public DruidPooledConnection getConnection() throws SQLException { return getConnection(maxWait); } public DruidPooledConnection getConnection(long maxWaitMillis) throws SQLException { init(); if (filters.size() > 0) { FilterChainImpl filterChain = new FilterChainImpl(this); return filterChain.dataSource_connect(this, maxWaitMillis); } else { return getConnectionDirect(maxWaitMillis); } }
public DruidPooledConnection getConnectionDirect(long maxWaitMillis) throws SQLException { int notFullTimeoutRetryCnt = 0; for (; ; ) { // handle notFullTimeoutRetry DruidPooledConnection poolableConnection; try { poolableConnection = getConnectionInternal(maxWaitMillis); } catch (GetConnectionTimeoutException ex) { if (notFullTimeoutRetryCnt <= this.notFullTimeoutRetryCount && !isFull()) { notFullTimeoutRetryCnt++; if (LOG.isWarnEnabled()) { LOG.warn("get connection timeout retry : " + notFullTimeoutRetryCnt); } continue; } throw ex; } if (testOnBorrow) { boolean validate = testConnectionInternal(poolableConnection.holder, poolableConnection.conn); if (!validate) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("skip not validate connection."); } discardConnection(poolableConnection.holder); continue; } } else { if (poolableConnection.conn.isClosed()) { discardConnection(poolableConnection.holder); // 传入null,避免重复关闭 continue; } if (testWhileIdle) { final DruidConnectionHolder holder = poolableConnection.holder; long currentTimeMillis = System.currentTimeMillis(); long lastActiveTimeMillis = holder.lastActiveTimeMillis; long lastExecTimeMillis = holder.lastExecTimeMillis; long lastKeepTimeMillis = holder.lastKeepTimeMillis; if (checkExecuteTime && lastExecTimeMillis != lastActiveTimeMillis) { lastActiveTimeMillis = lastExecTimeMillis; } if (lastKeepTimeMillis > lastActiveTimeMillis) { lastActiveTimeMillis = lastKeepTimeMillis; } long idleMillis = currentTimeMillis - lastActiveTimeMillis; long timeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis = this.timeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis; if (timeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis <= 0) { timeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis = DEFAULT_TIME_BETWEEN_EVICTION_RUNS_MILLIS; } if (idleMillis >= timeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis || idleMillis < 0 // unexcepted branch ) { boolean validate = testConnectionInternal(poolableConnection.holder, poolableConnection.conn); if (!validate) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("skip not validate connection."); } discardConnection(poolableConnection.holder); continue; } } } } if (removeAbandoned) { StackTraceElement[] stackTrace = Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace(); poolableConnection.connectStackTrace = stackTrace; poolableConnection.setConnectedTimeNano(); poolableConnection.traceEnable = true; activeConnectionLock.lock(); try { activeConnections.put(poolableConnection, PRESENT); } finally { activeConnectionLock.unlock(); } } if (!this.defaultAutoCommit) { poolableConnection.setAutoCommit(false); } return poolableConnection; } } public boolean isFull() { lock.lock(); try { return this.poolingCount + this.activeCount >= this.maxActive; } finally { lock.unlock(); } }
private DruidPooledConnection getConnectionInternal(long maxWait) throws SQLException { if (closed) { connectErrorCountUpdater.incrementAndGet(this); throw new DataSourceClosedException("dataSource already closed at " + new Date(closeTimeMillis)); } if (!enable) { connectErrorCountUpdater.incrementAndGet(this); if (disableException != null) { throw disableException; } throw new DataSourceDisableException(); } final long nanos = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toNanos(maxWait); final int maxWaitThreadCount = this.maxWaitThreadCount; DruidConnectionHolder holder; for (boolean createDirect = false; ; ) { if (createDirect) { createStartNanosUpdater.set(this, System.nanoTime()); if (creatingCountUpdater.compareAndSet(this, 0, 1)) { PhysicalConnectionInfo pyConnInfo = DruidDataSource.this.createPhysicalConnection(); holder = new DruidConnectionHolder(this, pyConnInfo); holder.lastActiveTimeMillis = System.currentTimeMillis(); creatingCountUpdater.decrementAndGet(this); directCreateCountUpdater.incrementAndGet(this); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("conn-direct_create "); } boolean discard; lock.lock(); try { if (activeCount < maxActive) { activeCount++; holder.active = true; if (activeCount > activePeak) { activePeak = activeCount; activePeakTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); } break; } else { discard = true; } } finally { lock.unlock(); } if (discard) { JdbcUtils.close(pyConnInfo.getPhysicalConnection()); } } } try { lock.lockInterruptibly(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { connectErrorCountUpdater.incrementAndGet(this); throw new SQLException("interrupt", e); } try { if (maxWaitThreadCount > 0 && notEmptyWaitThreadCount >= maxWaitThreadCount) { connectErrorCountUpdater.incrementAndGet(this); throw new SQLException("maxWaitThreadCount " + maxWaitThreadCount + ", current wait Thread count " + lock.getQueueLength()); } if (onFatalError && onFatalErrorMaxActive > 0 && activeCount >= onFatalErrorMaxActive) { connectErrorCountUpdater.incrementAndGet(this); StringBuilder errorMsg = new StringBuilder(); errorMsg.append("onFatalError, activeCount ") .append(activeCount) .append(", onFatalErrorMaxActive ") .append(onFatalErrorMaxActive); if (lastFatalErrorTimeMillis > 0) { errorMsg.append(", time '") .append(StringUtils.formatDateTime19( lastFatalErrorTimeMillis, TimeZone.getDefault())) .append("'"); } if (lastFatalErrorSql != null) { errorMsg.append(", sql \n") .append(lastFatalErrorSql); } throw new SQLException( errorMsg.toString(), lastFatalError); } connectCount++; if (createScheduler != null && poolingCount == 0 && activeCount < maxActive && creatingCountUpdater.get(this) == 0 && createScheduler instanceof ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor) { ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor executor = (ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor) createScheduler; if (executor.getQueue().size() > 0) { createDirect = true; continue; } } if (maxWait > 0) { holder = pollLast(nanos); } else { holder = takeLast(); } if (holder != null) { if (holder.discard) { continue; } activeCount++; holder.active = true; if (activeCount > activePeak) { activePeak = activeCount; activePeakTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); } } } catch (InterruptedException e) { connectErrorCountUpdater.incrementAndGet(this); throw new SQLException(e.getMessage(), e); } catch (SQLException e) { connectErrorCountUpdater.incrementAndGet(this); throw e; } finally { lock.unlock(); } break; } if (holder == null) { long waitNanos = waitNanosLocal.get(); final long activeCount; final long maxActive; final long creatingCount; final long createStartNanos; final long createErrorCount; final Throwable createError; try { lock.lock(); activeCount = this.activeCount; maxActive = this.maxActive; creatingCount = this.creatingCount; createStartNanos = this.createStartNanos; createErrorCount = this.createErrorCount; createError = this.createError; } finally { lock.unlock(); } StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(128); buf.append("wait millis ") .append(waitNanos / (1000 * 1000)) .append(", active ").append(activeCount) .append(", maxActive ").append(maxActive) .append(", creating ").append(creatingCount); if (creatingCount > 0 && createStartNanos > 0) { long createElapseMillis = (System.nanoTime() - createStartNanos) / (1000 * 1000); if (createElapseMillis > 0) { buf.append(", createElapseMillis ").append(createElapseMillis); } } if (createErrorCount > 0) { buf.append(", createErrorCount ").append(createErrorCount); } List<JdbcSqlStatValue> sqlList = this.getDataSourceStat().getRuningSqlList(); for (int i = 0; i < sqlList.size(); ++i) { if (i != 0) { buf.append('\n'); } else { buf.append(", "); } JdbcSqlStatValue sql = sqlList.get(i); buf.append("runningSqlCount ").append(sql.getRunningCount()); buf.append(" : "); buf.append(sql.getSql()); } String errorMessage = buf.toString(); if (createError != null) { throw new GetConnectionTimeoutException(errorMessage, createError); } else { throw new GetConnectionTimeoutException(errorMessage); } } holder.incrementUseCount(); DruidPooledConnection poolalbeConnection = new DruidPooledConnection(holder); return poolalbeConnection; }
private DruidConnectionHolder pollLast(long nanos) throws InterruptedException, SQLException { long estimate = nanos; for (; ; ) { if (poolingCount == 0) { emptySignal(); // send signal to CreateThread create connection if (failFast && isFailContinuous()) { throw new DataSourceNotAvailableException(createError); } if (estimate <= 0) { waitNanosLocal.set(nanos - estimate); return null; } notEmptyWaitThreadCount++; if (notEmptyWaitThreadCount > notEmptyWaitThreadPeak) { notEmptyWaitThreadPeak = notEmptyWaitThreadCount; } try { long startEstimate = estimate; estimate = notEmpty.awaitNanos(estimate); // signal by // recycle or // creator notEmptyWaitCount++; notEmptyWaitNanos += (startEstimate - estimate); if (!enable) { connectErrorCountUpdater.incrementAndGet(this); if (disableException != null) { throw disableException; } throw new DataSourceDisableException(); } } catch (InterruptedException ie) { notEmpty.signal(); // propagate to non-interrupted thread notEmptySignalCount++; throw ie; } finally { notEmptyWaitThreadCount--; } if (poolingCount == 0) { if (estimate > 0) { continue; } waitNanosLocal.set(nanos - estimate); return null; } } decrementPoolingCount(); DruidConnectionHolder last = connections[poolingCount]; connections[poolingCount] = null; long waitNanos = nanos - estimate; last.setLastNotEmptyWaitNanos(waitNanos); return last; } }
DruidConnectionHolder takeLast() throws InterruptedException, SQLException { try { while (poolingCount == 0) { emptySignal(); // send signal to CreateThread create connection if (failFast && isFailContinuous()) { throw new DataSourceNotAvailableException(createError); } notEmptyWaitThreadCount++; if (notEmptyWaitThreadCount > notEmptyWaitThreadPeak) { notEmptyWaitThreadPeak = notEmptyWaitThreadCount; } try { notEmpty.await(); // signal by recycle or creator } finally { notEmptyWaitThreadCount--; } notEmptyWaitCount++; if (!enable) { connectErrorCountUpdater.incrementAndGet(this); if (disableException != null) { throw disableException; } throw new DataSourceDisableException(); } } } catch (InterruptedException ie) { notEmpty.signal(); // propagate to non-interrupted thread notEmptySignalCount++; throw ie; } decrementPoolingCount(); DruidConnectionHolder last = connections[poolingCount]; connections[poolingCount] = null; return last; }
private void emptySignal() { if (createScheduler == null) { empty.signal(); return; } if (createTaskCount >= maxCreateTaskCount) { return; } if (activeCount + poolingCount + createTaskCount >= maxActive) { return; } submitCreateTask(false); }
private void submitCreateTask(boolean initTask) { createTaskCount++; CreateConnectionTask task = new CreateConnectionTask(initTask); if (createTasks == null) { createTasks = new long[8]; } boolean putted = false; for (int i = 0; i < createTasks.length; ++i) { if (createTasks[i] == 0) { createTasks[i] = task.taskId; putted = true; break; } } if (!putted) { long[] array = new long[createTasks.length * 3 / 2]; System.arraycopy(createTasks, 0, array, 0, createTasks.length); array[createTasks.length] = task.taskId; createTasks = array; } this.createSchedulerFuture = createScheduler.submit(task); }
public class CreateConnectionTask implements Runnable { private int errorCount; private boolean initTask; private final long taskId; public CreateConnectionTask() { taskId = createTaskIdSeedUpdater.getAndIncrement(DruidDataSource.this); } public CreateConnectionTask(boolean initTask) { taskId = createTaskIdSeedUpdater.getAndIncrement(DruidDataSource.this); this.initTask = initTask; } @Override public void run() { runInternal(); } private void runInternal() { for (; ; ) { // addLast lock.lock(); try { if (closed || closing) { clearCreateTask(taskId); return; } boolean emptyWait = true; if (createError != null && poolingCount == 0) { emptyWait = false; } if (emptyWait) { // 必须存在线程等待,才创建连接 if (poolingCount >= notEmptyWaitThreadCount // && (!(keepAlive && activeCount + poolingCount < minIdle)) // 在keepAlive场景不能放弃创建 && (!initTask) // 线程池初始化时的任务不能放弃创建 && !isFailContinuous() // failContinuous时不能放弃创建,否则会无法创建线程 && !isOnFatalError() // onFatalError时不能放弃创建,否则会无法创建线程 ) { clearCreateTask(taskId); return; } // 防止创建超过maxActive数量的连接 if (activeCount + poolingCount >= maxActive) { clearCreateTask(taskId); return; } } } finally { lock.unlock(); } PhysicalConnectionInfo physicalConnection = null; try { physicalConnection = createPhysicalConnection(); } catch (OutOfMemoryError e) { LOG.error("create connection OutOfMemoryError, out memory. ", e); errorCount++; if (errorCount > connectionErrorRetryAttempts && timeBetweenConnectErrorMillis > 0) { // fail over retry attempts setFailContinuous(true); if (failFast) { lock.lock(); try { notEmpty.signalAll(); } finally { lock.unlock(); } } if (breakAfterAcquireFailure) { lock.lock(); try { clearCreateTask(taskId); } finally { lock.unlock(); } return; } this.errorCount = 0; // reset errorCount if (closing || closed) { lock.lock(); try { clearCreateTask(taskId); } finally { lock.unlock(); } return; } createSchedulerFuture = createScheduler.schedule(this, timeBetweenConnectErrorMillis, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); return; } } catch (SQLException e) { LOG.error("create connection SQLException, url: " + jdbcUrl, e); errorCount++; if (errorCount > connectionErrorRetryAttempts && timeBetweenConnectErrorMillis > 0) { // fail over retry attempts setFailContinuous(true); if (failFast) { lock.lock(); try { notEmpty.signalAll(); } finally { lock.unlock(); } } if (breakAfterAcquireFailure) { lock.lock(); try { clearCreateTask(taskId); } finally { lock.unlock(); } return; } this.errorCount = 0; // reset errorCount if (closing || closed) { lock.lock(); try { clearCreateTask(taskId); } finally { lock.unlock(); } return; } createSchedulerFuture = createScheduler.schedule(this, timeBetweenConnectErrorMillis, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); return; } } catch (RuntimeException e) { LOG.error("create connection RuntimeException", e); // unknow fatal exception setFailContinuous(true); continue; } catch (Error e) { lock.lock(); try { clearCreateTask(taskId); } finally { lock.unlock(); } LOG.error("create connection Error", e); // unknow fatal exception setFailContinuous(true); break; } catch (Throwable e) { lock.lock(); try { clearCreateTask(taskId); } finally { lock.unlock(); } LOG.error("create connection unexecpted error.", e); break; } if (physicalConnection == null) { continue; } physicalConnection.createTaskId = taskId; boolean result = put(physicalConnection); if (!result) { JdbcUtils.close(physicalConnection.getPhysicalConnection()); LOG.info("put physical connection to pool failed."); } break; } } }
public PhysicalConnectionInfo createPhysicalConnection() throws SQLException { String url = this.getUrl(); Properties connectProperties = getConnectProperties(); String user; if (getUserCallback() != null) { user = getUserCallback().getName(); } else { user = getUsername(); } String password = getPassword(); PasswordCallback passwordCallback = getPasswordCallback(); if (passwordCallback != null) { if (passwordCallback instanceof DruidPasswordCallback) { DruidPasswordCallback druidPasswordCallback = (DruidPasswordCallback) passwordCallback; druidPasswordCallback.setUrl(url); druidPasswordCallback.setProperties(connectProperties); } char[] chars = passwordCallback.getPassword(); if (chars != null) { password = new String(chars); } } Properties physicalConnectProperties = new Properties(); if (connectProperties != null) { physicalConnectProperties.putAll(connectProperties); } if (user != null && user.length() != 0) { physicalConnectProperties.put("user", user); } if (password != null && password.length() != 0) { physicalConnectProperties.put("password", password); } Connection conn = null; long connectStartNanos = System.nanoTime(); long connectedNanos, initedNanos, validatedNanos; Map<String, Object> variables = initVariants ? new HashMap<String, Object>() : null; Map<String, Object> globalVariables = initGlobalVariants ? new HashMap<String, Object>() : null; createStartNanosUpdater.set(this, connectStartNanos); creatingCountUpdater.incrementAndGet(this); try { conn = createPhysicalConnection(url, physicalConnectProperties); connectedNanos = System.nanoTime(); if (conn == null) { throw new SQLException("connect error, url " + url + ", driverClass " + this.driverClass); } initPhysicalConnection(conn, variables, globalVariables); initedNanos = System.nanoTime(); validateConnection(conn); validatedNanos = System.nanoTime(); setFailContinuous(false); setCreateError(null); } catch (SQLException ex) { setCreateError(ex); JdbcUtils.close(conn); throw ex; } catch (RuntimeException ex) { setCreateError(ex); JdbcUtils.close(conn); throw ex; } catch (Error ex) { createErrorCountUpdater.incrementAndGet(this); setCreateError(ex); JdbcUtils.close(conn); throw ex; } finally { long nano = System.nanoTime() - connectStartNanos; createTimespan += nano; creatingCountUpdater.decrementAndGet(this); } return new PhysicalConnectionInfo(conn, connectStartNanos, connectedNanos, initedNanos, validatedNanos, variables, globalVariables); }
createPhysicalConnection通过try catch去创建物理连接,若有异常则会通过JdbcUtils.close(conn)去关闭连接
protected boolean testConnectionInternal(DruidConnectionHolder holder, Connection conn) { String sqlFile = JdbcSqlStat.getContextSqlFile(); String sqlName = JdbcSqlStat.getContextSqlName(); if (sqlFile != null) { JdbcSqlStat.setContextSqlFile(null); } if (sqlName != null) { JdbcSqlStat.setContextSqlName(null); } try { if (validConnectionChecker != null) { boolean valid = validConnectionChecker.isValidConnection(conn, validationQuery, validationQueryTimeout); long currentTimeMillis = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (holder != null) { holder.lastValidTimeMillis = currentTimeMillis; holder.lastExecTimeMillis = currentTimeMillis; } if (valid && isMySql) { // unexcepted branch long lastPacketReceivedTimeMs = MySqlUtils.getLastPacketReceivedTimeMs(conn); if (lastPacketReceivedTimeMs > 0) { long mysqlIdleMillis = currentTimeMillis - lastPacketReceivedTimeMs; if (lastPacketReceivedTimeMs > 0 // && mysqlIdleMillis >= timeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis) { discardConnection(holder); String errorMsg = "discard long time none received connection. " + ", jdbcUrl : " + jdbcUrl + ", version : " + VERSION.getVersionNumber() + ", lastPacketReceivedIdleMillis : " + mysqlIdleMillis; LOG.warn(errorMsg); return false; } } } if (valid && onFatalError) { lock.lock(); try { if (onFatalError) { onFatalError = false; } } finally { lock.unlock(); } } return valid; } if (conn.isClosed()) { return false; } if (null == validationQuery) { return true; } Statement stmt = null; ResultSet rset = null; try { stmt = conn.createStatement(); if (getValidationQueryTimeout() > 0) { stmt.setQueryTimeout(validationQueryTimeout); } rset = stmt.executeQuery(validationQuery); if (!rset.next()) { return false; } } finally { JdbcUtils.close(rset); JdbcUtils.close(stmt); } if (onFatalError) { lock.lock(); try { if (onFatalError) { onFatalError = false; } } finally { lock.unlock(); } } return true; } catch (Throwable ex) { // skip return false; } finally { if (sqlFile != null) { JdbcSqlStat.setContextSqlFile(sqlFile); } if (sqlName != null) { JdbcSqlStat.setContextSqlName(sqlName); } } }
testConnectionInternal主要通过validConnectionChecker.isValidConnection(conn, validationQuery, validationQueryTimeout)来校验连接,如果validConnectionChecker为null则通过jdbc执行validationQuery进行校验
public void discardConnection(DruidConnectionHolder holder) { if (holder == null) { return; } Connection conn = holder.getConnection(); if (conn != null) { JdbcUtils.close(conn); } lock.lock(); try { if (holder.discard) { return; } if (holder.active) { activeCount--; holder.active = false; } discardCount++; holder.discard = true; if (activeCount <= minIdle) { emptySignal(); } } finally { lock.unlock(); } }
以上就是druid的borrow行为方法源码解析的详细内容,更多关于druid borrow行为的资料请关注脚本之家其它相关文章!
TestEntityManager是Spring Framework提供的一个测试框架,它可以帮助我们进行 JPA 集成测试,在本文中,我们将介绍如何使用 TestEntityManager 进行 JPA 集成测试,感兴趣的跟着小编一起来学习吧2023-06-06