本人是在使用react时产生这个需求的 所以示范代码使用react
npm install @univerjs/core @univerjs/design @univerjs/docs @univerjs/docs-ui @univerjs/engine-formula @univerjs/engine-render @univerjs/sheets @univerjs/sheets-formula @univerjs/sheets-ui @univerjs/ui
pnpm add @univerjs/core @univerjs/design @univerjs/docs @univerjs/docs-ui @univerjs/engine-formula @univerjs/engine-render @univerjs/sheets @univerjs/sheets-formula @univerjs/sheets-ui @univerjs/ui
npm i xlsx
你需要在项目中引入 Univer 的样式文件、语言包,以及一些必要的插件:
import "@univerjs/design/lib/index.css"; import "@univerjs/ui/lib/index.css"; import "@univerjs/docs-ui/lib/index.css"; import "@univerjs/sheets-ui/lib/index.css"; import "@univerjs/sheets-formula/lib/index.css"; import { LocaleType, Tools, Univer, UniverInstanceType } from "@univerjs/core"; import { defaultTheme } from "@univerjs/design"; import { UniverFormulaEnginePlugin } from "@univerjs/engine-formula"; import { UniverRenderEnginePlugin } from "@univerjs/engine-render"; import { UniverUIPlugin } from "@univerjs/ui"; import { UniverDocsPlugin } from "@univerjs/docs"; import { UniverDocsUIPlugin } from "@univerjs/docs-ui"; import { UniverSheetsPlugin } from "@univerjs/sheets"; import { UniverSheetsFormulaPlugin } from "@univerjs/sheets-formula"; import { UniverSheetsUIPlugin } from "@univerjs/sheets-ui"; import DesignZhCN from "@univerjs/design/locale/zh-CN"; import UIZhCN from "@univerjs/ui/locale/zh-CN"; import DocsUIZhCN from "@univerjs/docs-ui/locale/zh-CN"; import SheetsZhCN from "@univerjs/sheets/locale/zh-CN"; import SheetsUIZhCN from "@univerjs/sheets-ui/locale/zh-CN";
然后创建一个 Univer 实例,并注册这些插件:
const univer = new Univer({ theme: defaultTheme, locale: LocaleType.ZH_CN, locales: { [LocaleType.ZH_CN]: Tools.deepMerge( SheetsZhCN, DocsUIZhCN, SheetsUIZhCN, UIZhCN, DesignZhCN, ), }, }); univer.registerPlugin(UniverRenderEnginePlugin); univer.registerPlugin(UniverFormulaEnginePlugin); univer.registerPlugin(UniverUIPlugin, { container: 'app', }); univer.registerPlugin(UniverDocsPlugin, { hasScroll: false, }); univer.registerPlugin(UniverDocsUIPlugin); univer.registerPlugin(UniverSheetsPlugin); univer.registerPlugin(UniverSheetsUIPlugin); univer.registerPlugin(UniverSheetsFormulaPlugin); univer.createUnit(UniverInstanceType.UNIVER_SHEET, {});
要加载数据还需这个包 @univerjs/facade
npm i @univerjs/facade
import { FUniver } from "@univerjs/facade"; const univerAPI = FUniver.newAPI(univer);
const App = () => { const handleFileUpload = (e) => { const file = e.target.files[0]; const reader = new FileReader(); reader.onload = (event) => { const data = new Uint8Array(event.target.result); const workbook = XLSX.read(data, { type: "array" }); // 数据源 }; }; return <> <input type="file" onChange={handleFileUpload} /> </> }
const App = () => { const fetchExcelData = async () => { try { const response = await axios("http://xxx.xxx.xxx", { method: "get", responseType: "arraybuffer", headers: { Authorization: "bearer xxx", // 添加你的认证令牌 }, }); const data = new Uint8Array(response.data); const workbook = XLSX.read(data, { type: "array" }); // 数据源 } catch (error) { console.error("Failed to fetch Excel data:", error); } }; return <></> }
数据格式定义:Interface: IWorkbookData – Univer
workbook // 数据源 const convertWorkbookToJson = (workbook) => { const sheets = {}; const sheetOrder = []; workbook.SheetNames.forEach((sheetName, sheetIndex) => { const worksheet = workbook.Sheets[sheetName]; const jsonSheet = XLSX.utils.sheet_to_json(worksheet, { header: 1 }); console.log(jsonSheet); const cellData = {}; let maxColumnCount = 0; jsonSheet.forEach((row, rowIndex) => { row.forEach((cell, colIndex) => { if (cell !== null && cell !== undefined && cell !== "") { if (!cellData[rowIndex]) { cellData[rowIndex] = []; } cellData[rowIndex][colIndex] = { v: cell }; if (colIndex + 1 > maxColumnCount) { maxColumnCount = colIndex + 1; } } }); }); const sheetId = `sheet_${sheetIndex}`; sheets[sheetId] = { id: sheetId, name: sheetName, rowCount: jsonSheet.length, // 多少行 columnCount: maxColumnCount, // 多少列 zoomRatio: 1, defaultColumnWidth: 73, defaultRowHeight: 23, cellData: cellData, // 每个单元格的数据 showGridlines: 1, rowHeader: { width: 40, hidden: 0, }, columnHeader: { height: 20, hidden: 0, }, }; sheetOrder.push(sheetId); }); return { id: "workbook", sheetOrder: sheetOrder, locale: "zhCN", sheets: sheets, }; };
import "@univerjs/design/lib/index.css"; import "@univerjs/ui/lib/index.css"; import "@univerjs/docs-ui/lib/index.css"; import "@univerjs/sheets-ui/lib/index.css"; import "@univerjs/sheets-formula/lib/index.css"; import { LocaleType, Tools, Univer, UniverInstanceType } from "@univerjs/core"; import { defaultTheme } from "@univerjs/design"; import { UniverFormulaEnginePlugin } from "@univerjs/engine-formula"; import { UniverRenderEnginePlugin } from "@univerjs/engine-render"; import { UniverUIPlugin } from "@univerjs/ui"; import { UniverDocsPlugin } from "@univerjs/docs"; import { UniverDocsUIPlugin } from "@univerjs/docs-ui"; import { UniverSheetsPlugin } from "@univerjs/sheets"; import { UniverSheetsFormulaPlugin } from "@univerjs/sheets-formula"; import { UniverSheetsUIPlugin } from "@univerjs/sheets-ui"; import DesignZhCN from "@univerjs/design/locale/zh-CN"; import UIZhCN from "@univerjs/ui/locale/zh-CN"; import DocsUIZhCN from "@univerjs/docs-ui/locale/zh-CN"; import SheetsZhCN from "@univerjs/sheets/locale/zh-CN"; import SheetsUIZhCN from "@univerjs/sheets-ui/locale/zh-CN"; import { FUniver } from "@univerjs/facade"; import { useEffect, useRef, useState } from "react"; import * as XLSX from "xlsx"; const App = () => { const univerAPI = useRef(); const univer = useRef(); useEffect(() => { // fetchExcelData(); // 接口获取删除此行注释 本地上传点击上传按钮 }, []); const init = () => { univer.current = new Univer({ theme: defaultTheme, locale: LocaleType.ZH_CN, locales: { [LocaleType.ZH_CN]: Tools.deepMerge( SheetsZhCN, DocsUIZhCN, SheetsUIZhCN, UIZhCN, DesignZhCN ), }, }); univer.current.registerPlugin(UniverRenderEnginePlugin); univer.current.registerPlugin(UniverFormulaEnginePlugin); univer.current.registerPlugin(UniverUIPlugin, { container: "excel2", }); univer.current.registerPlugin(UniverDocsPlugin, { hasScroll: false, }); univer.current.registerPlugin(UniverDocsUIPlugin); univer.current.registerPlugin(UniverSheetsPlugin); univer.current.registerPlugin(UniverSheetsUIPlugin); univer.current.registerPlugin(UniverSheetsFormulaPlugin); univerAPI.current = FUniver.newAPI(univer.current); // 创建一个空白的表格可删除以下代码注释 并在useEffect中执行init(); // univer.current.createUnit(UniverInstanceType.UNIVER_SHEET, { // id: "gyI0JO", // sheetOrder: ["RSfWjJFv4opmE1JaiRj80"], // name: "", // appVersion: "0.1.11", // locale: "zhCN", // styles: {}, // sheets: { // RSfWjJFv4opmE1JaiRj80: { // id: "RSfWjJFv4opmE1JaiRj80", // name: "测试", // tabColor: "", // hidden: 0, // rowCount: 20, // columnCount: 10, // zoomRatio: 1, // freeze: { // startRow: -1, // startColumn: -1, // ySplit: 0, // xSplit: 0, // }, // scrollTop: 0, // scrollLeft: 0, // defaultColumnWidth: 73, // defaultRowHeight: 23, // mergeData: [], // cellData: { // 0: [ // { // v: "123", // }, // { // v: "222", // }, // ], // }, // rowData: { // 0: { // h: 105, // hd: 0, // }, // }, // columnData: { // 0: { // w: 105, // hd: 0, // }, // 1: { // w: 100, // hd: 0, // }, // 2: { // w: 125, // hd: 0, // }, // 3: { // w: 125, // hd: 0, // }, // 4: { // w: 125, // hd: 0, // }, // 5: { // w: 125, // hd: 0, // }, // 6: { // w: 125, // hd: 0, // }, // 7: { // w: 125, // hd: 0, // }, // 8: { // w: 125, // hd: 0, // }, // 9: { // w: 125, // hd: 0, // }, // }, // showGridlines: 1, // rowHeader: { // width: 40, // hidden: 0, // }, // columnHeader: { // height: 20, // hidden: 0, // }, // selections: ["B2"], // rightToLeft: 0, // }, // }, // resources: [ // { // name: "SHEET_DEFINED_NAME_PLUGIN", // data: "", // }, // ], // }); }; // 点击上传按钮获取数据 const handleFileUpload = (e) => { const file = e.target.files[0]; const reader = new FileReader(); reader.onload = (event) => { const data = new Uint8Array(event.target.result); const workbook = XLSX.read(data, { type: "array" }); // 数据源 const jsonWorkbook = convertWorkbookToJson(workbook); univer.current.createUnit(UniverInstanceType.UNIVER_SHEET, jsonWorkbook) // 输入数据生成表格 }; }; // 接口获取 const fetchExcelData = async () => { try { const response = await axios("http://xxx.xxx.xxx", { method: "get", responseType: "arraybuffer", // 确保以数组缓冲区的形式获取二进制数据 headers: { Authorization: "bearer xxx", // 添加你的认证令牌 }, }); const data = new Uint8Array(response.data); const workbook = XLSX.read(data, { type: "array" }); // 数据源 const jsonWorkbook = convertWorkbookToJson(workbook); univer.current.createUnit(UniverInstanceType.UNIVER_SHEET, jsonWorkbook) // 输入数据生成表格 } catch (error) { console.error("Failed to fetch Excel data:", error); } }; const convertWorkbookToJson = (workbook) => { const sheets = {}; const sheetOrder = []; workbook.SheetNames.forEach((sheetName, sheetIndex) => { const worksheet = workbook.Sheets[sheetName]; const jsonSheet = XLSX.utils.sheet_to_json(worksheet, { header: 1 }); console.log(jsonSheet); const cellData = {}; let maxColumnCount = 0; jsonSheet.forEach((row, rowIndex) => { row.forEach((cell, colIndex) => { if (cell !== null && cell !== undefined && cell !== "") { if (!cellData[rowIndex]) { cellData[rowIndex] = []; } cellData[rowIndex][colIndex] = { v: cell }; if (colIndex + 1 > maxColumnCount) { maxColumnCount = colIndex + 1; } } }); }); const sheetId = `sheet_${sheetIndex}`; sheets[sheetId] = { id: sheetId, name: sheetName, rowCount: jsonSheet.length, columnCount: maxColumnCount, zoomRatio: 1, defaultColumnWidth: 73, defaultRowHeight: 23, mergeData: mergeData, cellData: cellData, showGridlines: 1, rowHeader: { width: 40, hidden: 0, }, columnHeader: { height: 20, hidden: 0, }, }; sheetOrder.push(sheetId); }); return { id: "workbook", sheetOrder: sheetOrder, locale: "zhCN", sheets: sheets, }; }; return ( <> {/* 表格容器 */} <div id="excel2" style={{ width: "1000px", height: "800px" }}></div> {/* 上传按钮 */} <input type="file" onChange={handleFileUpload} /> </> ); }; export default App;
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