更新时间:2023年12月10日 08:24:57 作者:帅龍之龍
<template> <div class="type-writer"> <p class="type-writer-line">{{ line_1.typewriter }}<i class="type-writer-cursor" v-if="line_1.visible" /></p> <p class="type-writer-line">{{ line_2.typewriter }}<i class="type-writer-cursor" v-if="line_2.visible" /></p> <p class="type-writer-line">{{ line_3.typewriter }}<i class="type-writer-cursor" v-if="line_3.visible" /></p> <p class="type-writer-line">{{ line_4.typewriter }}<i class="type-writer-cursor" v-if="line_4.visible" /></p> </div> </template> <script> export default { data() { return { // 第一行文字 line_1: { content: `git add '我的2023年度开端'`, typewriter: ``, index: 0, visible: false, timer: null }, // 第二行文字 line_2: { content: `git commit -m 'Hello,2023!'`, typewriter: ``, index: 0, visible: false, timer: null }, // 第三行文字 line_3: { content: `git pull`, typewriter: ``, index: 0, visible: false, timer: null }, // 第四行文字 line_4: { content: `git push`, typewriter: ``, index: 0, visible: false, timer: null }, }; }, mounted() { this.typingLine_1(this.line_1) }, methods: { /** * 打印第一行文字 */ typingLine_1(obj) { obj.visible = true if (obj.index <= obj.content.length) { obj.typewriter = obj.content.slice(0, obj.index ++) obj.timer = setTimeout(() => { this.typingLine_1(obj) }, 50) } else { clearTimeout(obj.timer) obj.visible = false this.typingLine_2(this.line_2); } }, /** * 打印第二行文字 */ typingLine_2(obj) { obj.visible = true if (obj.index <= obj.content.length) { obj.typewriter = obj.content.slice(0, obj.index ++) obj.timer = setTimeout(() => { this.typingLine_2(obj) }, 50) } else { clearTimeout(obj.timer) obj.visible = false this.typingLine_3(this.line_3); } }, /** * 打印第三行文字 */ typingLine_3(obj) { obj.visible = true if (obj.index <= obj.content.length) { obj.typewriter = obj.content.slice(0, obj.index ++) obj.timer = setTimeout(() => { this.typingLine_3(obj) }, 50) } else { clearTimeout(obj.timer) obj.visible = false this.typingLine_4(this.line_4); } }, /** * 打印第四行文字 */ typingLine_4(obj) { obj.visible = true if (obj.index <= obj.content.length) { obj.typewriter = obj.content.slice(0, obj.index ++) obj.timer = setTimeout(() => { this.typingLine_4(obj) }, 50) } else { clearTimeout(obj.timer) } }, }, }; </script> <style lang="less" scoped> .type-writer { width: auto; padding: 100px; background-color: #f9f2e1; p { height: 20px; line-height: 20px; font-size: 20px; margin: 7.5px 0; padding: 5px; background-color: #f5ecd7; position: relative; color: rgb(96, 109, 121); font-family: '楷体'; } .type-writer-cursor { width: 0px; height: 100%; border-left: 2px solid transparent; animation: typing 3s steps(16) forwards, cursor 1s infinite; -webkit-animation: typing 3s steps(16) forwards, cursor 1s infinite; } } /* animation */ @keyframes typing { from { width: 100%; } to { width: 0; } } @keyframes cursor { 50% { border-color: #5e7ce0; } } @-webkit-keyframes typing { from { width: 100%; } to { width: 0; } } @-webkit-keyframes cursor { 50% { border-color: #5e7ce0; } } /* / animation */ </style>
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Vue插件报错:Vue.js is detected on this page.问题解决
这篇文章主要介绍了Vue插件报错:Vue.js is detected on this page.问题解决,本篇文章通过简要的案例,讲解了该项技术的了解与使用,以下就是详细内容,需要的朋友可以参考下2021-07-07