void Thread::ThrowOutOfMemoryError(const char* msg) { LOG(WARNING) << "Throwing OutOfMemoryError " << '"' << msg << '"' << " (VmSize " << GetProcessStatus("VmSize") << (tls32_.throwing_OutOfMemoryError ? ", recursive case)" : ")"); ScopedTrace trace("OutOfMemoryError"); jni调用设置ERROR if (!tls32_.throwing_OutOfMemoryError) { tls32_.throwing_OutOfMemoryError = true; ThrowNewException("Ljava/lang/OutOfMemoryError;", msg); tls32_.throwing_OutOfMemoryError = false; } else { Dump(LOG_STREAM(WARNING)); // The pre-allocated OOME has no stack, so help out and log one. SetException(Runtime::Current()->GetPreAllocatedOutOfMemoryErrorWhenThrowingOOME()); } }
static std::unique_ptr<const art::DexFile> MakeSingleDexFile(art::Thread* self, const char* descriptor, const std::string& orig_location, jint final_len, const unsigned char* final_dex_data) REQUIRES_SHARED(art::Locks::mutator_lock_) { // Make the mmap std::string error_msg; art::ArrayRef<const unsigned char> final_data(final_dex_data, final_len); art::MemMap map = Redefiner::MoveDataToMemMap(orig_location, final_data, &error_msg); if (!map.IsValid()) { LOG(WARNING) << "Unable to allocate mmap for redefined dex file! Error was: " << error_msg; self->ThrowOutOfMemoryError(StringPrintf( "Unable to allocate dex file for transformation of %s", descriptor).c_str()); return nullptr; }
static jlong Unsafe_allocateMemory(JNIEnv* env, jobject, jlong bytes) { ScopedFastNativeObjectAccess soa(env); if (bytes == 0) { return 0; } // bytes is nonnegative and fits into size_t if (!ValidJniSizeArgument(bytes)) { DCHECK(soa.Self()->IsExceptionPending()); return 0; } const size_t malloc_bytes = static_cast<size_t>(bytes); void* mem = malloc(malloc_bytes); if (mem == nullptr) { soa.Self()->ThrowOutOfMemoryError("native alloc"); return 0; } return reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(mem); }
Thread 创建
其实我们java层的Thread创建的时候,都会走到native的Thread创建,通过该方法CreateNativeThread,其实里面就调用了传统的pthread_create去创建一个native Thread,如果创建失败(比如虚拟内存不足/FD不足),就会走到代码块中,从而产生OOM
void Thread::CreateNativeThread(JNIEnv* env, jobject java_peer, size_t stack_size, bool is_daemon) { .... if (pthread_create_result == 0) { // pthread_create started the new thread. The child is now responsible for managing the // JNIEnvExt we created. // Note: we can't check for tmp_jni_env == nullptr, as that would require synchronization // between the threads. child_jni_env_ext.release(); // NOLINT pthreads API. return; } } // Either JNIEnvExt::Create or pthread_create(3) failed, so clean up. { MutexLock mu(self, *Locks::runtime_shutdown_lock_); runtime->EndThreadBirth(); } // Manually delete the global reference since Thread::Init will not have been run. Make sure // nothing can observe both opeer and jpeer set at the same time. child_thread->DeleteJPeer(env); delete child_thread; child_thread = nullptr; 如果没有return,证明失败了,爆出OOM SetNativePeer(env, java_peer, nullptr); { std::string msg(child_jni_env_ext.get() == nullptr ? StringPrintf("Could not allocate JNI Env: %s", error_msg.c_str()) : StringPrintf("pthread_create (%s stack) failed: %s", PrettySize(stack_size).c_str(), strerror(pthread_create_result))); ScopedObjectAccess soa(env); soa.Self()->ThrowOutOfMemoryError(msg.c_str()); } }
我们平时采用new 等方法的时候,其实进入到ART虚拟机中,其实是走到Heap::AllocObjectWithAllocator 这个方法里面,当内存分配不足的时候,就会发起一次强有力的gc后再尝试进行内存分配,这个方法就是AllocateInternalWithGc
mirror::Object* Heap::AllocateInternalWithGc(Thread* self, AllocatorType allocator, bool instrumented, size_t alloc_size, size_t* bytes_allocated, size_t* usable_size, size_t* bytes_tl_bulk_allocated, ObjPtr<mirror::Class>* klass)
void Heap::ThrowOutOfMemoryError(Thread* self, size_t byte_count, AllocatorType allocator_type) { // If we're in a stack overflow, do not create a new exception. It would require running the // constructor, which will of course still be in a stack overflow. if (self->IsHandlingStackOverflow()) { self->SetException( Runtime::Current()->GetPreAllocatedOutOfMemoryErrorWhenHandlingStackOverflow()); return; } 这里官方给了一个钩子 Runtime::Current()->OutOfMemoryErrorHook(); 输出OOM的原因 std::ostringstream oss; size_t total_bytes_free = GetFreeMemory(); oss << "Failed to allocate a " << byte_count << " byte allocation with " << total_bytes_free << " free bytes and " << PrettySize(GetFreeMemoryUntilOOME()) << " until OOM," << " target footprint " << target_footprint_.load(std::memory_order_relaxed) << ", growth limit " << growth_limit_; // If the allocation failed due to fragmentation, print out the largest continuous allocation. if (total_bytes_free >= byte_count) { space::AllocSpace* space = nullptr; if (allocator_type == kAllocatorTypeNonMoving) { space = non_moving_space_; } else if (allocator_type == kAllocatorTypeRosAlloc || allocator_type == kAllocatorTypeDlMalloc) { space = main_space_; } else if (allocator_type == kAllocatorTypeBumpPointer || allocator_type == kAllocatorTypeTLAB) { space = bump_pointer_space_; } else if (allocator_type == kAllocatorTypeRegion || allocator_type == kAllocatorTypeRegionTLAB) { space = region_space_; } // There is no fragmentation info to log for large-object space. if (allocator_type != kAllocatorTypeLOS) { CHECK(space != nullptr) << "allocator_type:" << allocator_type << " byte_count:" << byte_count << " total_bytes_free:" << total_bytes_free; // LogFragmentationAllocFailure returns true if byte_count is greater than // the largest free contiguous chunk in the space. Return value false // means that we are throwing OOME because the amount of free heap after // GC is less than kMinFreeHeapAfterGcForAlloc in proportion of the heap-size. // Log an appropriate message in that case. if (!space->LogFragmentationAllocFailure(oss, byte_count)) { oss << "; giving up on allocation because <" << kMinFreeHeapAfterGcForAlloc * 100 << "% of heap free after GC."; } } } self->ThrowOutOfMemoryError(oss.str().c_str()); }
if (UNLIKELY(utf16_length > static_cast<uint32_t>(std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::max()))) { // Converting the utf16_length to int32_t would overflow. Explicitly throw an OOME. std::string error = android::base::StringPrintf("NewStringUTF input has 2^31 or more characters: %zu", utf16_length); ScopedObjectAccess soa(env); soa.Self()->ThrowOutOfMemoryError(error.c_str()); return nullptr; }
OOM 路径总结
到此这篇关于浅谈Java中OutOfMemoryError问题产生原因的文章就介绍到这了,更多相关Java OutOfMemoryError内容请搜索脚本之家以前的文章或继续浏览下面的相关文章希望大家以后多多支持脚本之家!