更新时间:2024年01月04日 11:51:26 作者:liyfn
<template> <div style="width: 100%; height: 500px"> <div class="search-container"> <el-autocomplete v-model="suggestionKeyWord" class="search-container__input" clearable :fetch-suggestions="searchSuggestions" placeholder="输入关键字搜索" @select="onSuggestionChoose" > <template #default="{ item }"> <div class="value">{{ }}</div> <span class="link">{{ item.address }}</span> </template> </el-autocomplete> <el-button type="primary" class="search-container__button" @click="doneMap"> 确定 </el-button> </div> <div class="map-body"> <div id="container" class="map-body__left"></div> <img :class="iconClass" :src="markerSrc" alt="" /> <!-- poi數據 --> <div class="map-body__right ele-map-picker-poi-list"> <div v-for="(poi, index) in poiData" :key="index" :class="[ 'ele-map-picker-poi-item', { 'ele-map-picker-poi-item-active': index === chooseIndex }, ]" @click="choose(index)" > <el-icon class="ele-map-picker-poi-item-icon el-icon-location-outline" ><Location /></el-icon> <!-- <icon-ep-location class="ele-map-picker-poi-item-icon el-icon-location-outline" /> --> <div class="ele-map-picker-poi-item-title">{{ }}</div> <div v-if="poi.address" class="ele-map-picker-poi-item-address"> {{ poi.address }} </div> <el-icon v-if="index === chooseIndex" class="ele-map-picker-poi-item-check" ><Check /></el-icon> <!-- <icon-park-check-small v-if="index === chooseIndex" class="ele-map-picker-poi-item-check" /> --> </div> </div> </div> </div> </template> <script lang="ts" setup> import { onMounted } from 'vue'; import AMapLoader from '@amap/amap-jsapi-loader'; import markerSrc from '@/assets/images/location.png'; import type { Poi } from './type'; // const props = defineProps({}); const emit = defineEmits(['done-map']); // 中心点位置 let location: any = reactive([116.4074, 39.9042]); // 地图缩放比例 const chooseZoom = 15; // 搜索关键字 const suggestionKeyWord = ref(''); // 搜索建议列表 let suggestionData = reactive([]); // 地图实例 let map: any; // 输入建议实例 let autoComplete = reactive({}); // 选中的建议 let chooseSuggestion = reactive<any>({}); // 地图中心标记点 let centerMarker = reactive({}); // poi检索实例 let placeSearch = reactive({}); // poi检索的数据 const poiData = ref<Poi[]>([]); // 选中的数据 const chooseIndex = ref<any>(null); // 是否是点击poi列表移动地图 let isSelMove = false; // 图标是否显示跳动动画 const showIconAnim = ref(false); const iconClass = computed(() => { return ['ele-map-picker-main-icon', { 'ele-map-picker-anim-bounce': showIconAnim.value }]; }); /** * @description: 初始化地图 * @param {*} local * @return {*} */ const initMap = (local: any) => { AMapLoader.load({ key: 'xxxxxxxxxxxxx', // 申请好的Web端开发者Key,首次调用 load 时必填 version: '2.0', // 指定要加载的 JSAPI 的版本,缺省时默认为 1.4.15 plugins: ['AMap.Geocoder', 'AMap.PlaceSearch', 'AMap.AutoComplete'], // 需要使用的的插件列表,如比例尺'AMap.Scale'等 }).then((AMap) => { map = new AMap.Map('container', { zoom: chooseZoom, center: location, }); // 输入建议实例 autoComplete = new AMap.AutoComplete({ city: '全国', }); // marker实例 centerMarker = new AMap.Marker({ icon: new AMap.Icon({ image: markerSrc, size: new AMap.Size(26, 36.5), imageSize: new AMap.Size(26, 36.5), }), offset: new AMap.Pixel(-13, -36.5), }); addMarker(location[0], location[1]); // 获取poi检索实例 placeSearch = new AMap.PlaceSearch({ type: '', // poi检索兴趣点类别 pageSize: 30, // poi检索每页数量 pageIndex: 1, extensions: 'all', }); // 地图加载完成事件 map.on('complete', () => { chooseIndex.value = null; const center = map.getCenter(); searchNearBy(, center.lng, true); }); // 地图移动结束事件 map.on('moveend', () => { const center = map.getCenter(); addMarker(center.lng,; if (isSelMove) { // poi列表点击的移动 isSelMove = false; } else { // 拖动或搜索建议的移动 showIconAnim.value = false; nextTick(() => { setTimeout(() => { showIconAnim.value = true; }, 0); }); searchNearBy(, center.lng); } }); }); }; /** * @description: poi检索 * @param {*} lat * @param {*} lng * @param {*} force * @return {*} */ const searchNearBy = (lat: any, lng: any) => { if (!placeSearch) { return; } // this.poiLoading = true; placeSearch.searchNearBy('', [lng, lat], 1000, (status: any, result: any) => { // this.poiLoading = false; if (status === 'complete') { const data = result.poiList.pois.filter((p: any) => p.location !== undefined); if (chooseSuggestion) { // 如果选中的搜索建议不在poi列表中则添加 if (data.length === 0 || data[0].name !== { data.unshift({ ...chooseSuggestion }); } chooseSuggestion = null; } else { chooseIndex.value = null; } poiData.value = data; // v3.17 标准地址库-地址拼接省市区 poiData.value.forEach((item) => { item.pname = item.pname || ''; item.cityname = item.cityname || ''; item.adname = item.adname || ''; item.address = item.address || ''; item.address = `${item.pname}${item.cityname}${item.adname}${item.address}`; }); } }); }; /** * @description: poi列表选中 * @param {*} index * @return {*} */ const choose = (index: number) => { chooseIndex.value = index; isSelMove = true; // this.showIconAnim = false; // nextTick(() => { // setTimeout(() => { // this.showIconAnim = true; // }, 0); // }); const point = poiData.value[index].location; map.setZoomAndCenter(chooseZoom, [point.lng,]); }; /** * @description: 添加marker * @param {*} lng * @param {*} lat * @return {*} */ const addMarker = (lng: string, lat: string) => { // centerMarker.setMap(map); centerMarker.setPosition([lng, lat]); map.add(centerMarker); }; /** * @description: 获取搜索数据 * @param {*} keywords * @param {*} callback * @return {*} */ const searchSuggestions = (keywords: string, callback: any) => { if (!keywords) { return callback(suggestionData); }, (status: any, result: any) => { if (status === 'complete') { suggestionData = => item.location); suggestionData.forEach((item: any) => { item.address = item.address || ''; item.district = item.district || ''; item.address = `${item.district}${item.address}`; }); callback(suggestionData); } }); }; /** * @description: 点击选择 * @param {*} item * @return {*} */ const onSuggestionChoose = (item: any) => { suggestionKeyWord.value =; chooseSuggestion = item; chooseIndex.value = 0; const point = item.location; if (point) { map.setZoomAndCenter(chooseZoom, [point.lng,]); addMarker(point.lng,; } }; /** * @description: 确定 * @return {*} */ const doneMap = () => { // 地图中心点 // const center = { }; // getByLatLng({ lat:, lng: center.lng }).then((res) => { // // console.log('接口获取的值', res); // if (res.result) { // location = { // country: res.result?.country?.i18nName, // province: res.result?.province?.i18nName || '', // city: res.result?.city?.i18nName, // district: res.result?.district?.i18nName, // address: res.result.raw?.formattedAddress, // lat:, // lng: center.lng, // }; // } // // 选中则取高德地图返回的address // if (chooseIndex.value || chooseIndex.value === 0) { // location.address = poiData.value[chooseIndex.value].address || ''; // } // suggestionKeyWord.value = ''; // emit('done-map', location); // }); // TODO 由于数据规范性,需获取经纬度后重新请求三级地址 if (chooseIndex.value || chooseIndex.value === 0) { location.address = poiData.value[chooseIndex.value].address || ''; } console.log('选中的地址', location); suggestionKeyWord.value = ''; emit('done-map', location); }; onMounted(() => { setTimeout(() => { initMap(location); }, 200); }); </script> <style scoped lang="scss"> #container { margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; height: calc(100% - 50px); } .search-container { display: flex; justify-content: space-between; margin-bottom: 10px; :deep(.el-autocomplete) { width: 80%; } } .map-body { display: flex; height: 450px; &__left { width: 70% !important; height: 100% !important; } &__right { flex: 1; } } /* 地图图标跳动动画 */ .ele-map-picker-anim-bounce { animation: elePickerAnimBounce 500ms; animation-direction: alternate; } @keyframes elePickerAnimBounce { 0%, 60%, 75%, 90%, to { transition-timing-function: cubic-bezier(0.215, 0.61, 0.355, 1); } 0%, to { transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0); } 25% { transform: translate3d(0, -10px, 0); } 50% { transform: translate3d(0, -20px, 0); } 75% { transform: translate3d(0, -10px, 0); } } .ele-map-picker-main-icon { width: 26px; position: absolute; left: 50%; bottom: 50%; margin-left: -13px; } /* poi列表 */ .ele-map-picker-poi-list { overflow: auto; width: 300px; } .ele-map-picker-poi-item { position: relative; padding: 8px 30px 8px 44px; border-bottom: 1px solid hsl(0deg 0% 60% / 15%); cursor: pointer; } .ele-map-picker-poi-item:hover { background-color: hsl(0deg 0% 60% / 5%); } .ele-map-picker-poi-item-icon { position: absolute; top: 50%; left: 14px; transform: translateY(-50%); font-size: 20px; opacity: 0.4; } .ele-map-picker-poi-item-title { font-size: 14px; } .ele-map-picker-poi-item-address { margin-top: 2px; font-size: 12px; opacity: 0.6; } .ele-map-picker-poi-item .ele-map-picker-poi-item-check { position: absolute; top: 50%; right: 7px; display: none; font-size: 16px; color: #3b74ff; transform: translateY(-50%); } .ele-map-picker-poi-item-active .ele-map-picker-poi-item-check { display: block; } </style> <style lang="scss"> .map-body { .amap-icon { display: none; } } </style>
随着组件的细化,就会遇到多组件状态共享的情况,今天我们介绍的是 vue.js 2.6 新增加的 Observable API ,通过使用这个 api 我们可以应对一些简单的跨组件数据状态共享的情况,感兴趣的可以了解一下2021-06-06