import torch import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.colors as mcolors
我们将在二维上创建3个不同的高斯分布(a, B, mix),其中mix应该是由a和B组成的分布。
n_samples = 1000 A_means = torch.tensor( [-0.5, -0.5]) A_stdevs = torch.tensor( [0.25, 0.25]) B_means = torch.tensor( [0.5, 0.5]) B_stdevs = torch.tensor( [0.25, 0.25]) A_dist = torch.distributions.Normal( A_means, A_stdevs) A_samp = A_dist.sample( [n_samples]) B_dist = torch.distributions.Normal( B_means, B_stdevs) B_samp = B_dist.sample( [n_samples]) plt.figure( figsize=(6,6)) for name, sample in zip( ['A', 'B'], [A_samp, B_samp]): plt.scatter( sample[:,0], sample[:, 1], alpha=0.2, label=name) plt.legend() plt.title( "Distinct Gaussian Samples") plt.show() plt.close()
AB_means = torch.vstack( [ A_means, B_means]) AB_stdevs = torch.vstack( [ A_stdevs, B_stdevs])
AB_means = torch.vstack( [ A_means, B_means]) AB_stdevs = torch.vstack( [ A_stdevs, B_stdevs]) AB_dist = torch.distributions.Independent( torch.distributions.Normal( AB_means, AB_stdevs), 1) mix_weight = torch.distributions.Categorical( torch.tensor( [1.0, 1.0])) mix_dist = torch.distributions.MixtureSameFamily( mix_weight, AB_dist)
A_samp = A_dist.sample( (500,)) B_samp = B_dist.sample( (500,)) mix_samp = mix_dist.sample( (500,)) plt.figure( figsize=(6,6)) for name, sample in zip( ['A', 'B', 'mix'], [A_samp, B_samp, mix_samp]): plt.scatter( sample[:,0], sample[:, 1], alpha=0.3, label=name) plt.legend() plt.title( "Original Samples with the new Mixed Distribution") plt.show() plt.close()
首先需要创建一个底层的GaussianMixModel,它的means、stdev和分类权重实际上可以通过torch backprop和autograd系统进行训练。
class GaussianMixModel( torch.nn.Module): def __init__(self, n_features, n_components=2): super().__init__() self.init_scale = np.sqrt( 6 / n_features) # What is the best scale to use? self.n_features = n_features self.n_components = n_components weights = torch.ones( n_components) means = torch.randn( n_components, n_features) * self.init_scale stdevs = torch.rand( n_components, n_features) * self.init_scale # # Our trainable Parameters self.blend_weight = torch.nn.Parameter(weights) self.means = torch.nn.Parameter(means) self.stdevs = torch.nn.Parameter(stdevs) def forward(self, x): blend_weight = torch.distributions.Categorical( torch.nn.functional.relu( self.blend_weight)) comp = torch.distributions.Independent(torch.distributions.Normal( self.means, torch.abs( self.stdevs)), 1) gmm = torch.distributions.MixtureSameFamily( blend_weight, comp) return -gmm.log_prob(x) def extra_repr(self) -> str: info = f" n_features={self.n_features}, n_components={self.n_components}, [init_scale={self.init_scale}]" return info @property def device(self): return next(self.parameters()).device
train_means = torch.randn( (4,2)) train_stdevs = (torch.rand( (4,2)) + 1.0) * 0.25 train_weights = torch.rand( 4) ind_dists = torch.distributions.Independent( torch.distributions.Normal( train_means, train_stdevs), 1) mix_weight = torch.distributions.Categorical( train_weights) train_dist = torch.distributions.MixtureSameFamily( mix_weight, ind_dists) train_samp = train_dist.sample( [2000]) valid_samp = torch.rand( (4000, 2)) * 8 - 4.0 plt.figure( figsize=(6,6)) for name, sample in zip( ['train', 'valid'], [train_samp, valid_samp]): plt.scatter( sample[:,0], sample[:, 1], alpha=0.2, label=name) plt.legend() plt.title( "Training and Validation Samples") plt.show() plt.close()
gmm = GaussianMixModel( n_features=2, n_components=4) gmm.to( 'cuda')
max_iter = 20000 features = train_samp.to( 'cuda') optim = torch.optim.Adam( gmm.parameters(), lr=5e-4) metrics = {'loss':[]} for i in range( max_iter): optim.zero_grad() loss = gmm( features) loss.mean().backward() optim.step() metrics[ 'loss'].append( loss.mean().item()) print( f"{i} ) \t {metrics[ 'loss'][-1]:0.5f}", end=f"{' '*20}\r") if metrics[ 'loss'][-1] < 0.1: print( "---- Close enough") break if len( metrics[ 'loss']) > 300 and np.std( metrics[ 'loss'][-300:]) < 0.0005: print( "---- Giving up") break print( f"Min Loss: {np.min( metrics[ 'loss']):0.5f}")
with torch.no_grad(): logits = gmm( valid_samp.to( 'cuda')) probs = torch.exp( -logits) plt.figure( figsize=(6,6)) for name, sample in zip( ['pred'], [valid_samp]): plt.scatter( sample[:,0], sample[:, 1], alpha=1.0, c=probs.cpu().numpy(), label=name) plt.legend() plt.title( "Testing Trained model on Validation") plt.show() plt.close()
首先需要对原始的GaussianMixModel做一个小的修改,并将输出从return -gmm.log_prob(x)更改为return gmm.log_prob(x)。因为我们没有在训练循环中直接尝试减少这个值,所以它被用作我们分类分配的logits。
class GaussianMixModel( torch.nn.Module): def __init__(self, n_features, n_components=2): super().__init__() self.init_scale = np.sqrt( 6 / n_features) # What is the best scale to use? self.n_features = n_features self.n_components = n_components weights = torch.ones( n_components) means = torch.randn( n_components, n_features) * self.init_scale stdevs = torch.rand( n_components, n_features) * self.init_scale # # Our trainable Parameters self.blend_weight = torch.nn.Parameter(weights) self.means = torch.nn.Parameter(means) self.stdevs = torch.nn.Parameter(stdevs) def forward(self, x): blend_weight = torch.distributions.Categorical( torch.nn.functional.relu( self.blend_weight)) comp = torch.distributions.Independent(torch.distributions.Normal( self.means, torch.abs( self.stdevs)), 1) gmm = torch.distributions.MixtureSameFamily( blend_weight, comp) return gmm.log_prob(x) def extra_repr(self) -> str: info = f" n_features={self.n_features}, n_components={self.n_components}, [init_scale={self.init_scale}]" return info @property def device(self): return next(self.parameters()).device
class GMMClassifier( torch.nn.Module): def __init__(self, n_features, n_classes, n_components=2): super().__init__() self.n_classes = n_classes self.n_features = n_features self.n_components = n_components if isinstance( n_components, list) else [n_components] * self.n_classes self.class_models = torch.nn.ModuleList( [ GaussianMixModel( n_features=self.n_features, n_components=self.n_components[i]) for i in range( self.n_classes)]) def forward(self, x, ret_logits=False): logits = torch.hstack( [ m(x).unsqueeze(1) for m in self.class_models]) if ret_logits: return logits return logits.argmax( dim=1) def extra_repr(self) -> str: info = f" n_features={self.n_features}, n_components={self.n_components}, [n_classes={self.n_classes}]" return info @property def device(self): return next(self.parameters()).device
clusters = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4] features_group = {} n_samples = 2000 min_clusters = 2 max_clusters = 10 for c in clusters: features_group[ c] = [] n_clusters = torch.randint( min_clusters, max_clusters+1, (1,1)).item() print( f"Class: {c} Clusters: {n_clusters}") for i in range( n_clusters): mu = torch.randn( (1,2)) scale = torch.rand( (1,2)) * 0.35 + 0.05 distribution = torch.distributions.Normal( mu, scale) features_group[ c] += distribution.expand( (n_samples//n_clusters, 2)).sample() features_group[ c] = torch.vstack( features_group[ c]) features = torch.vstack( [features_group[ c] for c in clusters]).numpy() targets = torch.vstack( [torch.ones( (features_group[ c].size(0), 1)) * c for c in clusters]).view( -1).numpy() idxs = np.arange( features.shape[0]) valid_idxs = np.random.choice( idxs, 1000) train_idxs = [i for i in idxs if i not in valid_idxs] features_valid = torch.tensor( features[ valid_idxs]) targets_valid = torch.tensor( targets[ valid_idxs]) features = torch.tensor( features[ train_idxs]) targets = torch.tensor( targets[ train_idxs]) print( features.shape) plt.figure( figsize=(8,8)) for c in clusters: plt.scatter( features_group[c][:,0].numpy(), features_group[c][:,1].numpy(), alpha=0.2, label=c) plt.title( f"{n_samples} Samples Per Class, Multiple Clusters per Class") plt.legend()
Class: 0 Clusters: 3 Class: 1 Clusters: 5 Class: 2 Clusters: 2 Class: 3 Clusters: 8 Class: 4 Clusters: 4
gmmc = GMMClassifier( n_features=2, n_classes=5, n_components=[3, 5, 2, 8, 4]) gmmc.to( 'cuda')
features = features.to( DEVICE) targets = targets.to( DEVICE) optim = torch.optim.Adam( gmmc.parameters(), lr=3e-2) loss_fn = torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss() metrics = {'loss':[]} for i in range(4000): optim.zero_grad() logits = gmmc( features, ret_logits=True) loss = loss_fn( logits, targets.type( torch.long)) loss.backward() optim.step() metrics[ 'loss'].append( loss.item()) print( f"{i} ) \t {metrics[ 'loss'][-1]:0.5f}", end=f"{' '*20}\r") if metrics[ 'loss'][-1] < 0.1: print( "---- Close enough") break print( f"Mean Loss: {np.mean( metrics[ 'loss']):0.5f}")
preds = gmmc( features_valid.to( 'cuda'))
print( preds[0:10]) ____ tensor([2, 4, 2, 4, 2, 3, 4, 0, 2, 2], device='cuda:1')
accuracy = (targets_valid == preds).sum() / targets_valid.size(0) * 100.0 print( f"Accuracy: {accuracy:0.2f}%") ____ Accuracy: 81.50%
class_acc = {} for c in range(5): target_idxs = (targets_valid == c) class_acc[c] = (targets_valid[ target_idxs] == preds[ target_idxs]).sum() / targets_valid[ target_idxs].size(0) * 100.0 print( f"Class: {c} \t{class_acc[c]:0.2f}%") ---- Class: 0 98.54% Class: 1 69.06% Class: 2 86.12% Class: 3 70.05% Class: 4 84.09%
python 实现的发送邮件模板【普通邮件、带附件、带图片邮件】
这篇文章主要介绍了python 实现的发送邮件模板,包含Python发送普通邮件、带附件及带图片邮件相关实现技巧,需要的朋友可以参考下2019-07-07windows下安装Python虚拟环境virtualenvwrapper-win