url 例如:/users/2 pageURI: { type: Boolean, default: false }, // 是否展示序号列 showIndex: { type: Boolean, default: true }, customCell: { type: Function } }), data() { return { localLoading: false, // 加载标识 localDataSource: [], // 表格源数据 localPagination: Object.assign({}, this.pagination), // 分页对象,合并ant默认分页数据 localScroll: {}, // 表格列显隐 filterValue: [], originColumns: [] } }, computed: { localKeys() { return [...Object.keys(this.$data), ...Object.keys(this._computedWatchers), ...Object.keys(this).filter(k => k.startsWith('local'))] }, // 处理最大显示长度后的列 localColumns(){ return this.originColumns.filter(col => !this.filterValue.includes(col.dataIndex || col.key || col.title)) }, // 表格伸缩列(该属性是ant表格中覆盖默认的 table 元素的属性components) localComponents(){ const headerComponent = {} headerComponent.header ={} headerComponent.header.cell = (h, props, children) => { const { key, ...restProps } = props const col = this.columns.find(col => { const k = col.dataIndex || col.key return k === key }) if (!col) { return h('th', { ...restProps }, [...children]) } const dragProps = { key: col.dataIndex || col.key, class: 'table-draggable-handle', attrs: { w: 8, x: parseFloat(col.width), z: 1, axis: 'x', draggable: true, resizable: false, onDragStart: (e) => { e.stopPropagation() } }, on: { dragging: (x) => { col.width = Math.max(x, 35) this.computeWidth() } } } const drag = h('vue-draggable-resizable', { ...dragProps }) return <th {...restProps} title={col.title} width={col.width} class="resize-table-th"> {children} { drag } </th> } return headerComponent } }, watch: { loading(val) { this.localLoading = val }, // 表格源数据 dataSource: { handler(val) { this.localDataSource = val }, immediate: true }, 'localPagination.current'(val) { this.pageURI && this.$router.push({ ...this.$route, params: Object.assign({}, this.$route.params, { pageNo: val }) }) }, pageNum(val) { Object.assign(this.localPagination, { current: val }) }, pageSize(val) { Object.assign(this.localPagination, { pageSize: val }) }, showSizeChanger(val) { Object.assign(this.localPagination, { showSizeChanger: val }) }, scroll() { this.calcLocalScroll() }, columns: { handler(val) { const data = [] // 表格添加序号列 if (this.showIndex) { data.push({ title: '序号', dataIndex: 'sort', width: 50, customRender: (text, record, index) => ? : `${(this.localPagination.current - 1) * (this.localPagination.pageSize) + (index + 1) || (index + 1)}` }) } this.originColumns = data.concat(val) // 超出后显示省略号 不支持操作列、和排序一并使用 this.originColumns.forEach((col)=>{ if(col.dataIndex || col.key) { col.ellipsis = true } }) }, immediate: true } }, created() { // 判断格是传进数据源还是远程数据接口方法 if ( { // 合并分页数据 const { pageNo } = this.$route.params const localPageNum = this.pageURI ? (pageNo && parseInt(pageNo)) : this.pageNum this.localPagination = ['auto', true].includes(this.showPagination) ? Object.assign({}, this.localPagination, { showQuickJumper: true, current: localPageNum, pageSize: this.pageSize, showSizeChanger: this.showSizeChanger, pageSizeOptions: ['10', '20', '40', '80', '120'] }) : false // 调用接口获得数据 this.loadData() } else { // 源数据传入不支持分页 this.localPagination = false } window.addEventListener('resize', this.calcLocalScroll) }, mounted() { setTimeout(() => { this.calcLocalScroll() this.resetColumns() }) }, destroyed() { window.removeEventListener('resize', this.calcLocalScroll) }, methods: { /** * 表格限制最大宽度/高度计算,用于滾动显示 */ calcLocalScroll() { const localScroll = { ...(this.scroll || {}) } // 根据自己的页面计算除表格外其他组件占据的高度,从而得出表格最大高度,也可自适应显示表格 const extraDis = (this.$store.getters.multiTab ? 40 : 0 ) + 56 + 104 + (this.pagination ? 6 : 0) + (this.$scopedSlots.footer ? 33 : 0) localScroll.x = localScroll.x || this.$el.offsetWidth - 20 localScroll.y = localScroll.y || document.body.clientHeight - ((this.$el || {}).offsetTop || 128) - extraDis this.localScroll = localScroll // 计算表格列宽度 this.computeWidth() }, /** * 表格重新加载方法 *@param {object} option 对象属性: {boolean} isBackToFirstPage 如果参数为 true, 则强制刷新到第一页 * 对象属性: {boolean} isResetOption 如果参数为 true, 则重置显隐配置项 * 对象属性: {boolean} layoutTag 如果参数为 true, 则重新计算表格限制最大宽度/高度 */ refresh({ isBackToFirstPage = false, isResetOption = false, layoutTag = false } = { isBackToFirstPage: false, isResetOption: false, layoutTag: false }) { if(layoutTag) { this.calcLocalScroll() } else { isResetOption && this.resetColumns() isBackToFirstPage && (this.localPagination = Object.assign({}, { current: 1, pageSize: this.pageSize })) this.loadData() } }, /** * 加载数据方法 * @param {{ page: number, limit: number }} pagination 分页选项器 * @param {{ [field: string]: string }} filters 过滤条件 * @param {{ field: string, order: 'asc' | 'desc' }} sorter 排序条件 */ loadData(pagination, filters, sorter = {}) { this.localLoading = true const result ={ page: (pagination && pagination.current) || this.showPagination && this.localPagination.current || this.pageNum, limit: (pagination && pagination.pageSize) || this.showPagination && this.localPagination.pageSize || this.pageSize, sidx: sorter.field, order: sorter.order && sorter.order.slice(0, sorter.order.length - 3), ...filters }) // 对接自己的通用数据接口需要修改下方代码中的 r.currPage, r.totalCount, r.list if ((typeof result === 'object' || typeof result === 'function') && typeof result.then === 'function') { result.then(r => { r = r || { currPage: 1, totalCount: 0, list: [] } this.localPagination = this.showPagination ? Object.assign({}, this.localPagination, { showQuickJumper: true, current: r.currPage, // 返回结果中的当前分页数 total: r.totalCount, // 返回结果中的总记录数 showSizeChanger: this.showSizeChanger, pageSize: (pagination && pagination.pageSize) || this.localPagination.pageSize }) : false // 为防止删除数据后导致页面当前页面数据长度为 0 ,自动翻页到上一页 if (r.list.length === 0 && this.showPagination && this.localPagination.current > 1) { this.localPagination.current-- this.loadData() return } // 这里用于判断接口是否有返回 r.totalCount 且 this.showPagination = true 且 pageNo 和 pageSize 存在 且 totalCount 小于等于 pageNo * pageSize 的大小 // 当情况满足时,表示数据不满足分页大小,关闭 table 分页功能 try { if ((['auto', true].includes(this.showPagination) && r.totalCount <= (r.pageNo * this.localPagination.pageSize))) { this.localPagination.hideOnSinglePage = true } } catch (e) { this.localPagination = false } this.localDataSource = r.list // 返回结果中的数组数据 this.localLoading = false }) } }, /** * 自定义行。可以配置表格行的相关事件,此处主要定义表格单击选中行,没有复选框或者单选框得表格可以屏蔽该功能 * @param {*} record */ localCustomRow(record) { const rowCustomer = this.customRow ? this.customRow(record) : {} if (!this.selectOnClick || !this.rowSelection) { return rowCustomer } if (!rowCustomer.on) { rowCustomer.on = {} } // 单击选中行需要判断是单选框还是多选框,表格多选或单选框得使用会在后续发文章补充。 const selectOnClickHandler = () => { const { type, selectedRowKeys } = this.rowSelection if (selectedRowKeys.includes(record[this.rowKey]) && !type) { this.rowSelection.selections.splice(this.rowSelection.selections.findIndex(r => r === record), 1) selectedRowKeys.splice(selectedRowKeys.findIndex(r => r === record[this.rowKey]), 1) } else if(!type) { this.rowSelection.selections.push(record) selectedRowKeys.push(record[this.rowKey]) } else { this.rowSelection.selectedRow = record selectedRowKeys.splice(0, 1, record[this.rowKey]) } } if ( { const originalClickHandler = = e => { originalClickHandler(e) selectOnClickHandler(e, record) } } else { = selectOnClickHandler } return rowCustomer }, /** * 对表格设置width(来避免表头和内容的错位) */ computeWidth() { const fullWidth = (this.localScroll.x || this.$el?.offsetWidth) - (this.rowSelection ? 60 : 0) if(!isNaN(fullWidth) && fullWidth >= 0) { const remain = this.originColumns.reduce((obj, col) => { if(!this.filterValue.includes(col.dataIndex || col.key)) { if(col.width) { obj.colWidthSum =obj.colWidthSum - (typeof width === 'string' && col.width.endsWith('%') ? parseFloat(col.width) * fullWidth / 100 : parseFloat(col.width)) } else { obj.noWidthColCount += 1 } } return obj }, {colWidthSum: fullWidth, noWidthColCount: 0}) // 平均宽度 const averageWidth = remain.colWidthSum / remain.noWidthColCount const lastIndex = this.originColumns.length - ( this.originColumns[this.originColumns.length-1].fixed ? 2 : 1) // 设置默认列宽,最少显示为7个字符 // 最后一列默认不设置宽度,避免列宽改变时影响其他列 this.originColumns.forEach((col,index) => { if(index !== lastIndex && averageWidth !== Infinity && !col.width) { Vue.set(col, 'width', averageWidth > 150 ? averageWidth : 150) remain.colWidthSum = remain.colWidthSum - (averageWidth > 150 ? averageWidth : 150) } else if(index === lastIndex) { const minWidth = col.width || 150 remain.colWidthSum = (remain.colWidthSum + (col.width || 0)).toFixed() Vue.set(col, 'width', remain.colWidthSum < minWidth ? minWidth : undefined) } }) } }, /** * 表格列重置,主要使用在数据使用数据数组的表格 */ resetColumns() { this.filterValue = [] this.filterShow = !this.filterShow } }, // 渲染表格方法 render(h) { const props = {} // 表格属性 Object.keys(Table.props).forEach(k => { const localKey = `local${k.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase()}${k.substring(1)}` // if(k === 'columns'){} if (this.localKeys.includes(localKey)) { props[k] = this[localKey] } else if (this[k] != null) { props[k] = this[k] } }) const on = { ...this.$listeners } && (on.change = this.loadData) return ( <div class={`${componentName}-wrapper`} style="position: relative;">{[ props.showHeader && h('table-option', { ref: 'tableOption', style: { float: 'right', marginTop:'-25px', marginRight: '5px' }, props: { columns: this.originColumns, noCheckedValues: this.filterValue }, on: { filter: (noCheckedValues) => this.filterValue = noCheckedValues } }), h('a-table', { props, on, scopedSlots: { ...this.$scopedSlots } }, Object.keys(this.$slots).map(name => ( <template slot={name}>{this.$slots[name]}</template> )) ) ]} </div> ) } } export default DragTable
<template> <div> <a-tooltip placement="leftTop" title="表格列显示配置"> <a-button @click="handleClick" class="optionBtn"><a-icon type="table" /></a-button> </a-tooltip> <div v-if="visible" class="table-select"> <a-checkbox :checked="options.length === checkedValues.length" @change="onCheckAllChange" > 全选/反选 </a-checkbox> <a-checkbox-group :options="options" v-model="checkedValues" @change="selectChange" /> </div> </div> </template> <script> const componentName = 'ebig-table-option' const TableOption= { name: componentName, props: { columns: { type: Array, default: ()=>([])}, noCheckedValues: { type:Array, default: ()=>([]) } }, data() { return { checkedValues: [], visible: false } }, watch: { noCheckedValues: { handler(val) { this.checkedValues = this.options.filter(col => !val.includes(col.value)).map(c => c.value) }, immediate: true } }, computed: { options() { return => { const key = col.dataIndex || col.key return { label: col.title || col.slots.title, value: key + '' } }) }, allKeys: vm => => o.value) }, methods: { handleClick() { this.visible = !this.visible }, onCheckAllChange(e) { this.checkedValues = ? this.allKeys : [] const noCheckedValues = ? [] : this.allKeys this.$emit('filter', noCheckedValues) }, selectChange(checkedValues) { const noCheckedValues = this.allKeys.filter(key => !checkedValues.includes(key)) this.$emit('filter', noCheckedValues) } } } export default TableOption </script> <style lang="less"> .optionBtn { padding: 0 4px !important; height: auto !important; opacity: 0.4; &:hover { opacity: 1; } } .ant-checkbox-group-item + .ant-checkbox-group-item { display: block } .table-select { position: absolute; background:#fff; border:1px solid #ecedef; top: 5px; right: 0; z-index: 100000; padding: 10px 0 10px 10px; width: 180px; max-height: 100%; overflow: auto; &::-webkit-scrollbar { width: 5px; } &::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb { border-radius: 8px; background-color: rgb(177, 175, 175); } &::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb:hover { border-radius: 10px; background-color: #22212177; } } </style>
<template> <a-card style="paddingTop: 50px"> <drag-table ref="table" size="small" row-key="id" :columns="columns" :data="loadData" /> </a-card> </template> <script> import DragTable from './Table' export default { name: 'drag-table-example', components: { DragTable }, data() { return { columns: [ { dataIndex: 'name', title: '姓名' }, { dataIndex: 'sex', title: '性别' }, { dataIndex: 'age', title: '年龄' }, { dataIndex: 'school', title: '学校' } ], dataSource: [] } }, methods: { loadData() { return Promise.resolve({ currPage: 1, pageSize: 10, totalCount: 9, totalPage: 1, list: [ { id: 1, name: '张三', sex: '男', age: 18, school: '测试高级学校1'}, { id: 2, name: '李四', sex: '女', age: 16, school: '测试高级学校2'}, { id: 3, name: '王五', sex: '男', age: 15, school: '测试高级学校3'}, { id: 4, name: '张红', sex: '女', age: 17, school: '测试高级学校4'}, { id: 5, name: '陈平', sex: '男', age: 20, school: '测试高级学校5'}, ] }) } } } </script>
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