作为一名前端开发人员,我每天都要面对这些。这是因为浏览器本身是一个完全异步的环境。现代 web 接口必须快速响应用户操作,包括更新 UI,发送网络请求,管理导航以及其他各种任务。
虽然人们经常将响应式与框架联系在一起,但是我认为通过使用纯 JS 实现它我们可以学到很多。所以,我们将自己编写模式代码,并研究一些基于响应式的原生浏览器 API。
PubSub 或发布-订阅
PubSub 是最常用和基本的响应式模式之一。发布者负责通知订阅者有关更新的信息,订阅者接收这些更新并可以相应地做出反应。
class PubSub { constructor() { this.subscribers = {}; } subscribe(event, callback) { if (!this.subscribers[event]) { this.subscribers[event] = []; } this.subscribers[event].push(callback); } // Publish a message to all subscribers of a specific event publish(event, data) { if (this.subscribers[event]) { this.subscribers[event].forEach((callback) => { callback(data); }); } } } const pubsub = new PubSub(); pubsub.subscribe('news', (message) => { console.log(`Subscriber 1 received news: ${message}`); }); pubsub.subscribe('news', (message) => { console.log(`Subscriber 2 received news: ${message}`); }); // Publish a message to the 'news' event pubsub.publish('news', 'Latest headlines: ...'); // console logs are: // Subscriber 1 received news: Latest headlines: ... // Subscriber 2 received news: Latest headlines: ...
一个流行的使用示例是 Redux。这个流行的状态管理库就是基于这种模式(或者更具体地说,是基于 Flux 架构)。在 Redux 的上下文中,事情工作得很简单:
订阅者:应用程序中的 UI 组件是订阅者。它们订阅 Redux 存储并在状态发生变化时接收更新。
作为 PubSub 浏览器版本的自定义事件
浏览器通过 CustomEvent 类和 dispatchEvent 方法为触发和订阅自定义事件提供了 API。后者不仅为我们提供了触发事件的能力,还可以将任何所需的数据附加到事件上。
const customEvent = new CustomEvent('customEvent', { detail: 'Custom event data', // Attach desired data to the event }); const element = document.getElementById('.element-to-trigger-events'); element.addEventListener('customEvent', (event) => { console.log(`Subscriber 1 received custom event: ${event.detail}`); }); element.addEventListener('customEvent', (event) => { console.log(`Subscriber 2 received custom event: ${event.detail}`); }); // Trigger the custom event element.dispatchEvent(customEvent); // console logs are: // Subscriber 1 received custom event: Custom event data // Subscriber 2 received custom event: Custom event data
如果你不喜欢在 window 对象上全局分派事件,你可以创建自己的事件目标。
通过扩展原生 EventTarget 类,您可以将事件分派到它的新实例上。这可以确保您的事件只在新类本身上被触发,避免全局传播。此外,您可以灵活地直接将处理程序附加到此特定实例上。
class CustomEventTarget extends EventTarget { constructor() { super(); } // Custom method to trigger events triggerCustomEvent(eventName, eventData) { const event = new CustomEvent(eventName, { detail: eventData }); this.dispatchEvent(event); } } const customTarget = new CustomEventTarget(); // Add an event listener to the custom event target customTarget.addEventListener('customEvent', (event) => { console.log(`Custom event received with data: ${event.detail}`); }); // Trigger a custom event customTarget.triggerCustomEvent('customEvent', 'Hello, custom event!'); // console log is: // Custom event received with data: Hello, custom event!
观察者模式与 PubSub 真的很相似。您订阅 Subject,然后它通知其订阅者(Observers)有关更改的信息,允许它们相应地作出反应。这种模式在构建解耦和灵活的架构方面发挥着重要作用。
class Subject { constructor() { this.observers = []; } addObserver(observer) { this.observers.push(observer); } // Remove an observer from the list removeObserver(observer) { const index = this.observers.indexOf(observer); if (index !== -1) { this.observers.splice(index, 1); } } // Notify all observers about changes notify() { this.observers.forEach((observer) => { observer.update(); }); } } class Observer { constructor(name) { this.name = name; } // Update method called when notified update() { console.log(`${this.name} received an update.`); } } const subject = new Subject(); const observer1 = new Observer('Observer 1'); const observer2 = new Observer('Observer 2'); // Add observers to the subject subject.addObserver(observer1); subject.addObserver(observer2); // Notify observers about changes subject.notify(); // console logs are: // Observer 1 received an update. // Observer 2 received an update.
使用 Proxy 的响应式属性
如果您想对对象中的更改做出反应,Proxy 是最好的选择。它允许我们在设置或获取对象字段的值时实现响应式。
const person = { name: 'Pavel', age: 22, }; const reactivePerson = new Proxy(person, { // Intercept set operation set(target, key, value) { console.log(`Setting ${key} to ${value}`); target[key] = value; // Indicates if setting value was successful return true; }, // Intercept get operation get(target, key) { console.log(`Getting ${key}`); return target[key]; }, }); reactivePerson.name = 'Sergei'; // Setting name to Sergei console.log(reactivePerson.name); // Getting name: Sergei reactivePerson.age = 23; // Setting age to 23 console.log(reactivePerson.age); // Getting age: 23
如果您不需要跟踪对象中的所有字段,可以使用 Object.defineProperty 或 Object.defineProperties 来选择特定的一个或一组。
const person = { _originalName: 'Pavel', // private property } Object.defineProperty(person, 'name', { get() { console.log('Getting property name') return this._originalName }, set(value) { console.log(`Setting property name to value ${value}`) this._originalName = value }, }) console.log(person.name) // 'Getting property name' and 'Pavel' person.name = 'Sergei' // Setting property name to value Sergei
使用 MutationObserver 的响应式 HTML 属性
使用 MutationObserver 实现 DOM 中的响应式的一种方法。它的 API 允许我们观察目标元素及其子元素中的属性更改和文本内容更改。
function handleMutations(mutationsList, observer) { mutationsList.forEach((mutation) => { // An attribute of the observed element has changed if (mutation.type === 'attributes') { console.log(`Attribute '${mutation.attributeName}' changed to '${mutation.target.getAttribute(mutation.attributeName)}'`); } }); } const observer = new MutationObserver(handleMutations); const targetElement = document.querySelector('.element-to-observe'); // Start observing the target element observer.observe(targetElement, { attributes: true });
使用 IntersectionObserver 的响应式滚动
IntersectionObserver API 使我们能够响应目标元素与另一个元素或视口区域的相交。
function handleIntersection(entries, observer) { entries.forEach((entry) => { // The target element is in the viewport if (entry.isIntersecting) { entry.target.classList.add('visible'); } else { entry.target.classList.remove('visible'); } }); } const observer = new IntersectionObserver(handleIntersection); const targetElement = document.querySelector('.element-to-observe'); // Start observing the target element observer.observe(targetElement);
基于BootStrap Metronic开发框架经验小结【六】对话框及提示框的处理和优化
这篇文章主要介绍了基于BootStrap Metronic开发框架经验小结【六】对话框及提示框的处理和优化的相关知识,主要对比说明在Bootstrap开发中用到的这些技术要点,对此文感兴趣的朋友一起学习吧2016-05-05bootstrapValidator.min.js表单验证插件